Does anybody here work in the medical industry?



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Oh hey, how about I just mention that when my kids saw the pic of the switch hanging over the toliet this person said "that's not my problem"?

Guess what, whatever shit that person is in? Not. My. Problem.

Kids- use this as an example, message forums and real life just don't mix.


Put your glasses on!
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Kids- use this as an example, message forums and real life just don't mix.

Lol thats not true. I've met a forum member and had drinks, I've been shipped things and vice versa from several forum members, so they do mix, its only when you pull your pecker out you seem to get in trouble lol.


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Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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Kids- use this as an example, message forums and real life just don't mix.

Lol thats not true. I've met a forum member and had drinks, I've been shipped things and vice versa from several forum members, so they do mix, its only when you pull your pecker out you seem to get in trouble lol.
Actually I boned another person from these forums recently and they ain't acting like this. They cool af.

Ok, stay away from the cray cray ppl


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And honestly right now,

Somebody just saw the pictures I didn't want them to see and just told me I should be ashamed of myself for actually communicating with somebody so fucking sickening.

I really think if these pictures were released alot of ppl would change their tune.....


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Oh hey, how about I just mention that when my kids saw the pic of the switch hanging over the toliet this person said "that's not my problem"?

Guess what, whatever shit that person is in? Not. My. Problem.

Kids- use this as an example, message forums and real life just don't mix.
You’re a fool if you think I’m taking “forum advice” from you lol


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Oh hey, how about I just mention that when my kids saw the pic of the switch hanging over the toliet this person said "that's not my problem"?

Guess what, whatever shit that person is in? Not. My. Problem.

Kids- use this as an example, message forums and real life just don't mix.
You’re a fool if you think I’m taking “forum advice” from you lol
You shouldn't.

You don't get laid, nigga


Vape Nation
Site Supporter ☠️
Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Oh hey, how about I just mention that when my kids saw the pic of the switch hanging over the toliet this person said "that's not my problem"?

Guess what, whatever shit that person is in? Not. My. Problem.

Kids- use this as an example, message forums and real life just don't mix.
You’re a fool if you think I’m taking “forum advice” from you lol
You shouldn't.

You don't get laid, nigga
You just made that whole post up by yourself! Go you...


If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
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And honestly right now,

Somebody just saw the pictures I didn't want them to see and just told me I should be ashamed of myself for actually communicating with somebody so fucking sickening.

I really think if these pictures were released alot of ppl would change their tune.....

Post the pictures and then I will vote other wise STFU - - - - - - -


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
And sure enough, here comes my stalker right on cue.....
Shut fuckin up, you WILL find yourself a victim if you don’t Zip it!
Look at me n my voice... lololol

I am already a victim. Wtf u talking about?

I’m trying to un weirdo your thread

Well a good start would be ejecting yourself, js
So I’ve to leave the site or just leave you alone? None of that is going to happen btw


Domestically feral
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United states
As he admitted on BC, he called my job out of pure spite because i wanted to return his childs Switch and he was refusing to make reasonable arrangements and using threats. He would have called my job anyway, he just likes to think people believe his transparent justifications he uses to do the evil fucking shit he does to people.

I meant to send a cropped photo and accidently sent one i didnt mean to, and was hoping he would just forget it. He waited a over a month and until after i told him i wanted no personal relationship to pretend to care about this.

He thinks ripping my childrens security, food and shelter away from them is an appropriate response to me shipping his childs switch to the childs mother because he wasnt willing to cough up 20 bucks for shipping and i paid to get the switch out of pawn.

This man is evil, dangerous and will do as much destruction as he can and your kids are just collateral damage to him. He doesnt give a fuck. My family had JUST gone through a huge ordeal, my kids finally got settled in a new place and i wanted to give them a fun month, instead we are now scrambling to find a way to keep a roof over our head and my oldest sleeps with a bat by her bed because they are terrified of this steaming pile of lying demon shit.

Ive already lost my job because of him. IF i find out he has posted any picture, i WILL go to where i know that patient is and contact that patients POA and give them everything they need to press charges.

Delete the picture, K****. If i find out you have used it in anyway i will help this persons family take it to the full extent of the law.

You have already borderlined wrecked our life right now. So go pat your back knowing you put a three year old little girl at risk of homelessness, destroyed her holidays, just because i had to the nerve to return that stupid switch to the wrong person and didnt stay online playing your bullshit games.

