Rich Canadians. That's almost as funny as saying "Rich Europeans"= They don't exist anymore. Today a single average American has more wealth than five Canadians. The average house value in USA is seven times higher than all the 78% Canadian land value according to MCAP land value charts, and the rate of home ownership is higher in Australia...... Americans eat factory farmed flesh and there is no such thing as a 'nanny' system anymore, haha, nice try O. Other than me, Americans live in dirty cities with crumbling infrastructure and choked in pollution and painted with graffiti. Yah! We also have cleaner, modern civilization. Happy to see you finally lifted quotas on cultural exemptions allowing more 'immigrants' in. Now you'll go a taste of your European brothers decline from within. FYI, due to your supplemental system of dairy and shutting out our farmers I predict your automobile tariffs WILL be coming in 2019 that's what happens when you shut out our farmers. Thus wedging the NAFTA deal in our favor once again. I could go on. We look at Canadians and view them as bankrupt, dead beat, uneducated, pasty white, alcoholic seal beaters. Enough is enough with riding our coattails. IMO we should begin another, more aggressive economic correction with Canada. Undermanned, under producing Canada should be next.
Stay the fuck up there and don't freeze to death.