
Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Flynnigan, I hate to see you like that .. all bitter
I long for the days smiles were bountiful. teeth adorned


Why do you even try?

Your monolithic shit piles are a testament to your failures at even the most simplest of flames.

Shampain wishes to thank you for having a post to lean up on during these trouble times

I almost feel bad for the bimbo lol

You both are mega tards.
Are you talking to yourself again meth_mouth!?

Well...what do you want?

Let me guess? You're a Nazi, too?
No, but I grew up in a republic police state. One didn’t have much choice in the matter. You young people have no idea how spoilt for choice you have it these days. You can even be leftarded without being locked up. Very lucky indeed...


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynnigan, I hate to see you like that .. all bitter
I long for the days smiles were bountiful. teeth adorned


Why do you even try?

Your monolithic shit piles are a testament to your failures at even the most simplest of flames.

Shampain wishes to thank you for having a post to lean up on during these trouble times

I almost feel bad for the bimbo lol

You both are mega tards.
Are you talking to yourself again meth_mouth!?

Well...what do you want?

Let me guess? You're a Nazi, too?
No, but I grew up in a republic police state. One didn’t have much choice in the matter. You young people have no idea how spoilt for choice you have it these days. You can even be leftarded without being locked up. Very lucky indeed...

Just because you were living in the dark ages doesn't make it our cross to bear.

It's that "old style" of thinking that has led to wars, mass shootings and senseless murders. Over what? An idea? A hate? A preconceived notion?

Lucky? Lucky to be who we are without worrying about Big Brother lurking about? Lucky, because I am not forced to believe the State's point of view, whether it be religion or political? Yes. We are lucky as many lives were lost to get to this point in history.

Stupid fuck.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Flynnigan, I hate to see you like that .. all bitter
I long for the days smiles were bountiful. teeth adorned


Why do you even try?

Your monolithic shit piles are a testament to your failures at even the most simplest of flames.

Shampain wishes to thank you for having a post to lean up on during these trouble times

I almost feel bad for the bimbo lol

You both are mega tards.
Are you talking to yourself again meth_mouth!?

Well...what do you want?

Let me guess? You're a Nazi, too?
No, but I grew up in a republic police state. One didn’t have much choice in the matter. You young people have no idea how spoilt for choice you have it these days. You can even be leftarded without being locked up. Very lucky indeed...

Just because you were living in the dark ages doesn't make it our cross to bear.

It's that "old style" of thinking that has led to wars, mass shootings and senseless murders. Over what? An idea? A hate? A preconceived notion?

Lucky? Lucky to be who we are without worrying about Big Brother lurking about? Lucky, because I am not forced to believe the State's point of view, whether it be religion or political? Yes. We are lucky as many lives were lost to get to this point in history.

Stupid fuck.
Oi methhead; go read some information in my White Genocide thread before you start making an uneducated judgement. You’re a raving lunatic most of the time, so I’ve never bothered having any sort of civil discussion with you. Pretending to be a neo-nazi just isn’t my cup of tea either.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynnigan, I hate to see you like that .. all bitter
I long for the days smiles were bountiful. teeth adorned


Why do you even try?

Your monolithic shit piles are a testament to your failures at even the most simplest of flames.

Shampain wishes to thank you for having a post to lean up on during these trouble times

I almost feel bad for the bimbo lol

You both are mega tards.
Are you talking to yourself again meth_mouth!?

Well...what do you want?

Let me guess? You're a Nazi, too?
No, but I grew up in a republic police state. One didn’t have much choice in the matter. You young people have no idea how spoilt for choice you have it these days. You can even be leftarded without being locked up. Very lucky indeed...

Just because you were living in the dark ages doesn't make it our cross to bear.

It's that "old style" of thinking that has led to wars, mass shootings and senseless murders. Over what? An idea? A hate? A preconceived notion?

Lucky? Lucky to be who we are without worrying about Big Brother lurking about? Lucky, because I am not forced to believe the State's point of view, whether it be religion or political? Yes. We are lucky as many lives were lost to get to this point in history.

Stupid fuck.
Oi methhead; go read some information in my White Genocide thread before you start making an uneducated judgement. You’re a raving lunatic most of the time, so I’ve never bothered having any sort of civil discussion with you. Pretending to be a neo-nazi just isn’t my cup of tea either.

Really? Did you just say you couldn't have a "civil discussion with me?"

Okay, genius. Riddle me this. How many pictures of dicks and pussys have you posted? How many have I posted? How many times have you demanded another poster be banned, or else? How many times have I done that? How many times have you threatened to physically harm someone off this forum? How many times have I?

And you still fucking wonder why I still treat you like dog shit on the bottom of my heel.
Last edited:

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Uh huh, you know that isn't true and no I wouldn't fuck my own daughter, wtf is wrong with you? I'm aware that incest is a family trait among the Flynnbreds, but normal folks don't indulge in that sort of thing.

