

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
LMFAO so how many desperate Indians and Arabs did you want on your FB friendlist anyway? How ironic since you don't like womanizers and chauvinists .. I'm guessing you're a masochist maybe ( scratches head )


Factory Feline
Site Supporter
I don't care if a human has a vagina or a dick or neither. If you do the best you can in life with what you have, even if it isn't very much, and treat people with respect you sleep better at night, even if a majority of idiots in the world are assholes.
We live in a world that is so abrasive and cruel, constantly. Despite this fact, I choose to see people from the inside out, not the other way around, thus it turns gender perceptions into a bit of a myth. ( it also weeds out superficial stereotypes / and "stereo typers" pretty quick )
I've been judged and unfairly criticized all of my life, and the ones that have done the most judging knew me the least ( if at all ) says a lot about this mixed up ball of shit we know as Earth.

I also see people for who they are instead of their package. I could give a shit about gender and know many a trans human.

However, I embrace my abrasive and cruel side, I just am abrasive and cruel to idiots.



Undeniably Plausible
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The Third Rail
Ahhhhh, yes. "Gender is just a myth." Right up there with "Evolution is just a theory."

Both equally silly, and for precisely the same reason.


Undeniably Plausible
Site Supporter
The Third Rail
I just think it's cute that most of the same folks howling about the importance of science when they want to push anthropogenic climate change into other peoples' jobs and wallets then turn their noses up at science when it comes to human biology.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
"I identify as non-binary"
So..you're an it.
"No.. I am not defined by gender ..my name is (insert name) "
Yes..but if your name is not known, how does one refer to you? That He/she/it person over there?

"well no..."
Listen, until the day comes that you can offer some physical representation of this non-binary status.. you're he, she , or it. Pick one. AND please explain how one is to fill out a witness report to authorities without using race or gender?

- to which the topic got changed-

Science.. you can't just pick the good stuff that benefits your perspective. It's an insult to intellect and science itself.


Undeniably Plausible
Site Supporter
The Third Rail
Now, why would people want to see a physical expression of a definite gender? Because that's how evolution shaped our species. Gender is not "a societal construct" any more than society is an evolutionary construct.

Male and female aren't "roles" -- they're evolutionary functions. They are necessary to the survival of the species, and society's conventions stem from the necessity of those functions, not the other way around.

Are there genetic anomalies, increasing in frequency of appearance the farther our technology divorces us from a primal subsistence-level state? Of course. You don't find too many "gender non-conforming" people living in the third world, and that's why -- survival requirements don't allow for such fuckery in those parts of the world. Not coincidentally, you don't find many people there with food allergies, either. The genome there is still a lean, mean, evolution-trimmed, gender-conforming procreation machine.

Meanwhile, people in industrialized nations, insulated from daily survival for the most part, we're like those little rat-sized yap dogs celebutantes carry around in their purses. We're freaks, pathetically mutated, so far divorced from the normal requirements of survival and propagation that we've started to exhibit vast swathes of people whom natural selection would otherwise have culled before they were even widely noticed.


Undeniably Plausible
Site Supporter
The Third Rail
Ehhh, I wouldn't say 'most'. The reason such cases make the news when they're brought to light is actually that they're pretty rare. Or maybe just rarely exposed. What actually is troubling, though, is the agenda to disregard due process when it involves an accusation of rape, which could very well simply weaponize the legal system against men and thereby incentivize more false rape accusations.

What's a man holding a gun to your head compared to a woman holding a court system to your head.

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
Ehhh, I wouldn't say 'most'. The reason such cases make the news when they're brought to light is actually that they're pretty rare. Or maybe just rarely exposed. What actually is troubling, though, is the agenda to disregard due process when it involves an accusation of rape, which could very well simply weaponize the legal system against men and thereby incentivize more false rape accusations.

What's a man holding a gun to your head compared to a woman holding a court system to your head.
They are not rare at all that's how women get revenge or money from a man


Undeniably Plausible
Site Supporter
The Third Rail
Bring in Skepticat. Uzzavize mebby vee cut off yuh Chonson, Lebowski. Yah, Lebowski, yuh viggly peenus. Und zen mebby vee shtomp on it und sqvoosh it.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
Most rapes are false accusations and the ones that aren't women love it anyway so why complain?
You sound like a nonce... Just sayin

Bullshit I'm a man of prestige and honesty. Besides more women rape than men do it's just our society let's them get away with raping and molesting children

Sure... Red flag when a supposed man goes after the fairer sex! Pedo

Poor guy he was only taking them swiming what a bitch she's just mad cuz shes an old hag and trying to punish someone else for her old saggy ass


