The Gospel of Christopher Rufo: or How I learned to fear and hate The Homeless, CRT and Pedophiles! Groomed for Social Injustice!


Domestically feral
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United states
Btw no had to tell me to hate pedophiles. I was raped at 14 and I didnt need anyone to tell me how to feel ot think about it.

But how awesome to see people align with predators and accuse us of what they themselves actually do.

I know many on the left would try to gaslight me into saying it wasnt that bad and I might have enjoyed it and there is no proof it caused me life damage though. That my attitudes about sex are to blame.


Domestically feral
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United states
"One of the grossest and yet most successful grifters in the culture wars – who is now pushing the right toward casually labeling everyone in sight a pedophile – is also one of the most cynically direct about his intentions."

Not so much, but nice try! I'm sure you guys will continue to take your marching orders from media while completely ignoring and gasligjting what parents and people are SHOWING.

The Democrats are destroying themselves because they just flat out refuse to own anything and change it.


Factory Bastard
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BTW is this obese man in a dress you? The stupid cross dresser attacked a black police officer, resisted arrest, then got knocked the fuck out with one punch. That sounds like you.



Factory Bastard
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A discussion about left wing pedophiles which Aidsman (a racist supporter of child PLEASE ASS BOX ME!) supports and claims doesn't really exist.



Domestically feral
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United states
A discussion about left wing pedophiles which Aidsman (a racist supporter of child PLEASE ASS BOX ME!) supports and claims doesn't really exist.


And leftwing media is gaslighting the people on it. And their stupid fucking followers who call everyone "deerp right wing!" are enabling it.

I'm telling you people like Oak will straight up start defending child rape and slavery of women before agreeing with "right wing" anything.

Its do these useful idiots even have against us anymore? They allow and defend ANYTHING Democrats/progs do. They are willing to plunge us into total authoritarian abuse of humanity for what? To fight "facists"?

Theyve lost their fucking minds. They think their wont be civil war if they keep doing this. Going after children and calling parents terrorists with all the inflation is the death of this fucking party.

They really dropped that child marriage shit FAST. They'd rather drop it than address it. What does that tell you?


Domestically feral
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United states


Factory Bastard
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How deep the rot goes. 41% of math textbooks now contain racist hate ideologies such as CRT. That is math so consider what these groomers are doing with history and social sciences.

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Factory Bastard
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You can see why a racist pedophile child groomer wouldn't like Mr Rufo.



Domestically feral
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United states
It's funny how little leftists care about homeless people. Pretty much every single shelter and outreach is ran by conservatives. Conservatives are the ones who get put there with their own time and resources to help people.

If it wasnt for conservatives with their outreaches, the state would have just gave me 2 weeks of rehab, and put me in a 3/4 house where I'd have to watch other people relapse until I relapsed and repeated the cycle only to eventually be put on suboxone. That's how democrats help you.

You literally never see them out on the streets doing anything for anyone else. They go out and destroy resources built and provided by other people in dumb wasteful riots.

BLM torched a bunch of shelters and affordable housing complexes. So every single mom who was waiting for that place had it ripped away. They dont give a fuck. But these people sent millions to BLM and the founders just pocketed it while the people in the communities they wrecked have even less than they had before BLM.

But yeah it's totally US that hate homeless people. Yanno Admins dumb link says so, so it MUST be true. And yep WE are the ones to just believe whatever media says. And it's not like parents have all this info and material that came directly from schools and it's not like these left wing activist teachers arent on tik tok admitting this shit openly. Nope. We just call EVERYONE pedos now with no evidence whatsoever. Because Admins link said so.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Such emotively defensive responses to an Op-Ed in a smallish regional newspaper, I guess it must have touched on some feels. No offense intended, just a different opinion than those of you hurt by reading it.


Domestically feral
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United states
Such emotively defensive responses to an Op-Ed in a smallish regional newspaper, I guess it must have touched on some feels. No offense intended, just a different opinion than those of you hurt by reading it.

Probably because chiding people over the PLEASE ASS BOX ME! thing tends to piss people off.

It's as if you guys cannot have an opinion about anything without gaslighting and projecting on your political opposition.

The irony of suggesting other people are "brainwashed" when its yourselves who cannot even communicate with anyone whose views differ from your own is amazing. It really is. You are so narrative dependent you dont even understand others. You literally spew whatever your sources tell you without a single pause.

When people cannot admit any wrong whatsoever because theyve been so brainwashed into divisive hatred of their own neighbors....threads like this are the result.

If you were not brainwashed, all of you would be rightly outraged that any state would allow child marriage, regardless of the politcs. Look at the stuff you guys are willing to over look because your motives are to nonstop fight your own damn neighbors.

You attack bills without even reading them ffs.
....because you parrot what your media sources tell you. A bill placed in a state your dont even live in. Funded by tax dollars you dont pay. Over what topics should be discussed with other peoples children. Without even taking the time to read and understand the bill or put in any effort to understand why people in FL found it nessesary.

The constant accusing the people you've decided are your enemies of everything only you guys do just shows this stopped being a politcal party and became a cult a long time ago.

That's currently on display in Colorado with the dem/prog cultists attacking a democrat candidate because he isnt psycho enough for them lol.
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Factory Bastard
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This example comes from the UK but there are many such examples in the US. This group is a self described LGBTQ+ dance group who wants to dance naked in from of children as young as 5, talk about how wonderful anal sex is, and encourage children to try it. Yet, that isn't child PLEASE ASS BOX ME! by pedophiles?