Are Jews ultra-sensitive?


Factory Bastard
Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika Kanada
It seems as if they may be, because of image below...



Factory Bastard
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I drove many Jews when I was a limo driver.

Many were monied and very rich plus they tipped well.

Lotta them were from Montreal Toronto or New York.

Even if I never mentioned it, the topic of the Holocaust often was mentioned by them. Maybe they were testin me ta see if I was a Jew Hater.

I Lotta people hate them and they know it.
I often hear a Lotta anti semitic remarks.

Good thing im not a German.

GERMANS are probably still viewed by Jews with fear and suspicion

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
They're control freaks, making it illegal to question an alleged historical event is about as absurd as it gets, but no one dares to challenge these people because they're too rich and powerful.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
"What I am trying to do is to formulate the reasons in my mind so I can give a good argument. Note: I am not trying to draw conclusions before the facts because I have seen enough proof that I am convinced that the holocaust is BS. Here are a few of my arguments and you can correct me if I am wrong in any of them and you can add to the list.

1-The post WW2 books written by the wartime leaders Eisenhower and DeGaule never mentioned any gas being used or any planned, systematic extermination of anyone nor did they mention millions or even hundreds of thousands of people dying. Eisenhower and DeGaule would have had every reason to mention a mass killing if it had happened since any justification for warring against Germany was both sought and welcomed by the Allies. Added to that is the fact that neither Eisenhower nor DeGaule had any sympathy for Germans whatsoever. Also, in Churchill's enormous six volume works titled 'World War Two' he makes no mention of any gas chambers nor is there any mention of genocide of Jews or of 6 million Jewish victims of the war. The only reference to the persecution of Jews in Churchill's thousands of written pages was a statement about the expulsion of Jews from Hungary on P.591. Churchill spent more time on minor economic issues than he did Jews.

2-In Eli Wiesel's book titled 'Night' he wrote that as the Soviet army was coming near he was in the Auschwitz hospital having a sore foot treated. I have to ask what was a Jew doing in a hospital in Auschwitz if it was a death camp? Also, he doesn't mention gas being used and when the choice came that he would either retreat with the Germans or stay and be under the Soviet umbrella he chose to retreat with the Germans and that was after he had claimed to have witnessed Germans killing Jews. Now he claims Germans killed millions of Jews.

3-In president Truman's 'State of the Union' address made four months after the end of WW2 and which contained many details of that war he never mentioned Jews or a holocaust.

4-if there would have been millions of people murdered then there would have been tons of human remains buried somewhere and it would be way too much to hide for very long. No tons of human remains were ever found. And if they would have been cremated then there would have been tons of ashes(ashes being bones and teeth) and no tons of ashes were ever found.

5-The United Nations figures for the world population of Jews made in 1947 is nearly the same as the 1938 world population figures for Jews made by the League of Nations. This is confirmed by data compiled in the World Almanac with the 1941 edition showing the world population of Jews to be 15,748,091 and with the 1947 edition of the World Almanac showing the world population of Jews to be 15,688,289.

6-It was standard policy of the time for Red Cross personnel to be posted in all of the camps in order that they could periodically report on the conditions within the camps. No Red Cross personnel ever reported any killings of inmates much less any mass killings of anyone.

7-The most official report to date as to the number of people that died in those camps was made by the Red Cross. The 1947 Red Cross report showed the figure of 271, 301 people died in all camps during the entire course of the war and of those that died 40% were Jews with most deaths of the total number due to the typhus disease.

8-Out of all of the tons of confiscated German documents in our National Archives there is not one of any of those documents that describes a plan for a Holocaust even though the Germans meticulously documented every detail of their military activities and campaigns.

9-When contemplating the issue of the Holocaust one is struck by the strange fact that the supposed Holocaust of Jews was a non-issue during the late 1940s and throughout the 1950s and 1960s. Neither politicians nor academics nor television or literary journals or any other source so much as spoke of that earth shaking event that we now call the Holocaust. On the street and in schools people weren't discussing Jewish suffering in a Holocaust. It was a total non-issue. Then suddenly in the early 1970s after years of being a non-issue there was a huge avalanche of propaganda coming from many sources that claimed Jews were the victims of a unique type of persecution by being marched into gas chambers in an industrial fashion and gassed to death by the millions by those evil Nazis. Of course most people now know or at least suspect that those wild claims were not true and the truth is that those wild claims have been debunked with solid evidence by revisionist historians and researchers. But that line of propaganda of Jewish suffering was pushed hard on the public in movies and plays, literary journals of all types, newspaper and magazine articles, documentaries, lectures, and even institutionalized in our school system with classes on the Holocaust required in grade schools and high schools. But something doesn't connect right because an event as big as the holocaust surely would have been known to have happened during the period from the 1940s to 1970s. And it being known during that time period we can be assure the those so called victims would not have waited until the 1970s to make their claims of persecution and collecting their benefits. The only logical conclusion to this puzzle is that the Holocaust is just a story and a story with no basis in fact to back it up.

