California's say NO to recall


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Hub is talking about moving to Texas or Florida now. Too many paisa’s overcrowding here anyway. I pray he’s serious
Translation: We need a safe space.

Why don’t you fuck off and die? My husband works for a living. This state caters to bums. We obviously don’t belong here anymore.
Yeah the 5th largest economy in the world. Get over yourself cunt.

I get that you’re one of those useless bums that don’t work. Of course you’d want a useless bum in office.

Isnt it telling, that instead of seeing how unhappy the people they were elected to represent really are and working on fixing that.. that they'll continue to put the blame on the other party? That they'll the people whiney babies? And now calling them "Trumptards"?

Their own people who voted for them....are so miserable they are either leaving or trying to get a recall.....and Democrats STILL try to throw the blame on others.

Imagine what these people could accomplish FOR the people if they EVER took that energy and used it to serve the people... instead of just themselves and their corporate masters.

You see first hand how Democrat/progressive voters do not care one bit about you or any of the people regular people being harmed with these bad policies. They just mock people. They dont care about anyones life, families, jobs....nothing. The modern democrat party are back to their evil roots.
Notice how none of them have been able to cite a single good accomplishment by Newsom

their whole angle is that he is not Trump

Then they ask us what Trump did.....and when we start listing things they either ignore it or call it "lies".

Do you think they EVER ask themselves why they are like this?
And you can see the crying already when they start claiming people who will now vote with their feet need "safe spaces"

Yeah, I'm pretty sure major retailers and other businesses will be looking for "safe spaces" too. Safe from government encouraged theft theft

ANd when that all does come to pass they'll be whining about white flight. Watch
Dude, they were decrying white flight in the early 90's in Cali!

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.

Yeah I remember the Hispanics Latinos really liked Reagan. And after he left the GOP went in an anti immigration rampage and California has gone Democrat ever since.

No, that wasn't Reagan. That was Pete Wilson. He effectively handed California over to the Democrats by attacking Mexicans. He didn't see the handwriting on the wall. Latinos are 40% of the entire state.

I know. Thats what I'm saying.

Reagan, a former New Deal Democrat knew the importance of coalitions.

And Hispanics being pro life Catholics should have been a natural ally for the Republican Party.

Actually the GOP had a lock on the Hispanic vote but threw it all away when their prejudices got the better of them.

What prejudice? The ones the Democrats just accuse others of so they can get votes by smearing opposition? Or do you have a specific?

Every Hispanic person I know still supports Trump.

More Latinos voted for Joe Biden, that's a simple fact.

no one hates Donnie Dump as much as the California and Arizona Mexicans lol

I know many that don’t tho.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.

Yeah I remember the Hispanics Latinos really liked Reagan. And after he left the GOP went in an anti immigration rampage and California has gone Democrat ever since.

No, that wasn't Reagan. That was Pete Wilson. He effectively handed California over to the Democrats by attacking Mexicans. He didn't see the handwriting on the wall. Latinos are 40% of the entire state.

I know. Thats what I'm saying.

Reagan, a former New Deal Democrat knew the importance of coalitions.

And Hispanics being pro life Catholics should have been a natural ally for the Republican Party.

Actually the GOP had a lock on the Hispanic vote but threw it all away when their prejudices got the better of them.

What prejudice? The ones the Democrats just accuse others of so they can get votes by smearing opposition? Or do you have a specific?

Every Hispanic person I know still supports Trump.

More Latinos voted for Joe Biden, that's a simple fact.

no one hates Donnie Dump as much as the California and Arizona Mexicans lol

I know many that don’t tho.

The problem is a lot of the time we judge what's happening among the people we know. That's not how it always is, a Mexican poster came up with this and I saw it a lot among Latinos on social media like FB, etc.


For the Spanish impaired: the pun here is "cool arrow" which is the Anglicized pronunciation of "culero", or "asshole".
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
And if we make it nearly impossible for them to get into the country? Then what?


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
Trumptards on suicide watch


But if you are going to do it, make it big and splashy*


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.

Yeah I remember the Hispanics Latinos really liked Reagan. And after he left the GOP went in an anti immigration rampage and California has gone Democrat ever since.

No, that wasn't Reagan. That was Pete Wilson. He effectively handed California over to the Democrats by attacking Mexicans. He didn't see the handwriting on the wall. Latinos are 40% of the entire state.

I know. Thats what I'm saying.

Reagan, a former New Deal Democrat knew the importance of coalitions.

And Hispanics being pro life Catholics should have been a natural ally for the Republican Party.

Actually the GOP had a lock on the Hispanic vote but threw it all away when their prejudices got the better of them.

What prejudice? The ones the Democrats just accuse others of so they can get votes by smearing opposition? Or do you have a specific?

