Hate Parade


Professional Yeti Hunter
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He was a cool feline and as the couple is working through a divorce I almost adopted/stole him from them but he had a good life and they called to let me know what was happening. I would have flown down to be there but if wasn't feasible. He was a great cat, loud as fuck because he couldn't hear himself and luckily got saved before euthanizing after he lost a leg as a stray.

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Factory Bastard
York, P.A.
I love hearing stories about people taking in animals that would otherwise be put down. I'm sorry for your loss. We adopted our first 3 cats, they were all rescued by someone else our 4th cat showed up on our porch emaciated, it was the early Oct so we took her in with intentions of finding her a home. I couldn't part with her lol.


Factory Feline
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Ah man, that sucks off.

I too love stories of down and out cats given a chance at a good life. They so appreciate it and become the best personalities ever. If you have and footage of him I'd love be to see/hear it. I'd love to know his name, feel free to pm it if you don't want to post it.

If you have Instagram, look up realstumpycat. Her name is Potato, and she is a blind dwarf kitty with breathing and heart issues, so adorable. Also recently found Bronson, he is a 33 pound 3 year old! Crazy, he is huge. Also has the crazy thumb thing, awesome. Princess Monster Truck is a cutie, she has a crazy underbite. Yeah, I like odd ball felines.


Professional Yeti Hunter
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Will do Kat. We had such a strong bond. I will miss the fucker I have video of his loud as fuck meows and paws to the shin give me attention moments. He wasn't my cat but whenever I would visit he followed me everywhere and slept with me. He will be missed.

I hate hangovers


Factory Feline
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Ive had lifelong friends in each of my cats and I miss them all dearly.

Luci Furr and Loki help, they are great little beings.


Factory Feline
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Didn't work, sad face.

Monty_happiness is a great account too. Montyboy is missing the bridge to his nose. The bond between him and his make, straight human is beautiful.


Factory Feline
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I'm at an outdoor venue to see Steve Miller Band.

Im in the lawn and it's fucking packed. I find a tiny spot and settle in.

Some older most delicious woman I’ve ever laid my eyes on! bitch plugs down close I can feel her heat. Disgusting. So I move. Yes, I had bitch face on and was annoyed as fuck.

She freaks out and takes it personally. Starts chirping at her friend saying, so rude, did you see that, blehhhhhh.

I am not looking at her. Her reaction is amusing to me, so I'm laughing as I do shit on my phone. This posses her off more, amusing me more.

She's since moved further away from me and I write this list stewing to Frampton sing that one hit he has. I hate Frampton. Thus me being late and getting a shit spot.


Factory Feline
Site Supporter
Oh my fuck!

My ears and soul are being slaughtered by Peter Fucking Frampton and his idiot fans.

My ears are sensitive as fuck and I've got some dumb piece of shit doing the real loud shrill wistile. First one I jumped and was impressed. Then the fucker kept going. I found a break and am writing this out. If this happens the whole night I might just slaughter.

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Factory Bastard
York, P.A.
My kitty Dinky just left for the emergency vet, couldn't go along because I have work. The bullshit never ends. I don't know what's wrong with him but he's not looking good. He's lethargic, his third eyelid is showing and he started vomiting stomach bile about a half hour ago. He hasn't eaten or drank anything all day or used the litter box and his little jellybeans are so cold.
My poor little guy


Factory Feline
Site Supporter
Poor baby.

Hopefully it's just stones, but that's not a cheap surgery.

Knife- I never even looked her in the face. I don't pander to dipshits,

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Factory Bastard
York, P.A.
Oh no.

I'm so sorry.

Thank you. <3 He just turned 6 a couple months ago.
He ate something he shouldn't have and it screwed up his intestines, caused a severe infection or something it was hard to make sense of my hubby's texts. He went limp when my husband pulled him out of the carrier at the clinic. Hubby hasn't made it home yet. He's pretty upset and not ready to drive yet. He got one last pic of the little guy before he went. I'm going to miss his sweet little face and him being a derpy little lovable furball.


Factory Feline
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I have a similar pic of my baby when she passed. It breaks my heart to look st it.

Are your kitties indoor/outdoor?

It sounds like kidney failure.

