Do you believe in god?



Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
Why don't religious people, Christians in particular, believe animals and bugs get an afterlife?

You can't be happy or appreciate life because you don't believe in an afterlife. You can't ever appreciate life in the same capacity as a christian. Deal with it.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
There are no gods.

Being certain there is no god is just as bad logically as being certain that there is a god.

For God, by his very nature, would be both unknown and unknowable. Scientific evidence of God would actually be proof against his existence, since it would render faith unnecessary

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
You would be do a great service for mankind if you repent.
Did you just call me Jesus?

You are full of sinners lately. When I see your browsing history, you will go straight to hell.
I've dated a latrina and gone through a messy breakup with same. Hell holds no fear for me.

So much for silly statements begetting silly rejoinders. Do you have anything approaching scientific evidence for your claims or am I to continue treating you as a retarded child with daddy issues?

aunty mabels cuntwash

acquiring filth
Why aren't other lifeforms important enough to get an afterlife?
You really have to ask? What tangible benefit does any religion have past the governance of its adherents if not the conviction of superiority over those who do not follow its quackery? Even if it's beasts too dumb to believe in any form of god, or alternatively, considered beneath the choice of having themselves anointed in some Mickey Mouse ceremony?

Look, I've heard this argument a bunch of times before and from far more erudite minds than @UncleDeRP's. In pretty much every case I'm supposed to take it "on faith" because the entire thing falls apart when faith is supplanted by proof apparently. That suggests to me an inherent weakness in the system which in turn dictates an even bigger mess and chaos than the system we currently enjoy. Still, I remain an agnostic and will likely be so until the day I die because proving the absence of something like a god or anything approaching it requires me to personally check everywhere in the multiverse, something I simply haven't the time or inclination to do no matter how many god botherers demand I do it. The cosmic Russel's Teapot might very well exist. It also might very well not. Until either side ponies up proof of their position, I am perfectly okay with my reluctance to extend faith... in either party.

If that makes me a bad person in anyone's eyes, then meh. They can always walk away from it. Or they can keep banging on about what evils are in store for "bad people", I simply don't give a fuck because the absence of faith makes their story weak enough to begin with.

And if you're still not sure, feel free to take a peek into your local center for Bad Person control (protip: it probably has the word "prison" in there somewhere) and see what the believer to non-believer ratio is. You might be surprised at how different the ratio is to people out in the real world.

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
I came up with a joke as a coping mechanism to deal with death. It goes something like this...

You won't know that you don't know shit.

knife wielder

Factory Bastard
The only way I could believe in god or A god is if I was certain there was an afterlife, and I'm not sure there is.


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Anal Creampie
I forget which one, but there’s an Asian country where they believe aborted babies get trapped in limbo, they even have a specific name for that type of entity. That must be a pretty shitty existence, ha.


Factory Bastard
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Any good Christians here?

I believe in Jesus Christ and read the bible daily. It is my daily driver.

Do you guys believe in god?

You do realise that the bible is like a game of chinese whispers, it's been translated so many times that the original meaning has been distorted. I consider it to be much like Aesop's fables, a book of stories with morals (parables). But it must also be recognised that it was written by men, who interpreted the messages they were given through their own perceptions and understanding of the law of the land they lived in, and, as such, should be taken with a grain of salt.

My FIL is a JW and tells me that the bible is the be all and end all and that tarot, and psychics and mediums are all evil because they're the devil trying to communicate, and that God only talks to us through the bible. I asked him what the prophets were, if not psychics, and how he's so sure that God doesn't talk through mediumship. I find it highly unlikely that God sent messages in dreams, visions, and even on tablets to the world, and then when a bunch of men got together and wrote the bible, decided to stop communicating because we "had a blue print to follow".


before i give you my honest answer about your disturbed answer may I ask:

I that really dritten from you or just a copypasta?

I don't copy and paste answers. If I quote anything, I make it clear that it's quoted. These are my own words.

Well, I googled your post and clearly it'S a copy pasta, Mona.


It is really sad. Nearly 10 sites and not ONE, could convince me or come with logical theories here.

