Politics Forum is Open


Put your glasses on!
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Come on, Blasétard. Just answer the question.


Guess you'll just have to wait until the thread comes back. I hope you learned a valuable lesson here today. Dont FUCK with BF! Or you get Chin Checked ® lol.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Come on, Blasétard. Just answer the question.


Guess you'll just have to wait until the thread comes back. I hope you learned a valuable lesson here today. Dont FUCK with BF! Or you get Chin Checked ® lol.

I hope all those he "chin checked" have learned their lessons. Holliday was hardly the only one that was addressed in the last day or so.


Come on, Blasétard. Just answer the question.


Guess you'll just have to wait until the thread comes back. I hope you learned a valuable lesson here today. Dont FUCK with BF! Or you get Chin Checked ® lol.

I hope all those he "chin checked" have learned their lessons. Holliday was hardly the only one that was addressed in the last day or so.
BF isn't a complete fool - not like the others. He knows I've lay'd down the law.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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When BF closed the cheatbox, I thought about getting another fake FB account

Now that he closed the Polly ticks forum and banned Joobiggieironsmiles, it became a necessity

Who got banned?
.You did.
Kindly cease and desist with the posting.
I wanna become the kind of old man that you are

Fishing in the woods, stumbling upon nekkid chicks skinny dipping and such

Just like you, except 10 inches taller and without the liberalism.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Factory Bastard
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That sub forum was the main reason I come here.

This bothers me... you're a guy who plays by the simple rules here and creates sensical topics that contribute.

I don't want to see you leave, but there are tons of political forums out there to get your fix... kinda blows that you have 9k posts and no avatar, no identity other than political views.

What else can we talk about Oerdin that's not so real world?

Political issues and personal attacks have taken this board over... 4 new members in 3 months and none of them have 1 post count. Posting has dropped here the most since reopening in 2018.

I look at this place differently than you all. I'm here to make the place more appealing to what the perceived vision is. It's a management challenge to me, like Roller Coaster tycoon, and we can't have trolls breakin the benches and kicking over the trash cans... I'm here to encourage newbies to join us... contribute quality content so that we grow.

A lot of you don't know how to contribute. You know how to deconstruct. Most of you don't post images, don't start a thread that is OPEN ENDED. Starting a thread is posting a relative topic that involves others replies to grow a conversation.

Instead we got most 'one on one' fighting in every thread after 3-4 posts and libtard this... nigger that' ...nobodies coming here yo.

If fighting and Politics take over... you handful of people ruined the board. Newbs will be intimidated and not join... only the strongest of trolls will jump in... more of the same.


This is an attempt to take it all back.

- All Politics can go in the Meltdown forum and what happens happens.
- Topics and members are just going down there as we correct the board.

Ok, I will think about coming up with an avatar. I also understand what you are saying and, yes, it is a problem that no one new is signing up. That seems to be a wide spread problem on forums these days as the young kids seem to gravitate towards social media sites and no longer go to web forums. That said political forums tend to go all one way or the other and then become echo chambers which isn't really fun.

It is a hard mix to get right.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Riding an asteroid to Hell, one hopes.

LOL yeah, I remember now, you guys had a bit of a feud going on

I miss when DM was still around, Bildo's forum used to be a lot better back then

I can understand why Lemon chose not to disclose her health problems, she probably liked it better when people weren't feeling sorry for her.

Not that there's anything wrong to share your pain with others for support, but I can totally understand why some would rather not.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Riding an asteroid to Hell, one hopes.

LOL yeah, I remember now, you guys had a bit of a feud going on

I miss when DM was still around, Bildo's forum used to be a lot better back then

I can understand why Lemon chose not to disclose her health problems, she probably liked it better when people weren't feeling sorry for her.

Not that there's anything wrong to share your pain with others for support, but I can totally understand why some would rather not.

Yes, CBT has had a pretty good long run, with a nice mix of attitudes etc, yes it is much quieter now than it used to be, but it is still alive and well.


Factory Bastard
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De donde me da la gana.
Riding an asteroid to Hell, one hopes.

LOL yeah, I remember now, you guys had a bit of a feud going on

I miss when DM was still around, Bildo's forum used to be a lot better back then

I can understand why Lemon chose not to disclose her health problems, she probably liked it better when people weren't feeling sorry for her.

Not that there's anything wrong to share your pain with others for support, but I can totally understand why some would rather not.

Sindy became intolerant of others' views and it made the forum was unsustainable. She was/is very offended that I know/believe that being a woman has a biological reality.

Her perspective was that she didn't have to tolerate what she paid for...that worked until she allowed us to chip in but then banned me for stating how I felt about the female sex. She let me back in, but I didn't want anything to do with it anymore.


Queenie Weenie
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La La Land
Politics is woven into everything, but we we're never a political message board and our 26k members from BF 1.0 thrived on everything else.

Politics here and there.. but don't tell me "I don't have a fucking say in the matter" friend.

Politics is one of those taboo topics that most people with manners and tact would avoid like the plague in any mixed company for obvious reasons…

It’s as tacky as someone trying to convert strangers to some bizarre denomination of Christianity while that same person is struggling with their own life full of sin and eternal damnation….