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Factory Bastard
York, P.A.
I keep them all inside except as much as possible. I have 2 escape artists but DInky was too scared to go outside. He was a very anxious cat but such a lover. That pic must have been after they gave him something for pain because he looked much worse when he left home. He looks like he's relieved though. I can remove the pic if it's too upsetting I don't mind. I think you're right about renal failure.


Put your glasses on!
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He didn't make it. I don't know the details yet.

Damn, this was the saddest thing I read today. I know the feeling, and I have a soft spot for kittys. He looks almost identical to my cat Pebbles. Hes 10 years old. Glad he is no longer suffering. Do you have other cats?

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Factory Bastard
York, P.A.
He didn't make it. I don't know the details yet.

Damn, this was the saddest thing I read today. I know the feeling, and I have a soft spot for kittys. He looks almost identical to my cat Pebbles. Hes 10 years old. Glad he is no longer suffering. Do you have other cats?
3 others and an 8 month old puppy. I'm glad he's not suffering anymore either. I just wish I'd noticed sooner. Still probably couldn't have saved him but maybe he wouldn't have had to suffer as long. He seemed fine last week so maybe there's nothing I could've done anyway. It's going to be rough because my other male cat is pretty similar looking. I used to get them confused all the time if they had their backs to me. :LOL1:


Put your glasses on!
Site Supporter
He didn't make it. I don't know the details yet.

Damn, this was the saddest thing I read today. I know the feeling, and I have a soft spot for kittys. He looks almost identical to my cat Pebbles. Hes 10 years old. Glad he is no longer suffering. Do you have other cats?
3 others and an 8 month old puppy. I'm glad he's not suffering anymore either. I just wish I'd noticed sooner. Still probably couldn't have saved him but maybe he wouldn't have had to suffer as long. He seemed fine last week so maybe there's nothing I could've done anyway. It's going to be rough because my other male cat is pretty similar looking. I used to get them confused all the time if they had their backs to me. :LOL1:

Sounds like you like animals too, I've got 3 other cats too, and 3 outdoors I take care of.

Doesnt sound like you had much time, so dont beat yourself up. These things happen unfortunately.

It might not be too rough, when the others pick up on your sadness they will give you more love :Agree1:

Too funny on the twin, same here, an outdoor one I named Nikolai Kittykoff. I was freaking out the first time I saw him, thought mine got outside lol. Miss Nikolai, dont know what happened to him. He use to come and sit on my lap by the camp fire and I would give him some vienna sausages lol.

Iggy McLulz

Fucking Delightful
Factory Bastard
York, P.A.
I love all animals but definitely favor cats. I purposely picked Dinky because he looked so much like Fookie when he was a kitten. Fookie always adored Dinky and looked after him. The cats have been more lovable. I used to feed the strays but there hasn't been any around in a while which I find odd now that I think about it.


Put your glasses on!
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I love all animals but definitely favor cats. I purposely picked Dinky because he looked so much like Fookie when he was a kitten. Fookie always adored Dinky and looked after him. The cats have been more lovable. I used to feed the strays but there hasn't been any around in a while which I find odd now that I think about it.

I had up to 10 strays at one time lol.

Well there ya go, Fookie will still be around to remind you of Dinky :)

When my dad passed away last year, the fam said as long as they had me, they still had him lol. Cause I look identical to what he did when he was younger.


Factory Bastard
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Hate = the bullshit my employer is pulling on me. Warning TL;DR incoming. I need to fucking vent!

