The Gospel of Christopher Rufo: or How I learned to fear and hate The Homeless, CRT and Pedophiles! Groomed for Social Injustice!


Domestically feral
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United states

Literally happening everywhere. Kids are being targeted and groomed into questioning their "gender" and being told their parents are abusers and encouraging hiding things from parents.

If a kids parents are not comfortable with some sudden claim that their child is trans? They either have what's called "glitter families" online in toxic communities and tik tok communities and/or staff at the school reinforcing mistrust and separation from the parents. Its blatant PLEASE ASS BOX ME!.



They are piggy backing this off the gay rights movement. Back when parents would kick out gay kids.

But now its "unaccepting" if the parents do not embrace a sudden "gender" change amd start using new pro nouns and getting the kid on fucking lupron or other hormone meds.

So expect to start really seeing more if this. It's bad in the prog states. 13 year olds can run off and live in state ran "youth centers" with people up to 22 and parents cannot extract them. They help kids emancipate. Its horrific. Absolutely horrific state sanctioned child abuse.

Basically they start teaching little ones that "trans" means this

"When a baby is born the doctor guesses whether the baby is a boy or a girl based on genitals and most of the time this is guess is right and there is no issue. But sometimes the guess is wrong and how you feel on the inside isnt the same as your biological sex"

So literally teaching small kids that you can be a boy in a girls body or a girl in a boys body.

Considering literally everyone goes through a period of confusion with gender roles as they developed their individual identity, this narrative is not JUST completely false (gender is a socail construct....its some science thing) but it's also predatory as fuck and is confusing to children who WILL at some point believe they could be in the wrong body.

And if they are told they ARE in the wrong body and their parents are not accepting and .....oh hi I'm your mom now....yeah that's PLEASE ASS BOX ME!. They end up easily manipulated, alienated from their families and put on a medical pathway that cannot be reversed.

I cannot even believe this shit is happening in America.....but it is. This isnt even politics....its a human rights abuse.


Factory Bastard
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Shawn Vestal: For the grifter selling the 'pedophile' panic, no low is too low

We tell you who to hate, and you decide!

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So infuriating.

“The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think ‘critical race theory,’ ” he tweeted. “We have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular with Americans.”

Next thing you know, Idaho Rep. Heather Scott was criticizing the teaching of “To Kill a Mockingbird” as a CRT problem.


What would Tyler Durden Do
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the things you own end up owning you
Shawn Vestal: For the grifter selling the 'pedophile' panic, no low is too low

We tell you who to hate, and you decide!

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So infuriating.

“The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think ‘critical race theory,’ ” he tweeted. “We have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular with Americans.”

Next thing you know, Idaho Rep. Heather Scott was criticizing the teaching of “To Kill a Mockingbird” as a CRT problem.
And the mental midgets on this forum, are not of enough mental 'stature' to understand the correlation between red meat, and crowd salivation.


Domestically feral
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United states
Shawn Vestal: For the grifter selling the 'pedophile' panic, no low is too low

We tell you who to hate, and you decide!

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So infuriating.

“The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think ‘critical race theory,’ ” he tweeted. “We have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular with Americans.”

Next thing you know, Idaho Rep. Heather Scott was criticizing the teaching of “To Kill a Mockingbird” as a CRT problem.

Except no one is getting anything from articles. They are getting it directly from the DOE and the curriculums.

I mean I've literally posted curriculum material and links to the DOE. There are teachers on Tik Tok openly discussing it.

Is this latest gaslight article about the math books in FL that were rejected for COMMON CORE? And a few were due to teaching methods rooted in equity?

Lotus you think maybe talking directly to people or seeing what their issue is right from them might give you a more accurate grasp than relying on people to filter it for you? In a way that paints everyone else as bad and liars?


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Shawn Vestal: For the grifter selling the 'pedophile' panic, no low is too low

We tell you who to hate, and you decide!

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So infuriating.

“The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think ‘critical race theory,’ ” he tweeted. “We have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular with Americans.”

Next thing you know, Idaho Rep. Heather Scott was criticizing the teaching of “To Kill a Mockingbird” as a CRT problem.
And the mental midgets on this forum, are not of enough mental 'stature' to understand the correlation between red meat, and crowd salivation.

The irony must be far over your grasp.


What would Tyler Durden Do
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the things you own end up owning you
Shawn Vestal: For the grifter selling the 'pedophile' panic, no low is too low

We tell you who to hate, and you decide!

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So infuriating.

“The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think ‘critical race theory,’ ” he tweeted. “We have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular with Americans.”

Next thing you know, Idaho Rep. Heather Scott was criticizing the teaching of “To Kill a Mockingbird” as a CRT problem.

Except no one is getting anything from articles. They are getting it directly from the DOE and the curriculums.

I mean I've literally posted curriculum material and links to the DOE. There are teachers on Tik Tok openly discussing it.

Is this latest gaslight article about the math books in FL that were rejected for COMMON CORE? And a few were due to teaching methods rooted in equity?

