Overcast but not too cold, just nice and mild. (I live in Arizona, so while that's a pretty strange answer anywhere else, you'd find it's pretty common for Arizonans.)
Yeah I had a Robin in my car it shat twice quite recently, flew out the boot window as soon as I tried to take a picture, I also had a fuckin bat that flew inthe window of a lodge I was at that thankfully flew out the door about 5min later... A cat in my house that must’ve spent the whole night on my sofa haha respect...
2 Birds seperate times flew down my parents chimney when I lived there
I claimed a kitty that was only 4-5 weeks old and her brother(assumed)since I found them ditched by the crackheads upstairs from me and hiding under a car pretty skitish so I opened my window and put out some tuna which they gobbled then snuck outside an scared them into my house where my dog was