A little over a year ago I took a job at a warehouse for a company whom I will hereafter refer to as ProCunts. It started as a 1 month contract (everything in Memphish is a fucking contract) and they hired me on full time afterwards. Note: ProCunts screwed the placement agency and didn't pay the "finder's fee" to that agency (hereafter referred to as Robert Half-Cock) . I don't like the whole concept of hiring agencies so it didn't bother me, screw the Half-Cocks, right? The bastards had been scraping >35% of what Procunts was paying them before paying me. Fuck 'em. Half-Cock threatened to sue me, to which I responded, "meh whatever; that is between you and ProCunts". ProCunts pulled it off by hiring me through a subsidiary company that ProCunts was about to absorb. Because ProCunts had the contract with Robert Half-Cock and the subsidiary was actually the company that hired me, Robert Half-Cock didn't have a case so they backed off. In retrospect, I probably should have taken this as a sign.
At the time I was desperate for health insurance and took the first offer. That was my fault, I should have negotiated, but at the time the warehouse was empty. There were literally 25 devices (computers, printers) that I needed to support. I agreed to a salary well below what I was used to making, but again there wasn't much work at the time and most of the time I was sitting on my ass surfing the intardwebz, so I thought it would be an easy job.
Shortly thereafter ProCunts absorbed subsidiary (and four other smaller companies), I became part of one big team, and we started going through a major expansion and automation process. ProCunts had gotten a new contract with a 1.8 billion dollar a year client and things were good. I oversaw the expansion, was the local contact for HQ to interact with local contractors, made sure the local work was done to ProCunts specifications, supported the existing devices, took on the task of supporting the new equipment, and personally ripped out all the old infrastructure in order to pass inspections and to have room to install the new Infrastructure.
At that time I was answering to IT Infrastructure team and while I wasn't making much money, I was having a great time. Infra was based half way across the country and I pretty much was left alone other than progress reports and the occasional meeting to tell me the next phase of expansion. I have a cool office where I can hide when it is slow, and I could pretty much manage my own time.
As the expansion went on it became clear to me that ProCunts was just throwing money at a problem and hoping that they could pull it off. I have since observed that ProCunts business model seems to be "If we move fast enough our problems will never catch up with us". That works for me, I have a good work ethic, I hate being bored, I loved all the new technologies I was being exposed to, and there was always things to do. Things picked up as expected with the increased work-load, and I started working more than 40 hours a week, but it was all good, I was salaried so no one looked at my time (including me) and on slow days I could take off early so I never really felt too abused.

Here is where it gets fucked up. Fast forward to about 4 months ago. I was told that I would now be reporting to the Help desk team as part of a restructure. the new boss was okay, he wasn't very reliable and my biggest problem with him was he was always full of excuses. Equipment didn't show up on time, and there was an excuse. Meetings were scheduled to tell me what was coming down the pike and he would miss the meetings, more excuses. Always someone else's fault. The 18 computers I asked for 3 months ago for incoming employees, yea that was Microsoft's fault. Supposedly they had a lease deal for hardware from MS and MS couldn't get us any tablets (which was stupid decision to begin with tablets are not built for rough wear, and lets face it executives want to look cool when they pull out their toys in front of their peers, no one wants to pull out a dinky little Microsoft Surface. Whatever, not my problem). On top of that, random shit would show up at our receiving desk in my name that I had no idea what to do with (because dickhead had missed that meeting). I gritted my teeth and tracked down whomever had sent it and found out what was supposed to happen with that equipment, and did it. Note at this point, Dickhead started talking about changing me to hourly because "all the people in the help desk group are hourly". This kinda pissed me off, because I was doing one metric assload of stuff that was definitely NOT help desk related, and was significantly above a "tier 1 support" kinda job. But whatever, he didn't really know how to deal with me and all the shit I was doing, so he left me alone pretty much and life went on.

I should note at this point that the people I work with here in Memphish I really like. They depend on me for many little things, and have always made it very clear that regardless of my title, I was an integral part of the team. I represent the entire IT department, I was for a long time the only IT related person at the facility, and because I handle all interactions with anything more complicated than a microwave oven. Even the shit my higher ups are telling me "yea dude, that isn't your problem, give that to Facilities to deal with", I deal with it for them because I am the best suited to do that. The VP here tells me things like "You are My IT guy, right?" and he takes care of his own. This will come into play a bit later in the tale.

