Plagiarism is Pathetic


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Amazing how obvious it is when someone is reading a script.

They spend so much time spewing left wing sources at us about what they have been told to think about others and absolutely no time learning anything for themselves and talking to people. They talk AT you. They are always trying to make themselves seem smarter and more informed than they are. In order to push this stupid idea they are better than their opposition. Really they are just hateful and narrow minded and trying to justify it.

Reminds me of this

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Wow. Just WOW.

You really showed me. You should become a homeschool teacher and create minions who excel at YouTube search’s and plot to take over the world.

But even that won’t change the fact that YOU or Prolapse aka the human brain fart haven’t even began to touch on the point that I made years ago about Trump being capable of erupting a race war ~ which actually happened and cities across the nation almost burnt to the ground…

Nor have you touched on the point was making in that thread… which is that the Rightards have been proven confused by their religious and white nationalist affiliations.

Not to mention Dove copies whatever Fox News and Tucker Carlson says verbatim.

I can’t have a conversation with anyone on this site on any board without her impeding or shitting on the thread. I’ve literally resurrected dormant threads just to prove my point… if you see me posting on a thread for the first time, look around. YOU WILL FIND HER EVERY TIME. It’s so stalkerish it’s creepy.

Is it wrong that I also find it simultaneously hilarious that this is the same person who thought Martini was “dangerous” and yet I’m the one who sent that steaming hot pile of yeast into a muted existence?

Cause if it’s wrong, I don’t wanna be right…:LOL3: :LOL3:
Last edited:


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Oh no… did I forget to site a source?

No, you forgot to cite the one you ripped off, which I recommend you do more often to cheat this site from the free chuckles we get after reading your ongoing stupidity...

- Citations just suck when the cops give you one.

… is this a formal a citation?

I don’t think it’s stupid to address ongoing issues and frustration with the poor black communities we are all forced to endure on some level or another.

But I was born and bred to be a lady… and fuck that ni**** isn’t socially acceptable on the westside. I have a reputation to maintain.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter

I will, once you know what homonyms are; that citation is one, with three meanings - two of which you are now publicly guilty of butchering...

- Your Spanish is apparently better, fucktardo.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
Helping dumb women is so '50s that I need to grow my newscaster coiffure back out and stop slapping them so hard in front of their fathers...

- Did you drop out of school because you were pregnant, or dropped out on your head at the end of your mother's fourteenth pregnancy?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Helping dumb women is so '50s that I need to grow my newscaster coiffure back out and stop slapping them so hard in front of their fathers...

- Did you drop out of school because you were pregnant, or dropped out on your head at the end of your mother's fourteenth pregnancy?

did you drink a monster energy drank and put your head through drywall before forming that opinion, Kyle?


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Amazing how obvious it is when someone is reading a script.

They spend so much time spewing left wing sources at us about what they have been told to think about others and absolutely no time learning anything for themselves and talking to people. They talk AT you. They are always trying to make themselves seem smarter and more informed than they are. In order to push this stupid idea they are better than their opposition. Really they are just hateful and narrow minded and trying to justify it.

Reminds me of this

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Wow. Just WOW.

You really showed me. You should become a homeschool teacher and create minions who excel at YouTube search’s and plot to take over the world.

But even that won’t change the fact that YOU or Prolapse aka the human brain fart haven’t even began to touch on the point that I made years ago about Trump being capable of erupting a race war ~ which actually happened and cities across the nation almost burnt to the ground…

Nor have you touched on the point was making in that thread… which is that the Rightards have been proven confused by their religious and white nationalist affiliations.

Not to mention Dove copies whatever Fox News and Tucker Carlson says verbatim.

I can’t have a conversation with anyone on this site on any board without her impeding or shitting on the thread. I’ve literally resurrected dormant threads just to prove my point… if you see me posting on a thread for the first time, look around. YOU WILL FIND HER EVERY TIME. It’s so stalkerish it’s creepy.

Is it wrong that I also find it simultaneously hilarious that this is the same person who thought Martini was “dangerous” and yet I’m the one who sent that steaming hot pile of yeast into a muted existence?