Politics in this country is destroying the nation and creating the greatest divide I’ve ever seen. We are no longer judged by our integrity or character, but who we voted for. It’s a compilation of snowball effect when you consider a dying forum community and a global pandemic. They are just now beginning to study the mental health effects of the political news addiction… and I’m sure it’s off the charts toxic.

But what YOU are dealing with HERE isn’t anything new… this is the aftermath of many now defunct forums and the territorial obsession for posting and gaining control of a board by the same group of posters who have ruined many forums before this one… they weasel their way in with the coveted spike in forum traffic and post counts… and by the time the panel is torn in half with their loyalty to what was and their new *cough* “friendships,” they have systematically chased off most of the quality posters not willing to get their hands dirty with the shit posting antics of spamtards.

Personally, I’m too busy with the 100% renovation of my house and newly blended family to be here enough to care…

but that’s my $0.02 and I don’t need change.

Post of the day.

Do you mind if I post a thread about your renovations? We need content afterall...lol

You mean engage in a friendly discussion about something REAL? Sure… why not? lol

We finished the den and have moved into the kitchen. We are building a pantry and relocated the washer and dryer into a stackable so we can use the old laundry/utility room for the master bath and walk-in extension.

My tendinopithy flared from the wood paneling sanding/painting… so he is handling the kitchen cabinets. I’m handling tile demo *wicked grin*


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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When it comes to natural disasters, or wars overseas, there isn't much coverage than what they have.
I remember in the 90's. "With this package, you get MTV, HBO and CNN" boom, done deal.

They opened a branch here in Brazil, they used to have only the international channel here and a couple programs taped here with Brazilian anchors, but now they have a 24 hr channel

They definitely try to play both sides here, I've stopped to watch them a couple times and it's hard to say they're biased

That was a smart move, they're competing well with the others.




Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Politics is woven into everything, but we we're never a political message board and our 26k members from BF 1.0 thrived on everything else.

Politics here and there.. but don't tell me "I don't have a fucking say in the matter" friend.

Politics is one of those taboo topics that most people with manners and tact would avoid like the plague in any mixed company for obvious reasons…

It’s as tacky as someone trying to convert strangers to some bizarre denomination of Christianity while that same person is struggling with their own life full of sin and eternal damnation….

Politics in this country is destroying the nation and creating the greatest divide I’ve ever seen. We are no longer judged by our integrity or character, but who we voted for. It’s a compilation of snowball effect when you consider a dying forum community and a global pandemic. They are just now beginning to study the mental health effects of the political news addiction… and I’m sure it’s off the charts toxic.

But what YOU are dealing with HERE isn’t anything new… this is the aftermath of many now defunct forums and the territorial obsession for posting and gaining control of a board by the same group of posters who have ruined many forums before this one… they weasel their way in with the coveted spike in forum traffic and post counts… and by the time the panel is torn in half with their loyalty to what was and their new *cough* “friendships,” they have systematically chased off most of the quality posters not willing to get their hands dirty with the shit posting antics of spamtards.

Personally, I’m too busy with the 100% renovation of my house and newly blended family to be here enough to care…

but that’s my $0.02 and I don’t need change.

Post of the day.

Do you mind if I post a thread about your renovations? We need content afterall...lol

You mean engage in a friendly discussion about something REAL? Sure… why not? lol

We finished the den and have moved into the kitchen. We are building a pantry and relocated the washer and dryer into a stackable so we can use the old laundry/utility room for the master bath and walk-in extension.

My tendinopithy flared from the wood paneling sanding/painting… so he is handling the kitchen cabinets. I’m handling tile demo *wicked grin*

Okay, but we should do it in another thread.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Where's that BigDukeSix guy, someone should invite him here

He left CBT of his own accord and has disappeared from forum contacts. I always like him.
He probably got tired of all this
I concur, and appreciate that sentiment. But not the way he left. You recall, ranc how he lead to you, Lotus and I leaving CBT - His pigheadedness, and hopefully his regret.

Is this about me returning?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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When it comes to natural disasters, or wars overseas, there isn't much coverage than what they have.
I remember in the 90's. "With this package, you get MTV, HBO and CNN" boom, done deal.

They opened a branch here in Brazil, they used to have only the international channel here and a couple programs taped here with Brazilian anchors, but now they have a 24 hr channel

They definitely try to play both sides here, I've stopped to watch them a couple times and it's hard to say they're biased

That was a smart move, they're competing well with the others.
I still believe this paranoia over media bias (before Fox News came along) was just manufactured outrage. They're not cheerleading Bushes Iraq invasion, they hate America!


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Looking back I sometimes wonder if DM's passing was a significant inflection point for CBT.

Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaahqhahahahahahahahhaha now I remember where I knew you from

Can't remember the handle you used there, though

But on a much serious note, yes, seeing DM's plight was one of those life lessons that nobody can ignore.


Where's that BigDukeSix guy, someone should invite him here

He left CBT of his own accord and has disappeared from forum contacts. I always like him.
He probably got tired of all this
Looking back I sometimes wonder if DM's passing was a significant inflection point for CBT.
. He was a very good poster. I stopped posting for a time when he passed.
Same when Lemon did.

They were nice people and I felt the world was diminished by their passing, but now - passing of time, I'd say
It was enhanced by their presence.