Feel free to link me to where you claim to have found my entire post elsewhere. I'd be intrigued to know, considering I write what I think, and have no need to present other people's original thoughts as my own.

I personally, have no desire to convince you of one belief or another. You either believe something or you don't. All the religions have a similar underlying theme, and if that's what resonates within your soul, then that one speaks your language. I didn't say that I don't believe in a higher entity, just that I don't believe that the bible is as "accurate" and truly spiritual as most Christians would have you believe. There are ways for each belief pattern to twist the words within it, to suit their own purposes.

I believe that everyone should follow their conscience, as you know what's right and wrong. And each spiritual journey and path (be it Christianity, Wiccan, Muslim, Hindi, Sikh, Jehovah's Witness, Amish, Seventh Day Adventist, Mormon, Tibetan Monk, Norse Gods, Pagan, Druid or even Scientologist) is unique to the person following it. Follow the belief that resonates within you and feels like home, and stop trying to convince others to see only your truth instead of following their own.


Let's meAT...hehe!!!
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MeNs tOiLEts
Any good Christians here?

I believe in Jesus Christ and read the bible daily. It is my daily driver.

Do you guys believe in god?

You do realise that the bible is like a game of chinese whispers, it's been translated so many times that the original meaning has been distorted. I consider it to be much like Aesop's fables, a book of stories with morals (parables). But it must also be recognised that it was written by men, who interpreted the messages they were given through their own perceptions and understanding of the law of the land they lived in, and, as such, should be taken with a grain of salt.

My FIL is a JW and tells me that the bible is the be all and end all and that tarot, and psychics and mediums are all evil because they're the devil trying to communicate, and that God only talks to us through the bible. I asked him what the prophets were, if not psychics, and how he's so sure that God doesn't talk through mediumship. I find it highly unlikely that God sent messages in dreams, visions, and even on tablets to the world, and then when a bunch of men got together and wrote the bible, decided to stop communicating because we "had a blue print to follow".


before i give you my honest answer about your disturbed answer may I ask:

I that really dritten from you or just a copypasta?

I don't copy and paste answers. If I quote anything, I make it clear that it's quoted. These are my own words.

Well, I googled your post and clearly it'S a copy pasta, Mona.


It is really sad. Nearly 10 sites and not ONE, could convince me or come with logical theories here.

Feel free to link me to where you claim to have found my entire post elsewhere. I'd be intrigued to know, considering I write what I think, and have no need to present other people's original thoughts as my own.

I personally, have no desire to convince you of one belief or another. You either believe something or you don't. All the religions have a similar underlying theme, and if that's what resonates within your soul, then that one speaks your language. I didn't say that I don't believe in a higher entity, just that I don't believe that the bible is as "accurate" and truly spiritual as most Christians would have you believe. There are ways for each belief pattern to twist the words within it, to suit their own purposes.

I believe that everyone should follow their conscience, as you know what's right and wrong. And each spiritual journey and path (be it Christianity, Wiccan, Muslim, Hindi, Sikh, Jehovah's Witness, Amish, Seventh Day Adventist, Mormon, Tibetan Monk, Norse Gods, Pagan, Druid or even Scientologist) is unique to the person following it. Follow the belief that resonates within you and feels like home, and stop trying to convince others to see only your truth instead of following their own.
Dear Mona,

Maybe this is the only intelligent well written post of the entire thread.

Though I must admit again! Your text seems to be a copypasta again. Not 100 percent. But could It be that you edited it here?

Nothing wrong because I read these lines on nearly every atheist and religious threads. All good.

Well, in my view 2 things.

1) there is no question. God is existing and religion for a normal human the most important thing. It gives guidance and help.

2) you really mentioned scientology as a religion? Really? Like Tom Cruise wishing a new swipe? Where you pay money to rise in this cult?

Christianity and ouir saviour Jesus Christ is the one and only religion. I don't discuss about that.

All the "other" religions arent taken serious. They are here to divide and conquer or collecting money.

Thanks for taking time and invest to this serious topic which put off topic to sad atheists, which I have all beATen with my facts and arguments.