Cause it’s it’s wrong, I don’t wanna be right…:LOL3: :LOL3:

You're absolutely correct. I've noticed that many of the poster's here try to fit their Donkey sized political agendas through the eye of a needle here in meltdown instead of the political forum. I've seen you try to have civil conversations with those who have opposing viewpoints in a calm and rational manner. Unfortunately, what you get is the typical hyper inflated hysteria associated with low brain cell counts that plague at least 80% of the members here.

As far as "her" is concerned, we've all seen "her" dog and pony show before, along with "her" opinion which aren't even "her" words or opinions, yet "she" states she's not even a Republican. Levon, you, Lily, admin, seamajor, X and myself have have called her out numerous times about "her" illogical arguments and front facing contradictions, just to have her swarm of complete idiots start talking about "dicks in mouths" and "niggers" and "faggots."

I mean look at these losers, they feel the need to walk a tight rope to further their lackluster agenda on a forum with less than 20 users. The reason "her" and that motley group of clowns post here with their garbage in tow is because most if not all of them have been laughed off any mainstream political forums by both Republicans and Democrats. At least two of the knuckleheads that post here were perma banned by me at 4Chan for trying to post their innane political trash in non-political forums after numerous yellow cards and warnings. Did that stop them? Nope.

If the posters here just stop replying to their nonsense, I think that will alleviate 90% of the problems and get this forum back to what is was made

With regards to Martini, that bragging slug is harmless. Sure, his "I can bring more traffic" mantra gets old just like "her" constant bleeting about "cults" and "The evils of (Insert today's latest political fad here)." But at the end of the day, I'll take that jerkoff compared to the alleged Rhode Scholar's like "her" because her only ambition is to thread jack and regurgitate more outlandish crap that's not even rooted in reality.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Amazing how obvious it is when someone is reading a script.

They spend so much time spewing left wing sources at us about what they have been told to think about others and absolutely no time learning anything for themselves and talking to people. They talk AT you. They are always trying to make themselves seem smarter and more informed than they are. In order to push this stupid idea they are better than their opposition. Really they are just hateful and narrow minded and trying to justify it.

Reminds me of this

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Wow. Just WOW.

You really showed me. You should become a homeschool teacher and create minions who excel at YouTube search’s and plot to take over the world.

But even that won’t change the fact that YOU or Prolapse aka the human brain fart haven’t even began to touch on the point that I made years ago about Trump being capable of erupting a race war ~ which actually happened and cities across the nation almost burnt to the ground…

Nor have you touched on the point was making in that thread… which is that the Rightards have been proven confused by their religious and white nationalist affiliations.

Not to mention Dove copies whatever Fox News and Tucker Carlson says verbatim.

I can’t have a conversation with anyone on this site on any board without her impeding or shitting on the thread. I’ve literally resurrected dormant threads just to prove my point… if you see me posting on a thread for the first time, look around. YOU WILL FIND HER EVERY TIME. It’s so stalkerish it’s creepy.

Is it wrong that I also find it simultaneously hilarious that this is the same person who thought Martini was “dangerous” and yet I’m the one who sent that steaming hot pile of yeast into a muted existence?

Cause it’s it’s wrong, I don’t wanna be right…:LOL3: :LOL3:

You're absolutely correct. I've noticed that many of the poster's here try to fit their Donkey sized political agendas through the eye of a needle here in meltdown instead of the political forum. I've seen you try to have civil conversations with those who have opposing viewpoints in a calm and rational manner. Unfortunately, what you get is the typical hyper inflated hysteria associated with low brain cell counts that plague at least 80% of the members here.

As far as "her" is concerned, we've all seen "her" dog and pony show before, along with "her" opinion which aren't even "her" words or opinions, yet "she" states she's not even a Republican. Levon, you, Lily, admin, seamajor, X and myself have have called her out numerous times about "her" illogical arguments and front facing contradictions, just to have her swarm of complete idiots start talking about "dicks in mouths" and "niggers" and "faggots."

