"No Liberals Allowed" thread.


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We interneted ..... and it's one ugly mess, think we can sell movie rights ?


Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
The thing is with refugees and economic migrants: they come from the cultures from which sprang the shit they're running from. And we expect them not to bring those same ethics sets with them and pull those shenanigans here where they can finally be the mullahs and cartel bosses in the absence of the competition they faced at home?

To employ an (admittedly less than artful) analogy: If you save a shark from other sharks and put it in your swimming pool, the basic fact remains that all you've ultimately done is put a shark in your swimming pool.
Obviously, it's a shark, but what if it's a guppiy who's perfectly happy being a brick layer, I know some who can't almost speak english and they make 150 k a year, employ a few people from back home, anyone willing to work hard for that matter ...no one wants the sharks... do you people only know shitskin blacks and muslims ?
“Not all Muslims” lmfao shoo fahget!

whats the diffrence beetween a dead scot and a dead muslim on the rd ?? skid marks in front of the muslim lmaO
Only if a soy boy like you was driving... How do you know what 0.06% of the worlds population looks like? Yet we gave you TV, Camera, Washing Machine, Fridge, Hoover, Penicillin, good part of Canada, phone... Almost unfair to continue... 0.06%!!!

'Soy Boy ' bahahaaa you stole that from Tosh, how pathetic, and btw aren't you the one crying about meat during one of your flavor of the week tantrums lolol

Say what? So the mighty Tosh invented “soy boy”? You for real? OMFG! It’s ok man, your type gets aggressive when they’re all out... It’s ok...

But I eat meat didmwit... If you want me to take your racism serious you'll have to be more credible..

"Racism" doesn't apply to Islam. Islam is a brutally violent, oppressive, totalitarian theocracy not far divorced from Naziism; besides which "Muslims" as a group are polyracial. Countering criticism of Islam with "RACISM!" is even more ludicrous than claiming that criticizing Nazis is "racist" against Germans. It's got fuck-all to do with their fucking race. It's criticism of the stupid, primitive, violent, backward shit they do.


Undeniably Plausible
Site Supporter
The Third Rail
The thing is with refugees and economic migrants: they come from the cultures from which sprang the shit they're running from. And we expect them not to bring those same ethics sets with them and pull those shenanigans here where they can finally be the mullahs and cartel bosses in the absence of the competition they faced at home?

To employ an (admittedly less than artful) analogy: If you save a shark from other sharks and put it in your swimming pool, the basic fact remains that all you've ultimately done is put a shark in your swimming pool.
Obviously, it's a shark, but what if it's a guppiy" etc.

If it's a shark, it's not a fucking guppy. It isn't both.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
'It really is a shame you always go there, one day you'll have a kid and if there's an ounce of decency in you you'll discover what a worm you were / are .. I'd watch Tosh , he's a crazy guy ..
'It really is a shame you always go there, one day you'll have a kid and if there's an ounce of decency in you you'll discover what a worm you were / are .. I'd watch Tosh , he's a crazy guy ..
yeah it’s your forte though isn’t it, you love PLEASE ASS BOX ME! stuff, real addresses and the like... I mean I’ve proved it, different opinions can’t hav3 their own thread you fucking sap coward! Corn has enlightened me... You bring Tosh here to me and I’ll own him as always, fuckin poof PLEASE ASS BOX ME!
Your babbling, calm down .. what ? ' I love real addresss' what does that even mean ? And how come everytime you have a tantrum with someone you cry out that word ? ffs, are you that desperate to get me ? Fuck, think man ..
You’re fucking trying to threaten me with an old man ffs! I’m done lol... I amm gonna stick to my tarantula forums coz this shit is boring... Remember it’s number 13.

Cheers, bud! As I completed the registration for membership here to get in early rather than have to substitute a zero for the o , the craziest of thoughts struck me out of nowhere:
Close the bomb bay doors and NOT loose the deuce as I'd intended, saving it for the other place where it wouldn't be so lonesome.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Sooo... This is NOT racist or offensive but mine/this is? Look at this shit!

Good job I’m backed up GRRRRRR!
Which video has more hate?


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
@Bear plz point out the racist content to me because I don't see it.
Which video? The first one for white guys?
Obviously not the Hitler one. :Grin3:
Dear black guys, pull your pants up, stop saying nigga then complain when the words used by whites, stop raping white women in epidemic proportions, stop believing you invented music, stop calling women bitches, stop pretending you all have big dicks and most importantly stop running away from your niglets..