10-There is an old saying that goes like this: 'truth needs no defense'. So we have to ask why is it that 25 European nations have the denial of the Holocaust held up as a crime and enforced by strict laws including imprisonment. If the truth would be on the side of the exterminationists why would they have to call for the criminalization of anyone who disagrees with their Holocaust beliefs. All they would have to do is show the Holocaust deniers the truth and all would be settled with no controversy. In fact the exterminationists would invite a debate with those who denied the holocaust if they had truth on their side. But the exterminationists do not have truth on their side and that is the reason for their use of force against anyone who disagrees with them. There is another saying that follows closely: 'the only people who fear the truth are the liars'. In desperation the exterminationists have linked Holocaust denial with hate crimes to ensure that punishment is given to the deniers. Their fear and desperation are easily observable now as they see the numbers of Holocaust deniers increasing exponentially over recent years. The days of the Holocaust being believed are numbered now and they are fading fast.

'great is the power of truth, it will prevail'

'Truth stands upon its own feet and has time for its ally; its
power is irresistible, its life indestructible'

COPY PASTA says it all...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
If it was the holihoax, Eisenhower, Churchill, etc would have spoken out against the Nuremberg Trials. The only problem I have with the Holocaust narrative is the sole focus placed on Jews. Many other groups were butchered including kweirdos....but I'm OK with executing kweirdos.

Another thing that disturbs me a bit is how the japs seem to have gotten away with all their bullshittery. My own grandfather saw and lived that barbarism first hand. I'm just waiting for the day some dumb cunt tries to tell me that shit was all a hoax!


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
If it was the holihoax, Eisenhower, Churchill, etc would have spoken out against the Nuremberg Trials. The only problem I have with the Holocaust narrative is the sole focus placed on Jews. Many other groups were butchered including kweirdos....but I'm OK with executing kweirdos.

Another thing that disturbs me a bit is how the japs seem to have gotten away with all their bullshittery. My own grandfather saw and lived that barbarism first hand. I'm just waiting for the day some dumb cunt tries to tell me that shit was all a hoax!
The gassing NEVER HAPPENED, the camps weren't slaughterhouses, that's the truth! Of course bad shit happened it was war ffs...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
If it was the holihoax, Eisenhower, Churchill, etc would have spoken out against the Nuremberg Trials. The only problem I have with the Holocaust narrative is the sole focus placed on Jews. Many other groups were butchered including kweirdos....but I'm OK with executing kweirdos.

Another thing that disturbs me a bit is how the japs seem to have gotten away with all their bullshittery. My own grandfather saw and lived that barbarism first hand. I'm just waiting for the day some dumb cunt tries to tell me that shit was all a hoax!
The gassing NEVER HAPPENED, the camps weren't slaughterhouses, that's the truth! Of course bad shit happened it was war ffs...
The able were worked as slaves, the infirm were shot, gassed, starved to death. Not all were gassed by any means.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Here is what virtually all the Holocaust witnesses said:

The victims were pushed into the gas chamber

The door was closed and Zyklon B was introduced.

There was a wait of a few minutes.

And when the door was opened,
"the still twitching victims fell into our arms...";
"five minutes later, the corpses were removed."


Everyone would have been dead!

A room filled with Zyklon B gas has to be ventilated
for hours (the manufacturer recommends 20 hours!)...
even with gas masks it would not have been possible.

Do the same as I, inform yourselves!


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Out of all the terrible things that has happened in history we've all got to remember and grieve the Jewish suffering that NEVER happened to the degree made out!!! Think about that!!!

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
If it was the holihoax, Eisenhower, Churchill, etc would have spoken out against the Nuremberg Trials. The only problem I have with the Holocaust narrative is the sole focus placed on Jews. Many other groups were butchered including kweirdos....but I'm OK with executing kweirdos.