I mean look at these losers, they feel the need to walk a tight rope to further their lackluster agenda on a forum with less than 20 users. The reason "her" and that motley group of clowns post here with their garbage in tow is because most if not all of them have been laughed off any mainstream political forums by both Republicans and Democrats. At least two of the knuckleheads that post here were perma banned by me at 4Chan for trying to post their innane political trash in non-political forums after numerous yellow cards and warnings. Did that stop them? Nope.

If the posters here just stop replying to their nonsense, I think that will alleviate 90% of the problems and get this forum back to what is was made

With regards to Martini, that bragging slug is harmless. Sure, his "I can bring more traffic" mantra gets old just like "her" constant bleeting about "cults" and "The evils of (Insert today's latest political fad here)." But at the end of the day, I'll take that jerkoff compared to the alleged Rhode Scholar's like "her" because her only ambition is to thread jack and regurgitate more outlandish crap that's not even rooted in reality.

I’ll tell you what, WE are gonna mark this occasion, which is inclusive of Biggie’s incarcenogenic swamp gas dwelling, missile crisis of a liability having ass with a little summmsummmm… a NEW troll word hybrid. I’m talking trollcyclopedia worthy ~

Agnorant ~ when you are pathologically ignorant and simultaneous ignorant AF to the wants and needs of this community and mos’ DEF the divided states of this beautiful nation.

poor out a little beer for the slowly dying former homie *raises glass of La Criox”


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
What a dumb fucking retarded potatoe dog fucker Flynn is.

At least they can comfort eachother. Dry eachothers tears. Affirm eachothers lies. Cosign eachothers delusions. Desperately project their character defects onto others. Corn roll eachothers pubes. Clean up eachothers bender vomit.

I'm glad they have eachother. Good for them!

They can hold hands while bravely navigating one another through the wildly inappropriate anger, entitlement, cluster b personality defects and substance abuse that plagues their harrowing and self important cyber existence. Then console one another over all the perceived horrific damage ive done to them once their manic phases crashes.

As long as they dont feed off eachother right into doing something completely psychotic, I think its wonderful. Alliances formed by a mutual hatred are the picture of excellent character and integrity!



Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Can anyone guess who now is mad because no one is buying in to "her" fucking typical bullshit?

Can anyone point out specific passages in the Bible where it talks about Masturbation and Oral Sex? Then can anyone tell me the Bible states it's "okay" to engage in those two?

Watch out! The angry fuckstick will start foaming at the mouth and start posting more passages from Fox News!

Message to DUMBASS...Please post your vomit in the Political forum.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
Amazing how obvious it is when someone is reading a script.

They spend so much time spewing left wing sources at us about what they have been told to think about others and absolutely no time learning anything for themselves and talking to people. They talk AT you. They are always trying to make themselves seem smarter and more informed than they are. In order to push this stupid idea they are better than their opposition. Really they are just hateful and narrow minded and trying to justify it.

Reminds me of this

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Wow. Just WOW.

You really showed me. You should become a homeschool teacher and create minions who excel at YouTube search’s and plot to take over the world.

But even that won’t change the fact that YOU or Prolapse aka the human brain fart haven’t even began to touch on the point that I made years ago about Trump being capable of erupting a race war ~ which actually happened and cities across the nation almost burnt to the ground…

Nor have you touched on the point was making in that thread… which is that the Rightards have been proven confused by their religious and white nationalist affiliations.

Not to mention Dove copies whatever Fox News and Tucker Carlson says verbatim.

I can’t have a conversation with anyone on this site on any board without her impeding or shitting on the thread. I’ve literally resurrected dormant threads just to prove my point… if you see me posting on a thread for the first time, look around. YOU WILL FIND HER EVERY TIME. It’s so stalkerish it’s creepy.

Is it wrong that I also find it simultaneously hilarious that this is the same person who thought Martini was “dangerous” and yet I’m the one who sent that steaming hot pile of yeast into a muted existence?

Cause it’s it’s wrong, I don’t wanna be right…:LOL3: :LOL3:

You're absolutely correct. I've noticed that many of the poster's here try to fit their Donkey sized political agendas through the eye of a needle here in meltdown instead of the political forum. I've seen you try to have civil conversations with those who have opposing viewpoints in a calm and rational manner. Unfortunately, what you get is the typical hyper inflated hysteria associated with low brain cell counts that plague at least 80% of the members here.