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
@Bear plz point out the racist content to me because I don't see it.
Which video? The first one for white guys?
Obviously not the Hitler one. :Grin3:
Dear black guys, pull your pants up, stop saying nigga then complain when the words used by whites, stop raping white women in epidemic proportions, stop believing you invented music, stop calling women bitches, stop pretending you all have big dicks and most importantly stop running away from your niglets..
I don't remember any of that being in the video.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
@Bear plz point out the racist content to me because I don't see it.
Which video? The first one for white guys?
Obviously not the Hitler one. :Grin3:
Dear black guys, pull your pants up, stop saying nigga then complain when the words used by whites, stop raping white women in epidemic proportions, stop believing you invented music, stop calling women bitches, stop pretending you all have big dicks and most importantly stop running away from your niglets..
I don't remember any of that being in the video.
Ok, go you


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
White people need a haven that we can fuck off to while we watch the world burn! I’d say Canada, easily defended after we genocide any non whites that won’t fuck off like blacks are doing in SA... Huge resources in Canada for a White monolith country... No trade with the outside world, we cut them off our internet and phone lines, take everything the white man gave the world back... Blacks didn’t even have a language before whites landed in that shithole, nothing close to the wheel but they were kangz n sheet that couldn’t even farm animals! 2018 Africans still burn women alive for witchcraft then people act stupid saying they’re equal, they fuckin aren’t! Why is it impossible for Africa to develop?
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Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
White people need a haven that we can fuck off to while we watch the world burn! I’d say Canada, easily defended after we genocide any non whites that won’t fuck off like blacks are doing in SA... Huge resources in Canada for a White monolith country... No trade with the outside world, we cut them off our internet and phone lines, take everything the white man gave the world back... Blacks didn’t even have a language before whites landed in that shithole
Confused 5 wow tell us how you really feel.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
White people need a haven that we can fuck off to while we watch the world burn! I’d say Canada, easily defended after we genocide any non whites that won’t fuck off like blacks are doing in SA... Huge resources in Canada for a White monolith country... No trade with the outside world, we cut them off our internet and phone lines, take everything the white man gave the world back... Blacks didn’t even have a language before whites landed in that shithole
Confused 5 wow tell us how you really feel.
Whites are the most tolerant race on earth but it’s wearing incredibly thin, when the Aryan race snap we never lose as history tells us, enough is enough... My hate will die when I’m surrounded in my own people and no other leech culture vulture race! WW3 is going to be the making of white monolith society

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
White people need a haven that we can fuck off to while we watch the world burn! I’d say Canada, easily defended after we genocide any non whites that won’t fuck off like blacks are doing in SA... Huge resources in Canada for a White monolith country... No trade with the outside world, we cut them off our internet and phone lines, take everything the white man gave the world back... Blacks didn’t even have a language before whites landed in that shithole
Confused 5 wow tell us how you really feel.
Whites are the most tolerant race on earth but it’s wearing incredibly thin, when the Aryan race snap we never lose as history tells us, enough is enough... My hate will die when I’m surrounded in my own people and no other leech culture vulture race! WW3 is going to be the making of white monolith society


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
White people need a haven that we can fuck off to while we watch the world burn! I’d say Canada, easily defended after we genocide any non whites that won’t fuck off like blacks are doing in SA... Huge resources in Canada for a White monolith country... No trade with the outside world, we cut them off our internet and phone lines, take everything the white man gave the world back... Blacks didn’t even have a language before whites landed in that shithole
Confused 5 wow tell us how you really feel.
Whites are the most tolerant race on earth but it’s wearing incredibly thin, when the Aryan race snap we never lose as history tells us, enough is enough... My hate will die when I’m surrounded in my own people and no other leech culture vulture race! WW3 is going to be the making of white monolith society
When was the last Islamic terror attack? 2 days ago

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
White people need a haven that we can fuck off to while we watch the world burn! I’d say Canada, easily defended after we genocide any non whites that won’t fuck off like blacks are doing in SA... Huge resources in Canada for a White monolith country... No trade with the outside world, we cut them off our internet and phone lines, take everything the white man gave the world back... Blacks didn’t even have a language before whites landed in that shithole
Confused 5 wow tell us how you really feel.
Whites are the most tolerant race on earth but it’s wearing incredibly thin, when the Aryan race snap we never lose as history tells us, enough is enough... My hate will die when I’m surrounded in my own people and no other leech culture vulture race! WW3 is going to be the making of white monolith society
When was the last Islamic terror attack? 2 days ago
Don't know, I've been busy.
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Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Site Supporter ☠️
York, P.A.
I suppose it's easier to hate a whole group than to realize that shitty fucked up people are everywhere.