Well...isn't that what you tards do? Anything to preserve the white race through inbreeding, that way the white genes aren't being deluded by inferior races that are non white.

Are you literally smoking meth while responding to me? Your post doesn't even make sense...

Presumably you meant 'diluted' but were too busy frantically heating up a rusty spoon.

How is preserving the white race "interbreeding" may I ask?

How fucking stupid are you? The monarch's especially the English used inbreeding to preserve family bloodlines. Nice try on trying to dodge that well known fact moron.

Next you'll be saying that aliens from other planets are Zionist and are trying to kill off all the white people on earth.

Try again, stupid.

What do the bloodlines of Monarchs have to do with the general public? The Royals and aristocracy in general are fucked up for various different reasons, inbreeding just being one of them.

And you don't think with all their out of court dalliaces, that they didn't hand down those inbred genes to the likes of you?

You would have to have chromosomes with centuries of that inbreeding gene cemented into your so-called "normal" behaviors and beliefs, which translates you and your kind posting up retarded ass shit that EVEN you don't fully believe or understand. Point being, I've seen your little childish interactions with Flea. You guys are actually civil to each other at times. Don't you fucking realize that Fat Flea embodies all of the things you hate the most? She's a brown skinned, welfare collecting breeder. Yet, you have no problem posting to her cordially, is it because she's a woman and your insipid kind would sleep with a person no matter the skin color, as long as they had a fucking pussy? Listen to yourself. Didn't you say something about "Prague girls?" Well. Gee. Did you know that in Prague there are dark skinned girls there as well? Because you did say "Prague Girls," right? That means "Prague Girls," which encompasses the Muslims, and Jewish girls. So, does your true beliefs only boil down to a forum, or is this one of those things where you are really a lonely fuck that likes talking your bullshit to women you think you can push around?

You're a fucking moron jetting around here on your own fucking hot air tricycle trying to make believe that no one can see through your thin veneer of crap, you call the truth. You constantly contradict your own made up political doctrine. I mean I just don't know how much more wannabe you can get.

Why do you always talk about how I am with other posters? It's almost as if you get jelly when I'm friendly with them. I recall you complaining about Dilf and how I laugh at his posts, perhaps if you said something funny or entertaining occasionally more people would give you plus rep.

I've always got along with Flea. Why is this such a big deal to you? I've already told you I don't hate non-whites, I just don't want my country to be flooded with them to the point where the demographics are drastically altered. How is that such a terrible thing? Israel states the same view, so are the Israelis racist?

Have you ever been to Prague? Muslim and Jewish women aren't particularly common, whites are the vast majority and considering it's a European country, that's exactly as it should be.

Now I come to mention it, you're exactly what's wrong with a lot of western women and why men often end up looking elsewhere. Your uppity, spoilt, entitled, brattish attitude doesn't impress anybody. Hopefully for your sake it's just an act and you're nothing like that in real life.

Are you really listening to yourself? Why do I bring up the relations of you and other posters? Well, stupid. For one, I like drawing a correlation to you and the things that you say, then do. If in fact, you really are pro White Nationalism and about all the non-mixing of genes, then why you be so cordial bordering on friendly to the minorities who are the bane of your existence because you don't want them coming to "your" cities; and you certainly don't want them polluting your gene pool. But, you can have conversations with lesser beings, more akin to apes? There's no sitting on the fence about this. You either are, or you're not.

As far as me "saying anything funny," it's never been my fucking way of trying to "be funny" when the truth works just as good. Listen, you Jr. member of the Auxiliary Hitler Fan Club. I'm not here trying to entertain your stupid ass. I'm here to tell you what a fucking retard you are.

Yet, you don't want "them" dating or marrying any of the chosen ones. Explain how both of those aren't based on bigotry and hate. That's like saying, "I'd kill a Jew, but i'd also have a nice friendly conversation with him/her." Do you realize how fucking unreal that sounds? Your kind really needs to invest in a PR company. If you're the bestest and "brightest" you ass crawling type have to offer, then the rest of us have really nothing to worry about. About the Israeli State. First off, you talk about all the displacing Israel is doing. Have you looked at the square milage of their "homeland?" How many of those can fit in Europe? So. We're talking about a piece of land that only famatics care about. Both Israel and the Arab states, namely the one that starts with a P. Think the guerilla warfare and manipulating the Western press will win this war of attrition? It won't. Both sides need to eradicate one another. This won't end until one side is annihilated and wiped off the face of the Earth. Just like in the Old Testament.

But there is a small minority of non-whites in Prague. You still didn't answer my question. Are you sad fucks more into elitism and pussy no matter what color? Or are you fellas into dicks?

My attitude?!

So. I'm the one out here stating how I don't want anyone that is not white living in my country? Am I the one admitting to being a fucking racist? Am I the one not wanting to mix gene pools on account it will lessen the white race? Am I the one lying about, "I can have friendly conversations with people I'd love to see die?" You can see where there's confusion on your political and sexual orientation, right?

You stretch and distort the truth more than a fucking politician. At the risk of repeating myself for your seemingly permanently drug-addled ass, just because a person disagrees with racial-mixing doesn't automatically mean they hate other races. The Japanese for example are vehemently against miscegenation and immigration in general, are they 'evil racists'? Jews are often the same and they actually do regard themselves as superior and refer to themselves as the 'chosen ones', the rest of us are just goyim (cattle). Muslims have similar views and refer to us as 'kaffirs' (non-believers). See where I'm going with this? Just about every ethnic or religious group considers outsiders to be inferior to varying degrees, yet you only call out whites who have racial views? How typical of you innercity, 'trendy Wendy' cosmopolitan types.

As for Israel, have you seen the recent antics taking place where Zionists are evicting Palestinians from their homes and the serious clashes taking place all weekend which has resulted in over a 100 casualties? (Likely all Palestinian) The world looks the other way as the Jews attempt to ethnically cleanse the land and unbelievably thousands, if not millions of Americans still support Zionism and Israel! How do my 'racist' beliefs compare to the Zionist expansion projects taking place in the Middle East?

It's amazing to think how woolly-brained so called 'educated' soybots like you are so heavily brainwashed that they consider wishing to preserve a nation's culture and identity as being horrifically wrong, while at the same time ignoring the terrorism being committed by a country which you personally fund with your own taxes. I assume you're well aware of the billions of $$$$ in foreign aid which the US gleefully sends to the Jewish homeland? Are you ok with this? Your disdain and anger should be aimed at your cucked politicians for making America Israel's attack dog and claiming the lives of thousands of US citizens in the process, not bitching about teh evul White Nationalists who actually have the interests of white people at heart, unlike the corrupt, thoroughly rotten establishment and the shill bought-and-paid-for politicians.
Last edited:


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Uh huh, you know that isn't true and no I wouldn't fuck my own daughter, wtf is wrong with you? I'm aware that incest is a family trait among the Flynnbreds, but normal folks don't indulge in that sort of thing.

Well...isn't that what you tards do? Anything to preserve the white race through inbreeding, that way the white genes aren't being deluded by inferior races that are non white.

Are you literally smoking meth while responding to me? Your post doesn't even make sense...

Presumably you meant 'diluted' but were too busy frantically heating up a rusty spoon.

How is preserving the white race "interbreeding" may I ask?

How fucking stupid are you? The monarch's especially the English used inbreeding to preserve family bloodlines. Nice try on trying to dodge that well known fact moron.

Next you'll be saying that aliens from other planets are Zionist and are trying to kill off all the white people on earth.

Try again, stupid.

What do the bloodlines of Monarchs have to do with the general public? The Royals and aristocracy in general are fucked up for various different reasons, inbreeding just being one of them.

And you don't think with all their out of court dalliaces, that they didn't hand down those inbred genes to the likes of you?

You would have to have chromosomes with centuries of that inbreeding gene cemented into your so-called "normal" behaviors and beliefs, which translates you and your kind posting up retarded ass shit that EVEN you don't fully believe or understand. Point being, I've seen your little childish interactions with Flea. You guys are actually civil to each other at times. Don't you fucking realize that Fat Flea embodies all of the things you hate the most? She's a brown skinned, welfare collecting breeder. Yet, you have no problem posting to her cordially, is it because she's a woman and your insipid kind would sleep with a person no matter the skin color, as long as they had a fucking pussy? Listen to yourself. Didn't you say something about "Prague girls?" Well. Gee. Did you know that in Prague there are dark skinned girls there as well? Because you did say "Prague Girls," right? That means "Prague Girls," which encompasses the Muslims, and Jewish girls. So, does your true beliefs only boil down to a forum, or is this one of those things where you are really a lonely fuck that likes talking your bullshit to women you think you can push around?

You're a fucking moron jetting around here on your own fucking hot air tricycle trying to make believe that no one can see through your thin veneer of crap, you call the truth. You constantly contradict your own made up political doctrine. I mean I just don't know how much more wannabe you can get.

Why do you always talk about how I am with other posters? It's almost as if you get jelly when I'm friendly with them. I recall you complaining about Dilf and how I laugh at his posts, perhaps if you said something funny or entertaining occasionally more people would give you plus rep.

I've always got along with Flea. Why is this such a big deal to you? I've already told you I don't hate non-whites, I just don't want my country to be flooded with them to the point where the demographics are drastically altered. How is that such a terrible thing? Israel states the same view, so are the Israelis racist?

Have you ever been to Prague? Muslim and Jewish women aren't particularly common, whites are the vast majority and considering it's a European country, that's exactly as it should be.