Every Hispanic person I know still supports Trump.

More Latinos voted for Joe Biden, that's a simple fact.

no one hates Donnie Dump as much as the California and Arizona Mexicans lol

Well yah no wonder.

He referred to them as rapists and murderers.

Hardly a winning message.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
Well, if that were the entirety, the GOP doesnt run things in Cali whatsoever now so democRATs should have been able to fix the problem long ago.

Illegal immigration policy falls under federal jurisdiction, not the states or territories. K street will not allow for the sanctioning of employers.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.

Yeah I remember the Hispanics Latinos really liked Reagan. And after he left the GOP went in an anti immigration rampage and California has gone Democrat ever since.

No, that wasn't Reagan. That was Pete Wilson. He effectively handed California over to the Democrats by attacking Mexicans. He didn't see the handwriting on the wall. Latinos are 40% of the entire state.

I know. Thats what I'm saying.

Reagan, a former New Deal Democrat knew the importance of coalitions.

And Hispanics being pro life Catholics should have been a natural ally for the Republican Party.

Actually the GOP had a lock on the Hispanic vote but threw it all away when their prejudices got the better of them.

What prejudice? The ones the Democrats just accuse others of so they can get votes by smearing opposition? Or do you have a specific?

Every Hispanic person I know still supports Trump.

More Latinos voted for Joe Biden, that's a simple fact.

no one hates Donnie Dump as much as the California and Arizona Mexicans lol

Well yah no wonder.

He referred to them as rapists and murderers.

Hardly a winning message.

Yes, yes he did.

I didn't care for Donald Trump much before he ran. I thought he was a tool, his show was fucking lame, his birtherism was fucking lame. But I didn't despise him.

Then he came down that elevator to say that shit. I was like FUCK THAT PUTO.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
And if we make it nearly impossible for them to get into the country? Then what?

You can’t run a wall through the Rio Grande. They have been swimming here since California was made a state. You’re only an immigration prevention hype man now because Donnie was trying sooo desperately to beat Obama’s ICE numbers.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Have we been able to locate a Gavin Newsom policy that has impacted Californian's in a positive way?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.

I find it hilarious that the side who initially supported slavery is now complaining about not being able to keep
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
And if we make it nearly impossible for them to get into the country? Then what?

You can’t run a wall through the Rio Grande. They have been swimming here since California was made a state. You’re only an immigration prevention hype man now because Donnie was trying sooo desperately to beat Obama’s ICE numbers.
Why didn't dems cry when Obama put these "ICE numbers" on the board then?

asking for a friend


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.

I find it hilarious that the side who initially supported slavery is now complaining about not being able to keep
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
And if we make it nearly impossible for them to get into the country? Then what?

You can’t run a wall through the Rio Grande. They have been swimming here since California was made a state. You’re only an immigration prevention hype man now because Donnie was trying sooo desperately to beat Obama’s ICE numbers.

El Paso is named El Paso (The Pass) because it is an ancient Native American trading route between Natives in Mexico and Natives in New Mexico, Utah, etc.

Natives in Mexico and natives in the United States speak Uto-Aztecan languages. Basically, they're "cousins".

"The Uto-Aztecan language family is one of the largest linguistic families in the Americas in terms of number of speakers, number of languages, and geographic extension.
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The northernmost Uto-Aztecan language is
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, which is spoken as far north as
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, while the southernmost is the
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Hey guise. Peepole are always gonna commit murder anyway


Abolish Homicide laws NOW.

write your legislators


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.

I find it hilarious that the side who initially supported slavery is now complaining about not being able to keep
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
And if we make it nearly impossible for them to get into the country? Then what?

You can’t run a wall through the Rio Grande. They have been swimming here since California was made a state. You’re only an immigration prevention hype man now because Donnie was trying sooo desperately to beat Obama’s ICE numbers.
Why didn't dems cry when Obama put these "ICE numbers" on the board then?

asking for a friend

It’s irrelevant… but whenever the economy is in the shitter, the Republitards play this card.

My mom even brought the issues at the boarder up when we were discussing her being a Trumper… and I had to show her that we will always have this issue at the boarder and there are already departments who are paid to handle it.

Her biggest argument was “well all these people keep showing up!” And I’m like it’s gonna keep happening, mama. Until we buy Mexico we will need boarder patrol. Get over it. It’s not our problem. We pay taxes to not worry about this shit.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.

I find it hilarious that the side who initially supported slavery is now complaining about not being able to keep
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
And if we make it nearly impossible for them to get into the country? Then what?

You can’t run a wall through the Rio Grande. They have been swimming here since California was made a state. You’re only an immigration prevention hype man now because Donnie was trying sooo desperately to beat Obama’s ICE numbers.
Why didn't dems cry when Obama put these "ICE numbers" on the board then?

asking for a friend

It’s irrelevant… but whenever the economy is in the shitter, the Republitards play this card.

