I went to my Grandson's School District School Board Meeting Last Night, I am still angry.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Yea, cause thats exactly the same as teaching them to love faggits....
Nobody teaches children to love homosexuality.

I wish they'd stop lying.
It seems that conservatives only know how to lie. No wonder America is in such a state.
Oh aye I forgot you're a liberal now...


I have always lent that way and went with you guys for the ride. We’re still mates though surely? Lol
Oh I dunno; turncoats can be tricky customers... :Happy5:


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.

Hate to break it to you, but social norms change since they're dynamic and not static.

Oh, I agree. But they can't be "stool-pushed" from above. Such societal change should occur naturally and incrementally, according to The People's consensus.

Note: If you need a definition of "stool-push," just ask Admin.

They are being pushed from the younger generations. I must admit at times I'm perturbed by some of the rapidly changing norms. Then I have to do some self-assessment.

I sometimes have to admit on how maybe I'm too old to embrace these changes. Other times I stand firm, for instance said individual may want be referred to as a female. Cool, doesn't do anything to harm me. However, don't give me the bullshit that transwomen have periods.

No uterus, not period, end of story.

I draw lines on those types of issues. Others, I'm willing to move the line.

Then what were your objections to the Florida Parental Rights Bill again?
What are you perceptions on it's purpose and necessity, were toddler's being taught bj techniques in Kindergarten, or what?

As a parent ... I would object to subjects of human sexuality and gender included in the public school curricula for children between the ages of 5 and 8. If you are not a parent, then try to imagine, if you would, that you were a parent and your local school included in its curricula such materials.

You see no potential problems with this, especially with today's atmosphere of pervert activism where LGBTQRYXZ##?/* activist types hold parades every spring and toss phallus-shaped candies to the little children lining the streets?

children are already aware of their sexuality by the age 3-5

but I agree that this is not something that needs to be discussed at an elementary level… you can teach tolerance and mold them into being kind without that tho.

Perhaps I’m more tolerant because I was a cross-dresser in elementary school who wore Jimmy Z t-shirts, vans and rode a skateboard.

We learned about sexuality in 10th grade religion class and by then we were already making out and some us were having sex. The archdiocese is more concerned with appeasing the parents who pay them.

No, dear, children are not aware of their sexuality at 3-5. Their bodies simply lack the hormones to activate the drives connected to sexuality or gender identification. That is the science.

And the experience you relate sounds to be like you were what is classically referred to as a "Tomboy" and that you learned about human sexuality they way humans have learned about it from the very beginning: from other kids.

Let the kids learn about these thing organically, the way all of us who have come before learned about it ourselves.

It disturbs me that the "Left" is so disturbed because people are waking up to what has been going on in our schools for a long time with homosexual and now "transgender" activism being incorporated into the school curricula for little kids. It's not right and should be opposed by everyone who isn't insane or a pervert.

I beg to differ about kids being aware of sexual feelings in their bodies at that age. I know one of my kids noticed that water running over their genitalia in the bathtub felt pretty good.

It taught me something.

Look up the actual science of it, dear. Children between 0-5 years old simply do not and cannot have any kind of "sexual" drives operating. It is physiologically impossible. Follow the fucking Science.

This is someone who once argued with me that HIV and AIDs were two different viruses.

And even after I gave a few very coherent explainations that AIDs is a condition caused by HIV....that a person with HIV can move into AIDs and come out of AIDs(its about the number of Tcells, once you get below a certain number of Tcells you are at AIDs status. And you can replenish those Tcells and go back to HIV status) she still argued this.

And I showed several medical sources explaining it and she just said that she wasnt reading any of that and that I'm wrong and shes right.

So.....science to her is whatever she wants it to be and she wont learn anything or listen to shit.

If shes saying that human beings age 0-5 have sexuality....than that's what shes gonna claim no matter how wrong she is. Or how preverse this fucking thinking is. I literally have education in ECD(early childhood development) and I know for fact that there is no sexuality involved in this stage of human development and children this young do not even think about this. Do not understand it. And cannot process it.