So our HR Generalist gets fired. I dunno why, not my business, but she is gone. I had been talking to her about the problems I was having with Dickhead, and it left me without a person to talk to about these things. Weeks go by, shit happens, and another HR director shows up to check on us. Keep in mind that during this time we are expanding our asses off and hiring like 400% of what we had previously employed. They are doing job fairs and hiring anything that walks in the door and can pass a drug screen, and all we have is one little HR placement person who just got hired a couple months before. We needed someone with some stroke to come see what was happening. So he comes to Memphish for a week or so. While he was there he asked me to work on his computer and I helped him out. He didn't particularly like the guy I was reporting to either and was tired of his excuses too, which is why he wanted me to work on his computer. He couldn't get them to do it. So while I was working with him I tell him about the fact that we have no HR person to talk to, and I was having problems with Dickhead. He pulls me up in the HR system and asks me, "Are you salaried?" I say "yes", he says, "And you are here by yourself handling this whole facility?", I say, "yes", he says, "Man, you are well below the minimum salary we offer for positions like that". I said, "hmm, but yea I should have negotiated when they hired me, I needed the insurance". He says, "man I am going to look into this". Yea, whatever.

A week later Dickhead sends me an email: "You have been switched to hourly, and I need a time card for the last two weeks, because it is retroactive back to the first day of this pay period" WHAT THE FUCK?!?. I reply to him, "I am salaried, I have not been keeping track of time. I know I came in on this day from 1AM to 3AM to swap out that blahblah, but other than that I do not know what hours I worked. Anything I send you at this point would be a total fabrication, are you sure you want me to do this?" he texts me, "just send me the time card". So I did. He never told me how I can clock in, he never told me how to apply for PTO (as a salaried person, I had FTO which basically means as long as you are available 24/7, you can occasionally "work from home" and/or take time off as needed). I was left to figure all that out myself. I had been telling him that I work many more than 40 hours a week, and my workload was sizeable. There was going to be OT if he switched me to hourly.
So I started clocking in, and I began to realize how often people called me as soon as I got home because they couldn't remember their password, how many texts I received at 2AM saying our alarm system was going off, could someone check on the building to make sure it wasn't on fire, how many late night calls I got because a printer wasn't working. Every call was 30 minutes on the clock...except that unless I was somewhere I could remote in to my desk at work, I couldn't clock in, so DickHead had to manually enter that time. and of course being the unreliable fuck he was, Dickhead didn't actually enter it, or he would wait until the absolute last minute and submit it so I didn't have time to look and make sure it was entered correctly. Often times it wasn't and it came to a head when I took a day off one week (PTO) and the next week I worked overtime so they decided not to give me the PTO time and just left my check short. Oh and the overtime didn't get entered correctly so I didn't get paid for it. Needless to say I lost my mutherfucking mind. Now they didn't take the PTO time from me, they just deleted that day off the map resulting in me only getting paid for the 36 or so hours I had actually worked in the 4 remaining days of that week. This is a common tactic with ProCunts and all the hourly employees bitch that they do this and then at the end of the year everyone has shitloads of unused PTO that gets wiped from the books. In the long run the company never actually pays the PTO because it is never "used". This is slimy in the worst way possible, but it is legal, so no one can bitch too much about it.


Factory Bastard
Site Supporter
truncated because apparently >10000 characters is apparently too much.

