RIP MMPv2.0 I told yous it was a mistake


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
He went on and on how he was bring this nigga in, that nigga here on BF? Just how many new posters have come because of him? Must all because ghosts only he can see and post cuz from what I see the so called King brought none.

So much for the KING and his so called power influence and all that uncool bullshit. Stick to flipping burgers Captain Foolie. Its all you can do and got.

He actually brings any people. What he does is rally for posters he doesnt like to be banned.

He already said all the "heavy hitters" are already here. That's the few people he likes because they hate the same people he hates.

He is pathological drama lol. Nothing more.
Bloody attention whores if only I could swat the away like a mosquito like in real life. RAID should be readily available on these sites. Only thing is I'd need a year supply every week.

Maybe posting more dumb beastialty pics will do the job you fucking retarded jackass.
Yeah. Pal. You're a fucking piece of shit, the way you talked about BF and his family, I'd have had you bounced out of here on your empty head so fast it would have made Gutterballs vagina spin.
What dickhead? Can you not comprehend that?
You noticed that too huh?

Dunno about you, but I've never seen a "female" get this irate online and spew so much toxic, foul-mouthed venom.

The combination of seething buttsore and potent stimulants make this individual(s) particularly unpleasant to be around.
Disturbing behavior. If a "female" was ever that out of line in real life she would be swiftly put in her place. In this caste I really believe there are two if not more people under that account. Sounds read a lot like Oak when "she" is calmer. Sometimes like KM. A lot of serious mental afflictions under that profile.

Women dont act like that. Flynn is a male thing. 100 percent.
He uses a similar style to King Poofter, but with more aggression and slightly more intelligence. But the latter is a bit hit and miss! I swear it’s an open account!

Because Poofer wants to be able to pretend he isnt still pissed.

So he jumps on the Flynn account to really spew.

It's so schizo lol.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Okay I just looked and Cascur isnt banned. She uses the name "Broadcasthoney" there right?

Shes still there.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
He went on and on how he was bring this nigga in, that nigga here on BF? Just how many new posters have come because of him? Must all because ghosts only he can see and post cuz from what I see the so called King brought none.

So much for the KING and his so called power influence and all that uncool bullshit. Stick to flipping burgers Captain Foolie. Its all you can do and got.

He actually brings any people. What he does is rally for posters he doesnt like to be banned.

He already said all the "heavy hitters" are already here. That's the few people he likes because they hate the same people he hates.

He is pathological drama lol. Nothing more.
Bloody attention whores if only I could swat the away like a mosquito like in real life. RAID should be readily available on these sites. Only thing is I'd need a year supply every week.

Maybe posting more dumb beastialty pics will do the job you fucking retarded jackass.
Yeah. Pal. You're a fucking piece of shit, the way you talked about BF and his family, I'd have had you bounced out of here on your empty head so fast it would have made Gutterballs vagina spin.
What dickhead? Can you not comprehend that?
You noticed that too huh?

Dunno about you, but I've never seen a "female" get this irate online and spew so much toxic, foul-mouthed venom.

The combination of seething buttsore and potent stimulants make this individual(s) particularly unpleasant to be around.
Disturbing behavior. If a "female" was ever that out of line in real life she would be swiftly put in her place. In this caste I really believe there are two if not more people under that account. Sounds read a lot like Oak when "she" is calmer. Sometimes like KM. A lot of serious mental afflictions under that profile.

Women dont act like that. Flynn is a male thing. 100 percent.
I love women, and I can generally get them to like me in some way or another. But Flynn…fuck a duck! It’s either an open account, a man-hating diesel dyke or a dude with an angry inch! If none of that…a schizophrenic son of a biatch!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
He went on and on how he was bring this nigga in, that nigga here on BF? Just how many new posters have come because of him? Must all because ghosts only he can see and post cuz from what I see the so called King brought none.

So much for the KING and his so called power influence and all that uncool bullshit. Stick to flipping burgers Captain Foolie. Its all you can do and got.

He actually brings any people. What he does is rally for posters he doesnt like to be banned.

