The Gospel of Christopher Rufo: or How I learned to fear and hate The Homeless, CRT and Pedophiles! Groomed for Social Injustice!


Factory Bastard
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Here is another big problem with public schools. All the political indoctrination and child PLEASE ASS BOX ME! takes up a lot of time so "less important subjects", like math, get short shrift. This teacher admits to 5 minute math lessons.

Is it any wonder public schools suck so bad?



Domestically feral
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United states

Dont say gay, right? White supremacy is the biggest threat to the country, right? Trump is going to start WW3, right? Omg Russiagate! Omg your neighbors are PUTINISTS!! Omg TN is trying to legalize child marriage (WOOPS that's legal in 44 states including Cali!)

Should I go on? Because I can.

So much irony. You are poisoned. So much so you cant even engage in conversations and you dislike people you dont even know.

Wake up FFS.


What would Tyler Durden Do
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the things you own end up owning you

Dont say gay, right? White supremacy is the biggest threat to the country, right? Trump is going to start WW3, right? Omg Russiagate! Omg your neighbors are PUTINISTS!! Omg TN is trying to legalize child marriage (WOOPS that's legal in 44 states including Cali!)

Should I go on? Because I can.

So much irony. You are poisoned. So much so you cant even engage in conversations and you dislike people you dont even know.

Wake up FFS.
"Wah wah waah waahh wah wahhh waaah" What it s was you just brayed.


Domestically feral
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United states

Dont say gay, right? White supremacy is the biggest threat to the country, right? Trump is going to start WW3, right? Omg Russiagate! Omg your neighbors are PUTINISTS!! Omg TN is trying to legalize child marriage (WOOPS that's legal in 44 states including Cali!)

Should I go on? Because I can.

So much irony. You are poisoned. So much so you cant even engage in conversations and you dislike people you dont even know.

Wake up FFS.
"Wah wah waah waahh wah wahhh waaah" What it s was you just brayed.

See? See how that poison seeps into you?


Domestically feral
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United states

This is a high school socail studies teacher in Kalamazoo. His name is James Johnson. And students have complained about his devotion to his favorite political propaganda many times to no avail.

He doesnt teach socail studies. He teaches left wing partisan politics.


Factory Bastard
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Obviously just another gay child PLEASE ASS BOX ME! organization. You will notice their top priority is hiding their interactions with children.



Domestically feral
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United states

Kindergarteners dont even know what a pronoun even is yet.

Did they even think to ASK who WANTS to be "inclusive"with these fucking people? I'm not including anyone. Fuck them. They would ignore my daughter getting raped in a locker room.....they can go join that 41 percent.


Factory Bastard
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Biden trying to back up the claim that parents shouldn't be in charge of their children's education and instead government and corrupt teachers unions should be.



Domestically feral
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United states
Biden trying to back up the claim that parents shouldn't be in charge of their children's education and instead government and corrupt teachers unions should be.

The audacity of people to actually fucking claim that.

So they should be paying to support the kids then. I mean medical expenses, food, clothes....all of it.

ANYONE suggests my children "belong" to some stranger when IM the one who has carried them, birthed them, sacrificed for them and would die for them can seriously eat shit and die.


Domestically feral
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United states
Today's review of things Trumptard's eschew


The irony here is incredible.

'OMG Republicans exists! It's like nazi Germany! So we will have to censor people and fight and take over like nazis did to germany!"

"Omg if we cant give porn to 5 years olds the gay and trans ones will KILL THEMSELVES!!"

Take several seats, hypocrit.


Domestically feral
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United states
5 year olds are still grappling with things like vowels and short and long vowels.

But let's completely psychologically castrate them by throwing in this pronoun bullshit so that what... 1 percent of the population can be "included" in what?
Telling 5 year olds that people can be born into the wrong body is telling them confusing lies. Its akin to pushing religion on them. The premise is saying that we are souls separate from our bodies (this isnt science.... this is metaphysical now) and that our souls not only have a "gender"(a pseudoscience in itself, btw....gender is a construct that varies depending on culture) but our "gendered souls" can somehow "end up" in the wrong physical body is just disgusting bullshit.

If adults wish to believe this? Fine. Have your gender cult. It's a free country and you can live as you wish.

But forcing this shit onto other peoples children? Not okay at all. In fact pushing this belief system onto a child is abuse. Confusing them like this and then encouraging them to transition when they PREDICTABLY "come out" as "trans"? Is ABUSE.

And if you tell young children this they ARE going to wonder if THEY were born in the "wrong body". And if you sit there and ask them questions about what sort of gendered things they enjoy they are gonna start believing that since they prefer football over frilly skirts that makes them boys(and so on).

I dont know if leftists are just really stupid and irresponsible to where they dont even see how confusing and predatory this trans narrative is when you involve VERY impressionable and malleable children or if they are just intentional predators. But this shit needs to stop. As it is I expect to see A LOT of issues in the future with all these children who were drug to "gender clinics" and given puberty blockers and other procedures that no minor should be getting. This is praying on all the children who have sort of a "gender crisis" that is entirely more about their forming personality and self identity than biological sex. Interfering with that process is abuse. We are not just "genders". These fucking people are so stiff and dogmatic with their gender stereotypes that it's insane.

Instead of teaching kids you can be a girl and be more interested in boy cloths or "boy stuff". It doesnt make you a boy(and kids will actually think this until you tell them...."hey, you can be a girl and enjoy these things" and the whole "I wanna be a boy" just stops). Preying on children who are just figuring themselves out is evil.

We will see more lawsuits like Kiera Bells.
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Factory Bastard
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Teacher's Union scum bags in Oregon are open about their desire for porn in schools for young children.