Finally - An Author Who Presents The Point of View...


I have expounded here on the internets for the 20 years I've been posting, and to be sure more authoritatively than I.

Francis Fukayama echoing what I have said re: what Liberalism is and what it is not, which of course, has naught to do with parties or what you call liberalism (since it is a set of principles hundreds of years old), or even necessarily what people who call themselves liberals think it is. Though it is clear enough to all thinking people that it is not conservatism which is defined by selfishness, monoculture, exclusion (non inclusive), elitism, inequality.....

Listen and learn: (or buy and read)

Liberalism and It's Discontent



Domestically feral
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United states
So finally you found some guy who reinforces your belief and it's up to others to learn and catch up with your views.....but you shouldnt have to do any mental labor to understand other peoples views or look at anything they share that goes into it.

I've always prefer large open and free spaces. I'm not sure I'd like to shrink down and squeeze into your very narrow and small box that you need us all to get into.

Your version of liberalism isnt the version that this country was founded upon. And it isnt even liberty. Anyone who would be in favor of forced and coerced medical interventions isnt a liberal.

You are a collectivist. You do not recognize individuals. Your claim that conservatism is "defined" by selfishness, monoculture, exclusion, elitism and inequality is so deeply false and even profoundly ironic because you very much described the monoparty dems/progs and their controlled rino "opposition".

I'm not going to argue with you about what stance we are, you are determined to rearrange and redefine and terms and box people according to your biases rather than examining your biases and having an open mind about the views of others. It's either people agree with all your stances (even your conservative immigration stances) or they are automatically "cons" and all this hateful nonsense you harbor against people gets assigned to them.

You are not going to convince anyone to accept the view you have of them or get them to agree they are things that they are not. All you show is your unwillingness to widen your perspective and have a deeper and more honest understanding of other people and how afraid you really are of opposition. You cant defend any of your claims and stances so instead you start shoving everyone into your definitions of things and judging their characters according to these biases.

You name call, insult and belittle. Everything a closed minded, elitest bigot does. Literally everything you've accused your opposition of show in your own self.

So sorry but I'm not going to take definitions of "liberalism" and what it is from you because you've found some video that confirms your biases (finally....must have taken a while) after you've shown over and over how authoritarian and intolerant you are.

When you show you are capable of respectful and productive discourse with people who have different beliefs/stances than people would probably be more likely to take your whole "liberty and tolerance" stuff seriously but you clearly are NOT a liberal by any genuine definition. You are only "liberal" when people think like you.

Good luck with the talking AT people and getting whatever reinforcement from your echo chamber pals you'll get but you are so rude and intolerant to opposition your "targets" dont really see the point. And none of us care about what ever videos you find that confirm your existing biases. If we posted Thomas Sowell or Jordan Peterson or any speaker who clearly explains our views and why we have would shit on it, insult the speaker and insert your opinion as authority so I see no reason for any "cOnZ" to show more respect towards this.


Listen and learn: (or buy and read)
BTW - the vid is a little over an hour long, no one can comment on it in under that amount of time from the start of the thread which has been about 40 minutes at this time (can't watch an hr plus vid in 40 minutes, folks - math). If you do, I'll know you're just blowing it out your ass - which is all most of you do.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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^^^ having an adult and healthy discussion with one's self