I'm junk (shit) today .. one old raggedy motherfucker who's nagging and b*tching.. what i've been up too .. weird passive thoughts/hatred abt intelligence holland, russia (two races i hate) for ripping female friends away (slander to try and link me to a moroccan one i need to use to infiltrate whom i'd rather execute in the desert there (man can be as honest as he feels)) and trying to get me "top secret" ways of blackmail to get me ticking and tocking about hamza bin laden and indicate him into syria .. in a way i feel the urge and need to attack something in russia / holland .. by contacting ISIS or Al Qaeda itself .. churches or intel offices fire works companies in a string i.e. that i want to see go off into the air in those two countries .. and corpses i want to see ejected in the sky or their country scorched to the sea level (gore i want to see) .. i am only allowed to leak myself as to them trying to recruit me so does islam around here start to understand even with open page on phone CIA or FSB site lol.. another day wasted today .. *sigh* i'd rather hang myself cos life's shit too much loss... and i'm FAR FROM HAPPY behind my smile for the rest waiting if they'll lock me up for leaking, if so .. heads will roll and holland or russia will get explosive trucks (uncovering spies in holland, russia too) for all i care they rip those countries up cos i give up and rather walk off to isis and al qaeda instead of russia, holland. :facepalm: that as my first set of thoughts as i wake up.
(don't worry, not radical but damn i feel fucked over day after day (don't be upset pple))


good to have you people here before i lose everyone like in my city ..
on the other hand .. do you like Monty Python?