A month and half. You waited a month a fucking half. Used my TRUST as weapon to ATTACK my CHILDREN.

You are a rotten, nasty, vindictive piece of fucking shit. I HATE you with a flaming fucking hatred. I look at my childs beautiful face, i realize i allowed a souless fucking MONSTER into our lives and i feel RAGE. THEY dont deserve what you have done. But you have no concept of this because you are completely fucking horrible. NO empathy, NO conscious. Just heartless, nasty hatred.

So believe me, i almost WANT you to post it. Post it so i can make sure your disgusting, self serving abusive miserable ass gets PLOWED like a cornfield in court. This is not a threat. You do not have consent to even have it, let alone use it, so let me find out you have. I doubt this forum wants to deal with those legal repercussions.

You need to walk away from this. Go find a new victim. Go be the miserable person no one wants, no one respects, no one believes, no one trusts, and no one admires. You are a low down scum of the earth loser, liar and net addicted sociopath. You pushed and pushed to blast all of this online. Now everyone is disgusted you went so far as to rip away income from a family.

You got the damn tracking number, I left, you STILL couldnt just walk away and now you want to play hero?

Dont even fucking bother responding. I wont be here to read it. Ive read enough of your childish psychotic bullshit to last an lifetime and i cannot wait until you are so far in my past that i just feel pity when i think of you, rather than the violation, hatred, revoltion i feel now. I feel SICK that i was STUPID enough to trust you, sick that my children have to suffer for my bad choice in having ANYTHING to do with you.

Im gonna make sure the admin or owner here knows that pic is HIPAA protected PHI and if it comes to my attention that its been posted, and it WILL, I intend to notify the family ASAP.

You have hurt ENOUGH innocent people, K****. I know thats what you exist on the earth to do, cost money and create misery and damage, but maybe you could go find something else to do before you hurt any more people in your neverending quest to be more worthwhile in "content" than you will ever be in real life. Because unlike you, i DO care about those patients, i CAN own my mistakes, and i WILL fight for that patient even now. You KNOW how much i loved my job and how hard i worked and that why you went after it. Because you are EVIL. You sit on your fat fucking ass living on the internet creating what you think is good "content" and feel entitled to rip something away from someone who busted their ass for it. You could have just walked away. That is all i wanted, to just be done with it, leave and live my life free of you. I guess that had to come at a high cost, but in the end im still rid of you so i can celebrate that.

ITs not enough for you that instead of taking my kids to do Halloween stuff that i had to go to food bank? That ive been hiding in the bathroom to cry with the water running so i can be strong for my kids? Its not enough K****? That you have terrorized my family on such a deep level as to attack our security? That i cant even do the Christmas shopping i was going to do? That i dont even have grocery money let alone can i even plan to Christmas now? You shit all over my kids life and their holidays because i had a convo with your ex about returning your kids are so sick to think thats justifiable....Now you want to publically humiliate that patient by exploiting the pic while you are at it? Slow clap for the stand up hero. You are horrible.

Does your sociopathic lack of empathy and decency ever fucking end? Or are you trying to set the shitbag bar even lower?

You have no fucking heart. None. You dont care who you hurt.You have no idea when to stop. You are truly a subhuman disgusting monster who no one is better for having known.

Just please leave that family alone. You fucked up me and my kids, let that be enough and just leave this patient out of your marathon of psychotic hatred. Please god just delete it and leave them alone.

I would have rather you posted all my nudes, or even raped me, than do what you are doing, it is pure evil. There is something really, fundamentally sick and wrong within you.

Do the right fucking thing for ONCE. You want me to pay you? You want the rest of my last paycheck? Ill give it to you if you just get rid of it. Its not about me K**, its about an innocent person that you could end up publically victimizing in your narcissistic high. I will give you my entire last paycheck if you just agree to STOP and move on. How much fucking pain do you need to cause? You got me back, okay? You "won".

Can you stop now, please? You have weaponized my trust and abused my whole family. Do you really need to abuse this innocent outside party? You need back pats that bad? You souless rotted monster?

