Do Republicans stil think it's a good idea to maintain & coddle a Billionaire Class in America?


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
This refers principally to the Tech Giants and the people who run them

I've remarked how the bilionaires ought to be taxed, their power held in check, but it fell on deaf ears.

"No...leave the poor billionaire class alone! Don't tax them anymore than you have to! They're picked on as it is! Those poor guys! Woe is them!", said the Republicans in these forums.

In fact many of you thought it an even better idea to lower their taxes more, enrich them further and make these cuts permanent.

But now these billionaries running companies such as Facebook (Mark Zuckerberg), Jeff Bezos(Amazon), Tim Cook(Apple), Jack Dorsey(Twitter), Bill Gates (Microsoft) and Sergey Brin (Google) have lately flexed their muscles & decided to shut down the President of the United States on Twitter. In addition their big Tech Consortium also shut down Parler, the tech mouthpiece of Conservatives andthe alt-Right. So in effect, the Whiz kid billionaires now have the power to muzzle the Right/alt-Right.

Is this the future you wanted, Cons?

Having your lives, what you read & have access to dictated by these Democratic billionaire supporters? Because that's what undertaxing the rich & entrenching a billionaire class has created. a group so powerful that they can run society and own your politicians. Put the President of the United States on his knees. Shut down the compettion. They've essentially flattened the Republican Party and their alt-right supporters.

With excessive concentration of wealth comes excessive power. And you know what they say, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Worse yet, now it's difficult to dislodge these people and limit their power, because you supported the conditions which enabled them tor rise and stay there.

You know what they say, be careful what you wish for, because you might just get it.

...but it won't necessarily be what you envisioned.

Conservatives won't be running the show. It'll be these prog neoliberal types.

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A long-awaited report from top Democratic congressional lawmakers about the dominance of the four biggest tech giants had a clear message on Tuesday: Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google engage in a range of anti-competitive behavior, and US antitrust laws need an overhaul to allow for more competition in the US internet economy.

“To put it simply, companies that once were scrappy, underdog startups that challenged the status quo have become the kinds of monopolies we last saw in the era of oil barons and railroad tycoons,” the report’s introduction states.
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Here comes amateur gaslighter josephine with a mouth full of half witted bullshit. America's only real problem outside of kicking The God of Israel out of government, is liberals and liberalism. People like joesephine force private businesses to bake cakes for faggits, then they sit back while private businesses deny CONservatives free speech and access to the internet.

I was at the gun store over the weekend. Once again, by Sunday evening, the black rifles were nearly sold out. Get ready motherfuckers. These guns are being purchased for a reason and you aint gonna just buy em back!
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Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Here comes amateur gaslighter josephine with a mouth full of half witted bullshit. America's only real problem outside of kicking The God of Israel out of government, is liberals and liberalism. People like joesephine force private businesses to bake cakes for faggits, then they sit back while private businesses deny CONservatives free speech and access to the internet.

I was at the gun store over the weekend. Once again, by Sunday evening, the black rifles were nearly sold out. Get ready motherfuckers. These guns are being purchased for a reason and you aint gonna just buy em back!

Ahhh....but guess who's got all the gold now, Lokmeer?

Ya know what they say. He who owns the gold, makes the rules!

And what do they care if you hillbilly types have got all this ammo?

They'll just send the army in to crush you guys.

YOu have no power.

Cuz now they own the government and politicians who work for them, buddy.

And they own the media and control information and access to it.

And if things get really bad and the USA tears itself apart through Civil War, these ultra rich will just pack their bags and leave you guys fighting over the scarps in the dumpster.

These DEmocratic supporting billionaries own ya and yer alt right types now, Lokmeer.

They own Trump as well.

Get used to it....Lokmeer1


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
"buddy" :LMAO:

joesephine, you're gonna have a tantrum when nobody turns in their weapons or registers them. The army wont be used, in fact, the army will either stand down or take over like Pinochet. Who knows, we may even liberate you sorry cowards from the crown while we're at it!
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Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
"buddy" :LMAO:

joesephine, you're gonna have a tantrum when nobody turns in their weapons or registers them. The army wont be used, in fact, the army will either stand down or take over like Pinochet. Who knows, we may even liberate you sorry cowards from the crown while we're at it!

Yeah, and the FBI and the federal government will be tracking you and your alt right types and your activities, Lokmeer.

Since they own google and they control access to information which you depend on, they'll know what yer up to 24/7.

They gotcha by the balls, Lokmeer!


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
"buddy" :LMAO:

joesephine, you're gonna have a tantrum when nobody turns in their weapons or registers them. The army wont be used, in fact, the army will either stand down or take over like Pinochet. Who knows, we may even liberate you sorry cowards from the crown while we're at it!

Yeah, and the FBI and the federal government will be tracking you and your alt right types and your activities, Lokmeer.

Since they own google and they control access to information which you depend on, they'll know what yer up to 24/7.

They gotcha by the balls, Lokmeer!
josephine, the FBI and government are welcome to have a Parler account, dumb ass. Unlike libs, we wont cancel their account. They may get threattened and shouted down though, and thats what you lil bitches cant deal with. Its just like a troll board. Everytime you get PWN3D!, you get all emotional and start running for the exits or sit there in a hysterical pile, crying for someone to rescue your feels!

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