Attention you fucking morons


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
I'll go ahead and nuke another Mr. Fanastic/Poof troll again 'cuz I'm like that. He's looking for another hysterical Danny with this "new" Reg one, watch:

KM's funniest moment possibly ever was when he started a fantasy flaming league. I was picked second overall after Blackmuse, who used to be great too.

Any damn ways, Poof dropped a cold all-timer when he let everyone know that an anonymous female team captain dropped Danny before the season began, then one of the best shitshows of all time began.

Oh man, my cheeks hurt just typing this. Poof's troll worked better than expected, I'll never ever forget that shit considering I play high(ish) stakes fantasy football ($1000 entry fee with $100 penalties for losers trying to fuck shit up by starting their Danny's on purpose to help other captains win the week they play).

So folks, put Poof on Ignore until he can come with some more OC instead of rehashing a troll that couldn't possibly turn one of you into a Danny, that was just so fucking classic that Poof/Mr. Fantastic is just rolling out a dusty rug...

- Here's Danny in action.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
Hey crisco hair, go take that rejection feels far the fuck away from this thread.

I told you the prerequisite, make great content. Blame yourself for that one.

But keep doing the post of shame act.

Crisco hair?

The Countess

Hood with it
Site Supporter
I'll go ahead and nuke another Mr. Fanastic/Poof troll again 'cuz I'm like that. He's looking for another hysterical Danny with this "new" Reg one, watch:

KM's funniest moment possibly ever was when he started a fantasy flaming league. I was picked second overall after Blackmuse, who used to be great too.

Any damn ways, Poof dropped a cold all-timer when he let everyone know that an anonymous female team captain dropped Danny before the season began, then one of the best shitshows of all time began.

Oh man, my cheeks hurt just typing this. Poof's troll worked better than expected, I'll never ever forget that shit considering I play high(ish) stakes fantasy football ($1000 entry fee with $100 penalties for losers trying to fuck shit up by starting their Danny's on purpose to help other captains win the week they play).

So folks, put Poof on Ignore until he can come with some more OC instead of rehashing a troll that couldn't possibly turn one of you into a Danny, that was just so fucking classic that Poof/Mr. Fantastic is just rolling out a dusty rug...

- Here's Danny in action.



Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
Site Supporter
The nearest Taco Bell
I'll go ahead and nuke another Mr. Fanastic/Poof troll again 'cuz I'm like that. He's looking for another hysterical Danny with this "new" Reg one, watch:

KM's funniest moment possibly ever was when he started a fantasy flaming league. I was picked second overall after Blackmuse, who used to be great too.

Any damn ways, Poof dropped a cold all-timer when he let everyone know that an anonymous female team captain dropped Danny before the season began, then one of the best shitshows of all time began.

Oh man, my cheeks hurt just typing this. Poof's troll worked better than expected, I'll never ever forget that shit considering I play high(ish) stakes fantasy football ($1000 entry fee with $100 penalties for losers trying to fuck shit up by starting their Danny's on purpose to help other captains win the week they play).

So folks, put Poof on Ignore until he can come with some more OC instead of rehashing a troll that couldn't possibly turn one of you into a Danny, that was just so fucking classic that Poof/Mr. Fantastic is just rolling out a dusty rug...

- Here's Danny in action.

See, THIS is the type of content we need more of.

Welcome aboard, SSS.


Who are you? I get it you're probably a TBC cast-off.

Are you Mel?
can you get even more stupid? don't answer that. oh it doesn't matter who you are online. i KNOW in real life you just another wortless he/she/i don't know what i am nigger. go play with the cops somewhere and get killed.


There seems to be alot of butthurt protruding from the fact quality content creators are being put on a pedestal over the constant fuckwits shit posting as nausem here.

Get over it. I told you mentally stunted idiots this was going to happen. You idiots kept bleating amongst yourself like wounded sheep. You have nobody to blame but yourselves.

Now, we have a complete, fair system so prospective new members and lurkers don't have to waddle thru the trash you morons post and can easily find the best of the best here.

We separated the greats from the gimps. And even better, there's going to be an easily identifiable font for the fucking pathetic retards who should be smothered with a pillow that new members and lurkers can put on ignore so this forum moves more smoothly and grows. Thats the light blue font.

You dolts act like children, well guess what, we're going to treat you like children.

We, as staff here, are trying to build this place up. You neanderthals have done fuck all except shit post and were sick of it. If you ain't purple, you ain't shit here from now on. And if that means new members put all you anvil brains on iggy so they can have a better experience, that's a fucking you problem, not a forum one.

And save the "derp derp internet gang" shit. It's about great content and it always will be. You cannot compare a Scorsese movie with an Adam Sandler movie.

New Regs get rewarded soon. The only person who gives out the fonts are me.

Impress me.
you will be treated like you deserve to be. the pinata that we will fuck up every time you log in here. dismissed.


Such is life...
Site Supporter
Great Southern Land
There seems to be alot of butthurt protruding from the fact quality content creators are being put on a pedestal over the constant fuckwits shit posting as nausem here.

Get over it. I told you mentally stunted idiots this was going to happen. You idiots kept bleating amongst yourself like wounded sheep. You have nobody to blame but yourselves.

Now, we have a complete, fair system so prospective new members and lurkers don't have to waddle thru the trash you morons post and can easily find the best of the best here.

We separated the greats from the gimps. And even better, there's going to be an easily identifiable font for the fucking pathetic retards who should be smothered with a pillow that new members and lurkers can put on ignore so this forum moves more smoothly and grows. Thats the light blue font.

You dolts act like children, well guess what, we're going to treat you like children.

We, as staff here, are trying to build this place up. You neanderthals have done fuck all except shit post and were sick of it. If you ain't purple, you ain't shit here from now on. And if that means new members put all you anvil brains on iggy so they can have a better experience, that's a fucking you problem, not a forum one.

And save the "derp derp internet gang" shit. It's about great content and it always will be. You cannot compare a Scorsese movie with an Adam Sandler movie.

New Regs get rewarded soon. The only person who gives out the fonts are me.

Impress me.
Oi Poofter…I glossed through your drivel yet again and noticed that you had a couple of spelling mistakes in your closing squawk…

*New “Rags” get rewarded soon. The only “girly-boi” who gives out the “tampons” are meeeeeeee.


You’re welcum.