He already said all the "heavy hitters" are already here. That's the few people he likes because they hate the same people he hates.

He is pathological drama lol. Nothing more.
Bloody attention whores if only I could swat the away like a mosquito like in real life. RAID should be readily available on these sites. Only thing is I'd need a year supply every week.

Maybe posting more dumb beastialty pics will do the job you fucking retarded jackass.
Yeah. Pal. You're a fucking piece of shit, the way you talked about BF and his family, I'd have had you bounced out of here on your empty head so fast it would have made Gutterballs vagina spin.
What dickhead? Can you not comprehend that?
You noticed that too huh?

Dunno about you, but I've never seen a "female" get this irate online and spew so much toxic, foul-mouthed venom.

The combination of seething buttsore and potent stimulants make this individual(s) particularly unpleasant to be around.
Disturbing behavior. If a "female" was ever that out of line in real life she would be swiftly put in her place. In this caste I really believe there are two if not more people under that account. Sounds read a lot like Oak when "she" is calmer. Sometimes like KM. A lot of serious mental afflictions under that profile.

Women dont act like that. Flynn is a male thing. 100 percent.
I love women, and I can generally get them to like me in some way or another. But Flynn…fuck a duck! It’s either an open account, a man-hating diesel dyke or a dude with an angry inch! If none of that…a schizophrenic son of a biatch!

Even the most ruthless women have SOME level of chill. They would rather have a good insult....then just sit throw feces at the wall like a gotdamn rabid monkey.

And no woman in her right fucking mind is gonna defend someone like Poofer to that level. Eventually they'll notice "oh shit....wait....this guy seems off" and they'll back up a bit. Because most women have had a taste of an unhinged abusive male.

Flynn is not a woman. You can tell by the energy alone. Even there was no actual proof, that's a fucking man all day lol.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
He went on and on how he was bring this nigga in, that nigga here on BF? Just how many new posters have come because of him? Must all because ghosts only he can see and post cuz from what I see the so called King brought none.

So much for the KING and his so called power influence and all that uncool bullshit. Stick to flipping burgers Captain Foolie. Its all you can do and got.

He actually brings any people. What he does is rally for posters he doesnt like to be banned.

He already said all the "heavy hitters" are already here. That's the few people he likes because they hate the same people he hates.

He is pathological drama lol. Nothing more.
Bloody attention whores if only I could swat the away like a mosquito like in real life. RAID should be readily available on these sites. Only thing is I'd need a year supply every week.

Maybe posting more dumb beastialty pics will do the job you fucking retarded jackass.
Yeah. Pal. You're a fucking piece of shit, the way you talked about BF and his family, I'd have had you bounced out of here on your empty head so fast it would have made Gutterballs vagina spin.
What dickhead? Can you not comprehend that?
You noticed that too huh?

Dunno about you, but I've never seen a "female" get this irate online and spew so much toxic, foul-mouthed venom.

The combination of seething buttsore and potent stimulants make this individual(s) particularly unpleasant to be around.
Disturbing behavior. If a "female" was ever that out of line in real life she would be swiftly put in her place. In this caste I really believe there are two if not more people under that account. Sounds read a lot like Oak when "she" is calmer. Sometimes like KM. A lot of serious mental afflictions under that profile.

Women dont act like that. Flynn is a male thing. 100 percent.
He uses a similar style to King Poofter, but with more aggression and slightly more intelligence. But the latter is a bit hit and miss! I swear it’s an open account!

Because Poofer wants to be able to pretend he isnt still pissed.

So he jumps on the Flynn account to really spew.

It's so schizo lol.
Poofter said that he’s launching another “podcast” tomoza! Lol…these fucking podcasts of his! They’re like an extended vocaroo of piss and wind, and I-can-never-get-that-time-back! I don’t think that I’ve ever listened to any of his chirp and chatter without ffwding! True’s God!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I had more actual posters on SG today than it does here.

Unless you are counting bots.....lulz.

Every other post I read from you is cheerleading SG... why are you here?

Really? Can you quote those?

So I cant mock Poofers stupid SG meltdown or its "cheer leading"?

