Roe v Wade to be Overturned according to leaked document

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Factory Bastard
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...hope ya get whatcha wish for, American pro-Lifers!

Should be interesting how this decisions shapes the upcoming US elections.
Fasten yer seatbelts Ladiesnand Gentelman!

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WASHINGTON, May 2 (Reuters) - A leaked initial draft majority opinion suggests the U.S. Supreme Court will vote to overturn the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide, Politico reported on Monday.

Reuters was not immediately able to confirm the draft independently. If correct it would an unprecedented disclosure of a draft Supreme Court opinion.

The Supreme Court and the White House declined to comment.
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“Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the draft opinion which is dated Feb. 10, according to Politico.

Four of the other Republican-appointed justices – Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett - voted with Alito in the conference held among the justices, the report added.

"It is possible there have been some changes since then (Feb 10)," Politico reporter Josh Gerstein, who broke the story, said on MSNBC late on Monday.

After an initial vote among the justices following the oral argument, one is assigned the majority opinion and writes a draft. It is then circulated among the justices.

At times, in between the initial vote and the ruling being released, the vote alignment can change. A ruling is only final when it is published by the court.

In a post on Twitter, Neal Katyal, a lawyer who regularly argues before the court, said if the report was accurate it would be "the first major leak from the Supreme Court ever."

The court, which has a 6-3 conservative majority, heard oral arguments in December on Mississippi's bid to revive its ban on abortion starting at 15 weeks of pregnancy, a law blocked by lower courts. read more

According to the Politico reported it appeared based on December's oral argument that a majority was inclined to uphold Mississippi's abortion ban and that there could be five votes to overturn Roe.

The 1973 Roe v. Wade decision recognized that the right to personal privacy under the U.S. Constitution protects a woman's ability to terminate her pregnancy.

The Supreme Court in a 1992 ruling called Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey reaffirmed abortion rights and prohibited laws imposing an "undue burden" on abortion access.

Mississippi asked the justices to overturn the Roe and Casey rulings.

New York Governor Kathy Hochul, a Democrat, said on Twitter that New York will "always guarantee" the right to abortion.

"This is an absolutely disgraceful attack on our fundamental right to choose, and we will fight it with everything we've got," Hochul said on Twitter in a reaction to Politico's report.
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Reporting by Kanishka Singh and Eric Beech in Washington; Editing by Tim Ahmann, Kim Coghill and Michael Perry


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
a "leaked document"

5 months before midterms

me smells liberal bullshit

No....its true. This has been discussed now for a while. As it should be

It's always been a bad decision. Look deeply into the case. They exploited a pregnant homeless teen and bribed her with food. She didnt understand what was happening. And she never got an abortion (Norma McCorvey....Roe)

She actually fought it later on.

Over turning Roe puts the legality of abortion back into the hands of the states. This is a state rights issue way more than some abortion issue.

Enjoy the authoritarian tantrums and fear mongering propaganda that come from this.

These unbelievable pieces of shit who screech "right to chose"(while spreading blatant misinfo and false info about human life in utero because they dont REALLY care about informed consent and a womans choice at all) are fine with CA allowing people to murder newborns up to 28 weeks but are gonna fake hyperventilate over one of their capitalist golden geese. Pieces of fucking shit is what they are.

Where was our choice on having men in our domestic violence shelters and prison cells? Exactly.
Last edited:


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
The same panic merchants on the left have allowed tens of millions of illegals and their children across the border and given them taxpayer money but when the courts make a ruling which would have saved millions of legal babies extinguished to a big degree on public funds, it's "teh horrorzzz!@!!"...

Think of all the future kids born that otherwise wouldn't have been.... all voting the opposite of the left....


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Once again the only Contard argument proffered here by the only tard to have admitted to aborting an inconvenient pregnancy.


"It was okaly dokaly OK for moi, but not for yuo."

I've been partially responsible for abortions in my free wheeling days. I've come to deeply regret it. It's not a good feeling knowing that you pushed for the death of an innocent child.

I've moved on but can never forget.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
Once again the only Contard argument proffered here by the only tard to have admitted to aborting an inconvenient pregnancy.


"It was okaly dokaly OK for moi, but not for yuo."

I've been partially responsible for abortions in my free wheeling days. I've come to deeply regret it. It's not a good feeling knowing that you pushed for the death of an innocent child.

I've moved on but can never forget.
Nor should you, but I admire your ownership.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Once again the only Contard argument proffered here by the only tard to have admitted to aborting an inconvenient pregnancy.


