Can Someone Explain To Me What Bill Gates Is Talking About Here?

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Calm down Prowler. I'm in a bad mood and these are the last keystrokes I waste on you, so read through this. I'm far from a perfect member, but you are such an incredible loser it's not even funny. I'm as serious as a heart attack. What's worse is that you, as a person, like being disliked on an online community like this, which is perilous to say the least. For a couple of days there, you were somewhat civil with me, so in return, I was civil with you, unsure of your sincerity, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. A bad decision on my part. The very fact that the highlights of your day are your Rogaine treatments and coming here to find replies from me and the others you troll hoping to summon a witty reply in return is indicative of just how pathetic you and your life truly is.

I'll bet you tell your wife that all of the posts of you berating others and being berated in return are all in good fun but that makes you a liar. You feel that everything you say and what is being said about you in a pm is truly private. Comfortable in the knowledge that nobody has access to the database. This is a troll board, I get it but the bulk of your attacks are all focused on things that are truly hurtful like a member's weight, mental health and status in life. Things some people can't help. You come on here posting pictures of your Dodge Neon and showing it off like it's a Lamborghini or something. You're clearly compensating.

Because you are the type of member I've seen so many times in my online life I am aware of how you operate. You go around spewing out insults at others and still expect them to simply forget all of that when you decide to be an uncharacteristic civil person from time to time.

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Why on earth would I spend my time playing a damn game with someone who enjoys being a prick to me and my friends? I know what you're thinking right now too. "What about all the mean words that you, Alticus, and others, have posted about me."? Every nasty word said about you is well deserved and retaliatory to what you dish out sweet cheeks and we both know it.

Now this is the part of the post where you come up with a few petty insults and such in an attempt to scoop some of your dignity up off the floor and save face like correcting my grammar, challenging me like a child, to a one-on-one the Meltdown, leaving the site to calm down and think of comebacks in your mind are great, return to the forum post them and tell yourself that you were triumphant over all who dared take you on. I know that you aren't a stupid man Prowler, but you make some seriously stupid decisions fueled by your ego.

Now go ahead and portray the witty thick-skinned Prowler you want us to think you are and reply with the big and bold font laughing and comebacks that you think are great because at the end of the day you know that your life consists of an unhappy wife who gives toothy blowjobs just to stop your constant nagging while being trapped in a marriage, daily unsuccessful self-affirmations, belittling others to feel tough and thoughts of packing your bags and leaving your wife with the tranny hooker you've been banging on the aide.

Yes, I'm being judgmental but only in response to the judgements you make on me and others. Fuck you and my sympathies to your wife being nagged into sucking that smegma covered cock of yours.

Oh fuck, you acted like a fuckin' asshole in this thread, so I reciprocated.

More detail:

I gave you a response that was all you needed to do a simple Google search on "source code". You, like a fuckin' goof, replied is a sarcastic way when I was actually being nice and helping you.

So....fuck you.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
De donde me da la gana.
Oh fuck, you acted like a fuckin' asshole in this thread, so I reciprocated.

No, he didn't actually.

I see how easily offended you pretend to be. He said nothing offensive and you got nasty.

This is probably the same game you're playing with me. Whining about offenses that never occurred.

You're a punk ass bitch.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Users CAN understand it, whether or not they DO depends on whether or not they care to learn to.

Source code is not intended to be looked at by users. Once someone is looking at the source code, they are no longer "users" as they are not using the software that the source code generated.

And we were talking about compiled source code, remember? That source code is never seen by users when they run a compiled program.

Back in the day there was a fair bit of software that was run with the use of interpreters, so the source code was easily accessible, but again, it was not something a user would look at. And as soon as they did, they were no longer users of that program. They were users of whatever test editor software they were using to view the source code.

And if you are going to say "B..b...b..but....Open Source!" give me a break. You are being stupid.

Users can certainly view source code (html anyway). They might want to learn about it, copy it, or edit it.

From your definition: "Source code is the fundamental component of a computer program that..."

HTML is not a programming language. It does not create "programs".

But again, once someone is viewing HTNL code, they are no long browsing/running that code. So they are no longer a user of that Web page/HTML. They are using whatever software is being used to view the HTML code. Regarding the HTML code, they are much closer to filling the role of a developer, and I had no problem with the sue of the word "developer" in the definition that you copied and pasted.

Perhaps a better phrase would have been "that developers and other users can read".

For the vast amount of programs, users cannot see the code.

This is a stupid argument. If I showed that definition to any other professional software engineer, he would tell you exactly what I am telling you.

The Prowler

Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
things = instructions
I think Gates was questioning whether or not a compiler would/could amend the instructions when executing.

No, that is not what he meant.

Do you think that was from 1979 when they to compile and link source code to test it and he was wondering if it could fix bugs on the fly? Hahaha!!!

Compilers would obviously never change source code.

There is not enough there for anyone to know what he was saying or asking, but it is not that.