#TrumpIsARapist #TrumpIsATraitorAndACriminal


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Don't come up for them? Yeah. None of them scared the hell out of the rest of the world like Bush and Trump did. I met one person who liked Trump, and he was an Eastern European. I forget what country he was from. It shocked me.

Oddly, Trump didn't scare me that much.

W Bush was the really scary one & his reign was equally disastrous.

He demonstrated that anyone with a prior drinking or substance abuse problem should never be President of the United States.

Mind you, I understand why women in particular would feel threatened by Trump given his criminal sex abuse of them.

He also got Roe v Wade overturned and appointed religious zealots to the bench. So in that regard, domestically he was/is a scary individual.

With shrinking economic opportunities and a decaying American society it's a wonder that anyone would force women there to birth more children . shits for them when they grow up.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Oddly, Trump didn't scare me that much.

W Bush was the really scary one & his reign was equally disastrous.

He demonstrated that anyone with a prior drinking or substance abuse problem should never be President of the United States.

Mind you, I understand why women in particular would feel threatened by Trump given his criminal sex abuse of them.

He also got Roe v Wade overturned and appointed religious zealots to the bench. So in that regard, domestically he was/is a scary individual.

With shrinking economic opportunities and a decaying American society it's a wonder that anyone would force women there to birth more children . shits for them when they grow up.
Bush and Cheney are two terrifying people. Absolute evil, with well-organized, purposeful intent. But Trump is terrifying in his amorality and stupidity. Anything can go wrong with a person like that.