Translation: Unemployed loser who got fired O.D.s on drugs.
The article made sure to say "Donald Trump" a few times. I just roll my eyes at this point. Is this gonna be another Russiagate where tax dollars are abused for another partisan shit show where the establishment cannot win on their leadership merits so they have to lie and attack their opposition? Probably.
Because the documents he had dealt with Donald Trumps questionable loans he received from the Bank. Have you been in a coma the last 6 years?
I dont read propaganda....and keeping up with all the hysterical claims and conspiracy theories regarding Trump isnt really a priority, Admin.
What "questionable loans"? This is just reeks of a desperate off shoot of the Russiagate hysteria. All of which was shown false, btw.
So since everything Trump does is analysed and taken in bad faith off the rip.....what about all the millions of dollars taken by BLM that was used for the founders personal uses? Is it okay for a group to incite violence that destroys American communities and peoples businesses and just walk off with millions in donations?
I'm glad its increasingly obvious that this approach that anything done on the left matter how violent and ignored while literally everything done by the opposition is villanized with no evidence whatsoever. You guys dont care if the country literally burns but you want us to believe you care about some "questionable loans" a wealthy American has with a bank? Please. If Trump labeled himself a democrat this would just be business as usual and go completely unchecked.
You guys have shown loud and clear that you are willing to tolerate criminal behaviour from politicains on your "side".
So why shouldnt we also tolerate any supposed criminal behaviour from someone whose policies benefitted us? Since we have to chose between left wing criminals and our criminals we may as well have one who supports our interests.
I'd rather pay 1.87 a gallon gas, see more jobs come to the country, have lower taxes and criminal justice reform over the total and utter shit the criminals on the side are offering.
When you guys are ready to unify with other Americans and REALLY clean out the criminals in government perhaps things will change. Until then.....people may as well just fight for policies that benefit US for a change.