Face it liberals, you're not smart or "woke"


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Oh yeah, clearly...


The company you keep. A predator and a drunken sex pervert.

Yeah its pretty clear.

But of course, not a man who posts as a woman for shits and giggles because ""everything"" would be wrong with that

right, pig?
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
There is definitely some sort of mental disorder going on with some of these freaks.



Ceedoobie's #1 Fan
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Modern humanity and its upside-down individuals

The imbeciles that are sleeping the deepest slumber one could imagine, call themselves woke.

The fucking idiots who say their attitudes are for the "greater good", defend some of the most sadistic practices humanity has ever committed against children, killing the unborn and turning the ones who manage to escape abortion into sexual freaks.

The same retards who promise comfort, safety and food security, are bringing EXACTLY the opposite of all that.

Only question now is, how long until the rest finally has enough and the demented blood starts being spilled?

I just hope that the ones in the site stay home when that happens and finally learn a lesson.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Why do the so called “Conservatives” elect so many liars and half wits?

Says the guy who believes everything corporate media says without question and continues to believe it after it's been shown false.

Biden lies about everything and you say shit about it.

So everyone outside your party is a "conservative".....and they are "so called conservatives".

In pretty confident we have all said exactly why we vote for who we vote for. Why dont listen to actual people rather than what your opinion pieces tell you? Do you really think the lying shit bags you listen to give the slightest shit about your life or your rights?

Weren't you guys shitting on Desantis over the covid response? I noticed that whole topic was dropped when it showed FL came through covid better than CA and NY.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Modern humanity and its upside-down individuals

The imbeciles that are sleeping the deepest slumber one could imagine, call themselves woke.

The fucking idiots who say their attitudes are for the "greater good", defend some of the most sadistic practices humanity has ever committed against children, killing the unborn and turning the ones who manage to escape abortion into sexual freaks.

The same retards who promise comfort, safety and food security, are bringing EXACTLY the opposite of all that.

Only question now is, how long until the rest finally has enough and the demented blood starts being spilled?

I just hope that the ones in the site stay home when that happens and finally learn a lesson.

Well everything I've read about ideological subversion and authoritarian take overs says there will be some who have that "line" they wont cross and they stop there and realize what's happening.

The ones who dont? They stay loyal to the cause until it succeeds. It's not until it's too late and they usually are the first assholes to be "dealt with". They build their own prisons until they realize it's a prison.

See how they defend the government putting people in jail like that because of Jan 6th and how they parrot that "insurrecrion" shit? And how the definition of "hate speech" just gets wider and wider? How they make politcal examples out of people rather than promoting true justice? The weighted justice? It will all bite them eventually and rightly so.

I'm telling you, within the next few years we will see mainstream and open defense of "MAPs". These people already have a "map pride flag". There was a play about 4 pedos where it was sympathetic towards the plight of the pedos and it painted their victims as villains. Corporate media praised....called it "Brillant"

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We have people like Admin here who are denying and ignoring the fact that men are calling themselves women to be transferred to womens prisons. Ignoring assaults and abuses. Completely rejecting the reality of the gender self ID laws. He wont look at anything.

In his mind everyone is just lying and bigoted. Even the left wing feminists and all the homosexuals. All just a bunch of "con" liars.

I think that is the scariest part. They promote what they are told to promote....told what the approved of stance is, and they defend that and dont even look at how it's actually impacting society and dont care. We are not dealing with rational and compassionate people who want what's best for the country. We are dealing with people so brainwashed with hatred theyll support anything they are told to support and attack anyone who doesnt support it.

They really feel that being outside their party is the worst thing a person can do. It's worse than child molestation and politcal violence and murder. They justify all of this shit.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Brainwashing your vulnerable little child JUST because they didnt fit into some stereotype gender box....to believe their body is wrong and needs to fixed, is a level of disturbing and devastating abuse I havent seen before.

This is cruelty. So you tell your toddler they are in the wrong body and they grow up believing they are sick and need to be fixed. You stunt their growth. You sterilize them. Shorten their lifespan. Make them lifelong medical patients and completely destroy them by abusing the trust they place in you. All because why? They didnt fit into a rigid gender stereotype?

How can anyone support this?

If opposing the woke sociopaths makes me a "Republican" and "immoral" so be it. I'll any label that puts me at odds with hateful and barbaric pieces of abusive shit like you. You've all lost touch with humanity ages ago and whole mind is rotted with hate.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
I could go right now and start telling my 6 year old that shes really a boy and she is in the wrong body. I could easily convince her of this. And I could have her tell the doctor this.

And since there are NO protections, no safe guards, and any sort of questioning or even asking the child why they think this....because anything outside of immediate "affirmation" is called "conversion therapy".....she would be toss on the medical pathway.

That's all okay with you people. Gender stereotypes used to be something we rejected. Now it's a dogmatic cult and if you deviate slightly from the gender stereotype associated with your biological sex, the message is you must be in the body.

The worst part is, you all know this is bullshit. You know better. But since you think this us a left vs right issue, you dont care. You see humanity. You look away from the harm, the damage, the hatred. It's all worth it for you guys to FEEL like you are fighting "teh right" and it doesn't matter how abusive it is. You'll defend and support anything because you hate people who dont support your party more than you care about human beings and the country. More than you care about protecting children.

Accepting such a misogynist, homophobic and completely idiotic ideology has to be a sign of mental illness. Hatred must rot out the brain as well darken and harden hearts. At this point you guys are just defending a cancerous evil that is going to continue to completely destroy human beings. Many of which arent even going to get the opportunity to make the decision for themselves because their scum bag parents have made it for them.

Its a great year for abusive homophobes who now have a ghoulish way of avoiding having a gay son or lesbian daughter. Which yeah... that's happening. Kids who would have grown up happy and healthy gay adults are now going to be sick, depressed and stressed out "trans" people with no sexual function or fertility who have multiple health issues from the meddling with the bodies natural hormone balance. Stopping puberty.

It should be a fucking human RIGHT to be allowed to go through your bodies natural puberty and not be used as an experiment. I cannot even imagine putting a child through this. Teaching them to hate their natural body and destroying them.

But yeah you guys are SO "moral" and "conpassionate". You wont even hear what I'm saying because of hatred of a person you dont even know because I think critically and reject your toxic and harmful politcs.

When the overwhelming damage from this becomes undeniable you soulless fucks will pretend you never supported it or sit and make excuses and blame everyone else. You arent just immoral and hateful - you are cowards with no integrity.