They are evil pieces of shit. They should face the death penalty unless they are ruled psychotic.
Mind you, I was arguing what normal healthy people would do. And why Sophie is my most hated fictional character.
Actually Dovey, I did some quick Internet research & according to Jewish Scholars, 'Sophie' is based on a real person:
According to them, Lengyel was the inspiration for the character Sophie, in William Styron's book which was made into the movie.
Lengyel herself wrote her own memoir in which she described the brutality of the concentration camps. She also made reference to her own children whom she regretted she could not save, tho they were sons.
"I cannot acquit myself of the charge that I am, in part, responsible for the destruction of my own parents and of my two young sons. The world understands that I could not have known, but in my heart the terrible feeling persists that I could have, I might have, saved them.[2]"
She did not herself have a daughter tho she likely witnessed the incident you refer to in the movie.
And in an unrelated but somewhat parallel incident, there are real life stories of mothers throwing their daughters to the wolves as in this example: