Vaccinate or be Outcast


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
If people would have just sheltered in place as initially mandated we never would have needed the vaccine….

But but what about peacefully protesting and stuff? You know, for St George?

Looking back some might call it irresponsible to crowd by the thousands while getting up close and personal with the pigs but, think of all the really really cool things that happened as that shelter in place mandate were ignored? why, we had us a 7 week insurgency in one our biggest cities where an entire police station was abandoned, sacked and turned into something out of Escape from New York, endless fires and property destruction in others... and.. and... lets not forget the looting... ah yes... the really cool looting.

you know, cause nothing screams black lives matter more than black grandma from the south side of chicago not being able to get her live saving medicine the day after nearly every pharmacy and shopping center in a 10 mile radius was either destroyed or looted bare.

Looking back at it all I can see clearly now why we could truthfully blame citizens in Wyoming who live a minimum of 10 miles apart and enjoy human to human contact with outsiders for maybe 12 minutes out of their entire life spans for all those shelter in place mandates that were ignored.

They did it!!! it was them, the red states did it, the red states did it!!!!!

Have you lost your fucking mind? Someone is going way too hard in the kool-aid these days. No one said shit about red states being to blame. I actually blamed the lab in China…. and that shit was shipped to Washington via sex trafficked container ship.

I protested for due process when the media spun that shit as a routine traffic stop. I am an officer of the court and that is my right to protest peacefully, wannabe whitey.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
If people would have just sheltered in place as initially mandated we never would have needed the vaccine….

But but what about peacefully protesting and stuff? You know, for St George?

Looking back some might call it irresponsible to crowd by the thousands while getting up close and personal with the pigs but, think of all the really really cool things that happened as that shelter in place mandate were ignored? why, we had us a 7 week insurgency in one our biggest cities where an entire police station was abandoned, sacked and turned into something out of Escape from New York, endless fires and property destruction in others... and.. and... lets not forget the looting... ah yes... the really cool looting.

you know, cause nothing screams black lives matter more than black grandma from the south side of chicago not being able to get her live saving medicine the day after nearly every pharmacy and shopping center in a 10 mile radius was either destroyed or looted bare.

Looking back at it all I can see clearly now why we could truthfully blame citizens in Wyoming who live a minimum of 10 miles apart and enjoy human to human contact with outsiders for maybe 12 minutes out of their entire life spans for all those shelter in place mandates that were ignored.

They did it!!! it was them, the red states did it, the red states did it!!!!!

Have you lost your fucking mind? Someone is going way too hard in the kool-aid these days. No one said shit about red states being to blame. I actually blamed the lab in China…. and that shit was shipped to Washington via sex trafficked container ship.

I protested for due process when the media spun that shit as a routine traffic stop. I am an officer of the court and that is my right to protest peacefully, wannabe whitey.

You reckon it really was developed in a lab though? The chinks eat bats, they say it originated from a bat cave in Wuhanpinglingting!?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
If people would have just sheltered in place as initially mandated we never would have needed the vaccine….

But but what about peacefully protesting and stuff? You know, for St George?

Looking back some might call it irresponsible to crowd by the thousands while getting up close and personal with the pigs but, think of all the really really cool things that happened as that shelter in place mandate were ignored? why, we had us a 7 week insurgency in one our biggest cities where an entire police station was abandoned, sacked and turned into something out of Escape from New York, endless fires and property destruction in others... and.. and... lets not forget the looting... ah yes... the really cool looting.

you know, cause nothing screams black lives matter more than black grandma from the south side of chicago not being able to get her live saving medicine the day after nearly every pharmacy and shopping center in a 10 mile radius was either destroyed or looted bare.

Looking back at it all I can see clearly now why we could truthfully blame citizens in Wyoming who live a minimum of 10 miles apart and enjoy human to human contact with outsiders for maybe 12 minutes out of their entire life spans for all those shelter in place mandates that were ignored.

They did it!!! it was them, the red states did it, the red states did it!!!!!

Have you lost your fucking mind? Someone is going way too hard in the kool-aid these days. No one said shit about red states being to blame. I actually blamed the lab in China…. and that shit was shipped to Washington via sex trafficked container ship.

I protested for due process when the media spun that shit as a routine traffic stop. I am an officer of the court and that is my right to protest peacefully, wannabe whitey.

You reckon it really was developed in a lab though? The chinks eat bats, they say it originated from a bat cave in Wuhanpinglingting!?

