Recent content by Holliday1881

  1. Holliday1881

    What R U Listening 2? ♫ ♪

    ..3 for the road:
  2. Holliday1881

    What R U Listening 2? ♫ ♪

  3. Holliday1881

    The last of Michael Vick's rescued dogs just died

    ...and that's why he was prosecuted. Had he been in a conservative state, his crimes would have gone unnoticed.
  4. Holliday1881

    The last of Michael Vick's rescued dogs just died

    .Well, there you have conservatism, which leaves dogs for dead in the meadows .and "lesser" humans, and all life, in the gutter while it grabs the material goods of life..
  5. Holliday1881

    The last of Michael Vick's rescued dogs just died

    Awesome defense, Raggedy Peasant. Conservatism is independent of race. Aren't you a conservative who regards other life lesser than your own?
  6. Holliday1881

    The last of Michael Vick's rescued dogs just died

    Once when I was working in the Medowlands, out of the windows we saw a dog lying in the grasses near the waters. We could see it was distressed. We offered it food and water, .but it only shook from some great trauma. Being "authoritarians" . we called the authorities who came and looked...
  7. Holliday1881

    What R U Listening 2? ♫ ♪

  8. Holliday1881

    Is there a sign outside which says dead nigger storage?

    Hey, you conservatives shouldn't be watching bad movies like that. Here's something more suitable for you during this holiest of seasons:
  9. Holliday1881

    Lina Wertmüller - 93 YoA Italian film director Lina Wertmüller, the first woman ever to be nominated for an Oscar for best director, has died at the age of 93. Wertmüller passed away at her home in Rome on Thursday morning, alongside family and friends. She is credited...
  10. Holliday1881

    What Movie/Tv Show did you Watch today?

    Wild Castles - several episodes. A nice European history/wildlife series.