My mom even brought the issues at the boarder up when we were discussing her being a Trumper… and I had to show her that we will always have this issue at the boarder and there are already departments who are paid to handle it.

Her biggest argument was “well all these people keep showing up!” And I’m like it’s gonna keep happening, mama. Until we buy Mexico we will need boarder patrol. Get over it. It’s not our problem. We pay taxes to not worry about this shit.
Awesome back pedal. LOving it :ThumbsUp1:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
And if we make it nearly impossible for them to get into the country? Then what?

You can’t run a wall through the Rio Grande. They have been swimming here since California was made a state. You’re only an immigration prevention hype man now because Donnie was trying sooo desperately to beat Obama’s ICE numbers.

Latin America should lower their birth rates.

Rather than view Mexico's Decision to allow Abortions as bad, pro life Republican7s ought to see it as a relief. Hopefully following Mexico's lead, the rest of Latin America will allow it too & give beleaguered Americans overrun with illegals some relief.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.

I find it hilarious that the side who initially supported slavery is now complaining about not being able to keep
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
And if we make it nearly impossible for them to get into the country? Then what?

You can’t run a wall through the Rio Grande. They have been swimming here since California was made a state. You’re only an immigration prevention hype man now because Donnie was trying sooo desperately to beat Obama’s ICE numbers.
Why didn't dems cry when Obama put these "ICE numbers" on the board then?

asking for a friend

It’s irrelevant… but whenever the economy is in the shitter, the Republitards play this card.

My mom even brought the issues at the boarder up when we were discussing her being a Trumper… and I had to show her that we will always have this issue at the boarder and there are already departments who are paid to handle it.

Her biggest argument was “well all these people keep showing up!” And I’m like it’s gonna keep happening, mama. Until we buy Mexico we will need boarder patrol. Get over it. It’s not our problem. We pay taxes to not worry about this shit.

We don't need to buy Mexico. We just need to go after employers that give them jobs.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
And if we make it nearly impossible for them to get into the country? Then what?

You can’t run a wall through the Rio Grande. They have been swimming here since California was made a state. You’re only an immigration prevention hype man now because Donnie was trying sooo desperately to beat Obama’s ICE numbers.

They should lower their birth rates.

Rather than view Mexico's Decision to allow Abortions, they ought to see it as a relief. Hopefully following Mexico's lead, the rest of Latin America will allow it too & give beleaguered Americans overrun with illegals some relief.

Mexico has lowered their birth rates, tremendously. In the early 60's it was about 7 births per fertile female. It's down to 2.4 and the US is 2.1, not that much different anymore.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.

I find it hilarious that the side who initially supported slavery is now complaining about not being able to keep
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
And if we make it nearly impossible for them to get into the country? Then what?

You can’t run a wall through the Rio Grande. They have been swimming here since California was made a state. You’re only an immigration prevention hype man now because Donnie was trying sooo desperately to beat Obama’s ICE numbers.
Why didn't dems cry when Obama put these "ICE numbers" on the board then?

asking for a friend

It’s irrelevant… but whenever the economy is in the shitter, the Republitards play this card.

My mom even brought the issues at the boarder up when we were discussing her being a Trumper… and I had to show her that we will always have this issue at the boarder and there are already departments who are paid to handle it.

Her biggest argument was “well all these people keep showing up!” And I’m like it’s gonna keep happening, mama. Until we buy Mexico we will need boarder patrol. Get over it. It’s not our problem. We pay taxes to not worry about this shit.

We don't need to buy Mexico. We just need to go after employers that give them jobs.
Assume for just a second that we could immediately wipe out every 10.00 an hour off the books job in an instant.

What happens to the millions that were using those jobs to support themselves? Do they simply radio back to the enterprise and ask Scotty to beam them back into Mexico?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.

I find it hilarious that the side who initially supported slavery is now complaining about not being able to keep
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
And if we make it nearly impossible for them to get into the country? Then what?

You can’t run a wall through the Rio Grande. They have been swimming here since California was made a state. You’re only an immigration prevention hype man now because Donnie was trying sooo desperately to beat Obama’s ICE numbers.
Why didn't dems cry when Obama put these "ICE numbers" on the board then?

asking for a friend

It’s irrelevant… but whenever the economy is in the shitter, the Republitards play this card.

My mom even brought the issues at the boarder up when we were discussing her being a Trumper… and I had to show her that we will always have this issue at the boarder and there are already departments who are paid to handle it.

Her biggest argument was “well all these people keep showing up!” And I’m like it’s gonna keep happening, mama. Until we buy Mexico we will need boarder patrol. Get over it. It’s not our problem. We pay taxes to not worry about this shit.

