The Tik Tok bill is the death of freedom.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
This is fucking bad. Just absolutely horrifying in every way. It removes all privacy, all due process for everyone, and you can be imprisoned for 20 years simply because a single non elected bureaucrat says you are a threat or you have spread "misinformation". No judge is involved at all. You have no rights.


Have kink will travel.
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I can't watch that kling-on boob. Got another link from somebody more respectable?


Factory Bastard
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You really should just watch it but I will post additional sources tomorrow if you dislike the messenger so much.


Have kink will travel.
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He's out of his tree and chases big stories for fame, often plagiarising in the process. On top of that, he's not the brightest bulb in the shed.

I will take Alex Jones and Hal Turner over that fuckwit.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Other than the occasional lookee this is why I generally stay away from social media @Oerdin

One major flaw of these mediums is they need to be divided into ‘social’ only, ‘business’ only & ‘political’ only.

So that if a person just wants to sell a product or service its of course business only. But if they wanna gab about someone’s gf or bf whatever then they have to post in a social medium. And of course political posts belong in political only.

For example Twitter should do this.
And so should Facebook.

I never post on twitter or tik tok because I don’t feel safe on either. Someone can easily misinterpret something you said or quote it out of context

Social media in general is poorly regulated and it needs a shakeup to protect its users


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
One major flaw of these mediums is they need to be divided into ‘social’ only, ‘business’ only & ‘political’ only.

Life is messy.
Human lives are even messier by an order of magnitude.
Unless you can admit this and make allowances for it you're going to make everything worse.

So that if a person just wants to sell a product or service its of course business only. But if they wanna gab about someone’s gf or bf whatever then they have to post in a social medium. And of course political posts belong in political only.

What if what they're selling is political (merch, analysis, lobbying, etc.)?
Do they have to stay in the business lane or the politics lane?

What if, in the course of a business transaction, the buyer and seller make a bit of small talk... do they have to move into the chit-chat lane to do that and then move back into the business lane to finalize the deal?

What about family members and friends of politicians... will they be prohibited from chit-chatting about their friend/family unless they do it in the political section and wouldn't that, too, be a violation?

For example Twitter should do this.
And so should Facebook.

No one should do this.
It's a horrible idea that would only create a monstrous bureaucracy and lead to censorship abuses on a massive scale.

We're talking about a "disinformation governance board" on fucking steroids.

Nobody needs that.

I never post on twitter or tik tok because I don’t feel safe on either. Someone can easily misinterpret something you said or quote it out of context

That's not the fault of Twitter or TikTok.
That's simply how humans communicate.
The only way to 100% prevent miscommunications is to never open your mouth in the first place.
Not only is that inadvisable, it's essentially impossible (unless you're a monk living in a monastery?).

Social media in general is poorly regulated and it needs a shakeup to protect its users

The users of social media don't need to be protected from each other.
They need to be protected from the rapacious business models of monopolistic tech companies. They need to be protected from a surveillance state embedded in the codes of social media platforms and the unconscionable willingness of tech companies to do the bidding of malicious state-affiliated agents.

They need to be protected from people who would do horrific things in the names of "safety" and "security".

They need to be protected, it turns out, from people like you.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Life is messy.
Human lives are even messier by an order of magnitude.
Unless you can admit this and make allowances for it you're going to make everything worse.

What if what they're selling is political (merch, analysis, lobbying, etc.)?
Do they have to stay in the business lane or the politics lane?

What if, in the course of a business transaction, the buyer and seller make a bit of small talk... do they have to move into the chit-chat lane to do that and then move back into the business lane to finalize the deal?

What about family members and friends of politicians... will they be prohibited from chit-chatting about their friend/family unless they do it in the political section and wouldn't that, too, be a violation?

No one should do this.
It's a horrible idea that would only create a monstrous bureaucracy and lead to censorship abuses on a massive scale.

We're talking about a "disinformation governance board" on fucking steroids.

Nobody needs that.

That's not the fault of Twitter or TikTok.
That's simply how humans communicate.
The only way to 100% prevent miscommunications is to never open your mouth in the first place.
Not only is that inadvisable, it's essentially impossible (unless you're a monk living in a monastery?).

The users of social media don't need to be protected from each other.
They need to be protected from the rapacious business models of monopolistic tech companies. They need to be protected from a surveillance state embedded in the codes of social media platforms and the unconscionable willingness of tech companies to do the bidding of malicious state-affiliated agents.

They need to be protected from people who would do horrific things in the names of "safety" and "security".

They need to be protected, it turns out, from people like you.

You sound just like a right wing extremist ♡


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I love Garratys politcal takes.

He wants and promotes some left wing stuff (M4A, abolishing the electoral college, et). But when it comes to GovCo meddling, regulating and controling things his ass flies all the way to the right.

We could all argue or discuss what makes left and right the left and right ....sure. But with my understanding of the spectrum this is what I'm seeing.

And I dig that shit lol.