At this age they may wonder about where babies come from. That's the most "sexual" thing they will wonder about. It has nothing to do with sex....its just curiosity about how babies happen.

Children this age may and often masturbate. Which again.....has NOTHING to do with sex or sexuality. Its completely innocent.

Her stupid "side" wants to force topics of adult sexuality onto 5 through 9 year olds and thusly shes gonna argue for that and take the opportunity to shit on everyone who thinks differently than her, use it as a way to slam religion(regardless that religion has nothing to do with this), refuse to even read the bill or understand the issue and actually argue that 5 year olds are sexual beings and not a thing said is gonna make her think or consider anything outside of what she wants to think.

She will get even more incoherent and hateful long before she alters her perception and thinks about anything outside of her (often embarrassingly false and hair brained) ideas that she pulls out of her ass.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.

Still into raping Asian women?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.

Hate to break it to you, but social norms change since they're dynamic and not static.

Oh, I agree. But they can't be "stool-pushed" from above. Such societal change should occur naturally and incrementally, according to The People's consensus.

Note: If you need a definition of "stool-push," just ask Admin.

They are being pushed from the younger generations. I must admit at times I'm perturbed by some of the rapidly changing norms. Then I have to do some self-assessment.

I sometimes have to admit on how maybe I'm too old to embrace these changes. Other times I stand firm, for instance said individual may want be referred to as a female. Cool, doesn't do anything to harm me. However, don't give me the bullshit that transwomen have periods.

No uterus, not period, end of story.

I draw lines on those types of issues. Others, I'm willing to move the line.

Then what were your objections to the Florida Parental Rights Bill again?
What are you perceptions on it's purpose and necessity, were toddler's being taught bj techniques in Kindergarten, or what?

As a parent ... I would object to subjects of human sexuality and gender included in the public school curricula for children between the ages of 5 and 8. If you are not a parent, then try to imagine, if you would, that you were a parent and your local school included in its curricula such materials.

You see no potential problems with this, especially with today's atmosphere of pervert activism where LGBTQRYXZ##?/* activist types hold parades every spring and toss phallus-shaped candies to the little children lining the streets?

children are already aware of their sexuality by the age 3-5

but I agree that this is not something that needs to be discussed at an elementary level… you can teach tolerance and mold them into being kind without that tho.

Perhaps I’m more tolerant because I was a cross-dresser in elementary school who wore Jimmy Z t-shirts, vans and rode a skateboard.

We learned about sexuality in 10th grade religion class and by then we were already making out and some us were having sex. The archdiocese is more concerned with appeasing the parents who pay them.

No, dear, children are not aware of their sexuality at 3-5. Their bodies simply lack the hormones to activate the drives connected to sexuality or gender identification. That is the science.

And the experience you relate sounds to be like you were what is classically referred to as a "Tomboy" and that you learned about human sexuality they way humans have learned about it from the very beginning: from other kids.

Let the kids learn about these thing organically, the way all of us who have come before learned about it ourselves.

It disturbs me that the "Left" is so disturbed because people are waking up to what has been going on in our schools for a long time with homosexual and now "transgender" activism being incorporated into the school curricula for little kids. It's not right and should be opposed by everyone who isn't insane or a pervert.

I beg to differ about kids being aware of sexual feelings in their bodies at that age. I know one of my kids noticed that water running over their genitalia in the bathtub felt pretty good.

It taught me something.

Look up the actual science of it, dear. Children between 0-5 years old simply do not and cannot have any kind of "sexual" drives operating. It is physiologically impossible. Follow the fucking Science.
I have the memory of an elephant. When I was 5 years old, I can remember showing my peepee to my girlfriend Tracey in pre-school, she then showed me her peepee. And we both got really excited and found the experience to be positively weiner-beaner good. Yay!

When I was 5 I never even thought about sex, sexuality or "peepees" and I would have been very uncomfortable if that info was pushed on me in a hostage audience after nap time.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?
Show me the text books and or lesson plans where first graders learn about fisting and pulling trains and hot man to man butt sex, or stfu.

