FAO the resident Soynior Citizens.....


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It is a SUNNY gorgeous day ...
Burnin' a doob feedin' the Racoon greasing the axels on the bike
cool thread
Maybe we could discuss if Hitler's 'stache was really a nut tickler .....
Just how many times a day do you think about cocks and ballbags? 10? 100?

I give up !
How many ??
Punctuation never was your strongpoint, unlike dicks...

Are you trying to Ehurt me again jailbird ?? ffs LOL
Hey Krisspiss...you’re liberal! Who gives a fuck what you think? You haven’t a fucking turnip in that ducking head anyways! Lolololol

You angry too ?


You have wild raccoons where you live? I always thought you were Dutch for some reason.

No dutch
I found an orphaned racoon raised it, now it shows up every other night or morning for treats


Put your glasses on!
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It is a SUNNY gorgeous day ...
Burnin' a doob feedin' the Racoon greasing the axels on the bike
cool thread
Maybe we could discuss if Hitler's 'stache was really a nut tickler .....
Just how many times a day do you think about cocks and ballbags? 10? 100?

I give up !
How many ??
Punctuation never was your strongpoint, unlike dicks...

Are you trying to Ehurt me again jailbird ?? ffs LOL
Hey Krisspiss...you’re liberal! Who gives a fuck what you think? You haven’t a fucking turnip in that ducking head anyways! Lolololol

You angry too ?

No ya Bastard! Just poking fun. Happy Easter!

I believe you're a PRICK !@
from now on you fucking crying alarm suck an easter egg
Well that didn’t pan out how I wanted it! Strudel! But don’t hassle, I shall play another song:
Now listen cunt!

My Daddy was a Pistol
Makes me a sonofaguN
Dang ME
dang me
the ought take a rope an hang meh

High a top the highest treeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,
Woman would you weep for me.


Put your glasses on!
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Evidently one of the Soynior Citizens cried and wailed enough about my HISTORY thread, that they wanted it removed from the General Discussion area, and hid away in Politics. How the FUCK is talking about history fucking political!

Fuck the lot of you Soynior cry babies. Do something you're good at, and go gum a cock.


Factory Bastard
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Liberals don't seem to think non-white people are capable of making decisions for themselves and therefore should never be responsible for the decisions they make. That is deeply racist thinking as is their white savior complex where they think they need to save minorities who they view as child like and incapable. It really is a disgusting and racist ideology.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Laugh all you want but that is essentially what liberal philosophy claims. Fact. We see imthis thinking at work every time liberals claim blacks are incapable of walking into a DMV to get their free I.D. or when they claim "disadvantaged and v enable groups" shouldn't be held responsible for the crimes the commit and certainly never held to the same standards as the white majority. We see it every time they claim racially discriminatory laws (which are the only actual systemic racism today) such as affirmative action are needed because some how blacks just aren't capable without a white savior. Hell, we see it in covid vaccination where liberals demand only non-white people be allowed to get vaccines.

Every where the liberal affirms his racism and his sense of superiority over the people who claims to want to help but whom he in fact always harms.
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Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Evidently one of the Soynior Citizens cried and wailed enough about my HISTORY thread, that they wanted it removed from the General Discussion area, and hid away in Politics. How the FUCK is talking about history fucking political!

Fuck the lot of you Soynior cry babies. Do something you're good at, and go gum a cock.

It was probably Karen Marx, aka Lotusbergenstein.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
Liberals only believe in equality when it comes to anyone who isn't white. If it's racism, it's all whities fault. If you are of color, you are completely innocent in anything and everything that has to do with racism. We are the minority in the majorities agenda.

Any libtard who says only white people can be racist because of 'muh patriarchy' deserves a swift right hook to the jaw.