As far as "her" is concerned, we've all seen "her" dog and pony show before, along with "her" opinion which aren't even "her" words or opinions, yet "she" states she's not even a Republican. Levon, you, Lily, admin, seamajor, X and myself have have called her out numerous times about "her" illogical arguments and front facing contradictions, just to have her swarm of complete idiots start talking about "dicks in mouths" and "niggers" and "faggots."

I mean look at these losers, they feel the need to walk a tight rope to further their lackluster agenda on a forum with less than 20 users. The reason "her" and that motley group of clowns post here with their garbage in tow is because most if not all of them have been laughed off any mainstream political forums by both Republicans and Democrats. At least two of the knuckleheads that post here were perma banned by me at 4Chan for trying to post their innane political trash in non-political forums after numerous yellow cards and warnings. Did that stop them? Nope.

If the posters here just stop replying to their nonsense, I think that will alleviate 90% of the problems and get this forum back to what is was made

With regards to Martini, that bragging slug is harmless. Sure, his "I can bring more traffic" mantra gets old just like "her" constant bleeting about "cults" and "The evils of (Insert today's latest political fad here)." But at the end of the day, I'll take that jerkoff compared to the alleged Rhode Scholar's like "her" because her only ambition is to thread jack and regurgitate more outlandish crap that's not even rooted in reality.

I’ll tell you what, WE are gonna mark this occasion, which is inclusive of Biggie’s incarcenogenic swamp gas dwelling, missile crisis of a liability having ass with a little summmsummmm… a NEW troll word hybrid. I’m talking trollcyclopedia worthy ~

Agnorant ~ when you are pathologically ignorant and simultaneous ignorant AF to the wants and needs of this community and mos’ DEF the divided states of this beautiful nation.

poor out a little beer for the slowly dying former homie *raises glass of La Criox”

Again. You nailed this one. Those two tiny minded fucks are all about THEIR agenda, just like at SG. Those two dickheads single handedly brought down Flea's forum with their down home brand of uber stupidity. Both those two attention seeking tards think that the forums are there to cater to just only those two. Forget everyone else that doesn't want to read their pathetic gaslighting nor their outdated and often wrong political stance that changes each and every day.

At the end of the day it's pure stupidity and selfishness that propels those two to keep on going with their obvious wrong narratives that are deeply rooted in fairy tales and conspiracy theories. Both those two fuckwits think posters want to read about admin sucking dick and how evil all the Democrats are. Fact is, no one wants to read anything from those two butthurt idiots.

All of a sudden Dove is an expert at politics, yet she can't even spell 5th grade words and has to make up shit that's not even in the Bible just to try and win a pathetic argument with admin over masturbation and oral sex. I mean even Aryan and SHAMPAIN are far more entertaining than Biggie Broken-Record and Dumbass Dove.

But, I will hold up my plastic sippy cup of red Kool Aid and pour some out for all the "homies" those two gigantic spamming fucks have run off and how they both systematically ruined Flea's forum.

Seriously, though, if both those silly fucks were to die of mental starvation, no one would fucking blink an eye.

The Prowler

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Not Really Murdock 7.5
White nationalism is little more than an attempt to cloak white supremacist ideas in the more respectable language of racial separatism, just as the alt-right has tried to repackage fascist thought in a more modern form. All these variants are built on common notions of a white identity and racial superiority. They promote hate and violence as valid political tools, rejecting values of equality, coexistence, and the rule of law in favor of raw power and ethnic division.

Really Murdock 7.5
I’ll tell you what, WE are gonna mark this occasion, which is inclusive of Biggie’s incarcenogenic swamp gas dwelling, missile crisis of a liability having ass with a little summmsummmm… a NEW troll word hybrid. I’m talking trollcyclopedia worthy ~

Agnorant ~ when you are pathologically ignorant and simultaneous ignorant AF to the wants and needs of this community and mos’ DEF the divided states of this beautiful nation.

poor out a little beer for the slowly dying former homie *raises glass of La Criox”

It is remarkable that I could tell the difference.



Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I’m so mean that I moved towards rebuilding this community despite the hatred and lies intentional stacked against me in a power play for Big that never existed. He was my friend and I enjoyed his company. She did not want to endure that mid relapse.

I’m so mean that I repetitively was girl power with someone I could not relate to, but recognized needed it most.

I’m so mean that I saw potential in man who I knew had healed his hurt with anger and resentment.

I’m so mean that I tried to help the people within my forum community by attacking it with 150% effort.

I’m so mean that I try to get people to disagree respectively.

I’m so mean that as an empath, I have no choice in and have taken extreme measures from preventing me from absorbing your energy so that the universe can utilize my gift as a mirror to assist you with our own journey.

if you hate me.., it’s because I have mirrored a quality in yourself or the energy that you have aligned yourself with that you do not like because it does not truly resonate with your soul. There is just no way around this… it is what it is.

I healed so I could tell you that I’m no longer burdening myself with this bull shit and you can figure it out for your selfish ass selves

Please be advised: I will not be reincarnating here… so imagine what that will be like while you make deep soul connection lines with one another that will last through the remainder of your specific path’s eternity.

I am done exhausting myself with this toxic too stupid for growth mediocrity.


I’m so mean that I moved towards rebuilding this community despite the hatred and lies intentional stacked against me in a power play for Big that never existed. He was my friend and I enjoyed his company. She did not want to endure that mid relapse.

I’m so mean that I repetitively was girl power with someone I could not relate to, but recognized needed it most.

I’m so mean that I saw potential in man who I knew had healed his hurt with anger and resentment.

I’m so mean that I tried to help the people within my forum community by attacking it with 150% effort.

I’m so mean that I try to get people to disagree respectively.

I’m so mean that as an empath, I have no choice in and have taken extreme measures from preventing me from absorbing your energy so that the universe can utilize my gift as a mirror to assist you with our own journey.

if you hate me.., it’s because I have mirrored a quality in yourself or the energy that you have aligned yourself with that you do not like because it does not truly resonate with your soul. There is just no way around this… it is what it is.

I healed so I could tell you that I’m no longer burdening myself with this bull shit and you can figure it out for your selfish ass selves

Please be advised: I will not be reincarnating here… so imagine what that will be like while you make deep soul connection lines with one another that will last through the remainder of your specific path’s eternity.

I am done exhausting myself with this toxic too stupid for growth mediocrity.
Actually this is just a place to kill time when we are ignoring our work and neglecting our kids. It isn't a community.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah


Perhaps you could try deal with your own alcoholism before you try to mock my sobriety, herd following dipshit.

But he tries so hard. lol

to be relevant? :GiggleBitch:

not as bad as a grown ass adult forming opinions and waging an attack against you solely based on an interloper perspective of a toxic relationship with 15 year history they simply were not there for…

but pathetic nonetheless


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah


Perhaps you could try deal with your own alcoholism before you try to mock my sobriety, herd following dipshit.

But he tries so hard. lol

to be relevant? :GiggleBitch:

not as bad as a grown ass adult forming opinions and waging an attack against you solely based on an interloper perspective of a toxic relationship with 15 year history they simply were not there for…

but pathetic nonetheless

Yes, to be relevant.

As to the interlopers, yeah they just want to see the fighting continue, sickos get off on that.


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah


Perhaps you could try deal with your own alcoholism before you try to mock my sobriety, herd following dipshit.

But he tries so hard. lol

to be relevant? :GiggleBitch:

not as bad as a grown ass adult forming opinions and waging an attack against you solely based on an interloper perspective of a toxic relationship with 15 year history they simply were not there for…

but pathetic nonetheless

Yes, to be relevant.

As to the interlopers, yeah they just want to see the fighting continue, sickos get off on that.

gone are the days when the chopping trolls made this shit actually funny for everyone *rolls eyes*


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah


Perhaps you could try deal with your own alcoholism before you try to mock my sobriety, herd following dipshit.

