Why Breakfall ejaculates into his mom.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
OMG family? Oh Noes! A cataclysmic post. Everyone pull out their hankies...it's time for BFF's badliest to cry so hard snot comes out of their noses and mouths.
You truly are a disgusting excuse for a human being. /spits.

I was waiting for your hypocrisy. Thanks for delivering.

Plussie for "Shen Li" for the assist.
Are you amazing sting in disguise?

I truly never thought I'd come accross someone as backward and retarded as him but ..................

Take another sip of that `whine` Lilly,it might calm you down.

Just simple facts. You whine about family until it's not convenient. Pretty pathetic, isn't it? Your values trashed within a couple of posts.
What in the fuck are you going on about you retarded fucking hog.Quote one post on this board I've made that has mocked someones dead relative.

And be fucking quick about it-chop,chop.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Are you ok @Flynn ?

I'm asking cause you seem rather upset m`dear.

Now let's face facts here.You're nothing but a relic from the past that posts hate fulled nonsense that nobody with the exception of Lilly finds funny.You're a dinosaur from the past that is incapable of adapting to the newer,fresher posting syle of the present.You're not funny and have the personality of a burnt piece of toast.

You only have to look at the terrible job you've done of running this sub-forum.How long have you been moderating this section? And it all that time you haven't come up with ONE single good idea of how to get people interested in posting here.Nothing,nada,zilch.You're a fucking failure Flynn and offer nothing but poor taste shock trolling to the community.And ironically you're so bad at this flame mod thing that even fat Danny would run rings around you on how to promote a section.

You always have,and always will be known as nothing but a failure.So here's an idea.Put on your big girl panties and do the fucking job you're supposed to be doing and entertain the masses.If you're incapable of doing so then might I suggest you take your remedial shock trolling b/s and go hang yourself from the nearest bridge.

Can you post a picture where Flynn hurt you and what year it happened?
Oh,Im sorry did little old me giving Flynn a kick in the shins hurt your feelz?

It doesn't surprise me though given your penchant for abusing peoples families.And after all it was only a couple of days ago you were doing the same thing to Flea.Birds of a feather flock together I guess-fucking scum bag.

Not at all. Flynn can take care of herself.

It's clear that you have an axe to grind. I was simply curious as to when your feelz were bruised.
Clear to whom ?

Only you it would appear.

And if I think somone needs a kick in the dick.I'll do so to anyone I damn well please.

To me and that's all that matters, to me.
Yeah,you keep listening to those voices in your head.

lulz what a retard.

Weak sauce. You shouldn't even bother replying, learn to quit while you're behind.
Weapey and learning are like oil and water, you should know this by now.
Oh lookie the Brighton bum boy has found a fwiend.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
OMG family? Oh Noes! A cataclysmic post. Everyone pull out their hankies...it's time for BFF's badliest to cry so hard snot comes out of their noses and mouths.
You truly are a disgusting excuse for a human being. /spits.

I was waiting for your hypocrisy. Thanks for delivering.

Plussie for "Shen Li" for the assist.
Are you amazing sting in disguise?

I truly never thought I'd come accross someone as backward and retarded as him but ..................

Take another sip of that `whine` Lilly,it might calm you down.

Just simple facts. You whine about family until it's not convenient. Pretty pathetic, isn't it? Your values trashed within a couple of posts.
What in the fuck are you going on about you retarded fucking hog.Quote one post on this board I've made that has mocked someones dead relative.

And be fucking quick about it-chop,chop.

I see the point cruised over your head. I never said you posted about someone's family members. I see that you moved the goal posts though, now it's dead relatives.

Stop pearl clutching, the faux outrage is more despicable than you can imagine.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
OMG family? Oh Noes! A cataclysmic post. Everyone pull out their hankies...it's time for BFF's badliest to cry so hard snot comes out of their noses and mouths.
You truly are a disgusting excuse for a human being. /spits.

I was waiting for your hypocrisy. Thanks for delivering.

Plussie for "Shen Li" for the assist.
Are you amazing sting in disguise?

I truly never thought I'd come accross someone as backward and retarded as him but ..................

Take another sip of that `whine` Lilly,it might calm you down.

Just simple facts. You whine about family until it's not convenient. Pretty pathetic, isn't it? Your values trashed within a couple of posts.
What in the fuck are you going on about you retarded fucking hog.Quote one post on this board I've made that has mocked someones dead relative.

And be fucking quick about it-chop,chop.

I see the point cruised over your head. I never said you posted about someone's family members. I see that you moved the goal posts though, now it's dead relatives.

Stop pearl clutching, the faux outrage is more despicable than you can imagine.
Yeah, that's what I thought.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Are you ok @Flynn ?

