

Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
But pill-popping needle jockeys boring.

Ew. Ack! I don't follow that. Nope.

You’re being too kind to this slag

Ah of course. our very own peepholing in the cheerleaders showers wrong un.

Are these yet more medals you pin on your pigeon chest son?

I bet you’ve already pissed your pants twice today. Ought to try Depends Amigo

Interesting that you spend your day thinking on the emissions of another mans penis.

Just interesting. Not surprising.

Typical drug addicted behavior. You’ve known it for years. Amazing you’re still alive.

The Scoundrel

But pill-popping needle jockeys boring.

Ew. Ack! I don't follow that. Nope.

You’re being too kind to this slag

Ah of course. our very own peepholing in the cheerleaders showers wrong un.

Are these yet more medals you pin on your pigeon chest son?

I bet you’ve already pissed your pants twice today. Ought to try Depends Amigo

Interesting that you spend your day thinking on the emissions of another mans penis.

Just interesting. Not surprising.

Typical drug addicted behavior. You’ve known it for years. Amazing you’re still alive.

It probably would be were it true but then I guess you write mostly fro pre-teen forums using the avi of a School Band member to troll up some deets for the wank bank so you and the truth have a fleeting relationship if any.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
But pill-popping needle jockeys boring.

Ew. Ack! I don't follow that. Nope.

You’re being too kind to this slag

Ah of course. our very own peepholing in the cheerleaders showers wrong un.

Are these yet more medals you pin on your pigeon chest son?

I bet you’ve already pissed your pants twice today. Ought to try Depends Amigo

Interesting that you spend your day thinking on the emissions of another mans penis.

Just interesting. Not surprising.

Typical drug addicted behavior. You’ve known it for years. Amazing you’re still alive.

It probably would be were it true but then I guess you write mostly fro pre-teen forums using the avi of a School Band member to troll up some deets for the wank bank so you and the truth have a fleeting relationship if any.

I mostly post here. I only date women with equal bank accounts. Most here have your number. Your reputation proceeds you everywhere.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Stick with what you’re good at amigo

The Scoundrel

scoundrel appears to be just another useless asshole with a hard on for seamajor, how original

Only hard ons Child Danger Major is interested in are tiny ones in cub scout pants.

As for your fluidsexual self I'm not so sure.

The Scoundrel



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
scoundrel appears to be just another useless asshole with a hard on for seamajor, how original

Only hard ons Child Danger Major is interested in are tiny ones in cub scout pants.

As for your fluidsexual self I'm not so sure.

Why are you so interested in children? Pedos aren’t welcome here. Ask around. Better yet ask BF

Deflection doesn't work here in the first world.

Neither do drug addictEd trolls


Have kink will travel.
Factory Bastard
This message board is like Monster truck driving tough guys with tiny penises.
Humour me here please...what constitutes a tiny penis. Under 6” perhaps? Not that mine’s 6” mind you, because it’s a lot bigger than that. And girth... is that on overlying factor? ‘Cause I’ve seen some cunts that one could well drive a Monster truck through on the porn that people send me in emails sometimes. Haha haha he hee hee eee hmmmm..

Jus’ wondering?

I have a 2 foot penis... I call it Hunter Biden.

I decided to call mine Old Toby.

(Lord of the Rings fans will get the joke)

I visited my 24 year old kid in the hospital today....an
scoundrel appears to be just another useless asshole with a hard on for seamajor, how original

Only hard ons Child Danger Major is interested in are tiny ones in cub scout pants.

As for your fluidsexual self I'm not so sure.

Why are you so interested in children? Pedos aren’t welcome here. Ask around. Better yet ask BF

Deflection doesn't work here in the first world.

Neither do drug addictEd trolls

Care to sober up before you ham fist another textual abortion, hmmmm?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This message board is like Monster truck driving tough guys with tiny penises.
Humour me here please...what constitutes a tiny penis. Under 6” perhaps? Not that mine’s 6” mind you, because it’s a lot bigger than that. And girth... is that on overlying factor? ‘Cause I’ve seen some cunts that one could well drive a Monster truck through on the porn that people send me in emails sometimes. Haha haha he hee hee eee hmmmm..

Jus’ wondering?

I have a 2 foot penis... I call it Hunter Biden.

I decided to call mine Old Toby.

(Lord of the Rings fans will get the joke)

I visited my 24 year old kid in the hospital today....an
scoundrel appears to be just another useless asshole with a hard on for seamajor, how original

Only hard ons Child Danger Major is interested in are tiny ones in cub scout pants.

As for your fluidsexual self I'm not so sure.

Why are you so interested in children? Pedos aren’t welcome here. Ask around. Better yet ask BF

Deflection doesn't work here in the first world.

Neither do drug addictEd trolls

Care to sober up before you ham fist another textual abortion, hmmmm?

DD, best to stick with with what your good at.


Vape Nation
Site Supporter
Halfway Up Ben Nevis


white wine divorcee
Factory Bastard
Why r u people ruining my slice of heaven here?

This is my official LADIES ONLY thread.
You must be female or dress like one to post in this thread.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter

Yeah. Stick to that. Makes more sense and has less unwanted syllables than most of your posts whilst keeping your comprehension levels static.

Look, score some smack, cook it. Inject it while enjoying a cigarettE, and I guarantee you’ll feel much better. Maybe add a touch more to your normal, mix
Drugs are great, you should try some you miserable old cum sock...

Yeah, I can tell you’ve had your share. I’m wondering how long it will take until you’re back in prison. Convicted felons are the enemy


Dictator of the Bastard Factory
Why r u people ruining my slice of heaven here?

This is my official LADIES ONLY thread.
You must be female or dress like one to post in this thread.
Penises are not able to post?! :Confused:

Why are you discriminating? Discrimination is bad...


Vape Nation
Site Supporter
Halfway Up Ben Nevis

Yeah. Stick to that. Makes more sense and has less unwanted syllables than most of your posts whilst keeping your comprehension levels static.

Look, score some smack, cook it. Inject it while enjoying a cigarettE, and I guarantee you’ll feel much better. Maybe add a touch more to your normal, mix
Drugs are great, you should try some you miserable old cum sock...

Yeah, I can tell you’ve had your share. I’m wondering how long it will take until you’re back in prison. Convicted felons are the enemy
Whatever man it's water off a ducks back... :CooL:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Why r u people ruining my slice of heaven here?

This is my official LADIES ONLY thread.
You must be female or dress like one to post in this thread.
Penises are not able to post?! :Confused:

Why are you discriminating? Discrimination is bad...

No doubt you’re proud of yourself and you prison sentence. Did ya get a chance to meet Bubba? Probably changed your mind about the ladies.
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