Politics Forum is Open


Put your glasses on!
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Bahahahahaha, BF trolololing Holly lol. Look at Polly Tics lol.

Is this necessary?
It's what you get with him.

Go look Holly, look what BF has done. You can see Polly Tics again lol.

WTF @Bastard Factory

Your guys can troll on the upper boards?

Um, you da bitch derailing this mo'fugga.

@Bastard Factory I didnt think we allowed thread jacking shit posters here.

@SHAMPAIN get a mop bucket for this mess.

@realgrimm close off the next several city blocks, its a BIG mess!


Where's that BigDukeSix guy, someone should invite him here

He left CBT of his own accord and has disappeared from forum contacts. I always like him.
He probably got tired of all this
I concur, and appreciate that sentiment. But not the way he left. You recall, ranc how he lead to you, Lotus and I leaving CBT - His pigheadedness, and hopefully his regret.

Is this about me returning?
No - it was about the total disregard for the opinion of integrated posters.

Wasn't there a vote? How can you blame him for a vote that did not work out in your favor?
He was the main proponent, and spoke in total disregard for counterargument. "Cindy" being easily swayed by emotional argument, rather than reason.....etc.

BD6 knew me better than most. He understood what others refused to see. I hope he's in the best place ever. No one deserves hell for a forum dispute.

I think that's uncalled for, Holliday.
Appreciating your sentiment, but as I'd tried to explain in the past, the issue had less to do with you than the fact that people basically said fuck you to 3 of their posters (there, I avoided saying best posters),
and had they pressed on w/o consideration for the board as a while - what was best for it at that particular moment.

Are you there? Are Lotus, ranc and I there.
Do tell how BigDooshSux pressing against our view benefitted anyone.
It didn't, yet here we are and were is he...and "Cindy".


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Bahahahahaha, BF trolololing Holly lol. Look at Polly Tics lol.

Is this necessary?

What? I think its hilarious lol.

Grow up a little, will ya?

I still dont see the problem.

So tell me, lil Miss Hypocrisy, perhaps you can tell me why you like trolling, but cant appreciate some done by the guy who owns this place?

I'm not saying anything about BF. But if he wants the upper boards to be troll free, aren't you and the other mods supposed to model that behavior?

Why is this a difficult concept for you to understand?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The funniest thing about this thread is that some people think it's exclusively about Holliday or the Libs.


You didnt read the OP. Holly thought he could dictate to the forum owner. Got "Chin Checked ®" lol.

I did. I'm just saying I think this runs deeper. He probably was the spark that lit the fire...but there was already plenty of crap to burn in the pile.

BF been sick of a lot of things. He was already in a mood it seemed, and then Holly tried declaring what BF could or couldnt do. Was not one of Holly's wisest moves.

It was the second slap that was heard around our world in a couple days for sure...
You should probably read the thread that left Blasétard in tears and crying to BF.

Which thread is that?
Looks like they split the thread - it was Why the Left Believes What They Do, I think.
I asked Blasétard a simple question to clarify a statement he made (which he couldn't answer) and he spazzed out , ran behind BF's skirts.

I just looked in my post history and all the replies I had made in that thread are gone now. It wasn't a lot of replies, but a handful for sure.
Well, the pussy management wants to hide what actually happened - how Blasétard burst into tears when I asked him to clarify his position and philosophy as a Libertardian. He couldn't mange so he went whimpering to BF. Total pussy.


Where are all those truthseeking, FREEDUMB loving conservatives who hate "authoritarianism"?

Dude, you told the OWNER he “couldn’t” on a forum he pays for. He showed you he could. Now you’re crying.
He pays for? Well I want my money back, as I'm sure many others now do.
Now granted I gave it freely, but I and others did, so don't tell me all about what who pays for unless we as shareholders have a full accounting of expenses and profits.
You gave like 20 bucks in a years time. Lol

that’s big bucks to you isn’t it?


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
Bahahahahaha, BF trolololing Holly lol. Look at Polly Tics lol.

Is this necessary?

What? I think its hilarious lol.

Grow up a little, will ya?

I still dont see the problem.

So tell me, lil Miss Hypocrisy, perhaps you can tell me why you like trolling, but cant appreciate some done by the guy who owns this place?

I'm not saying anything about BF. But if he wants the upper boards to be troll free, aren't you and the other mods supposed to model that behavior?

Why is this a difficult concept for you to understand?

And how am I trolling?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Politics is woven into everything, but we we're never a political message board and our 26k members from BF 1.0 thrived on everything else.

Politics here and there.. but don't tell me "I don't have a fucking say in the matter" friend.