We have literally shown several things and given many examples of the content that is being pushed back on by parents.

So even if you are shown....and you have been....you dont look at anything.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.

Hate to break it to you, but social norms change since they're dynamic and not static.

Oh, I agree. But they can't be "stool-pushed" from above. Such societal change should occur naturally and incrementally, according to The People's consensus.

Note: If you need a definition of "stool-push," just ask Admin.

They are being pushed from the younger generations. I must admit at times I'm perturbed by some of the rapidly changing norms. Then I have to do some self-assessment.

I sometimes have to admit on how maybe I'm too old to embrace these changes. Other times I stand firm, for instance said individual may want be referred to as a female. Cool, doesn't do anything to harm me. However, don't give me the bullshit that transwomen have periods.

No uterus, not period, end of story.

I draw lines on those types of issues. Others, I'm willing to move the line.

Then what were your objections to the Florida Parental Rights Bill again?
What are you perceptions on it's purpose and necessity, were toddler's being taught bj techniques in Kindergarten, or what?

As a parent ... I would object to subjects of human sexuality and gender included in the public school curricula for children between the ages of 5 and 8. If you are not a parent, then try to imagine, if you would, that you were a parent and your local school included in its curricula such materials.

You see no potential problems with this, especially with today's atmosphere of pervert activism where LGBTQRYXZ##?/* activist types hold parades every spring and toss phallus-shaped candies to the little children lining the streets?

children are already aware of their sexuality by the age 3-5

but I agree that this is not something that needs to be discussed at an elementary level… you can teach tolerance and mold them into being kind without that tho.

Perhaps I’m more tolerant because I was a cross-dresser in elementary school who wore Jimmy Z t-shirts, vans and rode a skateboard.

We learned about sexuality in 10th grade religion class and by then we were already making out and some us were having sex. The archdiocese is more concerned with appeasing the parents who pay them.

No, dear, children are not aware of their sexuality at 3-5. Their bodies simply lack the hormones to activate the drives connected to sexuality or gender identification. That is the science.

And the experience you relate sounds to be like you were what is classically referred to as a "Tomboy" and that you learned about human sexuality they way humans have learned about it from the very beginning: from other kids.

Let the kids learn about these thing organically, the way all of us who have come before learned about it ourselves.

It disturbs me that the "Left" is so disturbed because people are waking up to what has been going on in our schools for a long time with homosexual and now "transgender" activism being incorporated into the school curricula for little kids. It's not right and should be opposed by everyone who isn't insane or a pervert.

I beg to differ about kids being aware of sexual feelings in their bodies at that age. I know one of my kids noticed that water running over their genitalia in the bathtub felt pretty good.

It taught me something.

Look up the actual science of it, dear. Children between 0-5 years old simply do not and cannot have any kind of "sexual" drives operating. It is physiologically impossible. Follow the fucking Science.
I have the memory of an elephant. When I was 5 years old, I can remember showing my peepee to my girlfriend Tracey in pre-school, she then showed me her peepee. And we both got really excited and found the experience to be positively weiner-beaner good. Yay!

I had a similar experience with a girl named Susan, but neither of us had the slightest clue why we were supposed to be interested in each others junk. Years later I understood because once Susan sprouted she was hot as fuck.
Everyone develops sexual awareness at various stages in their lives, naturally some earlier than others. Elementary reasoning here…

Exactly! Elementary reasoning. And elementary reasoning should inform decent human beings that issues of human sexuality should NOT be included in public school curricula for little children between the ages of 5 and 8.

Why do you people have a problem with this?
All around the world sex education is taught from an early age. Part and parcel of this early education is to protect the child from sexual predators and instil awareness.

We (South Africa) were taught in elementary school, as were children in Australia.

It seems that America is behind the times in one thing at least!

Yes yes we also have that age of consent thing which isnt an issue "around the world" so while other people "around the world" molest children legally and have child brides and when girls as young as 15 get married and have children.... our archaic asses are valuing childhood.