Now I come to mention it, you're exactly what's wrong with a lot of western women and why men often end up looking elsewhere. Your uppity, spoilt, entitled, brattish attitude doesn't impress anybody. Hopefully for your sake it's just an act and you're nothing like that in real life.

Are you really listening to yourself? Why do I bring up the relations of you and other posters? Well, stupid. For one, I like drawing a correlation to you and the things that you say, then do. If in fact, you really are pro White Nationalism and about all the non-mixing of genes, then why you be so cordial bordering on friendly to the minorities who are the bane of your existence because you don't want them coming to "your" cities; and you certainly don't want them polluting your gene pool. But, you can have conversations with lesser beings, more akin to apes? There's no sitting on the fence about this. You either are, or you're not.

As far as me "saying anything funny," it's never been my fucking way of trying to "be funny" when the truth works just as good. Listen, you Jr. member of the Auxiliary Hitler Fan Club. I'm not here trying to entertain your stupid ass. I'm here to tell you what a fucking retard you are.

Yet, you don't want "them" dating or marrying any of the chosen ones. Explain how both of those aren't based on bigotry and hate. That's like saying, "I'd kill a Jew, but i'd also have a nice friendly conversation with him/her." Do you realize how fucking unreal that sounds? Your kind really needs to invest in a PR company. If you're the bestest and "brightest" you ass crawling type have to offer, then the rest of us have really nothing to worry about. About the Israeli State. First off, you talk about all the displacing Israel is doing. Have you looked at the square milage of their "homeland?" How many of those can fit in Europe? So. We're talking about a piece of land that only famatics care about. Both Israel and the Arab states, namely the one that starts with a P. Think the guerilla warfare and manipulating the Western press will win this war of attrition? It won't. Both sides need to eradicate one another. This won't end until one side is annihilated and wiped off the face of the Earth. Just like in the Old Testament.

But there is a small minority of non-whites in Prague. You still didn't answer my question. Are you sad fucks more into elitism and pussy no matter what color? Or are you fellas into dicks?

My attitude?!

So. I'm the one out here stating how I don't want anyone that is not white living in my country? Am I the one admitting to being a fucking racist? Am I the one not wanting to mix gene pools on account it will lessen the white race? Am I the one lying about, "I can have friendly conversations with people I'd love to see die?" You can see where there's confusion on your political and sexual orientation, right?

You stretch and distort the truth more than a fucking politician. At the risk of repeating myself for your seemingly permanently drug-addled ass, just because a person disagrees with racial-mixing doesn't automatically mean they hate other races. The Japanese for example are vehemently against miscegenation and immigration in general, are they 'evil racists'? Jews are often the same and they actually do regard themselves as superior and refer to themselves as the 'chosen ones', the rest of us are just goyim (cattle). Muslims have similar views and refer to us as 'kaffirs' (non-believers). See where I'm going with this? Just about every ethnic or religious group considers outsiders to be inferior to varying degrees, yet you only call out whites who have racial views? How typical of you innercity, 'trendy Wendy' cosmopolitan types.

As for Israel, have you seen the recent antics taking place where Zionists are evicting Palestinians from their homes and the serious clashes taking place all weekend which has resulted in over a 100 casualties? (Likely all Palestinian) The world looks the other way as the Jews attempt to ethnically cleanse the land and unbelievably thousands, if not millions of Americans still support Zionism and Israel! How do my 'racist' beliefs compare to the Zionist expansion projects taking place in the Middle East?

It's amazing to think how woolly-brained so called 'educated' soybots like you are so heavily brainwashed that they consider wishing to preserve a nation's culture and identity as being horrifically wrong, while at the same time ignoring the terrorism being committed by a country which you personally fund with your own taxes. I assume you're well aware of the billions of $$$$ in foreign aid which the US gleefully sends to the Jewish homeland? Are you ok with this? Your disdain and anger should be aimed at your cucked politicians for making America Israel's attack dog and claiming the lives of thousands of US citizens in the process, not bitching about teh evul White Nationalists who actually have the interests of white people at heart, unlike the corrupt, thoroughly rotten establishment and the shill bought-and-paid-for politicians.

Earth to dipshit. You already admitted to being a bigot and racist, remember? So everything you just said about what a stand up guy you are just kind of blows up in your fugly fucking face. All those people and groups that act like you don't advertise their narrow minded point of views like you do, dumbass. You make it no secret about your feelings of being superior because of a stupid thing called, "skin color." Now you just sit there and chew on your own shit tasting admissions for a minute. Let the flavors soak in. Let them mingle.

And what was my fucking stance on what Israel is doing? One or the other needs to kill off the other. They cannot coexist. There can only be one. That's what I said you fucking idiot. Do you have the memory of a goldfish?

