Good Trouble


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
The people making everything worse need to be confronted. Being able to act with impunity only ever emboldens them and leads to escalating atrocities.



Factory Bastard
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You think a far left Hillary Clinton crony is a "neo-con"? The guy is so clueless he claims the leftist publication The Atlantic is "neo-con". Also the reason Poland is rearming is because just about every Pole knows Russia wants to attack their country to block the geographic choke points on the North European plain. This why they are in the process of military modernization.

Lastly, Herish has been first a Soviet propagandist during the 1970s to 1991 and after Putin became dictator he joined RT to just spew Putinist propaganda.


Factory Bastard
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For anyone interested in what the Russian geo-political thinking has been for the last 200 years. To summarize Tsarina Catherine the great "Russia expands to protect its heartland."


Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
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Sorry. I don't see Russia as a threat. They backed down during the cuban missile crisis and haven't been a realistic threat to the United States since. They were awfully quiet during the Trump administration and didn't get frisky until this jew bag Zelinsky decided it was best to play US democrat puppet and join NATO. He got the bloody nose he was looking for.

Putin was 100% justified invading.

Fuck Ukraine. Under the leadership of this corrupt bastard They can have it.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
You think a far left Hillary Clinton crony is a "neo-con"?

I don't know how you define "far left" but if it includes Hillary -the legitimate war criminal, authoritarian, corporate puppet, and imperialist pompom waver- or anyone in her orbit then you're using a dictionary I've never seen before.

'Murica and NATO are the world's biggest, by far, terrorists and aggressors.

It is known.


Factory Bastard
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Yes, Hillary is very far left of center. Sure, she is not openly a communist but she is very much in favor of nationalizing and taking over whole industries. Just look at her 1993 healthcare nationalization proposal. She is also corrupt as hell which, while not exclusive to the left, it is endemic to the left. They want government control of everything possible and the more power they have the more opportunities for corruption they have.

Lastly, you are completely wrong, to the point of lying, claiming that NATO is in any way a terrorist entity. The only two offensive actions NATO has taken (Serbia and Libya) were a response to dictators who were trying to mass kill civilians. Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, all are actual massive supporters or terrorism. Russia invades foreign countries with wars of conquest, genocide, and aggression. China is actively committing multiple genocides.

You need to learn the basics and get out of your far left bubble so you can actually know topics which are not covered in your bubble.

Biggie Smiles

I make libturds berry angry. I do!!!
Site Supporter
I don't know how you define "far left" but if it includes Hillary -the legitimate war criminal, authoritarian, corporate puppet, and imperialist pompom waver- or anyone in her orbit then you're using a dictionary I've never seen before.

'Murica and NATO are the world's biggest, by far, terrorists and aggressors.

It is known.

We left 89 billion dollars worth of gear on the ground in Afghanistan for one reason. So that in 10 years or less we'd have reason to invade again when they start using that gear against a neighbor or their own people

and I don't buy for one second the idea that they lack the resource to upkeep the gear with maintenance and spare parts. The Chinese, Iranians, North Koreans and now even Russia will be more than happy to help out in that department.

Trump was 100% on the mark when he said fuck NATO and is the ONLY president in the last 30 years who cannot be labeled a war criminal.

The US needs to stop meddling in world affairs and start worrying about taking care of the men and women who already sacrificed life and limb in their stupid and pointless wars. We have 31,000 nukes at our disposal. If that isn't enough of a deterrent for any country looking to show up on our shores nothing else is.


Mutants Rule!
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Redneckistan, USA
The only two offensive actions NATO has taken

Unless you're about to list the Ukraine proxy war and blowing up the Nordstream pipelines (there are way more examples going back decades but we'll stick with a couple of recent events) there's obviously no point in continuing this discussion.

It's neither my job nor my responsibility to deprogram people who have been captured by imperialist/establishment narratives.

Have a nice day.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
NATO is a very good defensive alliance and needs to be preserved. We do need to make sure everyone spends 2% of GDP on their defense budgets though to make sure they can actually contribute to mutual defense.

Poland is doing great pushing up defense spending to 3% of GDP so they can complete the modernization of their land forces and actually have a decent sized modern airforce. Poles know damn well that Putin wants to invade them though so they massively support the modernization program. They want to be able to defend themselves because they know from the 1925 USSR invasion as well as the 1939 Nazi/USSR invasion that they cannot rely upon allies. Poland is doing exactly what it needs to do.