I'm asking cause you seem rather upset m`dear.

Now let's face facts here.You're nothing but a relic from the past that posts hate fulled nonsense that nobody with the exception of Lilly finds funny.You're a dinosaur from the past that is incapable of adapting to the newer,fresher posting syle of the present.You're not funny and have the personality of a burnt piece of toast.

You only have to look at the terrible job you've done of running this sub-forum.How long have you been moderating this section? And it all that time you haven't come up with ONE single good idea of how to get people interested in posting here.Nothing,nada,zilch.You're a fucking failure Flynn and offer nothing but poor taste shock trolling to the community.And ironically you're so bad at this flame mod thing that even fat Danny would run rings around you on how to promote a section.

You always have,and always will be known as nothing but a failure.So here's an idea.Put on your big girl panties and do the fucking job you're supposed to be doing and entertain the masses.If you're incapable of doing so then might I suggest you take your remedial shock trolling b/s and go hang yourself from the nearest bridge.

Can you post a picture where Flynn hurt you and what year it happened?
Oh,Im sorry did little old me giving Flynn a kick in the shins hurt your feelz?

It doesn't surprise me though given your penchant for abusing peoples families.And after all it was only a couple of days ago you were doing the same thing to Flea.Birds of a feather flock together I guess-fucking scum bag.

Not at all. Flynn can take care of herself.

It's clear that you have an axe to grind. I was simply curious as to when your feelz were bruised.
Clear to whom ?

Only you it would appear.

And if I think somone needs a kick in the dick.I'll do so to anyone I damn well please.

To me and that's all that matters, to me.
Yeah,you keep listening to those voices in your head.

lulz what a retard.

Weak sauce. You shouldn't even bother replying, learn to quit while you're behind.
Weapey and learning are like oil and water, you should know this by now.
Oh lookie the Brighton bum boy has found a fwiend.

So, he made one post about you and now he's my friend? You people are phenomenally bizarre.

Easily threatened by nothing much more than shadows.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
OMG family? Oh Noes! A cataclysmic post. Everyone pull out their hankies...it's time for BFF's badliest to cry so hard snot comes out of their noses and mouths.
You truly are a disgusting excuse for a human being. /spits.

I was waiting for your hypocrisy. Thanks for delivering.

Plussie for "Shen Li" for the assist.
Are you amazing sting in disguise?

I truly never thought I'd come accross someone as backward and retarded as him but ..................

Take another sip of that `whine` Lilly,it might calm you down.

Just simple facts. You whine about family until it's not convenient. Pretty pathetic, isn't it? Your values trashed within a couple of posts.
What in the fuck are you going on about you retarded fucking hog.Quote one post on this board I've made that has mocked someones dead relative.

And be fucking quick about it-chop,chop.

I see the point cruised over your head. I never said you posted about someone's family members. I see that you moved the goal posts though, now it's dead relatives.

Stop pearl clutching, the faux outrage is more despicable than you can imagine.
Yeah, that's what I thought.

No evidence that you're doing much more than reacting from the paranoia set off by your amygdala.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Are you ok @Flynn ?

I'm asking cause you seem rather upset m`dear.

Now let's face facts here.You're nothing but a relic from the past that posts hate fulled nonsense that nobody with the exception of Lilly finds funny.You're a dinosaur from the past that is incapable of adapting to the newer,fresher posting syle of the present.You're not funny and have the personality of a burnt piece of toast.

You only have to look at the terrible job you've done of running this sub-forum.How long have you been moderating this section? And it all that time you haven't come up with ONE single good idea of how to get people interested in posting here.Nothing,nada,zilch.You're a fucking failure Flynn and offer nothing but poor taste shock trolling to the community.And ironically you're so bad at this flame mod thing that even fat Danny would run rings around you on how to promote a section.

You always have,and always will be known as nothing but a failure.So here's an idea.Put on your big girl panties and do the fucking job you're supposed to be doing and entertain the masses.If you're incapable of doing so then might I suggest you take your remedial shock trolling b/s and go hang yourself from the nearest bridge.

Can you post a picture where Flynn hurt you and what year it happened?
Oh,Im sorry did little old me giving Flynn a kick in the shins hurt your feelz?

It doesn't surprise me though given your penchant for abusing peoples families.And after all it was only a couple of days ago you were doing the same thing to Flea.Birds of a feather flock together I guess-fucking scum bag.

Not at all. Flynn can take care of herself.

It's clear that you have an axe to grind. I was simply curious as to when your feelz were bruised.
Clear to whom ?

Only you it would appear.

And if I think somone needs a kick in the dick.I'll do so to anyone I damn well please.

