Cum One, Cum All


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
…over Flynn’s FACE!!!

Nevermind. You’re a white, middle-aged, lazy neckbearded Walmart shopper, and her manager/pimp checks all applications before deciding which random bruthas he needs to pay to go hole-hopping on the otherwise shunned bitch.

  • Did you finish middle school?
  • How long will you be able to stall your pending felony charges?
  • How the fuck do you pronounce the word here where your name is required to be?

The bruthas who Flynn was eagerly reparationing made sure their faces weren’t shown because they’re all related to eachother and Africa still fucking sucks. That made my search for the three embarrassed “actors” pretty easy, and the three reparationed cousin’s identities were duly uncovered:


*flunked the application


*2 out of 3 ain’t bad


*Who the fuck remembers his first name? Not him.

Parents Day must’ve been particularly interesting when Flynn showed up on set with her kids in tow without their father(s) present. Aaaahw hell, niggas must’ve all suddenly looked uncomfortable and more confused than they usually do! Shit, let’s go ahead and cake that that bitch back up:


There, good as It - the misunderstood clown. Anyone here still wanna fuck Flynn? I wouldn’t let her plunge her permanently funky tongue up my moist, fart-flim coated butthole. In fact, I’d much rather watch baby seals getting clubbed by laughing children than watch another second of Flynn keep on reparationin’ to make this world a better place.

I figure Flynn was terribly disappointed at the small turn-out that bothered showing up for her enthusiastic, gung-ho attempt at creating another goddamn Million Man March; to whichever Motel 6 where she was impatiently waiting to ride a mile of chocolate cock.


Everyone eventually gets burned-out on their long, strenuous careers -- including Flynn’s exhausted gynecologist. STDs, STIs, UTIs, abortions, misplaced house shoes… the man could no longer raise his eyebrows, convincingly smile, or eat seafood by the time he clocked out for good. On the bright side, he escaped monkeypox and Flynnginitis by instead becoming a high school janitor to pay for his ongoing therapy.

There are three confirmed heterosexuals on this forum: Myself, Flea, and now Flynn. The rest of y’all are still you-know-whats. Tell ‘em, Flea:


Exactly, bitch. Write that shit down in your personal memoirs after I shake my dick a few times and zip up.

FLYNN mystery – how did she get so deep within the porn ring? Let’s find that out, or not, because nobody here gives a fuck and already want this thread to end; including Dogfart and your cheerless wives:


To briefly recap:



- We got next!

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Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
What is a SirSuperSouthern?

The blissful fruitions of SSS are known far and wide. His "dog"ma is known throughout the free and less free worlds as an ancient rite when men of various backgrounds--usually the chronically unemployed and sexually ambivalent let loose of their carnal inhibitions. This passage into a wet and sometimes dry vortex of manhood are manifested in different ways throughout the different cultures on differing continents.



"Cum one, cum all, cum on down SSS!"


"SSS likes Chinese from time to time"


"SSS likes the master race dogs the best"

It doesn't end there. The sublime line that the religion of SSS is delves deeper into the deep, dark writhing whirlpools of decadence and excess. Followers of this arcane belief feel the need to pay homage to their God by acting out and portraying different scenes from SSS' infidel lifestyle on a daily basis. These people of hardcore gluttony pray to SSS so that he may show them the way of the dim light. Here are some examples of SSS' followers.

"Queen of dicks and handouts"


"The King of women's clothes"

"The Jester of Crack Cocaine"

In an exclusive, SSS has agreed to sit down with me and explain this perplexing and astounding way of life that he leads. He'll delve deeper into why people follow him to the very ends of the Earth to worship and emulate him. I applaud SSS for having the courage and bravery to sit down with me and candidly open up to let all his followers know what makes him tick.

Flynn: Thanks for joining me.


SSS: Not a problem, Flynn. I just got done having the best sex with a stray Collie.

Flynn: Sounds fantastic! Anyhoo. How did you get into this alternative lifestyle?


SSS: Look at me. Do I look like a guy with many options?

Flynn: Well, you could have gone down other avenues.


SSS: Oh I have gone down on other avenues! Dogs, sheep, pigs, cows and horses...a whale is on my bucket list.

Flynn: Interesting. How do you feel when you hear there's an SSS movement going on?


SSS: It's cool, just as long as I don't have to wait my turn when it comes to a camel. I hate sloppy seconds. It's really gross and humiliating. I like to go first.

Flynn: When did this interest in animals start?


SSS: Look. Basic biology says that an ass is an ass and pussy is pussy and a mouth is a mouth and 2 means buckle my shoe. You get me?

Flynn: Erm...okay. Have you met any of your followers?


SSS: If I ever do, they need to remember one thing, I go first. Whether it be a goldfish or a Honduran pygmy rat. I don't do seconds. That's dirty and inhumane. I go first.

Flynn: Great! How has the reception been when people recognize you in public?


SSS: I don't go out in public. Too much competition if I see a loose pig or cat. I mean seriously, the owners always fuck up my fun before I get off, sometimes I doubt they're the owners, they probably don't like sloppy seconds. Did I mention that I hate sloppy seconds?

Flynn: Yes. You have. So. You don't find this behavior rather abnormal?


SSS: The God that made this flat earth put these animals here for our amusement. I've tapped into a never ending source of free sex. I should be praised, not prosecuted.

Flynn: Interesting concept.


SSS: Besides, there's no raping the willing. I see it in the eyes of those lucky animals I make sweet love to, they want it as much as I do.

