Conspiracy Theories


Domestically feral
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United states
My mother in law is into a denomination of Q that thinks March 4th (or May....I'm not sure. I kinda zone out when she starts on the Q shit) is the day that the democrats are gonna get arrested and Trump will continue being president.

I didnt know what Q even was until a year ago, and then a lot of the shit she would say started making sense (talk of all this corruption and Trumps secret war with the deep state). She said things like "it's all coming out soon".

When I realized what this was, I tried reasoning with her to no avail. I pointed out the origins of some of the Q luck. I even pointed out that if what she was saying was true.. that makes Trump complicit. Her response was "you gotta cut off the head of snake" and at that point I just dropped it.

Her and my ex best friend are pretty buddy buddy now and I've avoided them both pretty successfully for sometime now. I do love my mother in law, and she means well.....but she has serious boundary issues and I cannot deal with her belief in that conspiracy. I cannot have any normal political conversations with her and she also had some audacity grilling me about my vote and thinking she can tell me who I need to vote for.

She texted me before Christmas all freaking out that there was going to be some massive black out and possible martial law and sent us a few grocery gift cards LOL.

I try to guide the convo into none Q valid reasons to get behind Trump....but I guess some people need all that drama. It was pretty thick in my "circle".

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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The only ""Q"" I know is that liberal scumbag pedophile who is partnered up with seamajor to rape children


Domestically feral
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United states
The only ""Q"" I know is that liberal scumbag pedophile who is partnered up with seamajor to rape children

The Qanon conspiracy is that Trump was enmeshed in a secret war with the deep state cabal and establishment democrats and Hollywood actors were breeding children in underground tunnels(called....I shit you not...."DUMBS" acronym for something I dont remember) and torture raping them to harvest "andrenocrome"(basically epinephrine....but these people dont understand that at all)

Its essentially a stew of every conspiracy theory since Kennedy that climaxes with Trump saving the world. It had denominations and it's very much like a political cult. It started with a guy calling himself Q posting on 4chan.

It's fucking wild.

I'm convinced it was another intentional propaganda campaign designed to attack and discredit Trumps base. It was sadly pretty effective.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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The only ""Q"" I know is that liberal scumbag pedophile who is partnered up with seamajor to rape children

The Qanon conspiracy is that Trump was enmeshed in a secret war with the deep state cabal and establishment democrats and Hollywood actors were breeding children in underground tunnels(called....I shit you not...."DUMBS" acronym for something I dont remember) and torture raping them to harvest "andrenocrome"(basically epinephrine....but these people dont understand that at all)

Its essentially a stew of every conspiracy theory since Kennedy that climaxes with Trump saving the world. It had denominations and it's very much like a political cult. It started with a guy calling himself Q posting on 4chan.

It's fucking wild.
:facepalm: and people take that shit seriously?


Domestically feral
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United states
The only ""Q"" I know is that liberal scumbag pedophile who is partnered up with seamajor to rape children

The Qanon conspiracy is that Trump was enmeshed in a secret war with the deep state cabal and establishment democrats and Hollywood actors were breeding children in underground tunnels(called....I shit you not...."DUMBS" acronym for something I dont remember) and torture raping them to harvest "andrenocrome"(basically epinephrine....but these people dont understand that at all)

Its essentially a stew of every conspiracy theory since Kennedy that climaxes with Trump saving the world. It had denominations and it's very much like a political cult. It started with a guy calling himself Q posting on 4chan.

It's fucking wild.
:facepalm: and people take that shit seriously?

Oh my gosh yes. It's the most mainstream political conspiracy we have ever had.

It's a cult. Its destroyed peoples lives....marriages, families, friendships.

It's a frustrating cancer. I made the mistake of underestimating it.

My mother in law is honestly convinced that the 4th of March, Biden and the democrats will be arrested and Trump will be president. I suspect she thinks he is still president and this is all a show.

It's just another Bolshevic style propaganda fest that has paper trained many Trump supporters to sit home and "trust the plan".

People who believe in this were expecting martial law and seeing that as a good thing. Dont interfer....dont do anything...just sit down, shut up and "trust the plan".

Plus it gives the left and the Bidophiles a scapegoat because instead of dealing with arguments or facts, they play the Q card and pretend 75 million plus Americans only voted for Trump because they are conspiracy theorists.