To me and that's all that matters, to me.
Yeah,you keep listening to those voices in your head.

lulz what a retard.

Weak sauce. You shouldn't even bother replying, learn to quit while you're behind.
Weapey and learning are like oil and water, you should know this by now.
Oh lookie the Brighton bum boy has found a fwiend.

So, he made one post about you and now he's my friend? You people are phenomenally bizarre.

Easily threatened by nothing much more than shadows.

It's not an act is it.

You really are as dumb as you make out.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Are you ok @Flynn ?

I'm asking cause you seem rather upset m`dear.

Now let's face facts here.You're nothing but a relic from the past that posts hate fulled nonsense that nobody with the exception of Lilly finds funny.You're a dinosaur from the past that is incapable of adapting to the newer,fresher posting syle of the present.You're not funny and have the personality of a burnt piece of toast.

You only have to look at the terrible job you've done of running this sub-forum.How long have you been moderating this section? And it all that time you haven't come up with ONE single good idea of how to get people interested in posting here.Nothing,nada,zilch.You're a fucking failure Flynn and offer nothing but poor taste shock trolling to the community.And ironically you're so bad at this flame mod thing that even fat Danny would run rings around you on how to promote a section.

You always have,and always will be known as nothing but a failure.So here's an idea.Put on your big girl panties and do the fucking job you're supposed to be doing and entertain the masses.If you're incapable of doing so then might I suggest you take your remedial shock trolling b/s and go hang yourself from the nearest bridge.

Can you post a picture where Flynn hurt you and what year it happened?
Oh,Im sorry did little old me giving Flynn a kick in the shins hurt your feelz?

It doesn't surprise me though given your penchant for abusing peoples families.And after all it was only a couple of days ago you were doing the same thing to Flea.Birds of a feather flock together I guess-fucking scum bag.

Not at all. Flynn can take care of herself.

It's clear that you have an axe to grind. I was simply curious as to when your feelz were bruised.
Clear to whom ?

Only you it would appear.

And if I think somone needs a kick in the dick.I'll do so to anyone I damn well please.

To me and that's all that matters, to me.
Yeah,you keep listening to those voices in your head.

lulz what a retard.

Weak sauce. You shouldn't even bother replying, learn to quit while you're behind.
Weapey and learning are like oil and water, you should know this by now.
Oh lookie the Brighton bum boy has found a fwiend.

So, he made one post about you and now he's my friend? You people are phenomenally bizarre.

Easily threatened by nothing much more than shadows.

It's not an act is it.

You really are as dumb as you make out.

The first defense of the retard. Blaming others for their own inadequacies.

Shoo fly, shoo.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Are you ok @Flynn ?

I'm asking cause you seem rather upset m`dear.

Now let's face facts here.You're nothing but a relic from the past that posts hate fulled nonsense that nobody with the exception of Lilly finds funny.You're a dinosaur from the past that is incapable of adapting to the newer,fresher posting syle of the present.You're not funny and have the personality of a burnt piece of toast.

You only have to look at the terrible job you've done of running this sub-forum.How long have you been moderating this section? And it all that time you haven't come up with ONE single good idea of how to get people interested in posting here.Nothing,nada,zilch.You're a fucking failure Flynn and offer nothing but poor taste shock trolling to the community.And ironically you're so bad at this flame mod thing that even fat Danny would run rings around you on how to promote a section.

You always have,and always will be known as nothing but a failure.So here's an idea.Put on your big girl panties and do the fucking job you're supposed to be doing and entertain the masses.If you're incapable of doing so then might I suggest you take your remedial shock trolling b/s and go hang yourself from the nearest bridge.

Can you post a picture where Flynn hurt you and what year it happened?
Oh,Im sorry did little old me giving Flynn a kick in the shins hurt your feelz?

It doesn't surprise me though given your penchant for abusing peoples families.And after all it was only a couple of days ago you were doing the same thing to Flea.Birds of a feather flock together I guess-fucking scum bag.

Not at all. Flynn can take care of herself.

It's clear that you have an axe to grind. I was simply curious as to when your feelz were bruised.
Clear to whom ?

Only you it would appear.

And if I think somone needs a kick in the dick.I'll do so to anyone I damn well please.

To me and that's all that matters, to me.
Yeah,you keep listening to those voices in your head.

lulz what a retard.

Weak sauce. You shouldn't even bother replying, learn to quit while you're behind.
Weapey and learning are like oil and water, you should know this by now.
Oh lookie the Brighton bum boy has found a fwiend.

So, he made one post about you and now he's my friend? You people are phenomenally bizarre.

Easily threatened by nothing much more than shadows.

It's not an act is it.