Flynn: Your opponents, basically anyone not from Montana and Texas say you're a disgusting human, what do you say to your critics?


SSS: Don't knock it until you've tried it. Like they say, don't cum knocking if you hear the barn-a-rocking!

*Flynn faints, falls out of her seat and ends up on the floor with her legs splayed wide open with her skirt pushed up exposing her slightly soiled underwear that reads: "Laundry day." SSS looks disgusted*

*Five minutes later Flynn comes to. SSS is sitting there patiently engulfed in the latest edition of "Cat Fancy"*

Flynn: Oh gosh, how long was I out for?


SSS: Not long enough. Two more minutes and me and this Mane Coon in this magazine would have been in blissful sexual harmony.

Flynn: In closing what message would you like to share with those watching at home?


SSS: Don't judge me. Some people prefer blondes, some prefer brunettes. I prefer horses and dogs. There's really no difference except that they walk on all fours and don't talk back. There's nothing like the warm embrace of a dog's uterus that makes me climax like it was my first time. Oh, I'm getting rock hard.. I wonder if I can make it to the pound before it closes?

*SSS gets up and bolts out of the room. Then comes back to collect the "Cat Fancy" magazine and the bolts out of the room again.*
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Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
You're both fucking ugly. There's enough pics of ugly fuckers online without your mugs being added to assault the senses.

Now where's the eye bleach...


You're both fucking ugly. There's enough pics of ugly fuckers online without your mugs being added to assault the senses.

Now where's the eye bleach...
@SirSuperSouthern is very sexy. You wouldn't know what sexy is.
@Flynn is one of the most beautiful women you'll ever see. You don't know what beautiful is so look that up too. So unintelligent you really must be "fucking ugly".
Next time show some respect.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
You're both fucking ugly. There's enough pics of ugly fuckers online without your mugs being added to assault the senses.

Now where's the eye bleach...

See what I'm saying how Flynn and Poofer cannot post with out me? They have to involve me in every fucking thing....whether I'm involved or not.

And when I actually respond to their cries for my attention, they go nuclear.

Fucking morons.

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
You're both fucking ugly. There's enough pics of ugly fuckers online without your mugs being added to assault the senses.

Now where's the eye bleach...
@SirSuperSouthern is very sexy. You wouldn't know what sexy is.
@Flynn is one of the most beautiful women you'll ever see. You don't know what beautiful is so look that up too. So unintelligent you really must be "fucking ugly".
Next time show some respect.
Ok alt.... can you go shill somewhere else please?

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
You're both fucking ugly. There's enough pics of ugly fuckers online without your mugs being added to assault the senses.

Now where's the eye bleach...

See what I'm saying how Flynn and Poofer cannot post with out me? They have to involve me in every fucking thing....whether I'm involved or not.

And when I actually respond to their cries for my attention, they go nuclear.

Fucking morons.
Yeah it's embarrassing. There's even an alt cheerleading for those faggots now. LOL

Desperate times, desperate measures I guess.


You're both fucking ugly. There's enough pics of ugly fuckers online without your mugs being added to assault the senses.

Now where's the eye bleach...
@SirSuperSouthern is very sexy. You wouldn't know what sexy is.
@Flynn is one of the most beautiful women you'll ever see. You don't know what beautiful is so look that up too. So unintelligent you really must be "fucking ugly".
Next time show some respect.
Ok alt.... can you go shill somewhere else please?
No. Perfectly fine where I am. You could always find another place to go since you can't respect members here. Like bye now idiot.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Yeah perhaps interesting was a poor choice of words....

It's definitely Regan, btw. 100% confirmed. LOL

And I like at least 3 of Regans.

Sadly the Regan that shits upon my posts in a demonstration of disrespect is the one here today.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
The hilarity of this thread becoming a sticky! :LOL:

It was interesting until the forum idiots started posting.
I kinda know what was happening with SSS' post, which is why I didn't engage Dove here. I was hoping some posters would contribute some good material. Like you stated, the idiots fucked this thread up already. Dove and Aryan mainly. Notice I still post to Dove but not to that jackass Aryan and I can punt his dentures to Venus anytime I want.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
De donde me da la gana.
The hilarity of this thread becoming a sticky! :LOL:

It was interesting until the forum idiots started posting.
I kinda know what was happening with SSS' post, which is why I didn't engage Dove here. I was hoping some posters would contribute some good material. Like you stated, the idiots fucked this thread up already. Dove and Aryan mainly. Notice I still post to Dove but not to that jackass Aryan and I can punt his dentures to Venus anytime I want.

That chucklehead doesn't deserve responses to his whining posts.


Lion Heart Diva
Far from yup!
The hilarity of this thread becoming a sticky! :LOL:

It was interesting until the forum idiots started posting.
I kinda know what was happening with SSS' post, which is why I didn't engage Dove here. I was hoping some posters would contribute some good material. Like you stated, the idiots fucked this thread up already. Dove and Aryan mainly. Notice I still post to Dove but not to that jackass Aryan and I can punt his dentures to Venus anytime I want.

That chucklehead doesn't deserve responses to his whining posts.
True dat!

You know what's up!


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
Why isn't Flynn on your Ignore list yet? I mean, come the fuckin' on...


- No photshop, ask any of the pros around.


It's Always 5:55, bitch.
Site Supporter
Compare the noses if you think I'm just kidding around. Flynn is a Reparationist, eyes don't lie...

- Must I nook the poor scabby cunt again? She's already cooked.