Fuck Canada!


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Rich Canadians. That's almost as funny as saying "Rich Europeans"= They don't exist anymore. Today a single average American has more wealth than five Canadians. The average house value in USA is seven times higher than all the 78% Canadian land value according to MCAP land value charts, and the rate of home ownership is higher in Australia...... Americans eat factory farmed flesh and there is no such thing as a 'nanny' system anymore, haha, nice try O. Other than me, Americans live in dirty cities with crumbling infrastructure and choked in pollution and painted with graffiti. Yah! We also have cleaner, modern civilization. Happy to see you finally lifted quotas on cultural exemptions allowing more 'immigrants' in. Now you'll go a taste of your European brothers decline from within. FYI, due to your supplemental system of dairy and shutting out our farmers I predict your automobile tariffs WILL be coming in 2019 that's what happens when you shut out our farmers. Thus wedging the NAFTA deal in our favor once again. I could go on. We look at Canadians and view them as bankrupt, dead beat, uneducated, pasty white, alcoholic seal beaters. Enough is enough with riding our coattails. IMO we should begin another, more aggressive economic correction with Canada. Undermanned, under producing Canada should be next.

Stay the fuck up there and don't freeze to death.

Depends which part of Canada yer referring to.

Some places are def more livable than others.

This is what it looks like where I live right now (live webcam).

It's sunny today, tho it usually rains at this time of the Year:

...and this is New York City, looks cold and snowing, eh:
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Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
Anways, here's a comparison with some places in Canada RIGHT NOW.

Quebec City - prolly what the OP has it mind. Yeah, it sucks when it's that cold but it's the typical Canadian winter:

But on the other Side of the country next to the Pacific Ocean, it looks like this today:

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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
It damned proper winter time up here. Only -26ºC. Don't like it? Cross the border...o wait.


Factory Bastard
Factory Bastard
I liked the old Canadian flag better.

...you mean this one?


That was tought of more as a War Time Flag:



If my dog doesn't like you, I probably won'teither
Site Supporter
My car was made in Canada - - - - - - -
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Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Factory Bastard
Canada is beset by political corruption scandals of the sort that people focus on when the economy is good. But it also has a massive ongoing housing bubble, and its economy is being propped up by a global commodities boom that now shows signs of slowing.

And it's different in the US how?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
Many Canadians vacation here. Nice people, who love a good time. Many however are cigarette smokers. The beaches cannot tolerate filter tip Cig butts. Please smoke in private and dispose of your butts properly.


Super Dominate Male
Factory Bastard
Brooklyn Heights, NYC
- Canadian Bacon is HAM!!!
- All of your beers suck.
- Your foods are weird and make no sense to a professional palate.
- What decent music has come out of Canada in the last century?
- Broomball is a braindead activity that really sums up your culture.
- Trudeau is the nepo kid of Pierre Elliot Trudeau and and has no business running a third world country like Canada.

I wouldn't trade Kamala Harris for him.

Canadas entire brand is that "we are better than Americans". No you are not, you are just irrelevant and the only situation that people mentions your country is to make fun of Americans, not for your own country accomplishments. You have better health care than Americans? Congratulations, even a third world country like Argentina has better healthcare.

There is this idea that Canadians are open minded people, but if you have a talk with your avenger Canadian you will realize that the only reason why we think they are open minded is because they do not have the spine to protest for what they really believe. And those who have a spine, pursue a career in American media (Lauren, Crowder, etc.) Trump supporters are retarded but are 1000% more genuine than any Canadian.

I hate them, at least with Americans you know what kind of people you are getting, Canadians are just snakes by nature. I hope that If one day America annex them, they will deleted their history from books. Nobody is gonna to notice anyway.