White Privilege


Put your glasses on!
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Im sure my White Privilege will kick in any day now. Prolly the day they get Trump, lol.

So, is there Black Privilege? Mexican Privilege? Asian Privilege? Im just curious, or is it only Whites because of their skin color? That almost sounds..... gasp..... racist!!!!


Ignore features are for bitches.
Southern Florida
White privledge is similar to the benefit of the doubt.

Most cops assume that white ppl won't shoot them with no warning, will comply with orders. Shopkeepers don't instantly suspect you of theft. No one believes you're an illegal immigrant if you don't talk.

my experience is only in MURICA, YinternationalMMV


Ignore features are for bitches.
Southern Florida
Im sure my White Privilege will kick in any day now. Prolly the day they get Trump, lol.

So, is there Black Privilege? Mexican Privilege? Asian Privilege? Im just curious, or is it only Whites because of their skin color? That almost sounds..... gasp..... racist!!!!
ya nigga


Factory Bastard
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White privledge is similar to the benefit of the doubt.

Most cops assume that white ppl won't shoot them with no warning, will comply with orders. Shopkeepers don't instantly suspect you of theft. No one believes you're an illegal immigrant if you don't talk.

my experience is only in MURICA, YinternationalMMV

After greeting numerous White American tourists in Canada I'm convinced that many are scared as anyone else that their government aka Big Brother is watching them. They'd come off the plane & frantically show me their passports as if this is a requirement in Canada. But I basically informed them in a don't care way that this is not required in my country. I was just a service worker not a government official. We dont conduct seach & seize operations on tourists in this country. I got the impression America has made its own law abiding White citizens afraid of own their government.


Ignore features are for bitches.
Southern Florida
We fear government survellience because most of us are committing crimes in one form of another. It's one of the perks of being white, if I get caught stealing they want to hear about my drug problem, my broken childhood, my dad not being around, and hope they can instill in me some form of civility and reintroduce me to society rapidly with a job, some clean clothes, and a new perspective.

If you're black and caught stealing they're like *shocker shocker* and just give you 6months in the county jail where you can play Spades and get your hair did.