January 6 Hearing July 21st 8PM EDT



I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Trump in jail yet?

Anyone even charged with anything yet?

Trump doesn't have to go to jail. He just has to be unelectable. I think that's been achieved. Jail is gravy on top...
I too would love to see him get locked up, but I am not going to hold my breath, this Country was too gutless to ban assault weapons after Sandy Hook, I can't see us throwing the orange carny in prison where he belongs, even it's only a "Club Fed" for a few months. But I will remain hopeful.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
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Josh Hawley bravely runs away from the riot he helped ignite, Run Josh Run!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Trump in jail yet?

Anyone even charged with anything yet?

So does that make the laws he’s broken OK? Fatsos other Fatso took it pretty hard today. Why do you look up to crooks?

I strongly disagree that he broke any laws. I also find it alarming that protests against the government are being criminalize and the way one party responds when another party is elected.

I view dems/progs as authoritarians who want a one party regime who seeks to use the federal government to control every state.

We saw democrats and the media inciting riots that destroyed communities and ruined lives and got people killed.

So I find this Jan 6th thing to be an attack on the people.

There were no laws broke by Trump. There was no insurrection. It's entirely about political power. We are at a point where there is so much psychotic hate that people would rather see the country go to shit. And that's sad.

I dont think he going to be unelectable either.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Josh Hawley bravely runs away from the riot he helped ignite, Run Josh Run!

Secoriea Turners mother after left wing rioters shot her 8 year old little girl.

For "black lives"

You are not mad about riots. You cheered on riots while your "side" was doing them

You are mad because you dont opposing parties to exist. Simple as that. You are just hateful.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Trump in jail yet?

Anyone even charged with anything yet?

So does that make the laws he’s broken OK? Fatsos other Fatso took it pretty hard today. Why do you look up to crooks?

I strongly disagree that he broke any laws. I also find it alarming that protests against the government are being criminalize and the way one party responds when another party is elected.

I view dems/progs as authoritarians who want a one party regime who seeks to use the federal government to control every state.

We saw democrats and the media inciting riots that destroyed communities and ruined lives and got people killed.

So I find this Jan 6th thing to be an attack on the people.

There were no laws broke by Trump. There was no insurrection. It's entirely about political power. We are at a point where there is so much psychotic hate that people would rather see the country go to shit. And that's sad.

I dont think he going to be unelectable either.

You're stupid.

Going on a rampage inside a federal building is not a "protest". Threatening the lives of public officials is also illegal.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
Trump in jail yet?

Anyone even charged with anything yet?

So does that make the laws he’s broken OK? Fatsos other Fatso took it pretty hard today. Why do you look up to crooks?

I strongly disagree that he broke any laws. I also find it alarming that protests against the government are being criminalize and the way one party responds when another party is elected.

I view dems/progs as authoritarians who want a one party regime who seeks to use the federal government to control every state.

We saw democrats and the media inciting riots that destroyed communities and ruined lives and got people killed.

So I find this Jan 6th thing to be an attack on the people.

There were no laws broke by Trump. There was no insurrection. It's entirely about political power. We are at a point where there is so much psychotic hate that people would rather see the country go to shit. And that's sad.

I dont think he going to be unelectable either.

You're stupid.

Going on a rampage inside a federal building is not a "protest". Threatening the lives of public officials is also illegal.
Looting and pillaging the House of American Democracy just isn't done, we didn't approve of the Brit's doing it, and we shouldn't allow domestic terrorists to either.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Trump in jail yet?

Anyone even charged with anything yet?

So does that make the laws he’s broken OK? Fatsos other Fatso took it pretty hard today. Why do you look up to crooks?

I strongly disagree that he broke any laws. I also find it alarming that protests against the government are being criminalize and the way one party responds when another party is elected.

I view dems/progs as authoritarians who want a one party regime who seeks to use the federal government to control every state.

We saw democrats and the media inciting riots that destroyed communities and ruined lives and got people killed.

So I find this Jan 6th thing to be an attack on the people.

There were no laws broke by Trump. There was no insurrection. It's entirely about political power. We are at a point where there is so much psychotic hate that people would rather see the country go to shit. And that's sad.

I dont think he going to be unelectable either.

You're stupid.

Going on a rampage inside a federal building is not a "protest". Threatening the lives of public officials is also illegal.
Looting and pillaging the House of American Democracy just isn't done, we didn't approve of the Brit's doing it, and we shouldn't allow domestic terrorists to either.

They are traitors to the nation.

Also cry baby fux. Weird, huh?


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
I wonder if heads will explode if Trump wins 2024 :Popcorn:

I have a feeling the GOP of Georgia, former Trump voters just might be the agency that may end up doing Trump the most damage/punishment

He has pissed off a lot of Republicans over the last 5 years...
More and more seem to gathering the courage to speak in less than adoring terms about 45...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I wonder if heads will explode if Trump wins 2024 :Popcorn:

I have a feeling the GOP of Georgia, former Trump voters just might be the agency that may end up doing Trump the most damage/punishment

He has pissed off a lot of Republicans over the last 5 years...
More and more seem to gathering the courage to speak in less than adoring terms about 45...

Except for Kevin McCarthy, that faggot will suck any ass to get to be Speaker...


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
I wonder if heads will explode if Trump wins 2024 :Popcorn:

I have a feeling the GOP of Georgia, former Trump voters just might be the agency that may end up doing Trump the most damage/punishment

He has pissed off a lot of Republicans over the last 5 years...
More and more seem to gathering the courage to speak in less than adoring terms about 45...