What is the rate of STIs, teen pregnancy and rape in Africa as compared to America again?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Here is a good breakdown of the stuff entering into public K-12 schools.

So those of you who want to be shown what the issue is can easily see it for yourselves. As well as all the materials parents have brought before school boards.

Just because the bias mainstream media is feeding this to the public with a huge bias slant and not telling the whole story doesnt mean this isnt a problem and that everything that shows it is a lie. You can literally access the curriculums, see the materials parents are mad about, and even access the academia behind it. Teachers are even showing what theyve been given to work into their teaching.

Why all the gaslighting?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.


This all could have been avoided. We set a community standard of how men and women should dress and hard nosed righties refused to accept that men who are dressed like women prefer to be called “she.”

It’s the blatant intolerance of anyone who isn’t a Bible loving straight whitey that got us here. The rest is the shit show nightmare result from where I stand.

You stand in an isolated cocoon apparently. And sorry, dear, but men who dress up like women and wish to be called "she" are fucked up in the head.

It’s common courtesy that could have preserved some semblance of the societal norm.

Er, a man who dresses up as a woman and demands to be called "she" is what kind of defied societal norms, sweety.

Hate to break it to you, but social norms change since they're dynamic and not static.

Oh, I agree. But they can't be "stool-pushed" from above. Such societal change should occur naturally and incrementally, according to The People's consensus.

Note: If you need a definition of "stool-push," just ask Admin.

They are being pushed from the younger generations. I must admit at times I'm perturbed by some of the rapidly changing norms. Then I have to do some self-assessment.

I sometimes have to admit on how maybe I'm too old to embrace these changes. Other times I stand firm, for instance said individual may want be referred to as a female. Cool, doesn't do anything to harm me. However, don't give me the bullshit that transwomen have periods.

No uterus, not period, end of story.

I draw lines on those types of issues. Others, I'm willing to move the line.

Then what were your objections to the Florida Parental Rights Bill again?
What are you perceptions on it's purpose and necessity, were toddler's being taught bj techniques in Kindergarten, or what?

As a parent ... I would object to subjects of human sexuality and gender included in the public school curricula for children between the ages of 5 and 8. If you are not a parent, then try to imagine, if you would, that you were a parent and your local school included in its curricula such materials.

You see no potential problems with this, especially with today's atmosphere of pervert activism where LGBTQRYXZ##?/* activist types hold parades every spring and toss phallus-shaped candies to the little children lining the streets?

children are already aware of their sexuality by the age 3-5

but I agree that this is not something that needs to be discussed at an elementary level… you can teach tolerance and mold them into being kind without that tho.

Perhaps I’m more tolerant because I was a cross-dresser in elementary school who wore Jimmy Z t-shirts, vans and rode a skateboard.

We learned about sexuality in 10th grade religion class and by then we were already making out and some us were having sex. The archdiocese is more concerned with appeasing the parents who pay them.

Kids need to know enough to be kind to any kid in the classroom, in the current era, that is trans...

You sound like this girl in my son's elementary school. I teasingly asked him like in 2nd grade if he liked girls. He was shook his head like gross...then he said "well, except for Susie, she plays basketball really good mom, like a boy".

lmao, this little girl wore jeans, Warrior long jersey , converse sneakers and had long hair plaited in two braids. Total tom boy...

I used to dominate the boys handball court. I have a wicked slice-y lol

My male best friend since 3rd grade had to save a few 7th grade boys from my wrath… one of them for kicking a goal for the wrong team in PE soccer. None of the boys who played babe ruth (junior league 13 yo division here) could hit off me in 8th grade softball.

But I have always preferred the boys to the girls. For starters, most females were not a challenge for me early on physically and I’m competitive…. But then I met my best friend in 9th grade and she is exactly like me… we both had crazy issues with females before we became friends… we have been inseparable since.

I’ve gotta run… I’m having dinner with her tonight xoxo

Have a great time!

thank you, lovely… I think you would enjoy meeting her… bangin convo.

Parents held 11 degrees between them @ USC.