They traced the first case to the Wuhan wet market where the keep live animals, slaughter, cook and serve in the same facility.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
And while Big is throwing a tantrum over my attending a protest…. I had sheltered in place for 87 days prior, I was working remotely from home and I lived alone. The only person I endangered was MYSELF and I have not had Covid.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
And while Big is throwing a tantrum over my attending a protest…. I had sheltered in place for 87 days prior, I was working remotely from home and I lived alone. The only person I endangered was MYSELF and I have not had Covid.
They’re having another protest here in NSW, Australia. People are desperately wanting to work and pay bills. The banks aren’t budging on loans etc and seems to be business as usual for them. My take is live with it and battle on. The virus is here to stay.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
^^^ Fucktarded Flock alert!!!!


That's Microbrainiac for "nice ad lib team troll" ain't it?

Actually its short for "Fucking retarded flock of sheep".

Maybe we should refer to them as "The Legion of Lemmings"

That is pretty close. I mean, soon as the mainstream media starts playing that flute, they follow it right off the cliff!

Have you noticed it always tends to be the left that follows the establishment line to the letter and dances to whatever tune the mainstream media is playing on that particular day?

Right wingers are more likely to take a critical standpoint and potentially oppose the narrative.

This is why Covid inevitably turned political, because most of the pro vaxx brigade are libtards, who as per usual, have been parotting whatever their corporate masters tell them and attempting to vilify those who disagree.....

It's no wonder they're referred to as "useful idiots".


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
^^^ Fucktarded Flock alert!!!!


That's Microbrainiac for "nice ad lib team troll" ain't it?

Actually its short for "Fucking retarded flock of sheep".

Maybe we should refer to them as "The Legion of Lemmings"

That is pretty close. I mean, soon as the mainstream media starts playing that flute, they follow it right off the cliff!

Have you noticed it always tends to be the left that follows the establishment line to the letter and dances to whatever tune the mainstream media is playing on that particular day?

Right wingers are more likely to take a critical standpoint and potentially oppose the narrative.

This is why Covid inevitably turned political, because most of the pro vaxx brigade are libtards, who as per usual, have been parotting whatever their corporate masters tell them and attempting to vilify those who disagree.....

It's no wonder they're referred to as "useful idiots".

Andrew K said it really well



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Now its been announced that the Dirty Dot variant spreads like the chickenpox and the vaccinated spread it as bad as the unvaccinated.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
If people would have just sheltered in place as initially mandated we never would have needed the vaccine….

But but what about peacefully protesting and stuff? You know, for St George?

Looking back some might call it irresponsible to crowd by the thousands while getting up close and personal with the pigs but, think of all the really really cool things that happened as that shelter in place mandate were ignored? why, we had us a 7 week insurgency in one our biggest cities where an entire police station was abandoned, sacked and turned into something out of Escape from New York, endless fires and property destruction in others... and.. and... lets not forget the looting... ah yes... the really cool looting.

you know, cause nothing screams black lives matter more than black grandma from the south side of chicago not being able to get her live saving medicine the day after nearly every pharmacy and shopping center in a 10 mile radius was either destroyed or looted bare.

Looking back at it all I can see clearly now why we could truthfully blame citizens in Wyoming who live a minimum of 10 miles apart and enjoy human to human contact with outsiders for maybe 12 minutes out of their entire life spans for all those shelter in place mandates that were ignored.

They did it!!! it was them, the red states did it, the red states did it!!!!!


It will fall on dead ears and be twisted into another argument though.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
When Trumpers trumpet trumptardisms.

GOP senator 'outraged' U.S. pole vaulter out of Olympics due to positive Covid test


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If you deny the existence of Covid, it goes away.

I don't know why you're so triggered, your local gay bath houses were allowed to remain open during the lockdowns.
That's good to know, I appreciate you taking a deep dive into that for us.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Leftists are really so narcissistic that they believe any opposition to THEIR narratives and THEIR ideas is denial of reality itself.

If we dont do every thing THEY say, it doesnt mean we have different approaches that involves people making their decisions. It means we think ignoring covid means it doesnt exist.

Do you disagree with left wing covidian rule? Well you must think Covid doesnt even EXIST.

Did you call their flip flopping hysterics a hoax?! Well that's the same as calling Covid a hoax!!

JUST leftwingers are the deeply enlightened arbiters of ultimate truth and SCIENCE. Any opposition to their demands is a denial of the fabric of reality itself.