You really are as dumb as you make out.

The first defense of the retard. Blaming others for their own inadequacies.

Shoo fly, shoo.
Just laughing at you making an arse of yourself once again Princess.

There's a reason faggy monster jumped in.

You're just to dumb to know why lol.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Are you ok @Flynn ?

I'm asking cause you seem rather upset m`dear.

Now let's face facts here.You're nothing but a relic from the past that posts hate fulled nonsense that nobody with the exception of Lilly finds funny.You're a dinosaur from the past that is incapable of adapting to the newer,fresher posting syle of the present.You're not funny and have the personality of a burnt piece of toast.

You only have to look at the terrible job you've done of running this sub-forum.How long have you been moderating this section? And it all that time you haven't come up with ONE single good idea of how to get people interested in posting here.Nothing,nada,zilch.You're a fucking failure Flynn and offer nothing but poor taste shock trolling to the community.And ironically you're so bad at this flame mod thing that even fat Danny would run rings around you on how to promote a section.

You always have,and always will be known as nothing but a failure.So here's an idea.Put on your big girl panties and do the fucking job you're supposed to be doing and entertain the masses.If you're incapable of doing so then might I suggest you take your remedial shock trolling b/s and go hang yourself from the nearest bridge.

Can you post a picture where Flynn hurt you and what year it happened?
Oh,Im sorry did little old me giving Flynn a kick in the shins hurt your feelz?

It doesn't surprise me though given your penchant for abusing peoples families.And after all it was only a couple of days ago you were doing the same thing to Flea.Birds of a feather flock together I guess-fucking scum bag.

Not at all. Flynn can take care of herself.

It's clear that you have an axe to grind. I was simply curious as to when your feelz were bruised.
Clear to whom ?

Only you it would appear.

And if I think somone needs a kick in the dick.I'll do so to anyone I damn well please.

To me and that's all that matters, to me.
Yeah,you keep listening to those voices in your head.

lulz what a retard.

Weak sauce. You shouldn't even bother replying, learn to quit while you're behind.
Weapey and learning are like oil and water, you should know this by now.
Oh lookie the Brighton bum boy has found a fwiend.

So, he made one post about you and now he's my friend? You people are phenomenally bizarre.

Easily threatened by nothing much more than shadows.

It's not an act is it.

You really are as dumb as you make out.

The first defense of the retard. Blaming others for their own inadequacies.

Shoo fly, shoo.
Just laughing at you making an arse of yourself once again Princess.

There's a reason faggy monster jumped in.

You're just to dumb to know why lol.

Not knowing either one of you doesn't make me dumb. I don't know you two from Adam. Were you lovers?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Are you ok @Flynn ?

I'm asking cause you seem rather upset m`dear.

Now let's face facts here.You're nothing but a relic from the past that posts hate fulled nonsense that nobody with the exception of Lilly finds funny.You're a dinosaur from the past that is incapable of adapting to the newer,fresher posting syle of the present.You're not funny and have the personality of a burnt piece of toast.

You only have to look at the terrible job you've done of running this sub-forum.How long have you been moderating this section? And it all that time you haven't come up with ONE single good idea of how to get people interested in posting here.Nothing,nada,zilch.You're a fucking failure Flynn and offer nothing but poor taste shock trolling to the community.And ironically you're so bad at this flame mod thing that even fat Danny would run rings around you on how to promote a section.

You always have,and always will be known as nothing but a failure.So here's an idea.Put on your big girl panties and do the fucking job you're supposed to be doing and entertain the masses.If you're incapable of doing so then might I suggest you take your remedial shock trolling b/s and go hang yourself from the nearest bridge.

Can you post a picture where Flynn hurt you and what year it happened?
Oh,Im sorry did little old me giving Flynn a kick in the shins hurt your feelz?

It doesn't surprise me though given your penchant for abusing peoples families.And after all it was only a couple of days ago you were doing the same thing to Flea.Birds of a feather flock together I guess-fucking scum bag.

Not at all. Flynn can take care of herself.

It's clear that you have an axe to grind. I was simply curious as to when your feelz were bruised.
Clear to whom ?

Only you it would appear.

And if I think somone needs a kick in the dick.I'll do so to anyone I damn well please.

To me and that's all that matters, to me.
Yeah,you keep listening to those voices in your head.

lulz what a retard.

Weak sauce. You shouldn't even bother replying, learn to quit while you're behind.
Weapey and learning are like oil and water, you should know this by now.
Oh lookie the Brighton bum boy has found a fwiend.

So, he made one post about you and now he's my friend? You people are phenomenally bizarre.

Easily threatened by nothing much more than shadows.

It's not an act is it.