That's a lot of schooling...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

The why is it so important to you people to be able to introduce issues of human sexuality at all for other people's children between the ages of 5 through 8?

Why is it so important for such young children to be taught anything whatsoever about sexual orientation and/or gender "fluidity?"

Why. Lily? Why do you people want to get to other people's children?

I explained it to you. I fear that I cannot understand it for you.

No you didn't. You whined some pablum about "accepting children who might be different." That's why I called it a pant load. It's complete bullshit and does not address the actual equation of why it is so important to you people to be able to indoctrinate other people's young children into the Left wing view of human sexuality?

There is no "left wing sexuality" there is only human sexuality. And yes, there are a lot of ignorant people out there who will teach their children shit at home and they have to be tamed for civil society.

So you're trying to lie about how Leftist filth have politicized human sexuality when everyone can see for themselves that ALL of the "activist" perverts are Registered Democrats. Every single buttfucking one of them.

And it's interesting that you said the quiet part out loud here: that "ignorant" people who don't think like you will teach their children things you don't approve of so the State should impose YOUR ideology on other people's children.

... and you wonder why I call you Registered Democrat filth traitorous scum.

Still into raping Asian women?



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Yea, cause thats exactly the same as teaching them to love faggits....
Nobody teaches children to love homosexuality.

Not true. These days straight kids get bullied for being straight.

It's cool and trendy to be gay, bi, or trans/non binary.

I can give a personal example. One day my oldest daughter was called a "faggot" by some boy. And because shes gay, that boy was suspended the same day and his parents notified.

My 16 year old endured months of humiliating sexual harrassment from older boys at the same school. NOTHING was ever done. I ended up pulling her out and taking her to make a police report. No idea what the outcome was.

Kids in public school will tell you about it.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Teachers on tik tok bitching and whining about how they arent allowed to tell their young students (5 through 9 year olds) about their relationships.

Growing up I never knew much about my teachers home life or private life. Why is this even a thing?

Clearly the FL bill was grossly needed. Smh. Look at them talk about how they are "angry"....they really think they are entitled to discuss sex and sexuality with other peoples young children. They are fucking groomers.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Yea, cause thats exactly the same as teaching them to love faggits....
Nobody teaches children to love homosexuality.
Liar. There's plenty of people who openly do.
As far as school curriculums go…get with the program Lokjaw! Instilling social awareness or acceptance of others that identify a little differently is not promoting a love for homosexuality or any other.
I’m really not surprised that you having trouble understanding the difference here.

You people need to get your minds out of the gutter…

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

Teachers on tik tok bitching and whining about how they arent allowed to tell their young students (5 through 9 year olds) about their relationships.

Growing up I never knew much about my teachers home life or private life. Why is this even a thing?

Clearly the FL bill was grossly needed. Smh. Look at them talk about how they are "angry"....they really think they are entitled to discuss sex and sexuality with other peoples young children. They are fucking groomers.

Why the fuck does an elementary school teacher need to talk about their spouse at all?

We're not paying you to talk about your degenerate low life spouse you ugly bitch, we're paying you to teach our children reading, writing, math and history

Wonder how these spastics would handle the conundrum if this fat ugly spaz started talking about her dirty partner all day in lieu of an important subject, like, you know, hating white people.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️

Teachers on tik tok bitching and whining about how they arent allowed to tell their young students (5 through 9 year olds) about their relationships.

Growing up I never knew much about my teachers home life or private life. Why is this even a thing?

Clearly the FL bill was grossly needed. Smh. Look at them talk about how they are "angry"....they really think they are entitled to discuss sex and sexuality with other peoples young children. They are fucking groomers.

Why the fuck does an elementary school teacher need to talk about their spouse at all?

You sound existentially lonely.



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

Factually untrue.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
Yea, cause thats exactly the same as teaching them to love faggits....
Nobody teaches children to love homosexuality.

I wish they'd stop lying.
It seems that conservatives only know how to lie. No wonder America is in such a state.
Oh aye I forgot you're a liberal now...