Put your glasses on!
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The only ""Q"" I know is that liberal scumbag pedophile who is partnered up with seamajor to rape children

The Qanon conspiracy is that Trump was enmeshed in a secret war with the deep state cabal and establishment democrats and Hollywood actors were breeding children in underground tunnels(called....I shit you not...."DUMBS" acronym for something I dont remember) and torture raping them to harvest "andrenocrome"(basically epinephrine....but these people dont understand that at all)

Its essentially a stew of every conspiracy theory since Kennedy that climaxes with Trump saving the world. It had denominations and it's very much like a political cult. It started with a guy calling himself Q posting on 4chan.

It's fucking wild.

I'm convinced it was another intentional propaganda campaign designed to attack and discredit Trumps base. It was sadly pretty effective.

DUMBs, Deep Underground Military Bases..... those are real. Last I heard a few years ago, nearly 150 of them. Not for you and me. They are inter connected via magnetic rail systems. The biggest is under the Denver Airport. Have you not seen the artwork there? The Freemason shit? The fuckin HORSE?

Im not gonna lie, I get into conspiracy theory shit. The Q shit I heard about 4 years ago... but I feel it veered off, and multiple peeps started claiming to be Q.

I"ve heard of the other shit too lol, and dont know what to make of it lol.


Such is life...
Great Southern Land
The only ""Q"" I know is that liberal scumbag pedophile who is partnered up with seamajor to rape children

The Qanon conspiracy is that Trump was enmeshed in a secret war with the deep state cabal and establishment democrats and Hollywood actors were breeding children in underground tunnels(called....I shit you not...."DUMBS" acronym for something I dont remember) and torture raping them to harvest "andrenocrome"(basically epinephrine....but these people dont understand that at all)

Its essentially a stew of every conspiracy theory since Kennedy that climaxes with Trump saving the world. It had denominations and it's very much like a political cult. It started with a guy calling himself Q posting on 4chan.

It's fucking wild.

I'm convinced it was another intentional propaganda campaign designed to attack and discredit Trumps base. It was sadly pretty effective.

DUMBs, Deep Underground Military Bases..... those are real. Last I heard a few years ago, nearly 150 of them. Not for you and me. They are inter connected via magnetic rail systems. The biggest is under the Denver Airport. Have you not seen the artwork there? The Freemason shit? The fuckin HORSE?



PS: tell that busted OP rosebud to censor her naught! :LOL1:


Domestically feral
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United states
The only ""Q"" I know is that liberal scumbag pedophile who is partnered up with seamajor to rape children

The Qanon conspiracy is that Trump was enmeshed in a secret war with the deep state cabal and establishment democrats and Hollywood actors were breeding children in underground tunnels(called....I shit you not...."DUMBS" acronym for something I dont remember) and torture raping them to harvest "andrenocrome"(basically epinephrine....but these people dont understand that at all)

Its essentially a stew of every conspiracy theory since Kennedy that climaxes with Trump saving the world. It had denominations and it's very much like a political cult. It started with a guy calling himself Q posting on 4chan.

It's fucking wild.

I'm convinced it was another intentional propaganda campaign designed to attack and discredit Trumps base. It was sadly pretty effective.

DUMBs, Deep Underground Military Bases..... those are real. Last I heard a few years ago, nearly 150 of them. Not for you and me. They are inter connected via magnetic rail systems. The biggest is under the Denver Airport. Have you not seen the artwork there? The Freemason shit? The fuckin HORSE?

Im not gonna lie, I get into conspiracy theory shit. The Q shit I heard about 4 years ago... but I feel it veered off, and multiple peeps started claiming to be Q.

I"ve heard of the other shit too lol, and dont know what to make of it lol.

Lmao! I thought the Q person was outright making fun of his believers with the DUMBs!


I love conspiracy theories. I'm just way more a watcher than I am a participant. I watched a lot of people I know buy into this Q shit hook line and sinker.


Domestically feral
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United states
The Q crowd was going buck nuts during the initial lock down, as well. They were all over saying that the Covid 19 pandemic was just a front for a nationwide military mission to pull all the children out of the DUMBs.

And that was why there were make shift hospitals being set up, they were really for these mole children.

There was a woman on Twitter telling people that her sister was a nurse and working to care for these children, and she was describing these kids and what was going on and people were eating it up. And Hillary Clinton had been arrested, et.

And it was all being covered up in an attempt to protect the public from commiting suicide over this ghoulish truth. Apparently if we knew this was happening, we would all freak out and kill ourselves....that was the reasoning for all these extensive cover ups.