Another thing that disturbs me a bit is how the japs seem to have gotten away with all their bullshittery. My own grandfather saw and lived that barbarism first hand. I'm just waiting for the day some dumb cunt tries to tell me that shit was all a hoax!



Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Here is what virtually all the Holocaust witnesses said:

The victims were pushed into the gas chamber

The door was closed and Zyklon B was introduced.

There was a wait of a few minutes.

And when the door was opened,
"the still twitching victims fell into our arms...";
"five minutes later, the corpses were removed."


Everyone would have been dead!

A room filled with Zyklon B gas has to be ventilated
for hours (the manufacturer recommends 20 hours!)...
even with gas masks it would not have been possible.

Do the same as I, inform yourselves!
The accounts I read stated there was a much longer period of time that passed, not a few minutes and that the room was ventilated/evacuated before removing the corpses. No mention of twitching or moving.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Here is what virtually all the Holocaust witnesses said:

The victims were pushed into the gas chamber

The door was closed and Zyklon B was introduced.

There was a wait of a few minutes.

And when the door was opened,
"the still twitching victims fell into our arms...";
"five minutes later, the corpses were removed."


Everyone would have been dead!

A room filled with Zyklon B gas has to be ventilated
for hours (the manufacturer recommends 20 hours!)...
even with gas masks it would not have been possible.

Do the same as I, inform yourselves!
The accounts I read stated there was a much longer period of time that passed, not a few minutes and that the room was ventilated/evacuated before removing the corpses. No mention of twitching or moving.
Dude, they clearly got the gassing idea from the de-lousing and used it for clout!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
LOL Churchill was a Zionist shill, David Irving has covered this extensively, there's no way Churchill was ever going to denounce organised Jewry.
Well, you poor bastards are fucked cause I guess the whole world conspired to sell the "holohoax" and here you 2 poor shlubs are trying to raise the flag of awareness 80 years after the fact.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
LOL Churchill was a Zionist shill, David Irving has covered this extensively, there's no way Churchill was ever going to denounce organised Jewry.
Well, you poor bastards are fucked cause I guess the whole world conspired to sell the "holohoax" and here you 2 poor shlubs are trying to raise the flag of awareness 80 years after the fact.
You're not even willing to learn, that video I sent you is factual and you'll see the "holocaust" was IMPOSSIBLE!! Why do you think it's becoming a FUCKIN CRIME to challenge it?? Is it a crime to challenge 9/11??? No, because it's preposterous!!!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
LOL Churchill was a Zionist shill, David Irving has covered this extensively, there's no way Churchill was ever going to denounce organised Jewry.
Well, you poor bastards are fucked cause I guess the whole world conspired to sell the "holohoax" and here you 2 poor shlubs are trying to raise the flag of awareness 80 years after the fact.
You're not even willing to learn, that video I sent you is factual and you'll see the "holocaust" was IMPOSSIBLE!! Why do you think it's becoming a FUCKIN CRIME to challenge it?? Is it a crime to challenge 9/11??? No, because it's preposterous!!!
I've done all my own research and talked to actual WW2 Veterans that saw the mass murder shit that happened. The only thing the jews are guilty of is claiming the entire spotlight when there were many others that the nazi's smoked too.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Here is what virtually all the Holocaust witnesses said:

The victims were pushed into the gas chamber

The door was closed and Zyklon B was introduced.

There was a wait of a few minutes.

And when the door was opened,
"the still twitching victims fell into our arms...";
"five minutes later, the corpses were removed."


Everyone would have been dead!

A room filled with Zyklon B gas has to be ventilated
for hours (the manufacturer recommends 20 hours!)...
even with gas masks it would not have been possible.

Do the same as I, inform yourselves!
The accounts I read stated there was a much longer period of time that passed, not a few minutes and that the room was ventilated/evacuated before removing the corpses. No mention of twitching or moving.

Well somethin' musta happened...Lokmeer!

Why would millions of books 'n movies 'n articles been written about it, eh?