Oh shut the fuck up you fucking big ass cry baby. Just keep your comments tailored to your own back yard and try not talking about America like you know it. You don't even know your own fucking doctrine. Let alone what's going on in the United States. Or Canada for that matter. Your comments about the money America gives to Israel is comical. America gives money to everyone you fucking dunce. They've even given money to the Taliban who in turn bought weapons from the Soviets and used them on American troops. So, yes. I am well aware America gives money to Israel and others...what's your point?

I never said the U.S. was perfect. We have crooked politicians. We have banks running the government. I know this, the world knows this. Try telling me something about my own country I don't alreadyknow.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
If the fact that Zionist banksters run your government is common knowlege why don't Americans do anything about it? Most don't want to know about that kind of thing and brush it off as a conspiracy theory. I rarely see any opposition to the Jewish stranglehold on the country, except for from White Nationalists, who you hate. So do you concede that they are in fact correct about much of what they believe and you just don't like their message? The Jewish control of the banks, media, academia etc is pure fact and can easily be verified with proof, it's just that it's a taboo subject...

Where have I claimed to be a 'stand up guy'? I'm just me, like me or don't like me, I couldn't give a shit. It's just the way I am and it's called being yourself, which is the healthiest way to live in the longrun. Perhaps this persona of yours is you being yourself, who knows and Gawd help that poor African hubby of yours if it is, but everyone is entitled to their own views and beliefs, regardless of what society may think of them. The social engineers are constantly moving the goalposts and manipulating the public into believing what's socially acceptable and what isn't anyway, so why bother trying to keep up? Words and phrases we are no longer allowed to use for example are constantly being updated. Fuck that, I'll use what language I like and bollocks to anyone PC soyflakes who are offended, these type of people are the exact kind who used to run telling tales to the teacher back in school and everyone hated.

As for races, are you naive enough to believe that the only difference between them all is skin colour? You would have to ignore genetics, bone structure, IQ levels etc. Just about all races have redeeming qualities, even blacks, who pack on muscle mass quicker than whites, likely due to their slave ancestry. Chanks often have high IQ's, although not always, these are the same people who use fat out of sewers to cook food with. As I've stated numerous times, I believe all nations have a right to preserve their own people and culture. I'm not a fan of Globalism and the agenda of merging all creeds and colours together into a big melting pot. You're American, well Canadian, so perhaps this is why our views differ. Both countries are multicultural and despite the white man transforming them into 1st world nations, other races have always been there, so it's different to Britain. England has always been white and it's only since the 1970's or so when the demographics slowly started to alter, so therefore we have every right to speak out when the indigenous British are being displaced by immigrants in certain areas.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
If the fact that Zionist banksters run your government is common knowlege why don't Americans do anything about it? Most don't want to know about that kind of thing and brush it off as a conspiracy theory. I rarely see any opposition to the Jewish stranglehold on the country, except for from White Nationalists, who you hate. So do you concede that they are in fact correct about much of what they believe and you just don't like their message? The Jewish control of the banks, media, academia etc is pure fact and can easily be verified with proof, it's just that it's a taboo subject...

Where have I claimed to be a 'stand up guy'? I'm just me, like me or don't like me, I couldn't give a shit. It's just the way I am and it's called being yourself, which is the healthiest way to live in the longrun. Perhaps this persona of yours is you being yourself, who knows and Gawd help that poor African hubby of yours if it is, but everyone is entitled to their own views and beliefs, regardless of what society may think of them. The social engineers are constantly moving the goalposts and manipulating the public into believing what's socially acceptable and what isn't anyway, so why bother trying to keep up? Words and phrases we are no longer allowed to use for example are constantly being updated. Fuck that, I'll use what language I like and bollocks to anyone PC soyflakes who are offended, these type of people are the exact kind who used to run telling tales to the teacher back in school and everyone hated.

As for races, are you naive enough to believe that the only difference between them all is skin colour? You would have to ignore genetics, bone structure, IQ levels etc. Just about all races have redeeming qualities, even blacks, who pack on muscle mass quicker than whites, likely due to their slave ancestry. Chanks often have high IQ's, although not always, these are the same people who use fat out of sewers to cook food with. As I've stated numerous times, I believe all nations have a right to preserve their own people and culture. I'm not a fan of Globalism and the agenda of merging all creeds and colours together into a big melting pot. You're American, well Canadian, so perhaps this is why our views differ. Both countries are multicultural and despite the white man transforming them into 1st world nations, other races have always been there, so it's different to Britain. England has always been white and it's only since the 1970's or so when the demographics slowly started to alter, so therefore we have every right to speak out when the indigenous British are being displaced by immigrants in certain areas.

I never said, "I hated white nationalists." Just because their methods are useless and outdated, does not mean "I hate them." You're getting it confused on how I feel about you, a wannabe that uses the umbrella of white nationalism to hide from your own flaws as a fucking human.