I guess only Q followers are strong enough to know. But then they tell people and post about it and call everyone sheep or say everyone is "sleeping"......but then also say if everyone knew the truth we would all be so traumatized we would kill ourselves and that's why it's so important for Trump and the military to do it all secretly. Except for Q on 4chan....that can be discussed.

It makes no sense.


Put your glasses on!
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The only ""Q"" I know is that liberal scumbag pedophile who is partnered up with seamajor to rape children

The Qanon conspiracy is that Trump was enmeshed in a secret war with the deep state cabal and establishment democrats and Hollywood actors were breeding children in underground tunnels(called....I shit you not...."DUMBS" acronym for something I dont remember) and torture raping them to harvest "andrenocrome"(basically epinephrine....but these people dont understand that at all)

Its essentially a stew of every conspiracy theory since Kennedy that climaxes with Trump saving the world. It had denominations and it's very much like a political cult. It started with a guy calling himself Q posting on 4chan.

It's fucking wild.

I'm convinced it was another intentional propaganda campaign designed to attack and discredit Trumps base. It was sadly pretty effective.

DUMBs, Deep Underground Military Bases..... those are real. Last I heard a few years ago, nearly 150 of them. Not for you and me. They are inter connected via magnetic rail systems. The biggest is under the Denver Airport. Have you not seen the artwork there? The Freemason shit? The fuckin HORSE?

Im not gonna lie, I get into conspiracy theory shit. The Q shit I heard about 4 years ago... but I feel it veered off, and multiple peeps started claiming to be Q.

I"ve heard of the other shit too lol, and dont know what to make of it lol.

Lmao! I thought the Q person was outright making fun of his believers with the DUMBs!


I love conspiracy theories. I'm just way more a watcher than I am a participant. I watched a lot of people I know buy into this Q shit hook line and sinker.

Ugh, I have spent the last 3 hours going down the rabbit hole lol. I hopped on duckduckgo to do a simple search for you (I dont use google anymore), and it didnt turn out so simple lol. It led me from one thing to another. Then I found the Buffalo Horn dude from the capitol protest. Cant believe I watched the whole thing lol. Watching it though, made me remember aaaalllllll the stuff I use to look into. Some of what he says sounds crazy, other things are on point. I dont know what to make of the whole thing lol.

As far as the actual Q crap, I saw it when it arrived on the scene, something never felt right about it. Started with one dude, writing in coded messages. Then became multiple people, so I didnt know what to trust, and didnt look into the Q movement anymore.

Now, those DUMBs, are REAL! I've looked a LOT into that years ago. A lot of them are interconnected with magnetic rail systems. I've seen videos of truckers going into them, for a LONG way, going deeper and deeper. The general public does not know of these.

One big underground bunker is close to me. It was declassified and decommissioned. The Greenbrier Hotel. Below it was the bunker for the president and congress. With enough supplies to last a long time. It was old though, and not deep enough. The new bunkers, are deep underground... hence part of the name.


Here is a good pic of some of the newer ones.....


And speaking of the Denver Airport murals, how about this one, that was painted in 1994!



Domestically feral
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United states
@Blazor .....a good conspiracy theory HAS to be peppered with truths. I love conspiracy and I've followed them since HS. I don't believe them...but I enjoy them.

Its takes truths and spins them. Also, conspiracy theories draw connections between things that are not really solid.

Very intelligent people can fall for them. You gotta be very careful and critical. The irony in many of them is in how they call you a sheep or asleep if you do not believe in the conspiracy. They tell you to "question everything".....but when you question them, they will start getting agitated.

They present you with a ridiculous either/or. either believe Q or believe the mainstream media and are indoctrinated.

Really you should question everything, including these theories, and question them rationally and stick to occam's razor. The correct answer is almost always the easiest.

Government conspiracies always presuppose the government is far more competent than it is. And on the flip side, those who believe all the officail and mainstream narratives assume the mainstream sources are more trustworthy and reliable than they are.

We are definitely in a time of heavy psychological warfare the mainstream has its agenda and propaganda and those behind propaganda like Q have their agendas.

Dont underestimate how devoted people are to sell something. Just because there are truths sprinkled into a narrative doesnt mean that narrative is solid, yanno?

Every grill a Qer? I honestly dont know how these people live everyday with the world view they have adopted. I dont know how so many predictions can fail and people will still stay stuck on it and just explain it away and forever move goal posts.

Also lefties like to think every Trump supporter is a Qanon, all 75 million +. And they also accuse Trump of encouraging the Q conspiracy....which is another conspiracy really.

People have really lost their fucking minds over the past 4 years. It's why we cant have nice things. :Pissed5: