For Holocaust Remembrance Day A Tennessee School District Bans a Book about the Holocaust


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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A Tennessee school district has voted to ban the Holocaust graphic novel 'Maus 1 Week after the Synagogue Stand off in Texas


The comic book artist Art Spiegelman poses on March 20, 2012 in Paris. A Tennessee school district has voted to ban Spiegelman's graphic novel about the Holocaust, Maus, from its curriculum.

A Pulitzer-Prize winning graphic novel about the Holocaust has been banned by a Tennessee school district, prompting blowback from critics who say it's essential to teach children about the genocide.

The 10-member McMinn County School Board voted unanimously earlier this month to remove Maus from its curriculum and replace it with an alternative, which hadn't yet been decided at the time of the vote.

"We are here because some people objected to the words and the graphics used in the book," board member Rob Shamblin said during the meeting, according to the
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Domestically feral
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United states

Won't somebody think of the Childrens?

Kids make fun of the shooter drills and joke about playing Pumped up Kicks during them.

You guys are so out of touch with how the kids actually are.

You know there is a huge cult of minors who call themselves "Columbiners"? I had to have some uncomfortable discussions with my kids about the genisis of the school shooting, 90s culture, psych meds, copycats, depression and sociopathy. And why none of that is a joke.

I didn't catch the age group of the kids nor did I have a chance to read the material but I'll get on that and return with an informed opinion that you can emoji and for sane readers to comment on. ;)


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
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Won't somebody think of the Childrens?

Kids make fun of the shooter drills and joke about playing Pumped up Kicks during them.

You guys are so out of touch with how the kids actually are.

You know there is a huge cult of minors who call themselves "Columbiners"? I had to have some uncomfortable discussions with my kids about the genisis of the school shooting, 90s culture, psych meds, copycats, depression and sociopathy. And why none of that is a joke.

I didn't catch the age group of the kids nor did I have a chance to read the material but I'll get on that and return with an informed opinion that you can emoji and for sane readers to comment on. ;)
You are such a raving loon, you should stop telling us how we feel and think about things, it makes you look...sad. And for someone that smokes Kratom, you should probably cool it on the psych med lectures.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states

Won't somebody think of the Childrens?

Kids make fun of the shooter drills and joke about playing Pumped up Kicks during them.

You guys are so out of touch with how the kids actually are.

You know there is a huge cult of minors who call themselves "Columbiners"? I had to have some uncomfortable discussions with my kids about the genisis of the school shooting, 90s culture, psych meds, copycats, depression and sociopathy. And why none of that is a joke.

I didn't catch the age group of the kids nor did I have a chance to read the material but I'll get on that and return with an informed opinion that you can emoji and for sane readers to comment on. ;)
You are such a raving loon, you should stop telling us how we feel and think about things, it makes you look...sad. And for someone that smokes Kratom, you should probably cool it on the psych med lectures.

Firstly all you do here is tell other people how they think and feel about things even when you told you are wrong and why. The latest example is Candice Owen's.

So you are complaining that someone interacts with your posts on a discussion forum.

You are free at ANY time to state clearly how you think and feel, just like I do right before you call me a "raving lunatic". I guess your only fluent language is "leftwing media".

Second, I dont smoke kratom. I either drink it as a tea or take it in capsule form when I'm in severe physical pain.

Where in my entire post did I "lecture" about psych meds? You are constantly accusing me of saying things I do not say. It's as if you intentionally misinterpret everything that gets said to you.


Factory Bastard
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Book banning. Stunning. And these tools whose refrain for years has been "I don't want the government telling me what I can and can't do" have no fucking issue with book banning. None. Because they are authoritarians who need someone to dictate to them.


Domestically feral
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United states
Book banning. Stunning. And these tools whose refrain for years has been "I don't want the government telling me what I can and can't do" have no fucking issue with book banning. None. Because they are authoritarians who need someone to dictate to them.

Public schools are government ran. It's literally an arm of the state.

You might wanna be careful throwing stones here because it's not different when the left does it. Leftists were up in arms over several classics.

Really considering these are tax payer funded schools parents really are entitled a say in what materials are taught and offered to students.

Not wanting a book in the school is not really "banning" a book.

We wouldnt offer pornography in school, does that mean porn is banned?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
We need to people ban. If we executed all these raving left wing loons, we wouldnt have to listen to their bullshit.


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
We need to people ban. If we executed all these raving left wing loons, we wouldnt have to listen to their bullshit.

I think if we behead Neil Young and Joni Mitchell, the rest of them will be freed and will be able to heal.

Ever see "The Faculty"?

I have theory that aliens did cross into our realm in the 50s and theyve been reproducing and mind controling humans like parasites.


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
Oh so it's ESSENTIAL to teach kids about the challenged claim of Jew genocide but nobody or hardly anybody has even heard of the 10 million of MY people that the Bolsheviks slaughtered... Why is one deemed essential (happens to be the one with serious flaws in its credibility) and the other is not? Think people!!!


Domestically feral
Site Supporter
United states
Oh so it's ESSENTIAL to teach kids about the challenged claim of Jew genocide but nobody or hardly anybody has even heard of the 10 million of MY people that the Bolsheviks slaughtered... Why is one deemed essential (happens to be the one with serious flaws in its credibility) and the other is not? Think people!!!

Well what's actually happening is the school is still teaching about the holocaust, they just are not going to continue using that particular book in the 8th grade curriculum. I guess it has swear words that are against school policy and some full on nudity. And its 8th grade so several parents are uncomfortable with this particular book.

It's not being banned at all. Just taken out of the curriculum in favor of other material that teaches the same thing without cuss words and boobs.

It's not the big fuss leftists are making it out to be. They are way exaggerating.

Probably because the whole CRT being removed from school districts and how parents are fighting to get those disgusting PLEASE ASS BOX ME! porn books that describe a minor boy sucking off an adult out of the schools.....they think it's some big moment to paint "cons" as authoritarians. So the media hysterics are for that.

The right wing does this sometimes as well. Like media claiming anti white racism in medicine because healthier white patients who are Covid positive are not offered monoclonal antibodies because they are not high risk. But black people are high its offered to them. It's not really about race, it's about risk. It just so happens race is a factor in risk there.

Right wing doesnt do it nearly as much....even though leftists will claim they do. Like calling CRT a "conservative boogyman" when it's not. It's a thing and it's a problem and even democrat voters have joined that effort.

But yeah no one is "banning books". Parents just want other material used to teach about the holocaust because some feel it's too graphic.

I personally wouldnt have a problem with it, but if tax paying parents want it out of the curriculum for this age group, that's fine as well. Kids can still get it and read it at home. I'm always gonna say that kids can get the best education at home and parents should at least supplement their kids education. My kids have read all kinds of books that been placed on the chopping block at school libraries. That's my call to allow them though and after I assign a book to my kids, we discuss it afterwards.

I dont want them reading the PLEASE ASS BOX ME! porn comic book sex crap that parents are fighting though. My daughter manages being gay just fine without needing to read lesbian porn of any kind....least of all with older women.

I really do not understand what the fuck is wrong with these people.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Yet another example of fake news and lies. As always aidsman, ever gullible and low I.Q., always falls for the lies as long as it fits his partisan hate.

FYI, no the book and cartoons were not banned, they are still in the school library, the only thing which actually happened was the school board voted to see which of the many books on the Holocaust is best to be mandated reading. There are around a dozen options including the diary of Ann Frank being considered.
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