MELTDOWN needs flamers


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
Sup fags, I'm blasted. I won't drag up that Unc shit though it's obvious he elbow-pull-dragged himself away while screaming back at town that he was through/done/nobody gave a fuck. Then said some shit about never posting here after his Call out SSS. True.

Think maybe he should call me out again? I maight dun be aenuvah ATVile/Buzzsaw 2. Of I'm sorry for assumimh you know what happened in the Golden Age of flaming. History begins, or just scroll to wherever the ever fuck, you warm bodied ugly fucking members there. Go cram that hobblnailed dildo back up your noses.

*oh man, I just pissed so long that I didn't have any more _pile to blast off the stinky porcelain. Now where the fuck was I?*

Oh yeah, talkin' shit 'bout nothin' at all. That's why we're all here, right? I mean, none of us would like each other in RL, so why pretend here? Good question, I say. I myself felt a few uncomfortable gaggle of dingleberries clutched onto whoever thought s/he could make a friend. Impossible. Not with me, anyway. Come to daddy.

Oh shit, it's awesome pic time!!!

Still Remember me, who called me out publicly then immediately retired. Anybody care? So many goddamn ways my drunk ass self could fuck with you. If you saw my collection you'd leave so awardly that you understood that ole saying about "Don't".

*stained my new bleached white undershirt via *splash!* Too high, too high like me right now, faggots. I'm into bright poetry and mulching, so fuck you for constantly watering embarrassments of a yard so bleh that dogs all decide to pass on it like there's a better carpet ahead. Like I do anywhere an annoying bitch ahead, like to watch them like cw_ failures to do it.

You are just another imposter seeking for my alpha attention.

I POWER CRUSHED you already you filthy disgusting swine. Hell, I cant even rememeber your name. I bet you are into CP. I will call you SuperPodo.

SuperPodo spreading his AIDS JUICE on this plushy before he donates it to Salvation Army. How many children does he have to infect before he's stopped? An absolute lunatic.


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Another pleeb that runs for the cover of 'PLEASE ASS BOX ME!' ..FFS YOU WEAK AMATUER COCONUT ass ramming fahhgit if you can't beat a simpleton like SSS without resorting to your ole' comfortable 'PLEASE ASS BOX ME!-ism's' then you just suck, wrestling MeMes ??? Aids Juice ?? ffs the 90's called and it's wants you to suck its dick ..

...Meanwhile back at dilfies hut Auntie, Difie and Momma wait for their Fufu to cool down



Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Another pleeb that runs for the cover of 'PLEASE ASS BOX ME!' ..FFS YOU WEAK AMATUER COCONUT ass ramming fahhgit if you can't beat a simpleton like SSS without resorting to your ole' comfortable 'PLEASE ASS BOX ME!-ism's' then you just suck, wrestling MeMes ??? Aids Juice ?? ffs the 90's called and it's wants you to suck its dick ..

...Meanwhile back at dilfies hut Auntie, Difie and Momma wait for their Fufu to cool down

Says the cunt that uses dead mum “jokes” GTFOH


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Another pleeb that runs for the cover of 'PLEASE ASS BOX ME!' ..FFS YOU WEAK AMATUER COCONUT ass ramming fahhgit if you can't beat a simpleton like SSS without resorting to your ole' comfortable 'PLEASE ASS BOX ME!-ism's' then you just suck, wrestling MeMes ??? Aids Juice ?? ffs the 90's called and it's wants you to suck its dick ..

...Meanwhile back at dilfies hut Auntie, Difie and Momma wait for their Fufu to cool down

Says the cunt that uses dead mum “jokes” GTFOH


Factory Bastard
OK, it's tiiiime to kick some hobnailed dildos up the asses of a few posters who had the audacity to turn my last thread into a goddamn ring-around-the-SSS game. We are in MELTDOWN, and you slobs are my newest anal butter boys.


Everybody who was christened "Oliver" was and will continue to be the kid that always gets punked out. Even today little girls can violently stomp all of the Oliver's of this world, so I'm gonna put my favorite pressed dress on and continue the timeless practice of making an Oliver cower in a corner like that kid in Saw 2.

To begin, you NEED to Google Image the name "Oliver" to know I'm not just bullshitin'. See there? They aaaaall wear glasses and one was even pictured what it means to be an Oliver. The smart ones immediately use their middle names for mercy from bullies like me. Here, we gotta a fuckin' guy who actually named his own damn self Oliver! That's like that fucking German I retired who kept calling himself a Nazi and using their pictures in his avatar, which means he is willing to side with the LOSERS! Our Oliver has done the damn same thing to himself here. Pathetic!



Who's next? Ah, rT! The self-proclaimed cocky dunce whose face needs to adorn the very lowest bill in newly printed Venezuelan cash. Yeah, it would be a classic history-repeats-itself story concerning useless money used to purchase single-ply toilet paper thinner than rT's off-board "self-respect." His facial fiasco would go something like this: Cashiers point pistols at the faces of customers who are seen praying to God while standing in line with all four pockets stuffed with rT's, before shuffling out and notice their wifebarrels have either been stolen or hopped away on their one good wheel/leg.


I've got my eyes on a few more cretins here to place burning bags of vile_piles of shit on their doorsteps. Steps! Don't. Fucking. Step on it. Or call firefighters because when they hear about that problem, it's part of newbie training to memorize a long list of excuses for that particularly dangerous shit, and they know the worthless hovel belongs to some poster from BF who actually bought a house in Detroit with one crumpled rT. So there you go...


- sit ups must be pretty easy

I could kill you. I'm not saying that I would or even want to, but I certainly could beat and kill every single one of you in a fight. that would include you too.