At least if the Holocaust deniers are gonna downplay it, then they should be more clever about their tactics and the way they express themselves, eh?

this business about being in COMPLETE denial seems a bit loony at best.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
LOL Churchill was a Zionist shill, David Irving has covered this extensively, there's no way Churchill was ever going to denounce organised Jewry.
Well, you poor bastards are fucked cause I guess the whole world conspired to sell the "holohoax" and here you 2 poor shlubs are trying to raise the flag of awareness 80 years after the fact.
You're not even willing to learn, that video I sent you is factual and you'll see the "holocaust" was IMPOSSIBLE!! Why do you think it's becoming a FUCKIN CRIME to challenge it?? Is it a crime to challenge 9/11??? No, because it's preposterous!!!
I've done all my own research and talked to actual WW2 Veterans that saw the mass murder shit that happened. The only thing the jews are guilty of is claiming the entire spotlight when there were many others that the nazi's smoked too.

The Soviets killed millions of their own citizens too.

And even the ones who fought patriotically for the USSR but were unfortunate to be POWs and survive.

When they went back to the Soviet Union, Stalin had 'em arrested as enemies of the state, then sent to concentration camps. He figgered it was their own fault for getting being POWs and they were tainted enemy agents.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Here is what virtually all the Holocaust witnesses said:

The victims were pushed into the gas chamber

The door was closed and Zyklon B was introduced.

There was a wait of a few minutes.

And when the door was opened,
"the still twitching victims fell into our arms...";
"five minutes later, the corpses were removed."


Everyone would have been dead!

A room filled with Zyklon B gas has to be ventilated
for hours (the manufacturer recommends 20 hours!)...
even with gas masks it would not have been possible.

Do the same as I, inform yourselves!
The accounts I read stated there was a much longer period of time that passed, not a few minutes and that the room was ventilated/evacuated before removing the corpses. No mention of twitching or moving.

Well somethin' musta happened...Lokmeer!

Why would millions of books 'n movies 'n articles been written about it, eh?

At least if the Holocaust deniers are gonna downplay it, then they should be more clever about their tactics and the way they express themselves, eh?

this business about being in COMPLETE denial seems a bit loony at best.
The problem is, I've spoken with eyewitnesses to the horrors of WW@. BTW, I'm sad we didnt have MORE nukes to drop on the Japs!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
LOL Churchill was a Zionist shill, David Irving has covered this extensively, there's no way Churchill was ever going to denounce organised Jewry.
Well, you poor bastards are fucked cause I guess the whole world conspired to sell the "holohoax" and here you 2 poor shlubs are trying to raise the flag of awareness 80 years after the fact.
You're not even willing to learn, that video I sent you is factual and you'll see the "holocaust" was IMPOSSIBLE!! Why do you think it's becoming a FUCKIN CRIME to challenge it?? Is it a crime to challenge 9/11??? No, because it's preposterous!!!
I've done all my own research and talked to actual WW2 Veterans that saw the mass murder shit that happened. The only thing the jews are guilty of is claiming the entire spotlight when there were many others that the nazi's smoked too.

The Soviets killed millions of their own citizens too.

And even the ones who fought patriotically for the USSR but were unfortunate to be POWs and survive.

When they went back to the Soviet Union, Stalin had 'em arrested as enemies of the state, then sent to concentration camps. He figgered it was their own fault for getting being POWs and they were tainted enemy agents.
Yep, Stalin was at least as bad as Shitler.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
LOL Churchill was a Zionist shill, David Irving has covered this extensively, there's no way Churchill was ever going to denounce organised Jewry.
Well, you poor bastards are fucked cause I guess the whole world conspired to sell the "holohoax" and here you 2 poor shlubs are trying to raise the flag of awareness 80 years after the fact.
You're not even willing to learn, that video I sent you is factual and you'll see the "holocaust" was IMPOSSIBLE!! Why do you think it's becoming a FUCKIN CRIME to challenge it?? Is it a crime to challenge 9/11??? No, because it's preposterous!!!
I've done all my own research and talked to actual WW2 Veterans that saw the mass murder shit that Sphappened. The only thing the jews are guilty of is claiming the entire spotlight when there were many others that the nazi's smoked too.
They where just standing there watching all the murder shit going on? lol come on man... By the time allies were near camps it was near the end, Germany was starving and disease-ridden, it would've looked like hell in some places fs all I'm talking about is the gassing and genocide! There were only 5 million jews in the whole of Europe and millions of them survived, it's just absurd mate...


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Here is what virtually all the Holocaust witnesses said:

The victims were pushed into the gas chamber

The door was closed and Zyklon B was introduced.

There was a wait of a few minutes.