You really are as dumb as you make out.

The first defense of the retard. Blaming others for their own inadequacies.

Shoo fly, shoo.
Just laughing at you making an arse of yourself once again Princess.

There's a reason faggy monster jumped in.

You're just to dumb to know why lol.

Not knowing either one of you doesn't make me dumb. I don't know you two from Adam. Were you lovers?
Atleast I can get a lover without prostituting myself on some dating site lulz.

Shen Li

Factory Bastard
None of your fucking business
OMG family? Oh Noes! A cataclysmic post. Everyone pull out their hankies...it's time for BFF's badliest to cry so hard snot comes out of their noses and mouths.
You truly are a disgusting excuse for a human being. /spits.

I was waiting for your hypocrisy. Thanks for delivering.

Plussie for "Shen Li" for the assist.
Are you amazing sting in disguise?

I truly never thought I'd come accross someone as backward and retarded as him but ..................

Take another sip of that `whine` Lilly,it might calm you down.

Just simple facts. You whine about family until it's not convenient. Pretty pathetic, isn't it? Your values trashed within a couple of posts.
What in the fuck are you going on about you retarded fucking hog.Quote one post on this board I've made that has mocked someones dead relative.

And be fucking quick about it-chop,chop.
She mocked Flea's dead mother too

even children are not safe from her vile and wicked ways

she mocked dead children in Wisconsin when that maniac ran them over. Said it was Karma for the Rittenhouse verdict

Shen Li

Factory Bastard
None of your fucking business
Are you ok @Flynn ?

I'm asking cause you seem rather upset m`dear.

Now let's face facts here.You're nothing but a relic from the past that posts hate fulled nonsense that nobody with the exception of Lilly finds funny.You're a dinosaur from the past that is incapable of adapting to the newer,fresher posting syle of the present.You're not funny and have the personality of a burnt piece of toast.

You only have to look at the terrible job you've done of running this sub-forum.How long have you been moderating this section? And it all that time you haven't come up with ONE single good idea of how to get people interested in posting here.Nothing,nada,zilch.You're a fucking failure Flynn and offer nothing but poor taste shock trolling to the community.And ironically you're so bad at this flame mod thing that even fat Danny would run rings around you on how to promote a section.

You always have,and always will be known as nothing but a failure.So here's an idea.Put on your big girl panties and do the fucking job you're supposed to be doing and entertain the masses.If you're incapable of doing so then might I suggest you take your remedial shock trolling b/s and go hang yourself from the nearest bridge.

Can you post a picture where Flynn hurt you and what year it happened?
Oh,Im sorry did little old me giving Flynn a kick in the shins hurt your feelz?

It doesn't surprise me though given your penchant for abusing peoples families.And after all it was only a couple of days ago you were doing the same thing to Flea.Birds of a feather flock together I guess-fucking scum bag.

Not at all. Flynn can take care of herself.

It's clear that you have an axe to grind. I was simply curious as to when your feelz were bruised.
Clear to whom ?

Only you it would appear.

And if I think somone needs a kick in the dick.I'll do so to anyone I damn well please.

To me and that's all that matters, to me.
Yeah,you keep listening to those voices in your head.

lulz what a retard.

Weak sauce. You shouldn't even bother replying, learn to quit while you're behind.
Weapey and learning are like oil and water, you should know this by now.
Oh lookie the Brighton bum boy has found a fwiend.

So, he made one post about you and now he's my friend? You people are phenomenally bizarre.

Easily threatened by nothing much more than shadows.

It's not an act is it.

You really are as dumb as you make out.

The first defense of the retard. Blaming others for their own inadequacies.

Shoo fly, shoo.
Just laughing at you making an arse of yourself once again Princess.

There's a reason faggy monster jumped in.

You're just to dumb to know why lol.

Not knowing either one of you doesn't make me dumb. I don't know you two from Adam. Were you lovers?
Atleast I can get a lover without prostituting myself on some dating site lulz.

BarnyardFling.com ?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Are you ok @Flynn ?

I'm asking cause you seem rather upset m`dear.

Now let's face facts here.You're nothing but a relic from the past that posts hate fulled nonsense that nobody with the exception of Lilly finds funny.You're a dinosaur from the past that is incapable of adapting to the newer,fresher posting syle of the present.You're not funny and have the personality of a burnt piece of toast.

You only have to look at the terrible job you've done of running this sub-forum.How long have you been moderating this section? And it all that time you haven't come up with ONE single good idea of how to get people interested in posting here.Nothing,nada,zilch.You're a fucking failure Flynn and offer nothing but poor taste shock trolling to the community.And ironically you're so bad at this flame mod thing that even fat Danny would run rings around you on how to promote a section.