"It was okaly dokaly OK for moi, but not for yuo."

Yep. And NONE of you listen to anything.

If I were on here defending it and being all "yay abortion" you guys would be applauding me.

Because I'm HONEST and the reality isnt this marketing politcal campaign you guys parrot? You TRY to use is as some ammo.

I challange you to find ANYWHERE were I said it was "okaly dokaly" for me? Because when I talk about it I'm very clear about the pressure from the "father" and the nightmares, crippling depression, anxiety, a suicide attempt and ongoing various substance issues and never ending regret.

All because I bought into YOUR chosen narrative.

Women start discussion thr reality of this and saying how we dont even get the proper correct information. No truth about development and the human being is called "uterine contents".

Any other doctor gave info like that they would sued for manufacturing consent. You guys dont give a fuck about a womans "choice". You lie and support predatory lies that lead women to make the choices YOU want.


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
I'm fine with abortions. I would rather a life be snuffed out early than to be put into a position to have to live in an environment not conducive to human growth.

I wish that all parents could be proper parents, but this isn't always the case... Some people aren't fit to raise kids, and I'd rather them abort, than to abuse or neglect their kid. I'd rather them abort, than to have their kids become a ward of the state... Jumping from foster home to foster home, often with poor end results.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I'm fine with abortions. I would rather a life be snuffed out early than to be put into a position to have to live in an environment not conducive to human growth.

I wish that all parents could be proper parents, but this isn't always the case... Some people aren't fit to raise kids, and I'd rather them abort, than to abuse or neglect their kid. I'd rather them abort, than to have their kids become a ward of the state... Jumping from foster home to foster home, often with poor end results.

Maybe the kids should be asked if they want to live or be snuffed out....

We can wait till they're old enough.... their body their choice after all....


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
Maybe the kids should be asked if they want to live or be snuffed out....

We can wait till they're old enough.... their body their choice after all....
What we really should be doing is enhancing the natural rates of birth here, instead of culling our own and flooding in niggers.

The first step for the US is to rid itself of a federally guaranteed right to abort, thus leaving it to the individual states.

Those states which double down will lose out to the states which eradicate except for actual health reasons and rape...or for a limited window after conception. It feeds into responsible choices, the family, which has economic and social positive outcomes.

It would also turn the tide of illegal immigration, anchor babies, and the welfare spending....

Within a generation the states which seek to limit abortion will be boom states with substantially less crime and spending.... and a happier more united culture.

Those that don't agree can fuck off the California.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Once again the only Contard argument proffered here by the only tard to have admitted to aborting an inconvenient pregnancy.


"It was okaly dokaly OK for moi, but not for yuo."
Wrong. My girlfriend had one too.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I think the biggest crime on earth is to birth a child and then abuse or neglect it. Millions of people do that.

Abortion is a very sad choice to have to make, but it is far, far preferable to bringing children into the world who will simply never have a chance at a good life.

I say fuck everyone who wants to force women to have children. That is barbaric and evil. If you made a bad choice and had an abortion you didn't want, that is your burden to bear, and I am sorry for your pain. But don't force other women to make choices based on your individual experience. You shouldn't have that right.


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I think the biggest crime on earth is to birth a child and then abuse or neglect it. Millions of people do that.

Abortion is a very sad choice to have to make, but it is far, far preferable to bringing children into the world who will simply never have a chance at a good life.

I say fuck everyone who wants to force women to have children. That is barbaric and evil.

Nobody forces that woman to hop on a dick nor disregard reasonable birth control measures....

Nobody forces that woman to keep the child....

What is barbaric and evil is killing your own children before they have a chance to agree or disagree with it.

You let the kids decide if they're happy to be alive.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
If true it os just kicking it back to the States. Truly no big deal though the extre.ists will lie and try to pretend otherwise.

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I think the biggest crime on earth is to birth a child and then abuse or neglect it. Millions of people do that.

Abortion is a very sad choice to have to make, but it is far, far preferable to bringing children into the world who will simply never have a chance at a good life.

I say fuck everyone who wants to force women to have children. That is barbaric and evil.

Nobody forces that woman to hop on a dick nor disregard reasonable birth control measures....

Nobody forces that woman to keep the child....

What is barbaric and evil is killing your own children before they have a chance to agree or disagree with it.

You let the kids decide if they're happy to be alive.

