The Gospel of Christopher Rufo: or How I learned to fear and hate The Homeless, CRT and Pedophiles! Groomed for Social Injustice!


Domestically feral
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United states
Canada is also going to hell. A public school in Canada gave 4 year old children a homework assignment to go home and master bath then come back to school and inform both teachers and students how masterbating made them feel. Yes, this is 100% "BabyPumperAlert!" child PLEASE ASS BOX ME!.

Jesus. This is vile.....truly vile.

But yeah, homeschooling is concerning....with shit like this going on and the gaslighting of parents.

@LotusBud you see this? America isnt far behind with that "pleasure based sex ed" that discusses adult sexual orientation and the popular gender ideology where they tell small impressionable children that you might be in the wrong body depending where you fall on the scale of gender stereotypes.


Domestically feral
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United states

I don't care about his clothes expect the clothes meant to be political. The pride flag is politcs. And the "we are activists" shirt is politcs.

And that's the problem. Public schools are for acedemic education in basic subjects so kids can build a productive life for themselves. It's not a place for fucking activists to be activists and to push their activism onto impressionable and malleable children.

Children have a right to explore and develope their own views.

The justification is so sinister. Leftists just paint their opposition as "fascists" and "racists". We are "uneducated" and "backwards"(when in reality they are the backwards ones. None of this shit is new. Its older than western society and its failed and inspired brutality before). So with the labels in mind, they justify politcal and sexual PLEASE ASS BOX ME! by calling it education.

And they cant have the ability to objectively hear out or understand the counter points (they cant even understand the bullshit these activists are pushing). These fuckwads also make the kids feel their parents are on the wrong side and the parents wont accept them. They can deceive and go behind parents backs.

Its blatant PLEASE ASS BOX ME! and abuse and NO activists should be in charge of anyones children. These kids are being used as politcal objects. They dont care what happens to these kids.

Its fucking disgusting. Everyone needs to get deeply involved and get schools back from this partisan activist insanity.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
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Follow the money.
If we don't recognize and address America's history with racism, it will almost be like it never happened, right?



Domestically feral
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United states
If we don't recognize and address America's history with racism, it will almost be like it never happened, right?


We literally already have. We ended democrat jim crow laws.

If all you guys vanished so would all the remaining manufactured race problems.

We are not ever going to agree that we have to go communist in order to reconcile past racism from the party YOU support.


Who am I? I am over Two Billion in Saudi Cash!
Site Supporter ☠️
Follow the money.
If we don't recognize and address America's history with racism, it will almost be like it never happened, right?


We literally already have. We ended democrat jim crow laws.

If all you guys vanished so would all the remaining manufactured race problems.

We are not ever going to agree that we have to go communist in order to reconcile past racism from the party YOU support.
^^^Called it, LOL!


Factory Bastard
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A great interview discussing how the left wing child groomers are irreversible harming children and violating their basic human rights.



Factory Bastard
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Antifa tries to beat up a middle aged woman holding a sufferigette flag and fails spectacularly. Yes, Antifa is the group of misogyny.



Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
If we don't recognize and address America's history with racism, it will almost be like it never happened, right?


We literally already have. We ended democrat jim crow laws.

If all you guys vanished so would all the remaining manufactured race problems.

We are not ever going to agree that we have to go communist in order to reconcile past racism from the party YOU support.
^^^Called it, LOL!

Called WHAT?

The contradicting points? Why dont you do something no dem/prog ever has and actually address it?


Domestically feral
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United states

You've seen me citing several articles and videos about this topic. And I think they know it's happening and abuses are occurring but theyve decided they will ride this out no matter what because they are obsessed with hating "teh right".

It stopped being about human beings a long time ago. Now it's about how anyone who challanges or opposes them is "teh right" and "teh right" are the enemy.

And a lot of these people welcome the possibility of a civil war because they want to see their dissenters dead. So connecting and discussing anything honestly is way off the table. There are a lot of radicals and radicals/activists in positions of power. Theyve pretty much highjacked academia.

Did you happen to see the study about left wing authoritarianism? How they admit there is NO right wing representation in the study of authoritarianism so theyve been bias blindedband thinking as authoritarianism as a "right wing" thing? And now they are saying left wing authoritarianism looks like right wing authoritarianism.....but they havent figured out that what they call "the right authoritarianism" is our modern left. So they say it "looks just like it".

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I still dont even know what the "far right" even is.

Pretty incredible they dont actual cite anything authoritarian by what's called "teh right" today. We want LESS government. Less regulation. And for people to be able to work and live their lives in peace.

Todays left is full of vile hatred and wants to take over, redefine everything and "dismantle" the country and decide for us how we should all live and how everyone should think. Even when it's dead wrong and destroying human lives.


Factory Bastard
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More LBGTQIA+ teachers and "advocates" caught PLEASE ASS BOX ME! and raping young children.



Domestically feral
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United states
There is reason for hope.

Yeah there have been groups of people speaking out for years. Gay and lesbians and feminists.

Definately not people who would be considered conservatives. And people in the UK, Canada and Australia.

The left here doesnt give a fuck what problem the people have. Everyone who opposes them is doing so because they are "desperate for hate and division".

This one is gonna blow up in their face and I know I'll never forget these people were so full of hate they wanted to sexualize and trans children and take womens spaces and place in society away.

There are still people who align left who actually do care about human beings and theyve been attacking this one for a while, trying hard to spread the awareness of what this is and what it's doing and advocate and fight for womens rights.


Domestically feral
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United states
@Oerdin Slightly Twisted Female covers the trans movement issues very well from a (authentic) feminists stand point.

Watch this to see how the online community of TRAs operates exactly like a cult and they draw in and groom confused and (often autistic....oddly) youth. It's a socail contagion. Love bombing and everything. PLEASE ASS BOX ME! young people to believe they being abused. Its sick.

It's also been pointed out how transing has become a legitimately homophobic sort of conversion therapy.