Funding Both Sides: How Jewish Money Controls British Politics

Adam Hitler

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Where the Aryans are
It’s very easy to criticize Boris Johnson, the current prime minister of Britain and leader of the so-called Conservative party. Johnson is dishonest, devious and a dedicated shabbos goy. He
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rather than Whites and Israel rather than Britain.

But there is one pit of depravity that Johnson has never plumbed and one crime against decency that has never besmirched his soul. He’s not now and never has been a lawyer. His dishonesty is natural, not nurtured, and he did at least try to reform Britain’s lawyer-and-humanities-graduate-infested government bureaucracy. He’s surrendered now and
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called Dan Rosenfeld as his Chief of Staff. But he did try. Keir Starmer, the current Labour leader, will never surrender because he’ll never fight. He sides automatically with government bureaucracy and slithered easily to the top of it during the previous Labour government.

Toasting the President of Israel

Starmer became head of the Crown Prosecution Service, Britain’s very politically correct overseers of the law, under Tony Blair. In other words,
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. And that’s a very bad sign for working-class Whites whom the Labour party was explicitly founded to defend. Like the lawyer Tony Blair and the lawyer Barack Obama before him, Starmer heads a party that supposedly champions the downtrodden workers against the greedy bosses. But the Labour and Democratic parties long ago
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to side with the bosses. And that means that they side with Jews against Whites. Blair and Obama both
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on a tide of Jewish money and media support. Starmer hopes to do the same. He’s married to a Jewish woman and has performed the
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enthusiastically at the Jewish Chronicle:

Labour leadership frontrunner Sir Keir Starmer has revealed he participates in Friday-night dinners with his family, at which his proudly Jewish father-in-law says prayers. Speaking to the JC [Jewish Chronicle], the Holborn and St Pancras MP said he felt comfortable attending family and communal “barmitzvahs, weddings, and funerals”.

The married father of two children also said he had “no issue” with standing for the traditional toast to the president of the state of Israel at Jewish weddings. He told the JC: “I don’t have any issue with that — or with any of the traditions.” (
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, The Jewish Chronicle, 5th March 2020)

Note that Starmer has a knighthood, which is a sure sign that the hostile elite sees him as no threat. When he spoke to the Jewish Chronicle, he was campaigning to replace Jeremy Corbyn, a politician who will never receive a knighthood because he isn’t interested in Jewish money and has never followed Jewish orders. Indeed, in a well-regulated world Corbyn would never have become Labour leader, because he had little support in the party’s pro-Jewish senior ranks. But he was put on the leadership ballot to make it look more diverse and won an easy but unexpected victory, because he was very popular with ordinary Labour members.


When he became Labour leader, Corbyn didn’t end the party’s tradition of
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the interests of Whites. But he did end the party’s tradition of working tirelessly for the interests of Jews. And that’s why he
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as an “anti-Semite” and finally driven from office. Starmer isn’t going to make Corbyn’s mistakes. Not only is he married to a Jew, he has happily accepted money from at least one very rich Jewish businessman. In April 2020, the Jewish Chronicle
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Starmer “had been targeted by hard-left activists after it emerged that Sir Trevor Chinn, a Jewish philanthropist, had donated £50,000 to his leadership campaign.” The activists were making the horrific allegation that Starmer would somehow be influenced by the Zionist Chinn simply because Chinn had given him large sums of money and helped him become Labour leader.


As all decent people know, that isn’t how rich Jews operate. They give money to politicians out of pure goodness of heart and with absolutely no expectation of return. Who but a vile anti-Semite would think that Chinn was trying to control or influence Starmer in any way? As the Jewish Chronicle
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, Chinn is a “philanthropist.” He works for the greater good of humanity, just like the Jewish “property developers” Zak Gertler and Richard Desmond, who have given large sums to the Conservative government. It’s
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that Tories “accepted a donation from Richard Desmond shortly after Jenrick approved plans for a £1bn housing development by the property developer.” In his previous incarnation as a pornographer, Desmond also
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to Tony Blair’s Labour government.

Buying both sides

Desmond’s donations to both Conservatives and Labour are further proof that rich Jews are impartial philanthropists — Desmond obviously ignores politics and gives for the love of giving. Of course, no-one accused Jeremy Corbyn of being influenced by Jewish money because he didn’t accept any. But that’s precisely why he had to be demonized and driven out of the Labour leadership. Unless Jewish millionaires like Chinn, Gertler and Desmond are funding both sides of British politics, how can people be made to understand that Jewish money comes with no strings attached?