You always have,and always will be known as nothing but a failure.So here's an idea.Put on your big girl panties and do the fucking job you're supposed to be doing and entertain the masses.If you're incapable of doing so then might I suggest you take your remedial shock trolling b/s and go hang yourself from the nearest bridge.

Can you post a picture where Flynn hurt you and what year it happened?
Oh,Im sorry did little old me giving Flynn a kick in the shins hurt your feelz?

It doesn't surprise me though given your penchant for abusing peoples families.And after all it was only a couple of days ago you were doing the same thing to Flea.Birds of a feather flock together I guess-fucking scum bag.

Not at all. Flynn can take care of herself.

It's clear that you have an axe to grind. I was simply curious as to when your feelz were bruised.
Clear to whom ?

Only you it would appear.

And if I think somone needs a kick in the dick.I'll do so to anyone I damn well please.

To me and that's all that matters, to me.
Yeah,you keep listening to those voices in your head.

lulz what a retard.

Weak sauce. You shouldn't even bother replying, learn to quit while you're behind.
Weapey and learning are like oil and water, you should know this by now.
Oh lookie the Brighton bum boy has found a fwiend.

So, he made one post about you and now he's my friend? You people are phenomenally bizarre.

Easily threatened by nothing much more than shadows.

It's not an act is it.

You really are as dumb as you make out.

The first defense of the retard. Blaming others for their own inadequacies.

Shoo fly, shoo.
Just laughing at you making an arse of yourself once again Princess.

There's a reason faggy monster jumped in.

You're just to dumb to know why lol.

Not knowing either one of you doesn't make me dumb. I don't know you two from Adam. Were you lovers?
Atleast I can get a lover without prostituting myself on some dating site lulz.

BarnyardFling.com ?

Like you and dad?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Are you ok @Flynn ?

I'm asking cause you seem rather upset m`dear.

Now let's face facts here.You're nothing but a relic from the past that posts hate fulled nonsense that nobody with the exception of Lilly finds funny.You're a dinosaur from the past that is incapable of adapting to the newer,fresher posting syle of the present.You're not funny and have the personality of a burnt piece of toast.

You only have to look at the terrible job you've done of running this sub-forum.How long have you been moderating this section? And it all that time you haven't come up with ONE single good idea of how to get people interested in posting here.Nothing,nada,zilch.You're a fucking failure Flynn and offer nothing but poor taste shock trolling to the community.And ironically you're so bad at this flame mod thing that even fat Danny would run rings around you on how to promote a section.

You always have,and always will be known as nothing but a failure.So here's an idea.Put on your big girl panties and do the fucking job you're supposed to be doing and entertain the masses.If you're incapable of doing so then might I suggest you take your remedial shock trolling b/s and go hang yourself from the nearest bridge.

Can you post a picture where Flynn hurt you and what year it happened?
Oh,Im sorry did little old me giving Flynn a kick in the shins hurt your feelz?

It doesn't surprise me though given your penchant for abusing peoples families.And after all it was only a couple of days ago you were doing the same thing to Flea.Birds of a feather flock together I guess-fucking scum bag.

Not at all. Flynn can take care of herself.

It's clear that you have an axe to grind. I was simply curious as to when your feelz were bruised.
Clear to whom ?

Only you it would appear.

And if I think somone needs a kick in the dick.I'll do so to anyone I damn well please.

To me and that's all that matters, to me.
Yeah,you keep listening to those voices in your head.

lulz what a retard.

Weak sauce. You shouldn't even bother replying, learn to quit while you're behind.
Weapey and learning are like oil and water, you should know this by now.
Oh lookie the Brighton bum boy has found a fwiend.

So, he made one post about you and now he's my friend? You people are phenomenally bizarre.

Easily threatened by nothing much more than shadows.

It's not an act is it.

You really are as dumb as you make out.

The first defense of the retard. Blaming others for their own inadequacies.

Shoo fly, shoo.
Just laughing at you making an arse of yourself once again Princess.

There's a reason faggy monster jumped in.

You're just to dumb to know why lol.

Not knowing either one of you doesn't make me dumb. I don't know you two from Adam. Were you lovers?
Atleast I can get a lover without prostituting myself on some dating site lulz.

Hey, at least you admit you're gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that. *smirk*


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
OMG family? Oh Noes! A cataclysmic post. Everyone pull out their hankies...it's time for BFF's badliest to cry so hard snot comes out of their noses and mouths.
You truly are a disgusting excuse for a human being. /spits.

I was waiting for your hypocrisy. Thanks for delivering.

Plussie for "Shen Li" for the assist.
Are you amazing sting in disguise?

