All my exes got froze in Texas


Philosopher King
Site Supporter
West Coast
No asked "WHAT ABOUT CA".

CA was brought up to show Admin that TX really does NOT have the most fucked up grid.

I thought that was obvious?
And I thought it was obvious that I considered the comparison "off topic" and also irrelevant for the reason Addie just mentioned.

It's not off topic.

If I come on here and say "Hey guys, I have the smallest dick on BF"

And Scrotini shows up and says "NUH UH....I do!" And he is totally right his point off topic?

Because he is just proving that he does indeed have the micro penis and thusly even my dick is bigger.

Admin claimed TEXAS has the MOST fucked up grid. That's not true at all. CA also has a fucked up grid. Personally I'd rather deal with TX grid than super expensive shitty energy in CA.

I wasnt asking "what about" or changing the topic. Just pointing out the one sided thinking is all. You know perhaps the Republicans could do better here....but the leftists are not exactly setting an example either. Maybe working together would help bring about better solutions.
Maybe, but yanno there are historically Dems in TX and Repubs in CA too, so it's not strictly a Red vs Blue thing at all.

The reasons why things are fucked up in both states are not exactly the same reasons but they both reek of class warfare and corporatism.


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
No asked "WHAT ABOUT CA".

CA was brought up to show Admin that TX really does NOT have the most fucked up grid.

I thought that was obvious?
And I thought it was obvious that I considered the comparison "off topic" and also irrelevant for the reason Addie just mentioned.

It's not off topic.

If I come on here and say "Hey guys, I have the smallest dick on BF"

And Scrotini shows up and says "NUH UH....I do!" And he is totally right his point off topic?

Because he is just proving that he does indeed have the micro penis and thusly even my dick is bigger.

Admin claimed TEXAS has the MOST fucked up grid. That's not true at all. CA also has a fucked up grid. Personally I'd rather deal with TX grid than super expensive shitty energy in CA.

I wasnt asking "what about" or changing the topic. Just pointing out the one sided thinking is all. You know perhaps the Republicans could do better here....but the leftists are not exactly setting an example either. Maybe working together would help bring about better solutions.
Maybe, but yanno there are historically Dems in TX and Repubs in CA too, so it's not strictly a Red vs Blue thing at all.

The reasons why things are fucked up in both states are not exactly the same reasons but they both reek of class warfare and corporatism.
With Nixon, Reagan, Nunez and McCarthy all coming from CA, CA is far more Red, than Trumptard's seem capable of understanding.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
No asked "WHAT ABOUT CA".

CA was brought up to show Admin that TX really does NOT have the most fucked up grid.

I thought that was obvious?
And I thought it was obvious that I considered the comparison "off topic" and also irrelevant for the reason Addie just mentioned.

It's not off topic.

If I come on here and say "Hey guys, I have the smallest dick on BF"

And Scrotini shows up and says "NUH UH....I do!" And he is totally right his point off topic?

Because he is just proving that he does indeed have the micro penis and thusly even my dick is bigger.

Admin claimed TEXAS has the MOST fucked up grid. That's not true at all. CA also has a fucked up grid. Personally I'd rather deal with TX grid than super expensive shitty energy in CA.

I wasnt asking "what about" or changing the topic. Just pointing out the one sided thinking is all. You know perhaps the Republicans could do better here....but the leftists are not exactly setting an example either. Maybe working together would help bring about better solutions.
Maybe, but yanno there are historically Dems in TX and Repubs in CA too, so it's not strictly a Red vs Blue thing at all.

The reasons why things are fucked up in both states are not exactly the same reasons but they both reek of class warfare and corporatism.
With Nixon, Reagan, Nunez and McCarthy all coming from CA, CA is far more Red that Trumptard's seem to understand.

They are STOOPIT!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
No asked "WHAT ABOUT CA".

CA was brought up to show Admin that TX really does NOT have the most fucked up grid.

I thought that was obvious?
And I thought it was obvious that I considered the comparison "off topic" and also irrelevant for the reason Addie just mentioned.

It's not off topic.

If I come on here and say "Hey guys, I have the smallest dick on BF"

And Scrotini shows up and says "NUH UH....I do!" And he is totally right his point off topic?

Because he is just proving that he does indeed have the micro penis and thusly even my dick is bigger.

Admin claimed TEXAS has the MOST fucked up grid. That's not true at all. CA also has a fucked up grid. Personally I'd rather deal with TX grid than super expensive shitty energy in CA.

I wasnt asking "what about" or changing the topic. Just pointing out the one sided thinking is all. You know perhaps the Republicans could do better here....but the leftists are not exactly setting an example either. Maybe working together would help bring about better solutions.
Maybe, but yanno there are historically Dems in TX and Repubs in CA too, so it's not strictly a Red vs Blue thing at all.

The reasons why things are fucked up in both states are not exactly the same reasons but they both reek of class warfare and corporatism.

Probably. I tend to pick on who has the majority.

I know that I could live much more comfortably in Texas than i could in CA just based on costs of living alone.

MY states Republicans are mostly pieces of shit. Here in my county people want them recalled because they were stealing covid funds. Not even kidding. So all the conservatives are pissed and feel betrayed - as they should. I signed the petition with a grimace because I know it was the right thing to do. Even though the guy who wanted me to sign was openly a democrat.