I have had open dialog with my former DON regarding this matter and the real fear of him using this picture in anyway. I can no longer work in the field, but i can and will help protect this family. I made a horrible mistake, one that i own 100 percent. But i did what i did out of love for other people and desire to serve other people. Being able to do so as long as i did meant so much to me. I am completely heartbroken, devasted, and its going to take a long time to heal from this.

In the meantime, i very nicely, very passionately and humbly beg for this persons privacy. This person is not part of this, not on these boards, does not deserve to be humiliated and gawked at by strangers while in a vunerable state. Would any of you want that done? I have to live with my mistake but there is no need or reason for this to go any further so i BEG you through actual tears to please just drop this. Please dont hurt anymore people. Please just walk away from me and this and let me do the same in peace.

I dont want ANYTHING to do with you at all. I dont want to be held hostage by your continued focus on this matter. But im gonna plead with any humanity you MAY have buried in you to just drop it, so i dont have to go to this persons family and tell them who is exploiting a hipaa protected pic of their loved one online and why. Ill do it, believe me, even if they hate me for failing my duty. I WILL make sure they know who you are so they can press charges. It is NOT legal for you to violate anyones right to privacy in this context and there has been no authorized consent for it to be posted.

I feel sick. If he posts it, you guys here who know me, let me know asap. And grab a screen shot.

Last time, Please Poofer just drop it. You won. You got everything you wanted. Just attack ME. Talk about ME all you want. Post my vagina. You got what, like 20 pics of that? Post the panties i came in. But leave this person alone. Its not their fault, IM the one you want to punish. Punish ME, okay? But stop hurting kids and other people. Please. If you want my last check for that pic, its all yours. Im a psycho obsessed shit bag, make ME suffer. You have plenty of ways to keep wrecking me without hurting my kids like you have or dragging in or cyber victimizing an outside person. Focus on those, okay? You are the one making the choice to post about it, show people, carry on about it YOU are showing you dont give a single iota of care about this patient, your issue is with me, so keep it with ME.

If i promise to log on once a day and argue with you will you leave the person out of it? If everyone agrees with you that you are awesome and im a huge bag of worthless sick shit, will you finally drop it? People have been BEGGING you to drop this and walk away. Begging. WTF does it take, K****? Public humiliation of an innocent person, my kids in foster care? Us on the street and getting publically flogged? What. does. it. take? How much pain and devastation does a pile of demonic shit in a human meatsack need to feel satisfied enough to stop?
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Domestically feral
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United states
Oh and yes, Shitbag, it IS YOUR FUCKING FAULT. Murd didnt make you pick up the phone. YOU did that. YOU.

I do not care about or buy any of your pathetic, spineless and disgusting cowardly excuses. YOU did it, because you are spiteful, vindictive abuser who only cares about yourself and you dont even give a second fucking thought to the CHILDREN who end up suffering for YOUR need to cause as much pain and destruction as possible to anyone and everyone dumb enough to trust or get involved with your shit bag self.


Just so you know i will never buy anyway you spin this and most no one else is, either. Get help. And leave my family, and this family, alone.

I am disengaging, again. I have no desire to retaliate, just to pick up my peices and move on smarter and tougher. However, if you abuse that person by exploiting them, i WILL make sure you have a meeting with that family.

Explain to them why you waited over a month, threatened to give it to the "media" and posted it on an internet forum.

Good bye, chose wisely, and good luck with your sociopathy.

Now DROP IT. For fucks sake.
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Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Oh and yes, Shitbag, it IS YOUR FUCKING FAULT. Murd didnt make you pick up the phone. YOU did that. YOU.

I do not care about or buy any of your pathetic, spineless and disgusting cowardly excuses. YOU did it, because you are spiteful, vindictive abuser who only cares about yourself and you dont even give a second fucking thought to the CHILDREN who end up suffering for YOUR need to cause as much pain and destruction as possible to anyone and everyone dumb enough to trust or get involved with your shit bag self.


Just so you know i will never buy anyway you spin this and most no one else is, either. Get help. And leave my family, and this family, alone.

I am disengaging, again. I have no desire to retaliate, just to pick up my peices and move on smarter and tougher. However, if you abuse that person by exploiting them, i WILL make sure you have a meeting with that family.

Explain to them why you waited over a month, threatened to give it to the "media" and posted it on an internet forum.

Good bye, chose wisely, and good luck with your sociopathy.
Stick around we got you...