We need to all immediately yield and kiss their feet.....these obvious saviors of humanity and the planet. Lest we be called stooopids and racists.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Lol @ "Good to know".

You're the patron saint of faggotry and spend most of your pension in those sort of establishments.
no yuo are, you mind numbingly stoopid 3rd world creature.

Europe is the third world? Lol, no doubt you were too busy sucking cock at school to have found the time to learn basic geography.
You're not in Europe dumbass, have you forgotten that whole Brexit dealio?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Exactly Admin. You guys need to get off the corporate media and political narratives, use common sense and talk to your doctors. Stop harassing people with unsolicited medical advice and supporting government/corporate coercion to force citizens into making the medical decisions politicains want them to make. YOU are the ones guilty of using politics, media over actual doctors.

All over this very board you guys are posting corporate media links like you think they are medical journals. Its total rubbish and we dont buy it.

You need to be making your individual decisions with your doctor....not spamming idiotic left wing propaganda about waves of people of all ages dramatically begging for the vaccine from their ICU death bed and using all their energy to whisper "tell them.....tell the take the vaccine..." right before they flat line and the doctor cries with and hugs the family( a hospital during a pandemic lol) as they talk about repenting from their anti vaxx sins and voting for democrats from now on so people wont DIE ever again.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Lol @ "Good to know".

You're the patron saint of faggotry and spend most of your pension in those sort of establishments.
no yuo are, you mind numbingly stoopid 3rd world creature.

Europe is the third world? Lol, no doubt you were too busy sucking cock at school to have found the time to learn basic geography.
You're not in Europe dumbass, have you forgotten that whole Brexit dealio?

You brain dead faggot....

Are you honestly trying to say that any European nation that withdraws from the Globohomo monstrosity, otherwise known as the EU, automatically forfeits their place as a European country?

Here's a heads up for your indoctrinated, cawk-ravenous ass, Europe and the Commie 'EU' dictatorship are not the same thing.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
If people would have just sheltered in place as initially mandated we never would have needed the vaccine….

But but what about peacefully protesting and stuff? You know, for St George?

Looking back some might call it irresponsible to crowd by the thousands while getting up close and personal with the pigs but, think of all the really really cool things that happened as that shelter in place mandate were ignored? why, we had us a 7 week insurgency in one our biggest cities where an entire police station was abandoned, sacked and turned into something out of Escape from New York, endless fires and property destruction in others... and.. and... lets not forget the looting... ah yes... the really cool looting.

you know, cause nothing screams black lives matter more than black grandma from the south side of chicago not being able to get her live saving medicine the day after nearly every pharmacy and shopping center in a 10 mile radius was either destroyed or looted bare.

Looking back at it all I can see clearly now why we could truthfully blame citizens in Wyoming who live a minimum of 10 miles apart and enjoy human to human contact with outsiders for maybe 12 minutes out of their entire life spans for all those shelter in place mandates that were ignored.

They did it!!! it was them, the red states did it, the red states did it!!!!!

Have you lost your fucking mind? Someone is going way too hard in the kool-aid these days. No one said shit about red states being to blame. I actually blamed the lab in China…. and that shit was shipped to Washington via sex trafficked container ship.

I protested for due process when the media spun that shit as a routine traffic stop. I am an officer of the court and that is my right to protest peacefully, wannabe whitey.

Did I strike a nerve? lol?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
@Bastard Factory , can you change the thread title to "Vaccinate and be Outcast" ?

It would be a more accurate representation of the present situation, because these pro vaxx cucks have become unbearable with their CNN Covid rhetoric.
Did you know that everyone in FLorida dieded from the VID?

like, everyone. THe whole state is a barren wasteland right now


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
@Bastard Factory , can you change the thread title to "Vaccinate and be Outcast" ?

It would be a more accurate representation of the present situation, because these pro vaxx cucks have become unbearable with their CNN Covid rhetoric.
Did you know that everyone in FLorida dieded from the VID?

like, everyone. THe whole state is a barren wasteland right now

… except you left out the part where you decided to work remotely from FloriDUH before the pandemic… so you’re going to have to get the vaccine to board a plane. Unless you produce a bootleg vaccine card, but then you’re going to infect everyone in your fam with the delta variant or be proven a fraud online with this absurd political fanatic stance you’ve taken…. Oooohhh noes!

Or you could always drive through Jersey rush hour traffic *gigglesnortz*