The Gospel of Christopher Rufo: or How I learned to fear and hate The Homeless, CRT and Pedophiles! Groomed for Social Injustice!


Domestically feral
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United states

Do you know what bill it is? I tried to find the bill....I cant find anything recent but there is this

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Bill linked in the article.

I mean adults can marry children and rape them everyday in far as I know the orgs in CA that fight child marriage didnt get any influx of support. Which is heart breaking. I know legal child marriage in MI is gonna get dealt with.


Domestically feral
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United states

You know and this is just the shit that was caught. Like an iceburg....this is the 30 percent sticking out of the water and there is a whole nasty 70 percent under the surface.

And people who weaponize the sex abuse in the Catholic church (something NO ONE condones) against people not even involved in the Catholic church ALWAYS ignore the abuse in public schools.

The public school systems are giving the Catholic a huge run for their money.

Who knows how many of these fucking perverts are lurking in the public school who havent been discovered yet. It's never gonna be any child of MINE who discovers them.

Its past time for people to pull their children out of these institutions and start rebooting everything about how we think of education and how our children get it. We are headed right into fucking dark ages with abuse and science denial, dogmatic cult thinking... everything.


Factory Bastard
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All you can do is teach your children to hate homosexuals, homosexuality, and anyone who supports it. Showing them Biblical Scripture is crucial.


Domestically feral
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United states
Even Bill Maher gets it.

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There are a lot of people who would call themselves "liberals" and "left" who have been speaking out.

It's a huge mistake for the assholes here to view this as a partisan issue.

But you know......if they are willing to cosign shit like this because their "side" is doing it and they just hate their opposition that deeply? Yeah no. They are showing they are comfortable with human rights violations and human experimentation and sexualizing children before having a common ground with other people.


Factory Bastard
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Liberal pro homos did this. I refuse to side with them now that they want to back away from the ledge.


Factory Bastard
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Unless the corrupt ideological indoctrination is taken out of teacher certification training then this child PLEASE ASS BOX ME! problem will only get worse.


Factory Bastard
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Unless the corrupt ideological indoctrination is taken out of teacher certification training then this child PLEASE ASS BOX ME! problem will only get worse.

Bitch needs raped to near death and then finished off with a proper burning at the stake.


Factory Bastard
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Which shows why this groomer became a "teacher" to begin with. As soon as she couldn't groom children then she quite.



Factory Bastard
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Even older trans people are saying the current social trend has gone completely off the rails and is insanity.

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Domestically feral
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United states

Unless the corrupt ideological indoctrination is taken out of teacher certification training then this child PLEASE ASS BOX ME! problem will only get worse.

And their attitude about it "tee hee.....I upset teh straight people!" Yeah what a fucking warrior. Gets a job serving the public via being a teacher. Is entrusted with peoples children and chooses that as her ideological battle ground promoting ideas that are resulting in fucking medical child experimentation.

And we get called divisive because we dont want to go along with the same shit they want to force on us? Complete fucking psychos. They demand the most unreasonable shit and lash out at people for wanting to protect their children.


Domestically feral
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United states
From that Christianity Today article

"“How many kids and congregants could have been spared horrific harm if only the Executive Committee had taken action back in 2006 when I first wrote to them, urging specific concrete steps? And how many survivors could have been spared the re-traumatizing hell of trying to report clergy sex abuse into a system that consistently turns its back?”
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in a 2021 letter. “The SBC Executive Committee’s longstanding resistance to abuse reforms has now yielded a whole new crop of clergy sex abuse victims and of survivors re-traumatized in their efforts to report.”"

Is there not a lesson here? Do we need a more widespread and secular version of this?

With all the reports of rapes, women being attacked and assaulted in what is supposed to be single sex spaces......with minors being placed on medical pathways and being given puberty blockers and surgeries that permanently destroy their bodies, and all the detransitioners speaking out about how EASY this was for them? How deeply they regret it? How their bodies have suffered permanent damage?

Are we going to wait like the SBC has and let longer lists of victims stack up because of partisan politics?

Come the fuck on people.....these are human beings. Do we just not care about that?

You know predators are attracted to the church because of trusting people and easy access. NOT because they are genuinely religious. They FAKE. Predators do what's nessesary for them to gain access to victims. There are plenty of public school teachers who rape and molest students who chose their job based on access. It has nothing to do with whatever beliefs they have to pretend to have....its about ACCESS.

This doesnt change just because it's a politcal activist cause that sounds good on the surface. You think rapists men dont LIE and fake so they can get put in cells with the women? You think activists dont go into careers they feel will benefit their activism?

Please notice.....these teachers promoting this are very politcal and they all claim to be "queer" or "nonbinary" . Or be some level of member of the LGBTQA+ . They are using the power of suggestion.

If you tell a child they can be born in the wrong body....that's not even true, no one gets born in the wrong body, how do not see that's a religious belief? That's not science. Science has not claimed to know "spirits" exist, let alone that we have consciousness beyond our body....and we can be fused somehow in the wrong one. Telling this to children who are in a delicate and vulnerable process of forming their own identities is HARMFUL.

If people had told me this when I was a girl? I probably would have believed I was a boy. And just like so many detransitioning young people i would have felt pressured to follow all the way through. You know when everyone is on board, you are getting special treatment, you've been "socially transitioned" so you feel you CANT back out? Do you not remember the socail pressured of being a kid/teen?

You dont have to change your political beliefs and join the dreaded "right" to be against this. There are plenty of left wing people who have been opposing this. It's really sad that people cant even unite to protect children. And protect the fought for rights of women.