I truly never thought I'd come accross someone as backward and retarded as him but ..................

Take another sip of that `whine` Lilly,it might calm you down.

Just simple facts. You whine about family until it's not convenient. Pretty pathetic, isn't it? Your values trashed within a couple of posts.
What in the fuck are you going on about you retarded fucking hog.Quote one post on this board I've made that has mocked someones dead relative.

And be fucking quick about it-chop,chop.
She mocked Flea's dead mother too

even children are not safe from her vile and wicked ways

she mocked dead children in Wisconsin when that maniac ran them over. Said it was Karma for the Rittenhouse verdict

I love the smell of faux tears in the morning. Sunday mornings are especially good.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Are you ok @Flynn ?

I'm asking cause you seem rather upset m`dear.

Now let's face facts here.You're nothing but a relic from the past that posts hate fulled nonsense that nobody with the exception of Lilly finds funny.You're a dinosaur from the past that is incapable of adapting to the newer,fresher posting syle of the present.You're not funny and have the personality of a burnt piece of toast.

You only have to look at the terrible job you've done of running this sub-forum.How long have you been moderating this section? And it all that time you haven't come up with ONE single good idea of how to get people interested in posting here.Nothing,nada,zilch.You're a fucking failure Flynn and offer nothing but poor taste shock trolling to the community.And ironically you're so bad at this flame mod thing that even fat Danny would run rings around you on how to promote a section.

You always have,and always will be known as nothing but a failure.So here's an idea.Put on your big girl panties and do the fucking job you're supposed to be doing and entertain the masses.If you're incapable of doing so then might I suggest you take your remedial shock trolling b/s and go hang yourself from the nearest bridge.

Can you post a picture where Flynn hurt you and what year it happened?
Oh,Im sorry did little old me giving Flynn a kick in the shins hurt your feelz?

It doesn't surprise me though given your penchant for abusing peoples families.And after all it was only a couple of days ago you were doing the same thing to Flea.Birds of a feather flock together I guess-fucking scum bag.

Not at all. Flynn can take care of herself.

It's clear that you have an axe to grind. I was simply curious as to when your feelz were bruised.
Clear to whom ?

Only you it would appear.

And if I think somone needs a kick in the dick.I'll do so to anyone I damn well please.

To me and that's all that matters, to me.
Yeah,you keep listening to those voices in your head.

lulz what a retard.

Weak sauce. You shouldn't even bother replying, learn to quit while you're behind.
Weapey and learning are like oil and water, you should know this by now.
Oh lookie the Brighton bum boy has found a fwiend.

So, he made one post about you and now he's my friend? You people are phenomenally bizarre.

Easily threatened by nothing much more than shadows.

It's not an act is it.

You really are as dumb as you make out.

The first defense of the retard. Blaming others for their own inadequacies.

Shoo fly, shoo.
Just laughing at you making an arse of yourself once again Princess.

There's a reason faggy monster jumped in.

You're just to dumb to know why lol.

Not knowing either one of you doesn't make me dumb. I don't know you two from Adam. Were you lovers?
Atleast I can get a lover without prostituting myself on some dating site lulz.

BarnyardFling.com ?

Like you and dad?

She hates it when dad lights up after. Duty first tho.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
Are you ok @Flynn ?

I'm asking cause you seem rather upset m`dear.

Now let's face facts here.You're nothing but a relic from the past that posts hate fulled nonsense that nobody with the exception of Lilly finds funny.You're a dinosaur from the past that is incapable of adapting to the newer,fresher posting syle of the present.You're not funny and have the personality of a burnt piece of toast.

You only have to look at the terrible job you've done of running this sub-forum.How long have you been moderating this section? And it all that time you haven't come up with ONE single good idea of how to get people interested in posting here.Nothing,nada,zilch.You're a fucking failure Flynn and offer nothing but poor taste shock trolling to the community.And ironically you're so bad at this flame mod thing that even fat Danny would run rings around you on how to promote a section.

You always have,and always will be known as nothing but a failure.So here's an idea.Put on your big girl panties and do the fucking job you're supposed to be doing and entertain the masses.If you're incapable of doing so then might I suggest you take your remedial shock trolling b/s and go hang yourself from the nearest bridge.

Can you post a picture where Flynn hurt you and what year it happened?
Oh,Im sorry did little old me giving Flynn a kick in the shins hurt your feelz?

It doesn't surprise me though given your penchant for abusing peoples families.And after all it was only a couple of days ago you were doing the same thing to Flea.Birds of a feather flock together I guess-fucking scum bag.

Not at all. Flynn can take care of herself.

It's clear that you have an axe to grind. I was simply curious as to when your feelz were bruised.
Clear to whom ?

