This thread is not about Dovey!


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Even though he wasn't remotely white, if he ever existed, which you also seem unable to prove.

Of course he was white. It's why he gave them permission to kill all the blacks, browns, reds and yellows they could get away with.

That is racist ^^^^^

I'm sorry you're not aware of the numbers of black, brown, red (virtually eliminated) and yellow that have been killed at the hand of whites.

It doesn't say much for Australian education.
Have you seen the murder stats recently fuckface? Your version of history is fuckin bent as well, every race has murdered other races in wars etc yet you single whites out because we were the best at it!

No race has the numbers that yours has. Fact.
Yeah because we were the best at it, should we just have lay down and be murdered ya thick fuck? "Oh we better not win this war otherwise we'll be held accountable for it by fat privileged fucks in 2022 that have never known our struggles" fuckin spoon!
There's been way worse genocides in history that non whites commited, Gengis kahn etc etc


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Even though he wasn't remotely white, if he ever existed, which you also seem unable to prove.

Of course he was white. It's why he gave them permission to kill all the blacks, browns, reds and yellows they could get away with.

That is racist ^^^^^

I'm sorry you're not aware of the numbers of black, brown, red (virtually eliminated) and yellow that have been killed at the hand of whites.

It doesn't say much for Australian education.
Have you seen the murder stats recently fuckface? Your version of history is fuckin bent as well, every race has murdered other races in wars etc yet you single whites out because we were the best at it!

No race has the numbers that yours has. Fact.
Yeah because we were the best at it, should we just have lay down and be murdered ya thick fuck? "Oh we better not win this war otherwise we'll be held accountable for it by fat privileged fucks in 2022 that have never known our struggles" fuckin spoon!
There's been way worse genocides in history that non whites commited, Gengis kahn etc etc
Medes and Persians....


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Even though he wasn't remotely white, if he ever existed, which you also seem unable to prove.

Of course he was white. It's why he gave them permission to kill all the blacks, browns, reds and yellows they could get away with.

That is racist ^^^^^

I'm sorry you're not aware of the numbers of black, brown, red (virtually eliminated) and yellow that have been killed at the hand of whites.

It doesn't say much for Australian education.
Have you seen the murder stats recently fuckface? Your version of history is fuckin bent as well, every race has murdered other races in wars etc yet you single whites out because we were the best at it!

No race has the numbers that yours has. Fact.
Yeah because we were the best at it, should we just have lay down and be murdered ya thick fuck? "Oh we better not win this war otherwise we'll be held accountable for it by fat privileged fucks in 2022 that have never known our struggles" fuckin spoon!
There's been way worse genocides in history that non whites commited, Gengis kahn etc etc
Medes and Persians....
The crusades although I'm not sure if that was the Persians or Muslims on the whole? These people forget that British colonialism brought many great things to those countries and we most certainly weren't savages... I think people like Lily are just stuck on Indians and Hitler that's it, that's all the history that's required for judgement...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The crusades were a Catholic clergy thing where they confiscated money from suspected Jews and burned them at the stake... heretics and witches included. They would even dig up graves, burn bones and take the money off relatives of the dead bones of suspected Jews. It was really a terrible time and lasted 300 years.

It was called, the Spanish Inquisition.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
The crusades were a Catholic clergy thing where they confiscated money from suspected Jews and burned them at the stake... heretics and witches included. They would even dig up graves, burn bones and take the money off relatives of the dead bones of suspected Jews. It was really a terrible time and lasted 300 years.

It was called, the Spanish Inquisition.
Yeah on our end it was catholic but Saracen hoardes invaded Europe, they raped and murdered southern Europe to fuck...


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
The crusades were a response to the muslim invasion I thought? :Confused4: Doesn't matter anyway the point is every race has been dirty at some point but even in 2022 some are still at it...

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
lily waited all night in her best Vomiting Secrets lingerie and breakfall never showed :LOL3:


Domestically feral
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United states
Well I dont even know if two of my three kiddos had breakfast. One of them had berries and pancakes, though.

Guess which one?! :D


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The crusades were a response to the muslim invasion I thought? :Confused4: Doesn't matter anyway the point is every race has been dirty at some point but even in 2022 some are still at it...

I already made the point when she racialy attacked Europians way back in this thread. It is good you stood up to it too...

I would LOVE a time machine... I'd fucking stick them (racists like Blandscape, Lily and whoever) in the Tardis and send them back 3 or 4 hundred years and say, "take this, you spoiled little compaining shits," and see what a real life of drudgery looks like.

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Blandscape's a Jew, hating on whitey is ingrained in his DNA. Poarka is just an indoctrinated and empowered 'Murican libtard, who has memorised all the Cultural Marxist talking points she's had drummed into her over the years by the MSM.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The crusades were a response to the muslim invasion I thought? :Confused4: Doesn't matter anyway the point is every race has been dirty at some point but even in 2022 some are still at it...

anyone who didn't convert to Catholicism was considered for a burning alive on a pyre, including Muslims.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
If Lily had ridden a peloton bike for as many hours as she was fiercely anger posting last night, she would have shed 200 pounds.