Our last Republican governor was a fucktard and a let down. He really wasnt different from the typical democrats we get.

The titles seem to mean far more to the voters than they do to the politicains. Vetting out those who are part of the club and those who genuinely want to serve the people is the challange, really.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Texas has few outages. One major one and the democRAT vultures swarm like buzzards on a carcass. There are other states that have regular outages and it treated as no big deal. Why? democRATs.
200,000 Americans (and growing) are w/o power in Texas in sub freezing temps, do the math Pollyanna.
Well, fuckem all. The handwriting was on the wall a year ago, they've all had all this time to buy generators.

Not our fault if they spent the money on ammo and tac gear instead, and canned goods.
Pretty much. Besides, I doubt they'll be without very long.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
No asked "WHAT ABOUT CA".

CA was brought up to show Admin that TX really does NOT have the most fucked up grid.

I thought that was obvious?
And I thought it was obvious that I considered the comparison "off topic" and also irrelevant for the reason Addie just mentioned.

It's not off topic.

If I come on here and say "Hey guys, I have the smallest dick on BF"

And Scrotini shows up and says "NUH UH....I do!" And he is totally right his point off topic?

Because he is just proving that he does indeed have the micro penis and thusly even my dick is bigger.

Admin claimed TEXAS has the MOST fucked up grid. That's not true at all. CA also has a fucked up grid. Personally I'd rather deal with TX grid than super expensive shitty energy in CA.

I wasnt asking "what about" or changing the topic. Just pointing out the one sided thinking is all. You know perhaps the Republicans could do better here....but the leftists are not exactly setting an example either. Maybe working together would help bring about better solutions.
Maybe, but yanno there are historically Dems in TX and Repubs in CA too, so it's not strictly a Red vs Blue thing at all.

The reasons why things are fucked up in both states are not exactly the same reasons but they both reek of class warfare and corporatism.

Probably. I tend to pick on who has the majority.

I know that I could live much more comfortably in Texas than i could in CA just based on costs of living alone.

MY states Republicans are mostly pieces of shit. Here in my county people want them recalled because they were stealing covid funds. Not even kidding. So all the conservatives are pissed and feel betrayed - as they should. I signed the petition with a grimace because I know it was the right thing to do. Even though the guy who wanted me to sign was openly a democrat.

Our last Republican governor was a fucktard and a let down. He really wasnt different from the typical democrats we get.

The titles seem to mean far more to the voters than they do to the politicains. Vetting out those who are part of the club and those who genuinely want to serve the people is the challange, really.
Illinois is in the same boat. Just look at Kinzinger. Our last Republican governor, Rauner, was anti Trump. Stupid bastard was hated by democRATs AND Republicans.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
No asked "WHAT ABOUT CA".

CA was brought up to show Admin that TX really does NOT have the most fucked up grid.

I thought that was obvious?
And I thought it was obvious that I considered the comparison "off topic" and also irrelevant for the reason Addie just mentioned.

It's not off topic.

If I come on here and say "Hey guys, I have the smallest dick on BF"

And Scrotini shows up and says "NUH UH....I do!" And he is totally right his point off topic?

Because he is just proving that he does indeed have the micro penis and thusly even my dick is bigger.

Admin claimed TEXAS has the MOST fucked up grid. That's not true at all. CA also has a fucked up grid. Personally I'd rather deal with TX grid than super expensive shitty energy in CA.

I wasnt asking "what about" or changing the topic. Just pointing out the one sided thinking is all. You know perhaps the Republicans could do better here....but the leftists are not exactly setting an example either. Maybe working together would help bring about better solutions.
Maybe, but yanno there are historically Dems in TX and Repubs in CA too, so it's not strictly a Red vs Blue thing at all.

The reasons why things are fucked up in both states are not exactly the same reasons but they both reek of class warfare and corporatism.

Probably. I tend to pick on who has the majority.

I know that I could live much more comfortably in Texas than i could in CA just based on costs of living alone.

MY states Republicans are mostly pieces of shit. Here in my county people want them recalled because they were stealing covid funds. Not even kidding. So all the conservatives are pissed and feel betrayed - as they should. I signed the petition with a grimace because I know it was the right thing to do. Even though the guy who wanted me to sign was openly a democrat.

Our last Republican governor was a fucktard and a let down. He really wasnt different from the typical democrats we get.

The titles seem to mean far more to the voters than they do to the politicains. Vetting out those who are part of the club and those who genuinely want to serve the people is the challange, really.
Illinois is in the same boat. Just look at Kinzinger. Our last Republican governor, Rauner, was anti Trump. Stupid bastard was hated by democRATs AND Republicans.

Whitmer managed to piss off EVERYONE. Except our cluster of progressives over in Ann Arbor lol


I'm in jail, send hamberders
Site Supporter ☠️
As it happens all of Texas' efforts to marginalize the LGBTQ+ people has done nothing to improve the power grid.


Maybe they need to ban gay marriages?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It is due to a lack of wind power. I.E. they installed a ton of wind generators but the wind isn't currently blowing. Not that aids man knows or cares just like he doesn't care that he is lying about mythical alphabet people discrimination. It is telling that he claims stopping ped0philes is some how anti-gay though so I guess he is being open with his ped0 support these days.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Yep, it turns out so called renewables are rather shit and unreliable. They also are not very good for the environment either.

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