And when the door was opened,
"the still twitching victims fell into our arms...";
"five minutes later, the corpses were removed."


Everyone would have been dead!

A room filled with Zyklon B gas has to be ventilated
for hours (the manufacturer recommends 20 hours!)...
even with gas masks it would not have been possible.

Do the same as I, inform yourselves!
The accounts I read stated there was a much longer period of time that passed, not a few minutes and that the room was ventilated/evacuated before removing the corpses. No mention of twitching or moving.

Well somethin' musta happened...Lokmeer!

Why would millions of books 'n movies 'n articles been written about it, eh?

At least if the Holocaust deniers are gonna downplay it, then they should be more clever about their tactics and the way they express themselves, eh?

this business about being in COMPLETE denial seems a bit loony at best.
The problem is, I've spoken with eyewitnesses to the horrors of WW@. BTW, I'm sad we didnt have MORE nukes to drop on the Japs!

For someone who didn't serve when he could have or actually was in a War, you seem very bloodthirsty @Lokmar.

Usually people who served in Wars and saw combat don't wanna spill any more blood than necessary, eh?
Last edited:


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
LOL Churchill was a Zionist shill, David Irving has covered this extensively, there's no way Churchill was ever going to denounce organised Jewry.
Well, you poor bastards are fucked cause I guess the whole world conspired to sell the "holohoax" and here you 2 poor shlubs are trying to raise the flag of awareness 80 years after the fact.
You're not even willing to learn, that video I sent you is factual and you'll see the "holocaust" was IMPOSSIBLE!! Why do you think it's becoming a FUCKIN CRIME to challenge it?? Is it a crime to challenge 9/11??? No, because it's preposterous!!!
I've done all my own research and talked to actual WW2 Veterans that saw the mass murder shit that Sphappened. The only thing the jews are guilty of is claiming the entire spotlight when there were many others that the nazi's smoked too.
They where just standing there watching all the murder shit going on? lol come on man... By the time allies were near camps it was near the end, Germany was starving and disease-ridden, it would've looked like hell in some places fs all I'm talking about is the gassing and genocide! There were only 5 million jews in the whole of Europe and millions of them survived, it's just absurd mate...
I often wonder why people just stand there and wait for death, then I see all them fukin chanks locked up in their high rise apartments in Shanghai and I dont wonder anymore.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Here is what virtually all the Holocaust witnesses said:

The victims were pushed into the gas chamber

The door was closed and Zyklon B was introduced.

There was a wait of a few minutes.

And when the door was opened,
"the still twitching victims fell into our arms...";
"five minutes later, the corpses were removed."


Everyone would have been dead!

A room filled with Zyklon B gas has to be ventilated
for hours (the manufacturer recommends 20 hours!)...
even with gas masks it would not have been possible.

Do the same as I, inform yourselves!
The accounts I read stated there was a much longer period of time that passed, not a few minutes and that the room was ventilated/evacuated before removing the corpses. No mention of twitching or moving.

Well somethin' musta happened...Lokmeer!

Why would millions of books 'n movies 'n articles been written about it, eh?

At least if the Holocaust deniers are gonna downplay it, then they should be more clever about their tactics and the way they express themselves, eh?

this business about being in COMPLETE denial seems a bit loony at best.
The problem is, I've spoken with eyewitnesses to the horrors of WW@. BTW, I'm sad we didnt have MORE nukes to drop on the Japs!

For someone who didn't serve when he could have or actually was in a War, you seem very bloodthirsty @Lokmar.

Usually people who served in Wars and saw combat don't wanna spill any more blood than necessary, eh?
I dunno josephine, ever read any George Patton?

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
LOL Churchill was a Zionist shill, David Irving has covered this extensively, there's no way Churchill was ever going to denounce organised Jewry.
Well, you poor bastards are fucked cause I guess the whole world conspired to sell the "holohoax" and here you 2 poor shlubs are trying to raise the flag of awareness 80 years after the fact.
You're not even willing to learn, that video I sent you is factual and you'll see the "holocaust" was IMPOSSIBLE!! Why do you think it's becoming a FUCKIN CRIME to challenge it?? Is it a crime to challenge 9/11??? No, because it's preposterous!!!
I've done all my own research and talked to actual WW2 Veterans that saw the mass murder shit that happened. The only thing the jews are guilty of is claiming the entire spotlight when there were many others that the nazi's smoked too.

The gypsy’s got it the worst.