Bastard of the Century
Site Supporter ☠️
I spent a couple of hours reading the last 30 pages of this now-classic thread ("*****" -The Biggie Smiles Gazette) and I have to admit I was impressed that none of the hair-pulling participants brought up politics.

There's yet hope for America.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Feces is gross.
Are the communists in the room with your right this second? Did they bring their hammers and sickles?

Maybe she's afraid we'll try to revive Glasnost???


Dove doesn't not appreciate you confusing her with communist snot, Flynn!
Dovzo doesn’t appreciate anybody who doesn’t believe her shit.

She’s been getting dog walked for a couple days now already.

Notice how Dovey has "Terf Warrior Queen" on her profile. Gee, could it more bullshit? As no one here sees her as "tough" or a "queen" except for Aryan Fake Picture Poster and Jokemar's "6 million foot clit."

Also notice, she didn't use the word "smart" under her avatar.

Hey do you have your Glass shot shoved in your fuck hole you retarded fucking fuck?

Fuck your dog on twitter.

Someone's triggered.

Spell "empiracle" for me.


More like spastic galloping

Dovey's soo damn stupid, she'll fuck that up too and call it "Glassnost."
Dovzo is in such streamlined “me first” mode right now she’s still babbling about Twitter.

It’s like saying your stupid without saying your stupid.

Who knew she'd be more triggered by Twitter than Marjorie Taylor Green? I didn't.
Sad reacts only plz.

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I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
You know what's really funny? Right now, there is an individual from the forum, whom will remain anonymous out of respect, who is telling me how hot I am.

Right now, literally just 2 minutes ago. Even as I push back with 'you're silly'...

It's a strange place to be having two ideas 180 degrees in opposition from one another at the same time. Trippy really...
^^^^^^ as if the gaseous giant couldn't be gassed up anymore here she is getting all giddy cause someone is gassing her up :LOL3:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I spent a couple of hours reading the last 30 pages of this now-classic thread ("*****" -The Biggie Smiles Gazette) and I have to admit I was impressed that none of the hair-pulling participants brought up politics.

There's yet hope for America.

And that just got ruined.

There is no hope here! See how fast hope dies when a leftists shows up? Just sayin.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
Feces is gross.
Are the communists in the room with your right this second? Did they bring their hammers and sickles?

Maybe she's afraid we'll try to revive Glasnost???


Dove doesn't not appreciate you confusing her with communist snot, Flynn!
Dovzo doesn’t appreciate anybody who doesn’t believe her shit.

She’s been getting dog walked for a couple days now already.

Notice how Dovey has "Terf Warrior Queen" on her profile. Gee, could it more bullshit? As no one here sees her as "tough" or a "queen" except for Aryan Fake Picture Poster and Jokemar's "6 million foot clit."

Also notice, she didn't use the word "smart" under her avatar.

Hey do you have your Glass shot shoved in your fuck hole you retarded fucking fuck?

Fuck your dog on twitter.

Someone's triggered.

Spell "empiracle" for me.


More like spastic galloping

Dovey's soo damn stupid, she'll fuck that up too and call it "Glassnost."
Dovzo is in such streamlined “me first” mode right now she’s still babbling about Twitter.

It’s like saying your stupid without saying your stupid.

Who knew she'd be more triggered by Twitter than Marjorie Taylor Green? I didn't.
Sad reacts only plz.

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Is margorie in the room with us now?

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
This is quite a succinct history of the crusades. For once Wiki gets it just about right.

The Crusades were a series of religious wars initiated, supported, and sometimes directed by the
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in the
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. The best known of these Crusades are those to the
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in the period between 1095 and 1291 that were intended to recover
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area from
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. Concurrent military activities in the
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against the
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) and in northern Europe against pagan
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peoples (the
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) also became known as crusades. Through the 15th century, other church-sanctioned crusades were fought against heretical Christian sects, against the Byzantine and Ottoman empires, to combat paganism and heresy, and for political reasons. Unsanctioned by the church,
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of ordinary citizens were also frequent. Beginning with the
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which resulted in the recovery of Jerusalem in 1099, dozens of Crusades were fought, providing a focal point of European history for centuries.

In 1095, Pope
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proclaimed the First Crusade at the
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. He encouraged military support for
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against the
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and called for an armed pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Across all social strata in western Europe, there was an enthusiastic popular response. The first Crusaders had a variety of motivations, including religious salvation, satisfying feudal obligations, opportunities for renown, and economic or political advantage. Later crusades were generally conducted by more organized armies, sometimes led by a king. All were granted papal
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. Initial successes established four
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: the
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; the
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; the
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; and the
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. The Crusader presence remained in the region in some form until the
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in 1291. After this, there were no further crusades to recover the Holy Land.

Proclaimed a crusade in 1123, the struggle between the
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in the
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was called the
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by Christians, and only ended in 1492 with the fall of the Muslim
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. From 1147,
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against pagan tribes were considered crusades. In 1199,
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began the practice of proclaiming political crusades against Christian
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. In the 13th century, crusading was used against the
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and against
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; this practice continued against the
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and the
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in the 15th century and against
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in the 16th. From the mid-14th century, crusading rhetoric was used in response to the rise of the
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, only ending in 1699 with the
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Source page

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