I have always lent that way and went with you guys for the ride. We’re still mates though surely? Lol
Oh I dunno; turncoats can be tricky customers... :Happy5:
I’m a Greeny…I’m all about saving the planet.



I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

Factually untrue.
Is the talk about anal sex in the room now?

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

Teachers on tik tok bitching and whining about how they arent allowed to tell their young students (5 through 9 year olds) about their relationships.

Growing up I never knew much about my teachers home life or private life. Why is this even a thing?

Clearly the FL bill was grossly needed. Smh. Look at them talk about how they are "angry"....they really think they are entitled to discuss sex and sexuality with other peoples young children. They are fucking groomers.

Why the fuck does an elementary school teacher need to talk about their spouse at all?

You sound existentially lonely.

Have you been licking the toilet bowl again, mermaid ?


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️

Teachers on tik tok bitching and whining about how they arent allowed to tell their young students (5 through 9 year olds) about their relationships.

Growing up I never knew much about my teachers home life or private life. Why is this even a thing?

Clearly the FL bill was grossly needed. Smh. Look at them talk about how they are "angry"....they really think they are entitled to discuss sex and sexuality with other peoples young children. They are fucking groomers.

Why the fuck does an elementary school teacher need to talk about their spouse at all?

You sound existentially lonely.

Have you been licking the toilet bowl again, mermaid ?

Help is available
Speak with someone today
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Chonky Bois, Spanish.
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Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

Teachers on tik tok bitching and whining about how they arent allowed to tell their young students (5 through 9 year olds) about their relationships.

Growing up I never knew much about my teachers home life or private life. Why is this even a thing?

Clearly the FL bill was grossly needed. Smh. Look at them talk about how they are "angry"....they really think they are entitled to discuss sex and sexuality with other peoples young children. They are fucking groomers.

Why the fuck does an elementary school teacher need to talk about their spouse at all?

You sound existentially lonely.

Have you been licking the toilet bowl again, mermaid ?

Help is available
Speak with someone today
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Chonky Bois, Spanish.
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!


But you still suck cock tho


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️

Teachers on tik tok bitching and whining about how they arent allowed to tell their young students (5 through 9 year olds) about their relationships.

Growing up I never knew much about my teachers home life or private life. Why is this even a thing?

Clearly the FL bill was grossly needed. Smh. Look at them talk about how they are "angry"....they really think they are entitled to discuss sex and sexuality with other peoples young children. They are fucking groomers.

Why the fuck does an elementary school teacher need to talk about their spouse at all?

You sound existentially lonely.

Have you been licking the toilet bowl again, mermaid ?

Help is available
Speak with someone today
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Chonky Bois, Spanish.
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!


But you still suck cock tho

Share that with your suicide prevention csr*, as soon as they pick up.

*Have Credit Card handy for premium first responder service.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

Teachers on tik tok bitching and whining about how they arent allowed to tell their young students (5 through 9 year olds) about their relationships.

Growing up I never knew much about my teachers home life or private life. Why is this even a thing?

Clearly the FL bill was grossly needed. Smh. Look at them talk about how they are "angry"....they really think they are entitled to discuss sex and sexuality with other peoples young children. They are fucking groomers.

Why the fuck does an elementary school teacher need to talk about their spouse at all?

You sound existentially lonely.

Have you been licking the toilet bowl again, mermaid ?

Help is available
Speak with someone today
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Chonky Bois, Spanish.
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!


But you still suck cock tho

Share that with your suicide prevention csr*, as soon as they pick up.

*Have Credit Card handy for premium first responder service.

You should tell your gyno about this itch. Merm


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

Factually untrue.
Is the talk about anal sex in the room now?

We arent in a kindergarten classroom....so no.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️

Teachers on tik tok bitching and whining about how they arent allowed to tell their young students (5 through 9 year olds) about their relationships.

Growing up I never knew much about my teachers home life or private life. Why is this even a thing?

Clearly the FL bill was grossly needed. Smh. Look at them talk about how they are "angry"....they really think they are entitled to discuss sex and sexuality with other peoples young children. They are fucking groomers.