During the previous Labour government, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown were ardent Zionists because they accepted the justice of Israel’s cause, not because Labour’s chief fund-raisers were first the Jew
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and then the Jew
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(both are now members of the House of Lords). And during the current Conservative government, David Cameron, Theresa May and Boris Johnson have been ardent Zionists because they too accept the justice of Israel’s cause, not because the Conservatives’
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have been first the Jew Sir
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and then the Jew Sir
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Factory Bastard
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Yep. Bitching, moaning, crying always helps. Why not simply try harder?


Factory Bastard
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....if Jewish money controls British politics, then Chinese money can't be too far behind either:

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.....Bo Johnson must know/ smell a cash cow when he sees one.


Factory Bastard
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@LotusBud I think this article might interest you. I recall you expressing a fondness for Jeremy Corbyn.

Stop being thick, would you? CORPORATE money, whether its source is Jewish, tighty whitey, or some other brand of person, has always funded both sides. Follow ALL the money, not just the Jewish money. It all tells the same story. The rich get filthy richer and the middle class and all working people are toast.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
@LotusBud I think this article might interest you. I recall you expressing a fondness for Jeremy Corbyn.

Stop being thick, would you? CORPORATE money, whether its source is Jewish, tighty whitey, or some other brand of person, has always funded both sides. Follow ALL the money, not just the Jewish money. It all tells the same story. The rich get filthy richer and the middle class and all working people are toast.

The thing is though, a vastly disproportionate amount of "corporate money" comes from Juden sources, as this article explains.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
@LotusBud I think this article might interest you. I recall you expressing a fondness for Jeremy Corbyn.

Stop being thick, would you? CORPORATE money, whether its source is Jewish, tighty whitey, or some other brand of person, has always funded both sides. Follow ALL the money, not just the Jewish money. It all tells the same story. The rich get filthy richer and the middle class and all working people are toast.

The thing is though, a vastly disproportionate amount of "corporate money" comes from Juden sources, as is illustrated in this article.

You are a Chicken Little, running around screaming about the sky falling when in fact there is a flash flood about to overtake you.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
You don’t know?

Come on Semen, you Jews take nepotism to absurd levels and essentially behave like a militant, tribal cabal...

Hence why terms such as "International Jewry" exist.

I KNOW. That's why I'm 1/4 Jewish. All that nepotism.

You never criticise Jews.

All you do is make excuses for them and distort the facts so that "old white men" and "Corporations" take the blame instead.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
@LotusBud I think this article might interest you. I recall you expressing a fondness for Jeremy Corbyn.

Stop being thick, would you? CORPORATE money, whether its source is Jewish, tighty whitey, or some other brand of person, has always funded both sides. Follow ALL the money, not just the Jewish money. It all tells the same story. The rich get filthy richer and the middle class and all working people are toast.

The thing is though, a vastly disproportionate amount of "corporate money" comes from Juden sources, as is illustrated in this article.

You are a Chicken Little, running around screaming about the sky falling when in fact there is a flash flood about to overtake you.

No idea what you mean by that...

Thanks for proving my point about your refusal to acknowledge the existence of Jewish power though.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
@LotusBud I think this article might interest you. I recall you expressing a fondness for Jeremy Corbyn.

Stop being thick, would you? CORPORATE money, whether its source is Jewish, tighty whitey, or some other brand of person, has always funded both sides. Follow ALL the money, not just the Jewish money. It all tells the same story. The rich get filthy richer and the middle class and all working people are toast.

The thing is though, a vastly disproportionate amount of "corporate money" comes from Juden sources, as is illustrated in this article.

You are a Chicken Little, running around screaming about the sky falling when in fact there is a flash flood about to overtake you.

No idea what you mean by that...

Thanks for proving my point about your refusal to acknowledge the existence of Jewish power though.

Chicken Little is Henny Penny. Do you need me to post the very well known story, Stew for Brains?

Henny Penny, more commonly known in the United States as Chicken Little and sometimes as Chicken Licken, is a European
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with a moral in the form of a
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about a
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who believes that the world is coming to an end. The phrase "The sky is falling!" features prominently in the story, and has passed into the English language as a common idiom indicating a
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or mistaken belief that disaster is imminent. Similar stories go back more than 25 centuries;
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it continues to be referred to in a variety of media.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
You don’t know?

Come on Semen, you Jews take nepotism to absurd levels and essentially behave like a militant, tribal cabal...

Hence why terms such as "International Jewry" exist.