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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I'm not reading all that.

I'm sorry, Dovey. I've been sorry. you were the one who did all this and put this where it is.

I knew 100% the second you started talking to that piece of shit again everything would go bad, just not this bad.

You won. You officially got me kicked off most of these forums talking all your manipulative bullshit then came here to once again start this shit harassing me. You did all this.

I never said I'd post that shit. Just another one of your myriad of delusions that envelope your rancid mind like plaque. I said if I did ppls thoughts would change drastically and no offense, you know it too. Unlike you, I know everything I can and can't do, and know if those pictures were to be posted on social media that hospital would be in a considerable amount of trouble along with you.

Look, I don't want to talk to you. I do not ever want to see you, and I would very much like it if you left me alone on these forums. Of you don't, I'll log off and move to the next one. One you won't know of. It's that simple.

Ppl have questions, and as you can see, I have been respectful of ppls privacys in the answers. Even yours. I don't like the shit you did. I'm not comfortable with you having the address of were my kids live. I'm not comfortable with you contacting my ex and Phishing her for info to use as ammo on these forums. I'm not comfortable with you putting her in the middle of all this to the point I cannot even communicate with her any more now because of you and have to go thru my oldest to hear about my kids, who are worried also.

See, it's not all about you. You fucked up my shit. You fucked up the sweetest gig I could ever get and I'm stuck working at a place where one of my friends were killed.

You did all this....for laughs. To humiliate me and my family on these forums.

I did the right thing.

And save the St. Dovey act. You were the one that sent that shit. You lied and lied and lied on top of lied. I don't want to hear your shit. It's not my problem. Isn't that what you said?

I moved on. You and your nest of idiots didn't. You thought I was a moron, I'm not.

And the biggest thing, Ms man-eater;

You thought I was in love with you.

I wasn't.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
I'm not reading all that.

I'm sorry, Dovey. I've been sorry. you were the one who did all this and put this where it is.

I knew 100% the second you started talking to that piece of shit again everything would go bad, just not this bad.

You won. You officially got me kicked off most of these forums talking all your manipulative bullshit then came here to once again start this shit harassing me. You did all this.

I never said I'd post that shit. Just another one of your myriad of delusions that envelope your rancid mind like plaque. I said if I did ppls thoughts would change drastically and no offense, you know it too. Unlike you, I know everything I can and can't do, and know if those pictures were to be posted on social media that hospital would be in a considerable amount of trouble along with you.

Look, I don't want to talk to you. I do not ever want to see you, and I would very much like it if you left me alone on these forums. Of you don't, I'll log off and move to the next one. One you won't know of. It's that simple.

Ppl have questions, and as you can see, I have been respectful of ppls privacys in the answers. Even yours. I don't like the shit you did. I'm not comfortable with you having the address of were my kids live. I'm not comfortable with you contacting my ex and Phishing her for info to use as ammo on these forums. I'm not comfortable with you putting her in the middle of all this to the point I cannot even communicate with her any more now because of you and have to go thru my oldest to hear about my kids, who are worried also.

See, it's not all about you. You fucked up my shit. You fucked up the sweetest gig I could ever get and I'm stuck working at a place where one of my friends were killed.

You did all this....for laughs. To humiliate me and my family on these forums.

I did the right thing.

And save the St. Dovey act. You were the one that sent that shit. You lied and lied and lied on top of lied. I don't want to hear your shit. It's not my problem. Isn't that what you said?

I moved on. You and your nest of idiots didn't. You thought I was a moron, I'm not.

And the biggest thing, Ms man-eater;

You thought I was in love with you.

I wasn't.
Before I read more, it was YOU that brought the shit here but do carry on...


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
I'm not reading all that.

I'm sorry, Dovey. I've been sorry. you were the one who did all this and put this where it is.

I knew 100% the second you started talking to that piece of shit again everything would go bad, just not this bad.

You won. You officially got me kicked off most of these forums talking all your manipulative bullshit then came here to once again start this shit harassing me. You did all this.

I never said I'd post that shit. Just another one of your myriad of delusions that envelope your rancid mind like plaque. I said if I did ppls thoughts would change drastically and no offense, you know it too. Unlike you, I know everything I can and can't do, and know if those pictures were to be posted on social media that hospital would be in a considerable amount of trouble along with you.