Politics is one of those taboo topics that most people with manners and tact would avoid like the plague in any mixed company for obvious reasons…

It’s as tacky as someone trying to convert strangers to some bizarre denomination of Christianity while that same person is struggling with their own life full of sin and eternal damnation….

Politics in this country is destroying the nation and creating the greatest divide I’ve ever seen. We are no longer judged by our integrity or character, but who we voted for. It’s a compilation of snowball effect when you consider a dying forum community and a global pandemic. They are just now beginning to study the mental health effects of the political news addiction… and I’m sure it’s off the charts toxic.

But what YOU are dealing with HERE isn’t anything new… this is the aftermath of many now defunct forums and the territorial obsession for posting and gaining control of a board by the same group of posters who have ruined many forums before this one… they weasel their way in with the coveted spike in forum traffic and post counts… and by the time the panel is torn in half with their loyalty to what was and their new *cough* “friendships,” they have systematically chased off most of the quality posters not willing to get their hands dirty with the shit posting antics of spamtards.

Personally, I’m too busy with the 100% renovation of my house and newly blended family to be here enough to care…

but that’s my $0.02 and I don’t need change.

Post of the day.

Do you mind if I post a thread about your renovations? We need content afterall...lol
She explained you to a tee


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
DM's (aka, Dingleberry-Mint) last post at CBT

Sorry to bother you with this this bullshit, but I may not be posting much after today.

The last 4 days have been the worst since this all started back in November. The chemo and radiation is taking a tremendous toll on me. I haven’t eaten in 5 days now and am having trouble keeping anything down due to both the pain in my esophagus and nausea … even a few sips of water. The problem with that is… since I can’t keep water down I can’t keep any of the pain or nausea meds down. I puke them up almost immediately. My oncologist gave me a suppository for nausea medication and a sublingual pain med and I’ll see how that goes. I am vomiting about 50 times a day now… mostly mucous and water… which gives me about 30 minutes of relief.

As it is now, food is the farthest thing from my mind. I am dying of thirst though. I drink ice cold water just because I crave it so badly… knowing it’s going to be extremely painful and will mostly be coming right back up. I’m literally having dreams of guzzling water from half frozen milk jugs or kneeling over a snow fed stream guzzling water. If the suppository and sublingual’s don’t help, I’m going to have to have my wife take me to UC or ER for a 12 hour hydration drip and maybe the dreaded feeding tube.

I’m so desperate for a drink, I stopped by a 7-11 and bought a fukking banana Slurpee. I’m going to try to eat a little bit of this lovely frozen concoction if it takes all day.


That's how my ex hubby was on his final days. FUCK FUCK CANCER.

I know this will sound weird, but being there for your loved ones when they take their final breath is a miracle. You get to witness them crossing over to another place. I hope DM's family felt that beautiful pain as well. No more pain, no more suffering, only peace.
The way my Step Mom described my Fathers passing, it was just that way, he was looking at her in anguish and took a breathe and then just let go and relaxed.

I held his hand for awhile after he passed. We had our difficulties but at some level he was a soul mate and destined to be the father of my children, even if our marriage ended, eventually our friendship returned.

I felt blessed. I hope DM's family felt blessed for having had him in their lives.
I'll carry a torch for my first wife till I expire and, my secret dream is to perhaps one day share a friendly few moments with her.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
The funniest thing about this thread is that some people think it's exclusively about Holliday or the Libs.


You didnt read the OP. Holly thought he could dictate to the forum owner. Got "Chin Checked ®" lol.

I did. I'm just saying I think this runs deeper. He probably was the spark that lit the fire...but there was already plenty of crap to burn in the pile.

BF been sick of a lot of things. He was already in a mood it seemed, and then Holly tried declaring what BF could or couldnt do. Was not one of Holly's wisest moves.

It was the second slap that was heard around our world in a couple days for sure...
You should probably read the thread that left Blasétard in tears and crying to BF.

Which thread is that?
Looks like they split the thread - it was Why the Left Believes What They Do, I think.
I asked Blasétard a simple question to clarify a statement he made (which he couldn't answer) and he spazzed out , ran behind BF's skirts.

I just looked in my post history and all the replies I had made in that thread are gone now. It wasn't a lot of replies, but a handful for sure.
Well, the pussy management wants to hide what actually happened - how Blasétard burst into tears when I asked him to clarify his position and philosophy as a Libertardian. He couldn't mange so he went whimpering to BF. Total pussy.


Where are all those truthseeking, FREEDUMB loving conservatives who hate "authoritarianism"?