So do you feel that everyone who enjoys posting on SG should leave here? Are we only supposed to post here if we sign up here?

Bastard Factory

Chairman of the Bored
Vegas Strip
I had more actual posters on SG today than it does here.

Unless you are counting bots.....lulz.

Every other post I read from you is cheerleading SG... why are you here?

Really? Can you quote those?

So I cant mock Poofers stupid SG meltdown or its "cheer leading"?

So do you feel that everyone who enjoys posting on SG should leave here? Are we only supposed to post here if we sign up here?

Called spam you cunt...


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

You coming over to SG or what?

This shit.
She’s posted over 35k posts here. Don’t ban her over confronting faggots like Poofter that has hounded her for years.

Literally everyone is welcome to come post over there is they want. EVERYONE here has other boards they also post on.

No one was talking about SG here until Poofer decided to have a big cry baby shit fit about it.

So if we post here, we aren't allowed to post anywhere else and whoever gets banned from here is just supposed to be gone. From a group they've been a part of for over a decade. We cant go hang out with them elsewhere.

Who is this competition with? It's all the same people LOL.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land

You coming over to SG or what?

This shit.
She’s posted over 35k posts here. Don’t ban her over confronting faggots like Poofter that has hounded her for years.

Literally everyone is welcome to come post over there is they want. EVERYONE here has other boards they also post on.

No one was talking about SG here until Poofer decided to have a big cry baby shit fit about it.

So if we post here, we aren't allowed to post anywhere else and whoever gets banned from here is just supposed to be gone. From a group they've been a part of for over a decade. We cant go hang out with them elsewhere.

Who is this competition with? It's all the same people LOL.
I liked what @Frood said. He is free to post wherever. I personally think great forums could lend off each other. There’s no harm in working together. Fash is open about it too.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I had more actual posters on SG today than it does here.

Unless you are counting bots.....lulz.

Every other post I read from you is cheerleading SG... why are you here?

Really? Can you quote those?

So I cant mock Poofers stupid SG meltdown or its "cheer leading"?

So do you feel that everyone who enjoys posting on SG should leave here? Are we only supposed to post here if we sign up here?

Called spam you cunt...

That isnt spam. Do you know what spam is?

Okay so its NOT spam for Poofer to wail and cry about SG for days. But it IS spam if I defend it in one post and ask Cascur if she plans to go back.

And I'm a cunt because.....reasons.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

You coming over to SG or what?

This shit.
She’s posted over 35k posts here. Don’t ban her over confronting faggots like Poofter that has hounded her for years.

Literally everyone is welcome to come post over there is they want. EVERYONE here has other boards they also post on.

No one was talking about SG here until Poofer decided to have a big cry baby shit fit about it.

So if we post here, we aren't allowed to post anywhere else and whoever gets banned from here is just supposed to be gone. From a group they've been a part of for over a decade. We cant go hang out with them elsewhere.

Who is this competition with? It's all the same people LOL.
I liked what @Frood said. He is free to post wherever. I personally think great forums could lend off each other. There’s no harm in working together. Fash is open about it too.

Well I'm a cunt because I think the same way.

Suddenly we are only supposed to post on or like THIS board because if we also like another one we suck lol.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Sez @Aryan : “Dunno about you, but I've never seen a "female" get this irate online and spew so much toxic, foul-mouthed venom.”

Oh, really?

Been observing your interactions with teh wimminz on teh forumz for years, mate, and I can’t think of a single gal you haven’t served with this exact rant at some time or another.

Even Ves got a taste of your misogynistic vitriol in the past.

You’re the very definition of an Incel, Scouse. You consider all “birds” venomous.

Stick to latex and silicone, dude. Literally.
Seriously? So when have I flew off the handle at Flea, Dove, Raven, Jeannie or Casey/Succubus?

In fact, it's rare I lose my cool with anyone, especially females.

WTF are you talking about, you contrary fairy?


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land

You coming over to SG or what?

This shit.
She’s posted over 35k posts here. Don’t ban her over confronting faggots like Poofter that has hounded her for years.

Literally everyone is welcome to come post over there is they want. EVERYONE here has other boards they also post on.