Do you seriously think that claiming "my hubby is African" gives you or views any more merit? It certainly doesn't. What fucking business is it of yours anyway if I indeed did have an "African husband?" How does that affect you? I'm not the one running around here giving reach arounds to the dopes that subscribe to your ignorant point of views.

Get a life. No blithering and sorry excuses on "genetics" is going yo make correct on any world. Bottom line is that your kind judges on skin color and not the overall person. For such allegedly enlightened people, you fucks are still living in the dark ages.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Your white flag is duly noted and after some consideration, accepted.

Aryan 1488 : Flynn 0

Thanks for playing, fivehead. Now, where's that sammich you're supposed to be fetching me?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Your white flag is duly noted and after some consideration, accepted.

Aryan 1488 : Flynn 0

Thanks for playing, fivehead. Now, where's that sammich you're supposed to be fetching me?


This old sad song and dance routine where you claim victory after being kicked through the uprights for the last week?

This is how white nationalists act?

Yeah, okay pal. What's next? You also claiming you invented the fucking internet?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Let's reflect shall we?

I exposed you as a liberal by pointing out the leftist buzzwords you use and your irrational hostility towards White Nationalism.

You called me a racist, a bigot etc etc and failed completely in your effort to discredit my beliefs.

Yup, I winz. Now, sammich or back in ya kennel? Your choice.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Let's reflect shall we?

I exposed you as a liberal by pointing out the leftist buzzwords you use and your irrational hostility towards White Nationalism.

You called me a racist, a bigot etc etc and failed completely in your effort to discredit my beliefs.

Yup, I winz. Now, sammich or back in ya kennel? Your choice.

The only thing you "exposed" was your half-baked claims of being a white nationalist that likes minorities and accusing me of being a Liberal Jew. Both of which are completely fucking off base.

The only thing you "win" is that dunce cap you keep on wearing.


ፕልክፏቹክፕ ነየርጎልረጎነፕ
Global Moderator
Let's reflect shall we?

I exposed you as a liberal by pointing out the leftist buzzwords you use and your irrational hostility towards White Nationalism.

You called me a racist, a bigot etc etc and failed completely in your effort to discredit my beliefs.

Yup, I winz. Now, sammich or back in ya kennel? Your choice.

The only thing you "exposed" was your half-baked claims of being a white nationalist that likes minorities and accusing me of being a Liberal Jew. Both of which are completely fucking off base.

The only thing you "win" is that dunce cap you keep on wearing.
Do you play mazel tov?


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Flynnigan, I hate to see you like that .. all bitter
I long for the days smiles were bountiful. teeth adorned


Why do you even try?

Your monolithic shit piles are a testament to your failures at even the most simplest of flames.

Shampain wishes to thank you for having a post to lean up on during these trouble times

I almost feel bad for the bimbo lol

You both are mega tards.
Are you talking to yourself again meth_mouth!?

Well...what do you want?

Let me guess? You're a Nazi, too?
No, but I grew up in a republic police state. One didn’t have much choice in the matter. You young people have no idea how spoilt for choice you have it these days. You can even be leftarded without being locked up. Very lucky indeed...

Just because you were living in the dark ages doesn't make it our cross to bear.

It's that "old style" of thinking that has led to wars, mass shootings and senseless murders. Over what? An idea? A hate? A preconceived notion?

Lucky? Lucky to be who we are without worrying about Big Brother lurking about? Lucky, because I am not forced to believe the State's point of view, whether it be religion or political? Yes. We are lucky as many lives were lost to get to this point in history.

Stupid fuck.
Oi methhead; go read some information in my White Genocide thread before you start making an uneducated judgement. You’re a raving lunatic most of the time, so I’ve never bothered having any sort of civil discussion with you. Pretending to be a neo-nazi just isn’t my cup of tea either.

Really? Did you just say you couldn't have a "civil discussion with me?"

Okay, genius. Riddle me this. How many pictures of dicks and pussys have you posted? How many have I posted? How many times have you demanded another poster be banned, or else? How many times have I done that? How many times have you threatened to physically harm someone off this forum? How many times have I?

And you still fucking wonder why I still treat you like dog shit on the bottom of my heel.

Stating that you hope "any" child dies in such and such manner is worse than ANY "threat" anyone could possibly post on this forum. I'm surprised you're still breathing with that mouth of yours. You're a target at best. You have no right to judge the kettle, Miss pot. You need some serious fucking time in a mental institution. I'd rather BE everything that you have ever claimed I am and THEN SOME before I'd stoop to a dumb bitches level (such as yourself) that claims to be so fucking smart. You're pathetic. You're shit beneath one's shoe. You are the parasite in the pile of runny dog shit. My biggest dream is to meet you one day. I would love to meet you face to face and shake your hand.....right before I tear your fucking head off your shoulders.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Flynnigan, I hate to see you like that .. all bitter
I long for the days smiles were bountiful. teeth adorned


Why do you even try?

Your monolithic shit piles are a testament to your failures at even the most simplest of flames.