I KNOW. That's why I'm 1/4 Jewish. All that nepotism.

You never criticise Jews.

All you do is make excuses for them and distort the facts so that "old white men" and "Corporations" take the blame instead.

Link to me making one single post in which I refer to "old white men," Chicken Little Aryan.
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
I was hoping for an honest, civilised discussion, but poor old Lotty appears to be triggered beyond belief right now...

May I suggest you go for a lie down and return to the thread once you've simmered down a tad?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
You don’t know?

Come on Semen, you Jews take nepotism to absurd levels and essentially behave like a militant, tribal cabal...

Hence why terms such as "International Jewry" exist.

Ive been around Scouse for some time. He is one dedicated nazi. Sad he wasn’t around when Hitler was around. I know he would have enjoyed opening the valves. After that, sparking The fire, and breathing in human corpses being cooked, and becoming ash. Bet he would have enjoyed that. The part I don’t get, is now blaming Jews for personal misfortunes, or social misfortunes. Scouse knows I’m not a Jew. I am involved with a very lovely Jewish women. Jews have been persecuted through out history, including genocide. Many do have lots of money, and power. There must be a correlation
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
You don’t know?

Come on Semen, you Jews take nepotism to absurd levels and essentially behave like a militant, tribal cabal...

Hence why terms such as "International Jewry" exist.

Ive been around Scouse for some time. He is one dedicated nazi. Sad he wasn’t around when Hitler was around. I know he would have enjoyed opening the valves. After that, sparking The fire, and breathing in human corpses being cooked, and becoming ash. Bet he would have enjoyed that. The part I don’t get, is now blaming Jews for personal misfortunes, or social misfortunes. Scouse knows I’m not a Jew. I am involved with a very lovely Jewish women. Jews have been persecuted through out history, including genocide. Many do have lots of money, and power. There must be a correlation

I thought you said your mother was Jewish?

And no, I wouldn't get high from or enjoy breathing in the smell of burning corpses ffs....

I just want a frank and honest discussion about Jews and Jewish influence to be addressed in the mainstream political realm, but of course it never is, because of teh Hollowco$$t and "anti-Semitism".


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
I was hoping for an honest, civilised discussion, but poor old Lotty appears to be triggered beyond belief right now...

May I suggest you go for a lie down and return to the thread once you've simmered down a tad?
If you're feeling cheated because you think the joos control everything, instead of blubbering about it everyday, and adopting the personae of an Incel, why don't you just convert? to Judaism? Then you'll be a member


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
You don’t know?

Come on Semen, you Jews take nepotism to absurd levels and essentially behave like a militant, tribal cabal...

Hence why terms such as "International Jewry" exist.

Ive been around Scouse for some time. He is one dedicated nazi. Sad he wasn’t around when Hitler was around. I know he would have enjoyed opening the valves. After that, sparking The fire, and breathing in human corpses being cooked, and becoming ash. Bet he would have enjoyed that. The part I don’t get, is now blaming Jews for personal misfortunes, or social misfortunes. Scouse knows I’m not a Jew. I am involved with a very lovely Jewish women. Jews have been persecuted through out history, including genocide. Many do have lots of money, and power. There must be a correlation
Adam Hitler

Adam Hitler

Site Supporter
Where the Aryans are
If you're feeling cheated because you think the joos control everything, instead of blubbering about it everyday, and adopting the personae of an Incel, why don't you just convert? to Judaism? Then you'll be a member

Why don't you just die of AIDS and get out of my thread, you worthless fucking spammer?


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
I was hoping for an honest, civilised discussion.

Since when have you ever, ever, ever decided to have an honest, civilized discussion with me? Not once, pal. Not one single time have you ever demonstrated an actual desire to have that. Stop lying.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter ☠️
If you're feeling cheated because you think the joos control everything, instead of blubbering about it everyday, and adopting the personae of an Incel, why don't you just convert? to Judaism? Then you'll be a member

Why don't you just die of AIDS and get out of my thread, you worthless fucking spammer?

Is that how you promote honest, civilized discussion? You remind me of Dove, insulting lefties every time she posts, and then whinging about how mean they are to her.


I'm in jail, send ketchup.
Site Supporter ☠️
If you're feeling cheated because you think the joos control everything, instead of blubbering about it everyday, and adopting the personae of an Incel, why don't you just convert? to Judaism? Then you'll be a member

Why don't you just die of AIDS and get out of my thread, you worthless fucking spammer?
I guess your idea of a reasoned and civilized dialog is different from sane peoples.