We don't need to buy Mexico. We just need to go after employers that give them jobs.

as long as we have big rigs coming in and out of Mexico across our borders… the city of commerce is the perfect example… we will have illegals coming into this country


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.

I find it hilarious that the side who initially supported slavery is now complaining about not being able to keep
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
And if we make it nearly impossible for them to get into the country? Then what?

You can’t run a wall through the Rio Grande. They have been swimming here since California was made a state. You’re only an immigration prevention hype man now because Donnie was trying sooo desperately to beat Obama’s ICE numbers.
Why didn't dems cry when Obama put these "ICE numbers" on the board then?

asking for a friend

It’s irrelevant… but whenever the economy is in the shitter, the Republitards play this card.

My mom even brought the issues at the boarder up when we were discussing her being a Trumper… and I had to show her that we will always have this issue at the boarder and there are already departments who are paid to handle it.

Her biggest argument was “well all these people keep showing up!” And I’m like it’s gonna keep happening, mama. Until we buy Mexico we will need boarder patrol. Get over it. It’s not our problem. We pay taxes to not worry about this shit.

We don't need to buy Mexico. We just need to go after employers that give them jobs.
Assume for just a second that we could immediately wipe out every 10.00 an hour off the books job in an instant.

What happens to the millions that were using those jobs to support themselves? Do they simply radio back to the enterprise and ask Scotty to beam them back into Mexico?

They will go back on their own.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.

I find it hilarious that the side who initially supported slavery is now complaining about not being able to keep
I think his observation is astute tbh.

I know ALL of my friends here are furious over Republicans trying to force their extreme Christianity ideologies on women… and I’m talking about educated women who are raising children and holding down careers and own property, etc.

As it pertains to abortion, there may be some truth to that. I don't think that the average California voter was focused on the domestic violence allegations against him though. It was about the GOP power grab.

Translated: "See what we did in Texas? Well we're gonna do that to you if we take over California."

Yes, that is how it was perceived for some. More importantly, see what is happening with Covid over there, we can do that for you too.

Are you referring to rising Covid rates in Texas?

Yes, Texas and Florida were/are in the midst of huge surges. Elder said if he won, he was eliminating any Covid mandates.

He knew he might have a chance if he said that…. but we are too large a state with heavy tourism to have no mandates. Sorry, not sorry for pointing out the painfully obvious.

Larry Elder made an impression as a mean Republican rather than one with a Kinder gentler persona like Ronald Reagan. Reagan understood that to win his party had to appeal to the American voter. The present crop of Republicans could learn from him.

Reagan put the force of his administration behind "amnesty". There is no way the GOP of today would elect anyone like Reagan today.
Sorry bitch, but that was a deal he made with you people in good faith. Of course your side didnt hold up your end of the bargan cause you've always been liars. It was one of Reagans biggest regrets....trusting democRATs at their word.

There is no way that the stem of immigration will end until your party agrees to sanctioning employers. No jobs, no illegals.
Maybe this is a very narrow thing we might agree on, probably for different reasons. I would shut businesses down that employ illegals. However, the fact remains that democrats didnt hold up their end of the bargain with Reagan.

Nothing they could have done would stop the flow. Desperate people are going to do desperate things. Employers should be fined, prosecuted, etc. However, the Chamber of Commerce GOPers were having none of it, along with major agricultural & meat packing industries, hospitality industry and construction.

Cheap labor is too attractive.
And if we make it nearly impossible for them to get into the country? Then what?

You can’t run a wall through the Rio Grande. They have been swimming here since California was made a state. You’re only an immigration prevention hype man now because Donnie was trying sooo desperately to beat Obama’s ICE numbers.
Why didn't dems cry when Obama put these "ICE numbers" on the board then?

asking for a friend

It’s irrelevant… but whenever the economy is in the shitter, the Republitards play this card.

My mom even brought the issues at the boarder up when we were discussing her being a Trumper… and I had to show her that we will always have this issue at the boarder and there are already departments who are paid to handle it.

Her biggest argument was “well all these people keep showing up!” And I’m like it’s gonna keep happening, mama. Until we buy Mexico we will need boarder patrol. Get over it. It’s not our problem. We pay taxes to not worry about this shit.

We don't need to buy Mexico. We just need to go after employers that give them jobs.
Assume for just a second that we could immediately wipe out every 10.00 an hour off the books job in an instant.

What happens to the millions that were using those jobs to support themselves? Do they simply radio back to the enterprise and ask Scotty to beam them back into Mexico?

You act like it’s so easy for them to remain here. Immigration law is a mofo.

If they commit any crimes even when they are here legally, we ship them back on a bus.

Wake up.