Lotus you think maybe talking directly to people or seeing what their issue is right from them might give you a more accurate grasp than relying on people to filter it for you? In a way that paints everyone else as bad and liars?



What would Tyler Durden Do
Site Supporter ☠️
the things you own end up owning you
Shawn Vestal: For the grifter selling the 'pedophile' panic, no low is too low

We tell you who to hate, and you decide!

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So infuriating.

“The goal is to have the public read something crazy in the newspaper and immediately think ‘critical race theory,’ ” he tweeted. “We have decodified the term and will recodify it to annex the entire range of cultural constructions that are unpopular with Americans.”

Next thing you know, Idaho Rep. Heather Scott was criticizing the teaching of “To Kill a Mockingbird” as a CRT problem.
And the mental midgets on this forum, are not of enough mental 'stature' to understand the correlation between red meat, and crowd salivation.

The irony must be far over your grasp.
I can reach quote high, want to challenge me?


Domestically feral
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United states
Watch this. All news reports and talks about men in womens prison

Look at them whine and get news reports because God forbid a man gets treated poorly by male guards. When it's just women, its business as usual. Its oka ugh for for US to be abused and traumatized. But these men need to be accommodated and treated way better and now condoms get passed out so women can get raped safety.

Unfuckingbelievable. If there was ever a question that we live in a mans world? This should tell you.


Factory Bastard
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Watch this. All news reports and talks about men in womens prison

Look at them whine and get news reports because God forbid a man gets treated poorly by male guards. When it's just women, its business as usual. Its oka ugh for for US to be abused and traumatized. But these men need to be accommodated and treated way better and now condoms get passed out so women can get raped safety.

Unfuckingbelievable. If there was ever a question that we live in a mans world? This should tell you.

Get some new material. Please.


Factory Bastard
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You still haven't told anyone what was incorrect about that video.


Factory Bastard
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Shawn Vestal: For the grifter selling the 'pedophile' panic, no low is too low

We tell you who to hate, and you decide!

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America abides by the motto 'Survival of the Fittest'. If ya ain't fit to survive or fall thru the cracks, tough luck Charlie. The weak whither & only the Strong Survive.


Factory Bastard
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Biden admin says they want to use tax dollars to sterilize and sex change 5-17 year olds.



Domestically feral
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United states
Watch this. All news reports and talks about men in womens prison

Look at them whine and get news reports because God forbid a man gets treated poorly by male guards. When it's just women, its business as usual. Its oka ugh for for US to be abused and traumatized. But these men need to be accommodated and treated way better and now condoms get passed out so women can get raped safety.

Unfuckingbelievable. If there was ever a question that we live in a mans world? This should tell you.

Get some new material. Please.

Would you like every report sited?

So what was shown here that is false? Did you even look or is this another "omg this doesnt confirm my biases so its wrong"?


Domestically feral
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United states

Ask your Psychotherapist, if dialing down the Prozac is right for you.

This has been a thing all over the country, I suppose everyone is just lying. Or no.....its "teh right" engaging in some mass, national coordinated attack on "education" because we are all dummy dumb stoopy head who hate science.

Like we all have this private group on the deep web and everyone plotted this. Specific instructions and everything. And all the material was made by all these "teh right" people.

Yanno because we all hate gay and homeless people.

Just like how antifa isnt real and it's just some propaganda pushed by "teh right"


Domestically feral
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United states
I'm sure this was all made up as well

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Those dastardly terrorists called "teh right" just made all this up because they hate education, science, homeless and gay people. Look how desperate for "hate" all these right wing terrorists are. Clearly they are plotting all of this and it's all a big lie.

They must have paid people to pretend this was a drag show at school that occurred with any parent knowledge for children.


Domestically feral
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United states
Fucking hell. Look how this article spins it

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Just so its cannot be anything but "teh right" if you have problem with this shit happening in schools.

They seriously report this as if this "GSA" drag show....of which no parents were notified....that has occurred for 3 years with no word to a "healing experience" for the students. And the mean, homophic/transphobic "right wing" groups who just hate and target drag decided to just attack this beautiful healing experience.

The gaslighting is next level. Who fucking buys this shit? Besides people who have already had their brains so scrambled by partisan politcs that they cannot look at anything outside of a right vs left paradigm?

Claiming "teh right" just "targets" drag. Uh no notherfucker......they attack the exploitation of children involved in drag. No one gives a fuck about drag. Or homosexuality. Or even transgenderism. That line gets drawn when its pushed on children and forced on everyone via public schools and legislation.

And they know this. Just any abusers, they push peoples reasonable boundaries and hysterically gaslight when called on it. They are willing to be child predators and groomers. Just gross.


Factory Bastard
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Just your average racist leftist seeking to lie to and indoctrinate five year olds using their official government position.



Factory Bastard
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Canada is also going to hell. A public school in Canada gave 4 year old children a homework assignment to go home and master bath then come back to school and inform both teachers and students how masterbating made them feel. Yes, this is 100% pedophile child PLEASE ASS BOX ME!.