Shampain wishes to thank you for having a post to lean up on during these trouble times

I almost feel bad for the bimbo lol

You both are mega tards.
Are you talking to yourself again meth_mouth!?

Well...what do you want?

Let me guess? You're a Nazi, too?
No, but I grew up in a republic police state. One didn’t have much choice in the matter. You young people have no idea how spoilt for choice you have it these days. You can even be leftarded without being locked up. Very lucky indeed...

Just because you were living in the dark ages doesn't make it our cross to bear.

It's that "old style" of thinking that has led to wars, mass shootings and senseless murders. Over what? An idea? A hate? A preconceived notion?

Lucky? Lucky to be who we are without worrying about Big Brother lurking about? Lucky, because I am not forced to believe the State's point of view, whether it be religion or political? Yes. We are lucky as many lives were lost to get to this point in history.

Stupid fuck.
Oi methhead; go read some information in my White Genocide thread before you start making an uneducated judgement. You’re a raving lunatic most of the time, so I’ve never bothered having any sort of civil discussion with you. Pretending to be a neo-nazi just isn’t my cup of tea either.

Really? Did you just say you couldn't have a "civil discussion with me?"

Okay, genius. Riddle me this. How many pictures of dicks and pussys have you posted? How many have I posted? How many times have you demanded another poster be banned, or else? How many times have I done that? How many times have you threatened to physically harm someone off this forum? How many times have I?

And you still fucking wonder why I still treat you like dog shit on the bottom of my heel.

Stating that you hope "any" child dies in such and such manner is worse than ANY "threat" anyone could possibly post on this forum. I'm surprised you're still breathing with that mouth of yours. You're a target at best. You have no right to judge the kettle, Miss pot. You need some serious fucking time in a mental institution. I'd rather BE everything that you have ever claimed I am and THEN SOME before I'd stoop to a dumb bitches level (such as yourself) that claims to be so fucking smart. You're pathetic. You're shit beneath one's shoe. You are the parasite in the pile of runny dog shit. My biggest dream is to meet you one day. I would love to meet you face to face and shake your hand.....right before I tear your fucking head off your shoulders.

I hope ALL your niglets die.

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Flynnigan, I hate to see you like that .. all bitter
I long for the days smiles were bountiful. teeth adorned


Why do you even try?

Your monolithic shit piles are a testament to your failures at even the most simplest of flames.

Shampain wishes to thank you for having a post to lean up on during these trouble times

I almost feel bad for the bimbo lol

You both are mega tards.
Are you talking to yourself again meth_mouth!?

Well...what do you want?

Let me guess? You're a Nazi, too?
No, but I grew up in a republic police state. One didn’t have much choice in the matter. You young people have no idea how spoilt for choice you have it these days. You can even be leftarded without being locked up. Very lucky indeed...

Just because you were living in the dark ages doesn't make it our cross to bear.

It's that "old style" of thinking that has led to wars, mass shootings and senseless murders. Over what? An idea? A hate? A preconceived notion?

Lucky? Lucky to be who we are without worrying about Big Brother lurking about? Lucky, because I am not forced to believe the State's point of view, whether it be religion or political? Yes. We are lucky as many lives were lost to get to this point in history.

Stupid fuck.
Oi methhead; go read some information in my White Genocide thread before you start making an uneducated judgement. You’re a raving lunatic most of the time, so I’ve never bothered having any sort of civil discussion with you. Pretending to be a neo-nazi just isn’t my cup of tea either.

Really? Did you just say you couldn't have a "civil discussion with me?"

Okay, genius. Riddle me this. How many pictures of dicks and pussys have you posted? How many have I posted? How many times have you demanded another poster be banned, or else? How many times have I done that? How many times have you threatened to physically harm someone off this forum? How many times have I?

And you still fucking wonder why I still treat you like dog shit on the bottom of my heel.

Stating that you hope "any" child dies in such and such manner is worse than ANY "threat" anyone could possibly post on this forum. I'm surprised you're still breathing with that mouth of yours. You're a target at best. You have no right to judge the kettle, Miss pot. You need some serious fucking time in a mental institution. I'd rather BE everything that you have ever claimed I am and THEN SOME before I'd stoop to a dumb bitches level (such as yourself) that claims to be so fucking smart. You're pathetic. You're shit beneath one's shoe. You are the parasite in the pile of runny dog shit. My biggest dream is to meet you one day. I would love to meet you face to face and shake your hand.....right before I tear your fucking head off your shoulders.

wait up

so you think wishing death, wishful thinking, is worse than actually threatening to murder someone’s child? Is that what you’re saying?


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Flynnigan, I hate to see you like that .. all bitter
I long for the days smiles were bountiful. teeth adorned


Why do you even try?

Your monolithic shit piles are a testament to your failures at even the most simplest of flames.