Dude, you told the OWNER he “couldn’t” on a forum he pays for. He showed you he could. Now you’re crying.
He pays for? Well I want my money back, as I'm sure many others now do.
Now granted I gave it freely, but I and others did, so don't tell me all about what who pays for unless we as shareholders have a full accounting of expenses and profits.
You gave like 20 bucks in a years time. Lol

that’s big bucks to you isn’t it?

Yeah, to let a pedio forum wrecker out of jail. His kind of people.

I thought it was super frickin' funny when we all got him banned a whole year anyway. He came back, then BAM, gone forever lol.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
The funniest thing about this thread is that some people think it's exclusively about Holliday or the Libs.


You didnt read the OP. Holly thought he could dictate to the forum owner. Got "Chin Checked ®" lol.

I did. I'm just saying I think this runs deeper. He probably was the spark that lit the fire...but there was already plenty of crap to burn in the pile.

BF been sick of a lot of things. He was already in a mood it seemed, and then Holly tried declaring what BF could or couldnt do. Was not one of Holly's wisest moves.

It was the second slap that was heard around our world in a couple days for sure...
You should probably read the thread that left Blasétard in tears and crying to BF.

Which thread is that?
Looks like they split the thread - it was Why the Left Believes What They Do, I think.
I asked Blasétard a simple question to clarify a statement he made (which he couldn't answer) and he spazzed out , ran behind BF's skirts.

I just looked in my post history and all the replies I had made in that thread are gone now. It wasn't a lot of replies, but a handful for sure.
Well, the pussy management wants to hide what actually happened - how Blasétard burst into tears when I asked him to clarify his position and philosophy as a Libertardian. He couldn't mange so he went whimpering to BF. Total pussy.


Where are all those truthseeking, FREEDUMB loving conservatives who hate "authoritarianism"?

Dude, you told the OWNER he “couldn’t” on a forum he pays for. He showed you he could. Now you’re crying.

Its absolutely hysterical lol. And NOW, he is trying to deflect that he fucked up, and bring me into this lol.

Had he simply had some manners in the get go, he would of had his answer, and Polly Tics would still be here.

I banned Lily from SG for this same type of issue. I’m sure she remembers

I would’ve banned Flynn but Joo talked me out of it

I thought I was banned for fucking with Caskur.

I thought it was cuz you were telling me what to do lol
That’s exactly what it was


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Where's that BigDukeSix guy, someone should invite him here

He left CBT of his own accord and has disappeared from forum contacts. I always like him.
He probably got tired of all this
I concur, and appreciate that sentiment. But not the way he left. You recall, ranc how he lead to you, Lotus and I leaving CBT - His pigheadedness, and hopefully his regret.

Is this about me returning?
No - it was about the total disregard for the opinion of integrated posters.

Wasn't there a vote? How can you blame him for a vote that did not work out in your favor?
He was the main proponent, and spoke in total disregard for counterargument. "Cindy" being easily swayed by emotional argument, rather than reason.....etc.

BD6 knew me better than most. He understood what others refused to see. I hope he's in the best place ever. No one deserves hell for a forum dispute.

I think that's uncalled for, Holliday.
Appreciating your sentiment, but as I'd tried to explain in the past, the issue had less to do with you than the fact that people basically said fuck you to 3 of their posters (there, I avoided saying best posters),
and had they pressed on w/o consideration for the board as a while - what was best for it at that particular moment.

Are you there? Are Lotus, ranc and I there.
Do tell how BigDooshSux pressing against our view benefitted anyone.
It didn't, yet here we are and when is he...and "Cindy".

The board was headed for where it is now long before that event. The true failure of the forum is Sindy's intolerance. It seems you're viewing BD6 as the catalyst, and I think you're mistaken.

Be that as it may, it is all water under the bridge and I only have good thoughts for the vast majority of posters that graced CBT over the years.


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
Site Supporter ☠️
And you know what, who knows, maybe they're gone but not lost, that's what I believe in

We crazy Brazoolians had an amazing dude called Chico Xavier around here and everyone who goes down the rabbit hole that was that man can never go back

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
DM's (aka, Dingleberry-Mint) last post at CBT

Sorry to bother you with this this bullshit, but I may not be posting much after today.

The last 4 days have been the worst since this all started back in November. The chemo and radiation is taking a tremendous toll on me. I haven’t eaten in 5 days now and am having trouble keeping anything down due to both the pain in my esophagus and nausea … even a few sips of water. The problem with that is… since I can’t keep water down I can’t keep any of the pain or nausea meds down. I puke them up almost immediately. My oncologist gave me a suppository for nausea medication and a sublingual pain med and I’ll see how that goes. I am vomiting about 50 times a day now… mostly mucous and water… which gives me about 30 minutes of relief.