Why the fuck does an elementary school teacher need to talk about their spouse at all?

You sound existentially lonely.

Have you been licking the toilet bowl again, mermaid ?

Help is available
Speak with someone today
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Chonky Bois, Spanish.
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!


But you still suck cock tho

Share that with your suicide prevention csr*, as soon as they pick up.

*Have Credit Card handy for premium first responder service.

You should tell your gyno about this itch. Merm

I wouldn't know the first thing about your itch, you silly person.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Teachers on tik tok bitching and whining about how they arent allowed to tell their young students (5 through 9 year olds) about their relationships.

Growing up I never knew much about my teachers home life or private life. Why is this even a thing?

Clearly the FL bill was grossly needed. Smh. Look at them talk about how they are "angry"....they really think they are entitled to discuss sex and sexuality with other peoples young children. They are fucking groomers.

Why the fuck does an elementary school teacher need to talk about their spouse at all?

We're not paying you to talk about your degenerate low life spouse you ugly bitch, we're paying you to teach our children reading, writing, math and history

Wonder how these spastics would handle the conundrum if this fat ugly spaz started talking about her dirty partner all day in lieu of an important subject, like, you know, hating white people.


Our teachers never shared fuck all about their private lives. They were there to teach general Ed's.

Seriously Big.....I know they are long, but check out the New Discourse (James Lindsey) podcast series about Groomer schools. He goes right into all the left wing academia that formed the curriculums and the "Emotional socail learning" and all this total garbage they are putting into schools.

Even private schools. It's so much more than just sexualizing them. Its actual brainwashing. It's about politcs and brainwashing kids to be activists. Its beyond perverse.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter

Teachers on tik tok bitching and whining about how they arent allowed to tell their young students (5 through 9 year olds) about their relationships.

Growing up I never knew much about my teachers home life or private life. Why is this even a thing?

Clearly the FL bill was grossly needed. Smh. Look at them talk about how they are "angry"....they really think they are entitled to discuss sex and sexuality with other peoples young children. They are fucking groomers.

Why the fuck does an elementary school teacher need to talk about their spouse at all?

You sound existentially lonely.

Have you been licking the toilet bowl again, mermaid ?

Help is available
Speak with someone today
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Chonky Bois, Spanish.
Please, Log in or Register to view URLs content!


But you still suck cock tho

Share that with your suicide prevention csr*, as soon as they pick up.

*Have Credit Card handy for premium first responder service.

You should tell your gyno about this itch. Merm

I wouldn't know the first thing about your itch, you silly person.

Sucking too much cock again, itch queen?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.
It's as stupid solution looking for problem that is imaginary.

So Admin says the Florida Bill is a "solution looking for problem that is imaginary."

If it is an imaginary problem, then why are you people (Registered Democrats) so upset about? Why do you people lie about the Bill and claim it says something it clearly doesn't?

Why Admin? why do Registered Democrats want to sexualize other people's 5-year-old children?

Can Lily or that Galium dunce please explain why it is so important to vile and evil Registered Democrats to have the ability to introduce the subjects of human sexuality and gender fluidity to other people's children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade?

Simple question.

From the resistance to the Florida bill from you people, it is clear that that is exactly what you support.

The only valid reason I see is so that they accept the children among them that might be different than they are. Someone needs to help them understand how to treat their peers in an appropriate manner in the public square.

Another pant load! Tel me, Lily, would you be OK with a radical homosexual member of GLSEN (look it up) talking to your five-year-old child about the joys of anal sex?

That's what GLSEN does in our public schools.

No one talks to children about the joys of anal sex in public school. Go blow the shit out of your ass somewhere else.

Factually untrue.

You prove your assertion. I worked in sexual and reproductive health during my public health career. One of the things I did was train teachers - high school teachers.

The only context for that type of sex was that it was easy to transmit sexually transmitted infections, especially HIV.

No one discusses the mechanics of sex, "pleasure", "passion", sexual arousal and what makes it happen. That is unadulterated CRAP. Right-wing hysteria and lies.