As It is Winter Solstice and We are as It Were In the Pit of Hell

The New Holliday

Now With 25% More Infinity
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The Deep Space
...and this not having anything very much to do with that directly, though this is a good time to mark beginnings and endings:

A message for @Bastard Factory

Thank you for the consideration you showed in reopening the Politics board per my request, but seeing that it has become nothing but a hotbed for nazis, their supporters and other useful idjits, I have to consider it a failed experiment, and in view of that failure recommend it be shut down, then the board taken in the direction that you had always intended, that is, a yapping place for trolls and other retards (though I strongly advise curtailing the flametard shit), and a base for cross board sniping and other moronic activities. I will not interfer further in any way with your project.
Oh - though I do recommend retaining a Conspiracy Theory sub for the entertainment of the dullest dullards and those who would like a designated place to make fun of them.

In 3 days - the god rises.