Vape Nation
Site Supporter
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Most rapes are false accusations and the ones that aren't women love it anyway so why complain?
You sound like a nonce... Just sayin

Bullshit I'm a man of prestige and honesty. Besides more women rape than men do it's just our society let's them get away with raping and molesting children

Sure... Red flag when a supposed man goes after the fairer sex! Pedo

Poor guy he was only taking them swiming what a bitch she's just mad cuz shes an old hag and trying to punish someone else for her old saggy ass

Swimming nonce

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
Most rapes are false accusations and the ones that aren't women love it anyway so why complain?
You sound like a nonce... Just sayin

Bullshit I'm a man of prestige and honesty. Besides more women rape than men do it's just our society let's them get away with raping and molesting children

Sure... Red flag when a supposed man goes after the fairer sex! Pedo

Poor guy he was only taking them swiming what a bitch she's just mad cuz shes an old hag and trying to punish someone else for her old saggy ass

Swimming nonce

More like swimming angle


Vape Nation
Site Supporter
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Most rapes are false accusations and the ones that aren't women love it anyway so why complain?
You sound like a nonce... Just sayin

Bullshit I'm a man of prestige and honesty. Besides more women rape than men do it's just our society let's them get away with raping and molesting children

Sure... Red flag when a supposed man goes after the fairer sex! Pedo

Poor guy he was only taking them swiming what a bitch she's just mad cuz shes an old hag and trying to punish someone else for her old saggy ass

Swimming nonce

More like swimming angle

Yeah ok, I mean you haven’t exactly done yourself any favours... Goodnight nonce, remember if you feel suicidal jump headfirst off the roof...

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
Most rapes are false accusations and the ones that aren't women love it anyway so why complain?
You sound like a nonce... Just sayin

Bullshit I'm a man of prestige and honesty. Besides more women rape than men do it's just our society let's them get away with raping and molesting children

Sure... Red flag when a supposed man goes after the fairer sex! Pedo

Poor guy he was only taking them swiming what a bitch she's just mad cuz shes an old hag and trying to punish someone else for her old saggy ass

Swimming nonce

More like swimming angle

Yeah ok, I mean you haven’t exactly done yourself any favours... Goodnight nonce, remember if you feel suicidal jump headfirst off the roof...

Haters gonna hate I reckon


Vape Nation
Site Supporter
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Most rapes are false accusations and the ones that aren't women love it anyway so why complain?
You sound like a nonce... Just sayin

Bullshit I'm a man of prestige and honesty. Besides more women rape than men do it's just our society let's them get away with raping and molesting children

Sure... Red flag when a supposed man goes after the fairer sex! Pedo

Poor guy he was only taking them swiming what a bitch she's just mad cuz shes an old hag and trying to punish someone else for her old saggy ass

Swimming nonce

More like swimming angle

Yeah ok, I mean you haven’t exactly done yourself any favours... Goodnight nonce, remember if you feel suicidal jump headfirst off the roof...

Haters gonna hate I reckon

Awww I’m sorry, shake?

I’m edgy

Oliver Shagnasty

Honky Tonk Nigger
Site Supporter
Most rapes are false accusations and the ones that aren't women love it anyway so why complain?
You sound like a nonce... Just sayin

Bullshit I'm a man of prestige and honesty. Besides more women rape than men do it's just our society let's them get away with raping and molesting children

Sure... Red flag when a supposed man goes after the fairer sex! Pedo

Poor guy he was only taking them swiming what a bitch she's just mad cuz shes an old hag and trying to punish someone else for her old saggy ass

Swimming nonce

More like swimming angle

Yeah ok, I mean you haven’t exactly done yourself any favours... Goodnight nonce, remember if you feel suicidal jump headfirst off the roof...

Haters gonna hate I reckon

Awww I’m sorry, shake?

I’m edgy

I'll shake your hand in hell if I can reach you from heaven


Vape Nation
Site Supporter
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Most rapes are false accusations and the ones that aren't women love it anyway so why complain?
You sound like a nonce... Just sayin

Bullshit I'm a man of prestige and honesty. Besides more women rape than men do it's just our society let's them get away with raping and molesting children

Sure... Red flag when a supposed man goes after the fairer sex! Pedo

Poor guy he was only taking them swiming what a bitch she's just mad cuz shes an old hag and trying to punish someone else for her old saggy ass

Swimming nonce

More like swimming angle

Yeah ok, I mean you haven’t exactly done yourself any favours... Goodnight nonce, remember if you feel suicidal jump headfirst off the roof...

Haters gonna hate I reckon

Awww I’m sorry, shake?

I’m edgy

I'll shake your hand in hell if I can reach you from heaven
Im sure you will


Factory Feline
Site Supporter
I see both sides.