Shampain wishes to thank you for having a post to lean up on during these trouble times

I almost feel bad for the bimbo lol

You both are mega tards.
Are you talking to yourself again meth_mouth!?

Well...what do you want?

Let me guess? You're a Nazi, too?
No, but I grew up in a republic police state. One didn’t have much choice in the matter. You young people have no idea how spoilt for choice you have it these days. You can even be leftarded without being locked up. Very lucky indeed...

Just because you were living in the dark ages doesn't make it our cross to bear.

It's that "old style" of thinking that has led to wars, mass shootings and senseless murders. Over what? An idea? A hate? A preconceived notion?

Lucky? Lucky to be who we are without worrying about Big Brother lurking about? Lucky, because I am not forced to believe the State's point of view, whether it be religion or political? Yes. We are lucky as many lives were lost to get to this point in history.

Stupid fuck.
Oi methhead; go read some information in my White Genocide thread before you start making an uneducated judgement. You’re a raving lunatic most of the time, so I’ve never bothered having any sort of civil discussion with you. Pretending to be a neo-nazi just isn’t my cup of tea either.

Really? Did you just say you couldn't have a "civil discussion with me?"

Okay, genius. Riddle me this. How many pictures of dicks and pussys have you posted? How many have I posted? How many times have you demanded another poster be banned, or else? How many times have I done that? How many times have you threatened to physically harm someone off this forum? How many times have I?

And you still fucking wonder why I still treat you like dog shit on the bottom of my heel.

Stating that you hope "any" child dies in such and such manner is worse than ANY "threat" anyone could possibly post on this forum. I'm surprised you're still breathing with that mouth of yours. You're a target at best. You have no right to judge the kettle, Miss pot. You need some serious fucking time in a mental institution. I'd rather BE everything that you have ever claimed I am and THEN SOME before I'd stoop to a dumb bitches level (such as yourself) that claims to be so fucking smart. You're pathetic. You're shit beneath one's shoe. You are the parasite in the pile of runny dog shit. My biggest dream is to meet you one day. I would love to meet you face to face and shake your hand.....right before I tear your fucking head off your shoulders.

I hope ALL your niglets die.

I don't have any niglets. That's YOUR cup of tea. Not mine.


Entertain me you boring fucks.....
Site Supporter
No where you'd like to be......
Flynnigan, I hate to see you like that .. all bitter
I long for the days smiles were bountiful. teeth adorned


Why do you even try?

Your monolithic shit piles are a testament to your failures at even the most simplest of flames.

Shampain wishes to thank you for having a post to lean up on during these trouble times

I almost feel bad for the bimbo lol

You both are mega tards.
Are you talking to yourself again meth_mouth!?

Well...what do you want?

Let me guess? You're a Nazi, too?
No, but I grew up in a republic police state. One didn’t have much choice in the matter. You young people have no idea how spoilt for choice you have it these days. You can even be leftarded without being locked up. Very lucky indeed...

Just because you were living in the dark ages doesn't make it our cross to bear.

It's that "old style" of thinking that has led to wars, mass shootings and senseless murders. Over what? An idea? A hate? A preconceived notion?

Lucky? Lucky to be who we are without worrying about Big Brother lurking about? Lucky, because I am not forced to believe the State's point of view, whether it be religion or political? Yes. We are lucky as many lives were lost to get to this point in history.

Stupid fuck.
Oi methhead; go read some information in my White Genocide thread before you start making an uneducated judgement. You’re a raving lunatic most of the time, so I’ve never bothered having any sort of civil discussion with you. Pretending to be a neo-nazi just isn’t my cup of tea either.

Really? Did you just say you couldn't have a "civil discussion with me?"

Okay, genius. Riddle me this. How many pictures of dicks and pussys have you posted? How many have I posted? How many times have you demanded another poster be banned, or else? How many times have I done that? How many times have you threatened to physically harm someone off this forum? How many times have I?

And you still fucking wonder why I still treat you like dog shit on the bottom of my heel.

Stating that you hope "any" child dies in such and such manner is worse than ANY "threat" anyone could possibly post on this forum. I'm surprised you're still breathing with that mouth of yours. You're a target at best. You have no right to judge the kettle, Miss pot. You need some serious fucking time in a mental institution. I'd rather BE everything that you have ever claimed I am and THEN SOME before I'd stoop to a dumb bitches level (such as yourself) that claims to be so fucking smart. You're pathetic. You're shit beneath one's shoe. You are the parasite in the pile of runny dog shit. My biggest dream is to meet you one day. I would love to meet you face to face and shake your hand.....right before I tear your fucking head off your shoulders.

wait up

so you think wishing death, wishful thinking, is worse than actually threatening to murder someone’s child? Is that what you’re saying?

No, threatening a child is worse....but no threat that anyone has made towards Flynn on this forum is worse than the shit she is spitting out of her mouth on a daily basis.