As it is now, food is the farthest thing from my mind. I am dying of thirst though. I drink ice cold water just because I crave it so badly… knowing it’s going to be extremely painful and will mostly be coming right back up. I’m literally having dreams of guzzling water from half frozen milk jugs or kneeling over a snow fed stream guzzling water. If the suppository and sublingual’s don’t help, I’m going to have to have my wife take me to UC or ER for a 12 hour hydration drip and maybe the dreaded feeding tube.

I’m so desperate for a drink, I stopped by a 7-11 and bought a fukking banana Slurpee. I’m going to try to eat a little bit of this lovely frozen concoction if it takes all day.


That's how my ex hubby was on his final days. FUCK FUCK CANCER.

I know this will sound weird, but being there for your loved ones when they take their final breath is a miracle. You get to witness them crossing over to another place. I hope DM's family felt that beautiful pain as well. No more pain, no more suffering, only peace.
The way my Step Mom described my Fathers passing, it was just that way, he was looking at her in anguish and took a breathe and then just let go and relaxed.

I held his hand for awhile after he passed. We had our difficulties but at some level he was a soul mate and destined to be the father of my children, even if our marriage ended, eventually our friendship returned.

I felt blessed. I hope DM's family felt blessed for having had him in their lives.
I'll carry a torch for my first wife till I expire and, my secret dream is to perhaps one day share a friendly few moments with her.
What was his name?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
DM's (aka, Dingleberry-Mint) last post at CBT

Sorry to bother you with this this bullshit, but I may not be posting much after today.

The last 4 days have been the worst since this all started back in November. The chemo and radiation is taking a tremendous toll on me. I haven’t eaten in 5 days now and am having trouble keeping anything down due to both the pain in my esophagus and nausea … even a few sips of water. The problem with that is… since I can’t keep water down I can’t keep any of the pain or nausea meds down. I puke them up almost immediately. My oncologist gave me a suppository for nausea medication and a sublingual pain med and I’ll see how that goes. I am vomiting about 50 times a day now… mostly mucous and water… which gives me about 30 minutes of relief.

As it is now, food is the farthest thing from my mind. I am dying of thirst though. I drink ice cold water just because I crave it so badly… knowing it’s going to be extremely painful and will mostly be coming right back up. I’m literally having dreams of guzzling water from half frozen milk jugs or kneeling over a snow fed stream guzzling water. If the suppository and sublingual’s don’t help, I’m going to have to have my wife take me to UC or ER for a 12 hour hydration drip and maybe the dreaded feeding tube.

I’m so desperate for a drink, I stopped by a 7-11 and bought a fukking banana Slurpee. I’m going to try to eat a little bit of this lovely frozen concoction if it takes all day.


That's how my ex hubby was on his final days. FUCK FUCK CANCER.

I know this will sound weird, but being there for your loved ones when they take their final breath is a miracle. You get to witness them crossing over to another place. I hope DM's family felt that beautiful pain as well. No more pain, no more suffering, only peace.
The way my Step Mom described my Fathers passing, it was just that way, he was looking at her in anguish and took a breathe and then just let go and relaxed.

I held his hand for awhile after he passed. We had our difficulties but at some level he was a soul mate and destined to be the father of my children, even if our marriage ended, eventually our friendship returned.

I felt blessed. I hope DM's family felt blessed for having had him in their lives.
I'll carry a torch for my first wife till I expire and, my secret dream is to perhaps one day share a friendly few moments with her.

Letting go of the blame, recriminations and anger is a wonderous thing. We were able to laugh a lot together as friends and he was also friendly with my partner, they had mutual respect.

It's a gift. I hope it comes to you too someday.


The funniest thing about this thread is that some people think it's exclusively about Holliday or the Libs.


You didnt read the OP. Holly thought he could dictate to the forum owner. Got "Chin Checked ®" lol.

I did. I'm just saying I think this runs deeper. He probably was the spark that lit the fire...but there was already plenty of crap to burn in the pile.

BF been sick of a lot of things. He was already in a mood it seemed, and then Holly tried declaring what BF could or couldnt do. Was not one of Holly's wisest moves.

It was the second slap that was heard around our world in a couple days for sure...
You should probably read the thread that left Blasétard in tears and crying to BF.

Which thread is that?
Looks like they split the thread - it was Why the Left Believes What They Do, I think.
I asked Blasétard a simple question to clarify a statement he made (which he couldn't answer) and he spazzed out , ran behind BF's skirts.