But he tries so hard. lol

to be relevant? :GiggleBitch:

not as bad as a grown ass adult forming opinions and waging an attack against you solely based on an interloper perspective of a toxic relationship with 15 year history they simply were not there for…

but pathetic nonetheless

Yes, to be relevant.

As to the interlopers, yeah they just want to see the fighting continue, sickos get off on that.

gone are the days when the chopping trolls made this shit actually funny for everyone *rolls eyes*

Some people are "vengeful"...lmfao


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah


Perhaps you could try deal with your own alcoholism before you try to mock my sobriety, herd following dipshit.

But he tries so hard. lol

to be relevant? :GiggleBitch:

not as bad as a grown ass adult forming opinions and waging an attack against you solely based on an interloper perspective of a toxic relationship with 15 year history they simply were not there for…

but pathetic nonetheless

Yes, to be relevant.

As to the interlopers, yeah they just want to see the fighting continue, sickos get off on that.

gone are the days when the chopping trolls made this shit actually funny for everyone *rolls eyes*

Some people are "vengeful"...lmfao

it’s not even her butthurted :Crazy:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah


Perhaps you could try deal with your own alcoholism before you try to mock my sobriety, herd following dipshit.

But he tries so hard. lol

to be relevant? :GiggleBitch:

not as bad as a grown ass adult forming opinions and waging an attack against you solely based on an interloper perspective of a toxic relationship with 15 year history they simply were not there for…

but pathetic nonetheless

Yes, to be relevant.

As to the interlopers, yeah they just want to see the fighting continue, sickos get off on that.

gone are the days when the chopping trolls made this shit actually funny for everyone *rolls eyes*

Some people are "vengeful"...lmfao

it’s not even her butthurted :Crazy:

Trash from bins pile together?


Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah

I’m so drunk that blah blah blah


Perhaps you could try deal with your own alcoholism before you try to mock my sobriety, herd following dipshit.

But he tries so hard. lol

to be relevant? :GiggleBitch:

not as bad as a grown ass adult forming opinions and waging an attack against you solely based on an interloper perspective of a toxic relationship with 15 year history they simply were not there for…

but pathetic nonetheless

Yes, to be relevant.

As to the interlopers, yeah they just want to see the fighting continue, sickos get off on that.

gone are the days when the chopping trolls made this shit actually funny for everyone *rolls eyes*

Some people are "vengeful"...lmfao

it’s not even her butthurted :Crazy:

Trash from bins pile together?

it kinda feels like this….

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Queenie Weenie
Site Supporter ☠️
La La Land
Watching The Leaker and 7.5 try to console each other is fuckin' hilarious!!!!


I’m going to try to assist you with your issue.

If you drink more than 2 beers or cocktails 2+ times per week, you’re probably an alcoholic. I’m assuming like most former athlete males you binge.

I did not start drinking until I found out my ex husband had carried out an affair with one of my best friends since high school when I was 27. I could literally count on both hands how many times I had drank since HS at that point.

But then I found online, which is a dangerous place for anyone who drinks and has a history of alcoholism in their family. Online creates a comfy cozy place where you can interact and there is no bartender to cut you off if you start getting shitty.

I was well aware of alcoholism since I had been in Alanon for several years dealing with my parents drug use and alcoholism. I was also high functioning. I have never lost a job due to drinking or been unable to maintain my responsibilities. I’m also Irish and have drank sailors under the table on numerous occasions playing last man standing. The winner of that game got a selfie with the inebriated who was laid out by then.

It takes an alcoholic to recognize an alcoholic. I hope you’re eventually able to admit there is an issue, because otherwise there will be no recovery.

I’m not going to talk program because I’ve never been in one. I have a diagnosed allergy to alcohol that makes even 2 drinks send me into a shitfaced blur that became extremely apparent after I got sober after my divorce. It was a process. I was smoking weed, having a cig here and there and mixing that with cocktails/wine. I found that cutting out the smoking first, then the weed, then the wine worked for me.

I wish you luck. I’m now putting you on ignore because I am not going to be called a liar about my sobriety by a poster who is drunk regularly. I don’t need the temptation.
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