Anyone here know much about video or digital filmmaking?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
...was kinda interested in getting into it.

Big thing which has prevented me from getting into in the past was $$$$.

Traditionally it was very pricey to get into shooting video or film.

Anyways, today I was walking down the block and this camerawoman from one of th e major news organizations was there cuz a tree fell down in my neighborhood so she was shooting the story.

So I asked her how much the broadcast quality camera was that she was shooting with.
I assume this is the case because it will appear on TV later today or tomorrow.

Surprisingly it wasn't too much. She said $10,000 Canadian so that's about $7-7500 US

She said it was a Sony XD..

This one's around $5,000:

Sony PXW-Z190 Compact 4K 3-CMOS 1/3-type Sensor XDCAM Camcorder​

Add the geer and that's another $7600 US, so the total for that cameria is $15,000.

Expensiv,e but nothing like it used to be as professional video cameras used to run $100,000 and up.'s something I might get into in the future.

Anyone here into video or has done it?

if so, what are your picsks or recommendations for shooting professinoal vdeo?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
@Joe Live broadcasts and cinema are two different beasts and they require different equipment.

@Joe What exactly are you planning to use the camera for? You were pretty vague...

@Joe If you are planning to shoot gay porn videos, just be honest. I do not want to waste my time giving you good advice for a creative endeavour if all you are concerned with is anal penetration closeups.

The Scoundrel

Total Twat
Happy Valley
As it happens I'm doing something similar myself.

Channel 5 (UK broadcaster) are sorting us out with some internet famous reality TV star (TBC) and my sons and I are doing a tour of all the UK and a few European music festivals next year giving that grimy, living in a tent for three months out of your box on drugs perspective that isn't really shown much. Of course, we're just doing it for the backstage passes and free festival tickets that having a TV channel behind you can give but our agreement is that we equip and film it ourselves so we're having one broadcast quality camera, a few Go Pro's and a drone and just supplying raw footage to their editors.

I won't be paying more than a grand for the main camera as I can get one good enough for the job which will probably have to be replaced once or twice due to intoxication led accidents anyway. If you're talking real cinema then I guess you need something more classy but a lot of costs are in editing suites etc which I won't even discuss financing.

If you are only shooting gay porn or yourself jacking off then any webcam will do the job. Try the bargain bucket at Walmart but don't forget the cum guzzle screen for the extra 10 bucks which will save you replacing the camera after every shoot.