Is Jimmy Dore on the libtard hurtz my tummy list?


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
He's definitely not on the shitlib's Christmas card list.
There have been entire Twitter flame wars fought over whether or not Dore is "on the left", or a grifter, or etc. Even the so-called "left" media (TYT, TheHill, etc.) can't stand him even though he's worked with some of those people (TYT) in the past.

Probably because he isn't afraid to go on Tucker's show and doesn't simply regurgitate the establishment narrative or meat shield for useless politicians.

Even I don't agree with him on everything but he's right far more often than he's wrong.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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And that's the point. You believe in healthy dialogue whereas these rodents seek to shut it down all together

which of course, causes those of us with a functioning brain to wonder why that is. Why are you so interested in shutting down opposing views? I personally see value in the process of scrutiny. If nothing else, it sharpens the argument. I'd welcome it unless my argument were unsustainable to begin with.

But they seem adverse to it for some odd reason. Preferring instead to rely upon slick little phrases like non-sequitur etc etc ... which look a lot like convenient escape hatches to exit uncomfortable discussions to me
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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I like Jimmy Dore and Russel Brand. For leftwing perspective.
They are sane leftists. Leftists from more of the JFK era when being a liberal actually meant you cared for the average person

these radical idiots would make JFK turn over in his grave


Domestically feral
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United states
They are sane leftists. Leftists from more of the JFK era when being a liberal actually meant you cared for the average person

these radical idiots would make JFK turn over in his grave

That's why I call them establishment cuck leftists.

Not the same thing as normal lefties.

The establishment hates us, wants actual war....doesnt tolerate opposition or challange. Normal leftists understand we are a country and people need to kinda stick togther. Find our common grounds and work with eachother for the greater good.

These other people just want destruction and hate.
Biggie Smiles

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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what these idiots do not realize is that we don't love the republican party. We just hate the democrats far more as they are far worse.

At least within the conservative ranks you see glimmers of hope every now and then who are willing to go against the grain. ie the 6 brave congressmen/women we just saw, John Roberts, Mike Pence and a few others who's names escape me at the moment.

Whereas you never see democrat filth break party lines to follow their conscience. Because they have no conscience

Prove me wrong.

Give me just ONE instance where Ruth Bader Ginsburg as just one example, dissented from her party norm and voted alongside conservative lines. ONE.