No one was talking about SG here until Poofer decided to have a big cry baby shit fit about it.

So if we post here, we aren't allowed to post anywhere else and whoever gets banned from here is just supposed to be gone. From a group they've been a part of for over a decade. We cant go hang out with them elsewhere.

Who is this competition with? It's all the same people LOL.
I liked what @Frood said. He is free to post wherever. I personally think great forums could lend off each other. There’s no harm in working together. Fash is open about it too.

Well I'm a cunt because I think the same way.

Suddenly we are only supposed to post on or like THIS board because if we also like another one we suck lol.
Well…you’re a precious cunt if that helps! ;) BF just wants a bit of loyalty, but it sure as hell doesn’t come by way of King Poofter or Flynn, that’s for sure!

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
Sez @Aryan : “Dunno about you, but I've never seen a "female" get this irate online and spew so much toxic, foul-mouthed venom.”

Oh, really?

Been observing your interactions with teh wimminz on teh forumz for years, mate, and I can’t think of a single gal you haven’t served with this exact rant at some time or another.

Even Ves got a taste of your misogynistic vitriol in the past.

You’re the very definition of an Incel, Scouse. You consider all “birds” venomous.

Stick to latex and silicone, dude. Literally.


As a woman who appreciates having sex based rights....who is addressing a male who does NOT think women should worry about rapist violent men lest they be "misandrists" are kinda the only male I've encountered in a while - besides the usual riff raff- who spews misogynistic nonsense at me.

I know its tempting to dehumanize certain sorts of opposition but reality is reality.

You are the ONLY male here who has became shitty with a woman over the topic of women's actual rights.

You know what group is far worse then uncles? TRAs. That's demonstrably true. The same hatred and violence towards women....especially lesbians.
Can you shed some light on the time I spouted "vitriol" at you? Blurt seems to recall the incident, but I don't. :Confused4:

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
Little history lesson -

Murdock had Biggie create her a forum that was supposed to “404” SG. They spammed the link in SG pm and basically tried it. I never said peep and let them try it. None of “my” following left SG.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

You coming over to SG or what?

This shit.
She’s posted over 35k posts here. Don’t ban her over confronting faggots like Poofter that has hounded her for years.

Literally everyone is welcome to come post over there is they want. EVERYONE here has other boards they also post on.

No one was talking about SG here until Poofer decided to have a big cry baby shit fit about it.

So if we post here, we aren't allowed to post anywhere else and whoever gets banned from here is just supposed to be gone. From a group they've been a part of for over a decade. We cant go hang out with them elsewhere.

Who is this competition with? It's all the same people LOL.
I liked what @Frood said. He is free to post wherever. I personally think great forums could lend off each other. There’s no harm in working together. Fash is open about it too.

Well I'm a cunt because I think the same way.

Suddenly we are only supposed to post on or like THIS board because if we also like another one we suck lol.
Well…you’re a precious cunt if that helps! ;) BF just wants a bit of loyalty, but it sure as hell doesn’t come by way of King Poofter or Flynn, that’s for sure!

Loyalty? Like we only post HERE loyalty?

I dont bitch when he bans my friends and allows people who actually spam and the obsessive PI crew to do whatever they want.

I didnt even complain when Plynn panel abused me by grabbing my thread out of politics and brought it down here and started ranting that I post politcs in meltdown. I just removed myself until it was fixed.

And spam has a specific definition....its not "posts I dont like".

We can go between here and BC but we cant blend BC into the old SG(whether or not anyone thinks that is dumb....that's not my decision, that's between Big and Fash. Fash doesnt want to run BC anymore).

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter

You coming over to BFF or what?

This shit.
She’s posted over 35k posts here. Don’t ban her over confronting faggots like Poofter that has hounded her for years.

Literally everyone is welcome to come post over there is they want. EVERYONE here has other boards they also post on.

No one was talking about BFF here until Poofer decided to have a big cry baby shit fit about it.

So if we post here, we aren't allowed to post anywhere else and whoever gets banned from here is just supposed to be gone. From a group they've been a part of for over a decade. We cant go hang out with them elsewhere.