Only you it would appear.

And if I think somone needs a kick in the dick.I'll do so to anyone I damn well please.

To me and that's all that matters, to me.
Yeah,you keep listening to those voices in your head.

lulz what a retard.

Weak sauce. You shouldn't even bother replying, learn to quit while you're behind.
Weapey and learning are like oil and water, you should know this by now.
Oh lookie the Brighton bum boy has found a fwiend.

So, he made one post about you and now he's my friend? You people are phenomenally bizarre.

Easily threatened by nothing much more than shadows.

It's not an act is it.

You really are as dumb as you make out.

The first defense of the retard. Blaming others for their own inadequacies.

Shoo fly, shoo.
Just laughing at you making an arse of yourself once again Princess.

There's a reason faggy monster jumped in.

You're just to dumb to know why lol.

Not knowing either one of you doesn't make me dumb. I don't know you two from Adam. Were you lovers?
Atleast I can get a lover without prostituting myself on some dating site lulz.

BarnyardFling.com ?

Like you and dad?

She hates it when dad lights up after. Duty first tho.

I wonder if daddy is proud of him sneaking into a place he's unwanted like a rat?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Are you ok @Flynn ?

I'm asking cause you seem rather upset m`dear.

Now let's face facts here.You're nothing but a relic from the past that posts hate fulled nonsense that nobody with the exception of Lilly finds funny.You're a dinosaur from the past that is incapable of adapting to the newer,fresher posting syle of the present.You're not funny and have the personality of a burnt piece of toast.

You only have to look at the terrible job you've done of running this sub-forum.How long have you been moderating this section? And it all that time you haven't come up with ONE single good idea of how to get people interested in posting here.Nothing,nada,zilch.You're a fucking failure Flynn and offer nothing but poor taste shock trolling to the community.And ironically you're so bad at this flame mod thing that even fat Danny would run rings around you on how to promote a section.

You always have,and always will be known as nothing but a failure.So here's an idea.Put on your big girl panties and do the fucking job you're supposed to be doing and entertain the masses.If you're incapable of doing so then might I suggest you take your remedial shock trolling b/s and go hang yourself from the nearest bridge.

Can you post a picture where Flynn hurt you and what year it happened?
Oh,Im sorry did little old me giving Flynn a kick in the shins hurt your feelz?

It doesn't surprise me though given your penchant for abusing peoples families.And after all it was only a couple of days ago you were doing the same thing to Flea.Birds of a feather flock together I guess-fucking scum bag.

Not at all. Flynn can take care of herself.

It's clear that you have an axe to grind. I was simply curious as to when your feelz were bruised.
Clear to whom ?

Only you it would appear.

And if I think somone needs a kick in the dick.I'll do so to anyone I damn well please.

To me and that's all that matters, to me.
Yeah,you keep listening to those voices in your head.

lulz what a retard.

Weak sauce. You shouldn't even bother replying, learn to quit while you're behind.
Weapey and learning are like oil and water, you should know this by now.
Oh lookie the Brighton bum boy has found a fwiend.

So, he made one post about you and now he's my friend? You people are phenomenally bizarre.

Easily threatened by nothing much more than shadows.

It's not an act is it.

You really are as dumb as you make out.

The first defense of the retard. Blaming others for their own inadequacies.

Shoo fly, shoo.
Just laughing at you making an arse of yourself once again Princess.

There's a reason faggy monster jumped in.

You're just to dumb to know why lol.

Not knowing either one of you doesn't make me dumb. I don't know you two from Adam. Were you lovers?
Atleast I can get a lover without prostituting myself on some dating site lulz.

Hey, at least you admit you're gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that. *smirk*
It wouldn't even matter if you were a fag.Not EVEN one of those big bulldyke lesso's would go anywhere near your disgusting arse lulz.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
She boasted recently about Aidsman & Semen having her back. LOL

Nuff said.
Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest

Look who speaks.

The rat
She boasted recently about Aidsman & Semen having her back. LOL

Nuff said.
Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest

Look who speaks.

The rat



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
She boasted recently about Aidsman & Semen having her back. LOL

Nuff said.
Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest

Look who speaks.

The rat
She boasted recently about Aidsman & Semen having her back. LOL

Nuff said.
Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest

Look who speaks.

The rat


She reeks of rotten Tilapia. Not even with a 20’ pole


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
She boasted recently about Aidsman & Semen having her back. LOL

Nuff said.
Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest

Look who speaks.

The rat
She boasted recently about Aidsman & Semen having her back. LOL

Nuff said.
Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest

Look who speaks.

The rat


She reeks of rotten Tilapia. Not even with a 20’ pole

Shehe reeks indeed.