Yes, gender isn't just an accessory, but to say it's needed for our salvation? Please. This world is so fucking over populated. We need for the populous to all turn "gay" to give this planet half a chance. I mean, imagine if all the people in all the wars/plagues/natural disasters had lived to procreate. Fuck that. Humans need expunged.

What I think most fail to realize is that trans people are genetically different. Not everyone is born with a pretty little XX or XY. There are XXXY, XYY, etc. those with these genetic anomalies often feel they are the gender that matches their XY pattern, not their physical body. Hell, if most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! chicks can think they are thin why can't a person with a vagina but alternate DNA choose what they are? And what about the hermaphrodits? They are sometimes born with functioning plumbing of both genders. Why should they have to choose? Often at birth their parents are strong armed into choosing right then and there what their child "should be". They are mutilated and end up without the ability to have the sex life they should. All of them say pre-op (not the babies, adults) they didn't have "normal" sex/masterbation, but they enjoyed it. After assignment surgery they often loose the ability to even enjoy themselves.

Fuck that.

That being said, fuck these über sensitive shits who cry if you use a gender identifier with them, etc. I get that they go through shit, non-stop, God knows I'd kill, but some of them are way too much. I get labeled a lot, and many assume, even after years of knowing me, that I'll freak if I get meat accidentally in my mouth. Nope. Just spit it out and move on. It's the preachers, the butchers and the moaners, that ruin shit for everyone.


Have kink will travel.
Factory Bastard
I see both sides.

Yes, gender isn't just an accessory, but to say it's needed for our salvation? Please. This world is so fucking over populated. We need for the populous to all turn "gay" to give this planet half a chance. I mean, imagine if all the people in all the wars/plagues/natural disasters had lived to procreate. Fuck that. Humans need expunged.

What I think most fail to realize is that trans people are genetically different. Not everyone is born with a pretty little XX or XY. There are XXXY, XYY, etc. those with these genetic anomalies often feel they are the gender that matches their XY pattern, not their physical body. Hell, if most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! chicks can think they are thin why can't a person with a vagina but alternate DNA choose what they are? And what about the hermaphrodits? They are sometimes born with functioning plumbing of both genders. Why should they have to choose? Often at birth their parents are strong armed into choosing right then and there what their child "should be". They are mutilated and end up without the ability to have the sex life they should. All of them say pre-op (not the babies, adults) they didn't have "normal" sex/masterbation, but they enjoyed it. After assignment surgery they often loose the ability to even enjoy themselves.

Fuck that.

That being said, fuck these über sensitive shits who cry if you use a gender identifier with them, etc. I get that they go through shit, non-stop, God knows I'd kill, but some of them are way too much. I get labeled a lot, and many assume, even after years of knowing me, that I'll freak if I get meat accidentally in my mouth. Nope. Just spit it out and move on. It's the preachers, the butchers and the moaners, that ruin shit for everyone.

What a load of scientifically unsupported bullshit...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Now, why would people want to see a physical expression of a definite gender? Because that's how evolution shaped our species. Gender is not "a societal construct" any more than society is an evolutionary construct.

Male and female aren't "roles" -- they're evolutionary functions. They are necessary to the survival of the species, and society's conventions stem from the necessity of those functions, not the other way around.

Are there genetic anomalies, increasing in frequency of appearance the farther our technology divorces us from a primal subsistence-level state? Of course. You don't find too many "gender non-conforming" people living in the third world, and that's why -- survival requirements don't allow for such fuckery in those parts of the world. Not coincidentally, you don't find many people there with food allergies, either. The genome there is still a lean, mean, evolution-trimmed, gender-conforming procreation machine.

Meanwhile, people in industrialized nations, insulated from daily survival for the most part, we're like those little rat-sized yap dogs celebutantes carry around in their purses. We're freaks, pathetically mutated, so far divorced from the normal requirements of survival and propagation that we've started to exhibit vast swathes of people whom natural selection would otherwise have culled before they were even widely noticed.
I actually have a theory (Just a damned opinion based theory don't freak the fuck out) that in most 1st world countries we are near or over capacity for the planet to support. As Mother Nature does, evolution begins to try to resolve the issue, and this is perhaps part of the reason that we are seeing a rise in LGBT peoples. Those peoples are not as likely to reproduce.

I also believe that by claiming that you are different in some way makes you somewhat invulnerable to criticism. If someone doesn't like your attitude, then they are clearly misogynist, patriarchal. nazi who deserves to be burned alive. So in addition to the perhaps evolutionary change we may be seeing, we are also seeing a societal shift in that direction as well, which I believe probably muddles the numbers.