Who is this competition with? It's all the same people LOL.
I liked what @Frood said. He is free to post wherever. I personally think great forums could lend off each other. There’s no harm in working together. Fash is open about it too.

Well I'm a cunt because I think the same way.

Suddenly we are only supposed to post on or like THIS board because if we also like another one we suck lol.
Well…you’re a precious cunt if that helps! ;) BF just wants a bit of loyalty, but it sure as hell doesn’t come by way of King Poofter or Flynn, that’s for sure!

Loyalty? Like we only post HERE loyalty?

I dont bitch when he bans my friends and allows people who actually spam and the obsessive PI crew to do whatever they want.

I didnt even complain when Plynn panel abused me by grabbing my thread out of politics and brought it down here and started ranting that I post politcs in meltdown. I just removed myself until it was fixed.

And spam has a specific definition....its not "posts I dont like".

We can go between here and Blue Oyster Bar but we cant blend Blue Oyster Bar into the old BFF(whether or not anyone thinks that is dumb....that's not my decision, that's between Big and Fash. Fash doesnt want to run Blue Oyster Bar anymore).

Here’s the thing with that

If she doesn’t want to run BC, why run S G? That’s what I’m curious about.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
He went on and on how he was bring this nigga in, that nigga here on BF? Just how many new posters have come because of him? Must all because ghosts only he can see and post cuz from what I see the so called King brought none.

So much for the KING and his so called power influence and all that uncool bullshit. Stick to flipping burgers Captain Foolie. Its all you can do and got.

He actually brings any people. What he does is rally for posters he doesnt like to be banned.

He already said all the "heavy hitters" are already here. That's the few people he likes because they hate the same people he hates.

He is pathological drama lol. Nothing more.
Bloody attention whores if only I could swat the away like a mosquito like in real life. RAID should be readily available on these sites. Only thing is I'd need a year supply every week.

Maybe posting more dumb beastialty pics will do the job you fucking retarded jackass.
Yeah. Pal. You're a fucking piece of shit, the way you talked about BF and his family, I'd have had you bounced out of here on your empty head so fast it would have made Gutterballs vagina spin.
What dickhead? Can you not comprehend that?
You noticed that too huh?

Dunno about you, but I've never seen a "female" get this irate online and spew so much toxic, foul-mouthed venom.

The combination of seething buttsore and potent stimulants make this individual(s) particularly unpleasant to be around.
Disturbing behavior. If a "female" was ever that out of line in real life she would be swiftly put in her place. In this caste I really believe there are two if not more people under that account. Sounds read a lot like Oak when "she" is calmer. Sometimes like KM. A lot of serious mental afflictions under that profile.

Women dont act like that. Flynn is a male thing. 100 percent.
Yeah masculine as fuck for sure.
I send Succubus a dick pic…but now I’m unsure of whether she was legit or it was a dude! :(
She was real mate Lol.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Sez @Aryan : “Dunno about you, but I've never seen a "female" get this irate online and spew so much toxic, foul-mouthed venom.”

Oh, really?

Been observing your interactions with teh wimminz on teh forumz for years, mate, and I can’t think of a single gal you haven’t served with this exact rant at some time or another.

Even Ves got a taste of your misogynistic vitriol in the past.

You’re the very definition of an Incel, Scouse. You consider all “birds” venomous.

Stick to latex and silicone, dude. Literally.


As a woman who appreciates having sex based rights....who is addressing a male who does NOT think women should worry about rapist violent men lest they be "misandrists" are kinda the only male I've encountered in a while - besides the usual riff raff- who spews misogynistic nonsense at me.

I know its tempting to dehumanize certain sorts of opposition but reality is reality.

You are the ONLY male here who has became shitty with a woman over the topic of women's actual rights.

You know what group is far worse then uncles? TRAs. That's demonstrably true. The same hatred and violence towards women....especially lesbians.
Can you shed some light on the time I spouted "vitriol" at you? Blurt seems to recall the incident, but I don't. :Confused4:

Never. Even when we were openly disagreeing you've never launched any vitriol or personal attacks.