I just looked in my post history and all the replies I had made in that thread are gone now. It wasn't a lot of replies, but a handful for sure.
Well, the pussy management wants to hide what actually happened - how Blasétard burst into tears when I asked him to clarify his position and philosophy as a Libertardian. He couldn't mange so he went whimpering to BF. Total pussy.


Where are all those truthseeking, FREEDUMB loving conservatives who hate "authoritarianism"?

Dude, you told the OWNER he “couldn’t” on a forum he pays for. He showed you he could. Now you’re crying.
He pays for? Well I want my money back, as I'm sure many others now do.
Now granted I gave it freely, but I and others did, so don't tell me all about what who pays for unless we as shareholders have a full accounting of expenses and profits.
You gave like 20 bucks in a years time. Lol

that’s big bucks to you isn’t it?
Well, you being a billionaire and all, shouldn't you have offered more than you did?


Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
Site Supporter ☠️
Ok, after a lot of years around these boards, I'll stay on Bastard's side

These giants do whatever they want when they need, like when Youtube removed the dislike button

FFS Fecesboot is constantly suspending me with their stupid AI. I said Russians were committing genocide and the fuckers said that was hate speech!

It seems like him or her wants the forum to go beyond political bickering, can't blame anyone for that


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
What? I think its hilarious lol.

Grow up a little, will ya?

I still dont see the problem.

So tell me, lil Miss Hypocrisy, perhaps you can tell me why you like trolling, but cant appreciate some done by the guy who owns this place?

Personally I don't troll the staff on forums and I also don't care much for forums where staff trolls me.
For all I know, this is a minority view but I am pretty committed to it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Politics is woven into everything, but we we're never a political message board and our 26k members from BF 1.0 thrived on everything else.

Politics here and there.. but don't tell me "I don't have a fucking say in the matter" friend.

Politics is one of those taboo topics that most people with manners and tact would avoid like the plague in any mixed company for obvious reasons…

It’s as tacky as someone trying to convert strangers to some bizarre denomination of Christianity while that same person is struggling with their own life full of sin and eternal damnation….

Politics in this country is destroying the nation and creating the greatest divide I’ve ever seen. We are no longer judged by our integrity or character, but who we voted for. It’s a compilation of snowball effect when you consider a dying forum community and a global pandemic. They are just now beginning to study the mental health effects of the political news addiction… and I’m sure it’s off the charts toxic.

But what YOU are dealing with HERE isn’t anything new… this is the aftermath of many now defunct forums and the territorial obsession for posting and gaining control of a board by the same group of posters who have ruined many forums before this one… they weasel their way in with the coveted spike in forum traffic and post counts… and by the time the panel is torn in half with their loyalty to what was and their new *cough* “friendships,” they have systematically chased off most of the quality posters not willing to get their hands dirty with the shit posting antics of spamtards.

Personally, I’m too busy with the 100% renovation of my house and newly blended family to be here enough to care…

but that’s my $0.02 and I don’t need change.

Post of the day.

Do you mind if I post a thread about your renovations? We need content afterall...lol
She explained you to a tee

@Murdock is not talking about me. Fool.


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
What? I think its hilarious lol.

Grow up a little, will ya?

I still dont see the problem.

So tell me, lil Miss Hypocrisy, perhaps you can tell me why you like trolling, but cant appreciate some done by the guy who owns this place?

Personally I don't troll the staff on forums and I also don't care much for forums where staff trolls me.
For all I know, this is a minority view but I am pretty committed to it.

Shoulda seen what went down today, before you drop judgement.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
Ok, after a lot of years around these boards, I'll stay on Bastard's side

These giants do whatever they want when they need, like when Youtube removed the like button

FFS Fecesboot is constantly suspending me with their stupid AI. I said Russians were committing genocide and the fuckers said that was hate speech!

It seems like him or her wants the forum to go beyond political bickering, can't blame anyone for that
I can appreciate that, because God knows it often gets bloody, but I also think it's the political libicon wars that provide energy to these forums, at least imho.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Ok, after a lot of years around these boards, I'll stay on Bastard's side

These giants do whatever they want when they need, like when Youtube removed the like button

FFS Fecesboot is constantly suspending me with their stupid AI. I said Russians were committing genocide and the fuckers said that was hate speech!

It seems like him or her wants the forum to go beyond political bickering, can't blame anyone for that

I enjoy your horny videos about Brazilian prostitutes & the loose women of Brazil @rancidmilko. Post more of those, kay?