I also know his views on the spectrum differ somewhat than mine there is no offense intended here at all lol.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
That's the thing: I don't see myself as having views that are "left" or "right".
I have views. They are the views I have, and they are mine.
I leave it to others to put them in the "left" box or the "right" box.
That distinction means absolutely nothing to me.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
That's the thing: I don't see myself as having views that are "left" or "right".
I have views. They are the views I have, and they are mine.
I leave it to others to put them in the "left" box or the "right" box.
That distinction means absolutely nothing to me.

That's how I view my own so I get it. If something I support is left....than it's left. Most all my views today are branded right so I guess that's my "tribe".

I've noticed today so many people are purely tribal and will defend anything on the basis of what side is promoting it. They lack any convictions of their own. And many couldn't identify a single actual right wing or even left wing position if we removed all such labels.

The guys here on can tell you if I don't understand something I'll seek to before adopting or rejecting it and if I disagree with something they are saying, I'll challange them on it. Just like I challenged you in the electoral college.

I really wanted to follow that exchange out though but I had so much shit going in that week it completely slipped my mind. I hope we can revisit that at some point. It's not everyday I can have a real discussion about a left wing position with someone who supports it and isn't gonna sit there and spew insults and hatred at me lol.

You can't even really get the chance to understand your oppositions views today because it's such typically hostile grounds. Add in the reality that many people don't even know why they are supporting something....and the chance of civil discourse doesn't even exist.

The difference in challenging my own "tribe" is they don't take me in bad faith and they know I'm coming genuinely so we just discuss it. They would never lash out at me for disagreeing with them. Not so much with the other "tribe" I never get to discuss left wing stances with people who have them and it sucks.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
The RESTRICT Act is the terrible bill. They have a competing bill called the DATA ACT but we do not have a copy of the DATA Act.



Site Supporter
That's the thing: I don't see myself as having views that are "left" or "right".
I have views. They are the views I have, and they are mine.
I leave it to others to put them in the "left" box or the "right" box.
That distinction means absolutely nothing to me.
Lot's of people are like that ... just that the simplness from the likes of the doves and biggytards like to throw simple labels around makes for an easier internetting eXperience


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
He needs visiting by the IRS for heightened coffee purchases....

He could be doing badly for the good bean.

BTW the Biden admin did just that to people who reported on the Twitter files the day they were testifying before Congress. That is not how the IRS usually conducts itself, they usually send a letter to a businesses office, but in order to intimidate Twitter files reporters the Biden admin has goons go directly to the journalists homes to directly threaten their families.

Even if your taxes are 100% correct the audit process can easily be abused by vindictive admin officials resulting in the target needing to pay tens of thousands of not hundreds of thousands in costs to defend themselves. Democrats keep doing abused like this over and over first to Trump officials and now to journalists who embarrass them by exposing their criminality. The process is the punishment as it can financially ruin people who never did anything wrong. That is the goal of the vile Democraps.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
This is fucking bad. Just absolutely horrifying in every way. It removes all privacy, all due process for everyone, and you can be imprisoned for 20 years simply because a single non elected bureaucrat says you are a threat or you have spread "misinformation". No judge is involved at all. You have no rights.

i knew when i initially agreed with biden there had 2 be a catch.... and there it is, a bill wrapped in clever semantics just like 'the patriot act'


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Worse than the Patriot act. You can be fined $1 million and jailed for 20 years simply for using a VPN because the Feds want to track everything everyone does online world wide.

There is an irony that a speaker at the WEF last year said this was coming world wide including to America.


Mutants Rule!
Site Supporter
Redneckistan, USA
I've been reading the RESTRICT Act and this thing is full-on mental.

Most of the terms are so vague and the definitions left up to some empty-suited bureaucrat that it'll be used to target all kinds of crazy shit.

The term 'entity' specifically includes labor unions, "a fraternal or social organization", "a partnership", and "a joint venture". So basically anyone with any connections to other human beings. What could go wrong?

It doesn't only target TikTok and other apps (including games); it considers fair play stuff like ISPs, wireless LANs, mobile networks (cell service), servers, webcams, modems, drones and other unmanned vehicles, "advanced robotics", e-commerce (PayPal, etc.), and even open-source software applications. Full spectrum control.

It repurposes the usual list of "foreign adversaries":
China, Cuba, Iran, DPRK, Russia, and Venezuela (look for more BRICS bloc nations to be added I'm sure).

It includes provisions for civil forfeiture.

Punishments include a fine of up to $1Million and/or 20 years in prison.

And, unsurprisingly, it attempts to carve out a FOIA exemption on internal documents.

This is the Patriot Act merged with the Disinformation Governance Board and then pumped full of steroids.

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> you
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. o O
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Not open-source software!!



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Remember the Biden admin claimed they had to censor all social media in order to stop "Russian disinformation" and "misinformation". They then went and used this to target political opponents and silence embarrassing but factually true information like Hunter Biden's laptop and all the crimes detailed in it. Even before that Democrats conspired with tech monopolies to eliminate their competitor Parler.

This is why Democrats want these powers. The rest is just lies to cover their lies.