Look, I don't want to talk to you. I do not ever want to see you, and I would very much like it if you left me alone on these forums. Of you don't, I'll log off and move to the next one. One you won't know of. It's that simple.

Ppl have questions, and as you can see, I have been respectful of ppls privacys in the answers. Even yours. I don't like the shit you did. I'm not comfortable with you having the address of were my kids live. I'm not comfortable with you contacting my ex and Phishing her for info to use as ammo on these forums. I'm not comfortable with you putting her in the middle of all this to the point I cannot even communicate with her any more now because of you and have to go thru my oldest to hear about my kids, who are worried also.

See, it's not all about you. You fucked up my shit. You fucked up the sweetest gig I could ever get and I'm stuck working at a place where one of my friends were killed.

You did all this....for laughs. To humiliate me and my family on these forums.

I did the right thing.

And save the St. Dovey act. You were the one that sent that shit. You lied and lied and lied on top of lied. I don't want to hear your shit. It's not my problem. Isn't that what you said?

I moved on. You and your nest of idiots didn't. You thought I was a moron, I'm not.

And the biggest thing, Ms man-eater;

You thought I was in love with you.

I wasn't.
Before I read more, it was YOU that brought the shit here but do carry on...
I asked a question.

Nothing more


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You are a nasty disgusting shit bag who went out of your way to find something you were trusted with over a month ago to weaponize, get a single mother of three children fired from her job, putting my children at risk of homelessness. YOU made that choice. I made a huge mistake trusting a subhuman psycho, but YOU could have walked away like a normal, empathetic human being.

NO ONE is buying your pathetic cowardice where you try oh so hard to escape your active choice, to scroll back through and find that one thing you could use. You did that, because you have no fucking soul, no fucking decency, so fuck your pitiful excuses, no one buys it. Least of all me, least of all my children who are SCARED of you. Rightfully. This is YOUR pile of nasty shit. YOU did it. How spineless and pathetic, watching you pretend you didnt actively abuse my trust and attack my job. And watching you make pitifil threats if anyone seeks "retaliation". Thats hilarious. I hope you jump everytime you hear a car door. I hope you have nightnares. I hope your shitty, vindictive ass shits blood and shakes wondering when and how i hit back. Live in the misery you inflict others.

Dont EVER say the word "love" ever the fuck again. You are not capable of love, or even empathy, or any human fucking emotion.

What you are is a demonic vortex of drama, lies, division, visciousness and destruction.

The only thing you love is your miserable, grotesque child abusing self serving nasty self. And considering how you live, thats even questionable.

At the end of the day, if you dropped fucking dead, there are people who would breath a sigh of relief. All you bring to the table is pain and destruction and stress.

You are fucking evil for the shit you do to people. Dont talk to me about love, shitbag. No one who selfishly and visciously throws children into a situation like this, and then has the audacity to go online and BOAST in YOURSELF, when you could have walked away? Is even capable.

You are truly the WORST fucking subhuman peice of shit i have ever come across. I wouldnt piss on your to stop you from burning to death.

Go die alone, you dont even have the love and respect of your own children....and thats aweful for them. No one expects you to give a fuck about mine, or anyone but your vapid self.

You are a dirtbag, the community doesnt even want you. Do everyone unfortunate enough to have you in their a favor and go deep throat a power line. You sociopathic, pathetic peice of fuck.

You are the biggest mistake i have ever made in my life. I would have better off had i relapsed.

All you do is spread your visciousness and misery like a spiritual virus. You dont know what love is. Only a peice of shit would do what you have done. You disgust me. And everyone else who has a sense of decency and compassion for others.

I should have known better, with my three daughters, to bring a shitbag like you into our lives. One with a disgusting fixation on young women, and a sociopathic lack of empathy. You are dangerous and disgusting.

What does it take for you to drop it? You nasty, obsessive, vindictive pile of excrement? You want someone dead? Like L** had to fake her death for you to back off her? How your BM can only relax when you find another gf? You harrassing abusive shit? What does it take for you to stop and drop it?

Do you know what "leave me alone and let me live my life in peace" means or are you gonna attempt to destroy EVERYTHING in my life until i lash out like a cornered animal? Is that what you want you sick disgusting psycho?
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