Except for Kevin McCarthy, that faggot will suck any ass to get to be Speaker...
He's a forked tongue idiot, why did the libtards in California even elect him?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
I wonder if heads will explode if Trump wins 2024 :Popcorn:

I have a feeling the GOP of Georgia, former Trump voters just might be the agency that may end up doing Trump the most damage/punishment

He has pissed off a lot of Republicans over the last 5 years...
More and more seem to gathering the courage to speak in less than adoring terms about 45...

Except for Kevin McCarthy, that faggot will suck any ass to get to be Speaker...
He's a forked tongue idiot, why did the libtards in California even elect him?

He's from Bakersfield. You need to remember that certain parts of the State populated by retards.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
I wonder if heads will explode if Trump wins 2024 :Popcorn:

I have a feeling the GOP of Georgia, former Trump voters just might be the agency that may end up doing Trump the most damage/punishment

He has pissed off a lot of Republicans over the last 5 years...
More and more seem to gathering the courage to speak in less than adoring terms about 45...

Except for Kevin McCarthy, that faggot will suck any ass to get to be Speaker...
He's a forked tongue idiot, why did the libtards in California even elect him?

He's from Bakersfield. You need to remember that certain parts of the State populated by retards.
I was speaking to our trumptarded friends


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️

***NO, I want my flock angry about the election I just lost", but they'll believe whatever I say, they are just that stupid...and they send me lots and lots of $$$, bwahaha!*** "I could wipe my ass with the constitution and they'd send me money, believe me, they've done it."


An Claidheam Anam
I'm still waiting to hear what "crimes" Trump is guilty of?

Do any of you dullard Leftie vermin have that in your talking points?
I'm not your intern, if you want to view the evidence being shown at the Hearings, watch the fucking Hearings.

These aren't "Hearings." It's just TDS sufferers engaging in masturbatory hate-affirmation.

So tell me, has Trump ruined the color orange for you now?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
That’s no it amigo. Trumps a fucking crook, and your degree of intelligence, understanding doesn’t allow you to reason when it cums to this subject. TDS is your typical stock reply. The real Fatso Trump fail is in progress. Dumb fuck.
Trump in jail yet?

Anyone even charged with anything yet?

So does that make the laws he’s broken OK? Fatsos other Fatso took it pretty hard today. Why do you look up to crooks?

I strongly disagree that he broke any laws. I also find it alarming that protests against the government are being criminalize and the way one party responds when another party is elected.

I view dems/progs as authoritarians who want a one party regime who seeks to use the federal government to control every state.

We saw democrats and the media inciting riots that destroyed communities and ruined lives and got people killed.

So I find this Jan 6th thing to be an attack on the people.

There were no laws broke by Trump. There was no insurrection. It's entirely about political power. We are at a point where there is so much psychotic hate that people would rather see the country go to shit. And that's sad.

I dont think he going to be unelectable either.

Anti Merican thoughts. There needs to be Justice for law breakers. Seeing what happened to the other fat crook yesterday was a pleasure, and totally justified


An Claidheam Anam
That’s no it amigo. Trumps a fucking crook, and your degree of intelligence, understanding doesn’t allow you to reason when it cums to this subject. TDS is your typical stock reply. The real Fatso Trump fail is in progress. Dumb fuck.
Trump in jail yet?

Anyone even charged with anything yet?

So does that make the laws he’s broken OK? Fatsos other Fatso took it pretty hard today. Why do you look up to crooks?

I strongly disagree that he broke any laws. I also find it alarming that protests against the government are being criminalize and the way one party responds when another party is elected.

I view dems/progs as authoritarians who want a one party regime who seeks to use the federal government to control every state.

We saw democrats and the media inciting riots that destroyed communities and ruined lives and got people killed.

So I find this Jan 6th thing to be an attack on the people.

There were no laws broke by Trump. There was no insurrection. It's entirely about political power. We are at a point where there is so much psychotic hate that people would rather see the country go to shit. And that's sad.

I dont think he going to be unelectable either.

Anti Merican thoughts. There needs to be Justice for law breakers. Seeing what happened to the other fat crook yesterday was a pleasure, and totally justified

OK. I'll ask one more time: What "crimes" has Trump committed that makes him a "crook?"

Trump is the most investigated person in the entire history of the world ... yet you schmucks got nothing but hate after all this time.

Sp, will you be committing suicide when Trump gets reelected in 2024?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
The worst thing is, het tried to start a civil war. For no apparent real reason, other then to demonstrate what an ass he is


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
The worst thing is, het tried to start a civil war. For no apparent real reason, other then to demonstrate what an ass he is

How do you get this?

What if what was done to Trump and his supporters was done to you guys? How did Trump almost start a civil war?

What laws did he break?

A civil war is going to happen if one party starts trying to take all the power and forcing everyone to go along with them.

It's not been Trump or his supporters burning down communities, attacking police, attacking SCOTUS justices and gunning for a one party authoritarian state, Sea.

Why is it on other people to submit? We cant do actual democracy anymore? We have to submit to one party?


An Claidheam Anam
Now the Secret Service is rife with "White Supremacy." I've already seen it here and there. Standby for the deluge of cartoon memes showing the evil white Secret Service agents plotting with the Bad Orange Man to steal democracy.

... still waiting for any actual "crime" to be alleged. So far I've heard nothing more compelling, much less admissible in a court of law, besides double hearsay. Kind of like when I say I heard from someone else who read it on another forum that Seamajor traffics in kidnapped orphans and keeps them chained to the back wall of his third world compound. My source also said that SeaSlopey lets the more pliant ones out of their chains and uses them as house servants to water his bromeliads.

My "testimony" above is more based in reality than anything the January 6th Committee has so far proclaimed.