I am 100% against murdering children. Zygotes are not children.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I think the biggest crime on earth is to birth a child and then abuse or neglect it. Millions of people do that.

Abortion is a very sad choice to have to make, but it is far, far preferable to bringing children into the world who will simply never have a chance at a good life.

I say fuck everyone who wants to force women to have children. That is barbaric and evil.

Nobody forces that woman to hop on a dick nor disregard reasonable birth control measures....

Nobody forces that woman to keep the child....

What is barbaric and evil is killing your own children before they have a chance to agree or disagree with it.

You let the kids decide if they're happy to be alive.

What about rape DD?


Have kink will travel.
Site Supporter
I think the biggest crime on earth is to birth a child and then abuse or neglect it. Millions of people do that.

Abortion is a very sad choice to have to make, but it is far, far preferable to bringing children into the world who will simply never have a chance at a good life.

I say fuck everyone who wants to force women to have children. That is barbaric and evil.

Nobody forces that woman to hop on a dick nor disregard reasonable birth control measures....

Nobody forces that woman to keep the child....

What is barbaric and evil is killing your own children before they have a chance to agree or disagree with it.

You let the kids decide if they're happy to be alive.

I am 100% against murdering children. Zygotes are not children.

When do babies become human beings in your esteemed view?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
a "leaked document"

5 months before midterms

me smells liberal bullshit

No....its true. This has been discussed now for a while. As it should be

It's always been a bad decision. Look deeply into the case. They exploited a pregnant homeless teen and bribed her with food. She didnt understand what was happening. And she never got an abortion (Norma McCorvey....Roe)

She actually fought it later on.

Over turning Roe puts the legality of abortion back into the hands of the states. This is a state rights issue way more than some abortion issue.

Enjoy the authoritarian tantrums and fear mongering propaganda that come from this.

These unbelievable pieces of shit who screech "right to chose"(while spreading blatant misinfo and false info about human life in utero because they dont REALLY care about informed consent and a womans choice at all) are fine with CA allowing people to murder newborns up to 28 weeks but are gonna fake hyperventilate over one of their capitalist golden geese. Pieces of fucking shit is what they are.

Where was our choice on having men in our domestic violence shelters and prison cells? Exactly.

28 days after birth not 28 weeks. Still, point taken.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I think the biggest crime on earth is to birth a child and then abuse or neglect it. Millions of people do that.

Abortion is a very sad choice to have to make, but it is far, far preferable to bringing children into the world who will simply never have a chance at a good life.

I say fuck everyone who wants to force women to have children. That is barbaric and evil. If you made a bad choice and had an abortion you didn't want, that is your burden to bear, and I am sorry for your pain. But don't force other women to make choices based on your individual experience. You shouldn't have that right.
you assume the sluts having abortions over and over again are feeling any sort of pain.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I think the biggest crime on earth is to birth a child and then abuse or neglect it. Millions of people do that.

Abortion is a very sad choice to have to make, but it is far, far preferable to bringing children into the world who will simply never have a chance at a good life.

I say fuck everyone who wants to force women to have children. That is barbaric and evil.

Nobody forces that woman to hop on a dick nor disregard reasonable birth control measures....

Nobody forces that woman to keep the child....

What is barbaric and evil is killing your own children before they have a chance to agree or disagree with it.

You let the kids decide if they're happy to be alive.

I am 100% against murdering children. Zygotes are not children.
hey fuckhead. In places like NEw York you can obtain an abortion almost up to the day the baby is due to come out normally

so are premees Zygotes you insufferable moron?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
I think the biggest crime on earth is to birth a child and then abuse or neglect it. Millions of people do that.

Abortion is a very sad choice to have to make, but it is far, far preferable to bringing children into the world who will simply never have a chance at a good life.

I say fuck everyone who wants to force women to have children. That is barbaric and evil. If you made a bad choice and had an abortion you didn't want, that is your burden to bear, and I am sorry for your pain. But don't force other women to make choices based on your individual experience. You shouldn't have that right.
you assume the sluts having abortions over and over again are feeling any sort of pain.
In Illinois, they sometimes get 2 abortions in a month!!! No lie! Sure its rare, but it happens!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Illinois has the most barbaric abortion laws in the country and this decision does NOTHING to change them! All you libtard cunts are just pissed you can no longer force your evils on CONservative states. FUK OFF!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Now, California now beats them just on sheer lunacy. The far left dems here just legalized killing children up to 28 days AFTER they are born.

Does @LotusBud claim those aren't real babies?