About this time a VP from HQ shows up for some shit. She is not directly in my chain of command, but she does send stuff to me and we ahve had to interact a couple times when I was trying to find out who sent me the newest shipment of shit without telling me what it was for or why I was receiving it. I don't particularly like her. She is one of those moderately attractive women who thinks just because she is cute and wears hoop earrings and low cut tops she can get away with anything with "the big boys". But she for whatever reason seems to take an interest in my situation. Probably because in one of our interactions she says to me "well if you just want to work 40 hours and go home, you can" to which I responded, "No ma'am, you have me all wrong, I want to provide excellent service to this facility and take care of their every need, but I do not want to fight about when I am allowed to provide that service at a facility that is open 20 hours a day 6 days a week". I don't know if that impressed her or not, but she did take the time to talk to our local VP and realize that I was not a slacker.
At the same time HQ does a sweep of the IT department. Several people get "let go" with little or no cause. Rumor is the Prez of the IT department overheard a conversation where people were criticizing his decisions, so they all got axed. Now I do not like the Prez personally, I don't believe I have ever met a bigger douche in my entire life, and if those folks were criticizing his decisions, it was probably because they were bad decisions, but I digress. The real problem is the people that lost their jobs were the people that I could rely on at HQ to get me information about the environment and the changes they were making to the infrastructure that effected my facility. The other problem is that I know that no one in HQ like me because I work a LOT harder than they do and it makes them look bad. Some of the higher-ups aren't crazy about me either because I always take the side of the local people in any dispute that happens between local and IT, which happens fairly often because HQ makes decisions without scouting the local terrain and some of the decisions are absolutely ridiculous. So I am more than a little worried about my job.
The next day VP lady pulls me aside before she leaves to go home and says to me, "I know you are feeling a little bit attacked from several different directions at the moment, and I talked to "Local VP" and he and his team vouche for you completely (I think this next part just slipped out) and any plans that were in motion last week are no longer in motion. Your job here at ProCunts is safe... and oh by the way, I have received complaints that you need to shower more often, some folks think you smell badly."
"um okay, I shower every morning before work, but this warehouse is 100+ degrees in the summer and 30 something degrees in the winter." We were talking in a dark corner of said warehouse and I was sweating profusely at the time because it was 100 fucking degrees in that warehouse...whatever.
About a week later I get word that I have been restructured again and now I would be answering to a guy locally here in Memphish. A guy I had worked with for the last year, had shared jokes with, and who most importantly had a single fucking clue as to all I did and what that workload entailed. WOOHOO my problems are solved. I can be happy again. The switch to hourly pay had pissed me right the fuck off, especially on the heels of hearing that i should be getting paid a whole lot more for what I was doing, but I must admit because they basically broke my salary down so that I was getting the same hourly rate if I was working 40 hours a week, I was actually making a little bit more money because I never work less than 8.5 hours a day and some days as many as 11 hours because I support a facility that is working 20 hours a day, 6 days a week. He was a manager previously, but had made a lateral move to IT-Ops (the guys that write our in house software) because he wanted to start programming and this was his way in to that.
He knows of the problems I have had with Dickhead, and knew the company owed me for some back time so he started digging in to that. He asked me to start including him on emails and to send him reports on what I had been doing, and any new assignments or projects I was involved in. Things were looking up. I got a shipment of deodorant from VP Lady which was again a bit insulting, but whatever, I can roll with that. More expansion projects rolled in and I was busy, so I kept on working in the hope that all would be resolved soon. I did get sent home early one day a couple weeks ago because I was working too much OT. Yea we don't have anyone else to work on the stuff you are working on so it will all be waiting on you when you come back next week, but we need you to go home early on Friday because we can't afford to pay you for anymore time this week. Local boss shrugs and says "Sorry man, this is from my bosses. I don't agree with it, but there it is"
So now we are at yesterday. I got a second shipment of cologne from home office, because apparently I stink, and most importantly, I got paid this past weekend and I got to look at my pay stub. I find that they had paid me the back overtime they owed me (at half because they have already paid me the strait time for that 3.5 hours on an earlier check, it amounted to 40 something bucks) but they had not paid me the PTO they owed me because "company policy". And oh by the way, the 8.5 hours of OT you worked during this pay period, that was only paid at strait time not time and a half, because "reasons". I immediately called a lawyer for a free consultation, I am awaiting a call back to see if they will take my case and if so will it cost me any money out of pocket. If that works I am about to sue the shit out of these bastards.

I called in sick today, I have Anal Glaucoma. I just cannot see my ass going in to work today.
Last edited:


Vape Nation
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Halfway Up Ben Nevis
truncated because apparently >10000 characters is apparently too much.

About this time a VP from HQ shows up for some shit. She is not directly in my chain of command, but she does send stuff to me and we ahve had to interact a couple times when I was trying to find out who sent me the newest shipment of shit without telling me what it was for or why I was receiving it. I don't particularly like her. She is one of those moderately attractive women who thinks just because she is cute and wears hoop earrings and low cut tops she can get away with anything with "the big boys". But she for whatever reason seems to take an interest in my situation. Probably because in one of our interactions she says to me "well if you just want to work 40 hours and go home, you can" to which I responded, "No ma'am, you have me all wrong, I want to provide excellent service to this facility and take care of their every need, but I do not want to fight about when I am allowed to provide that service at a facility that is open 20 hours a day 6 days a week". I don't know if that impressed her or not, but she did take the time to talk to our local VP and realize that I was not a slacker.
At the same time HQ does a sweep of the IT department. Several people get "let go" with little or no cause. Rumor is the Prez of the IT department overheard a conversation where people were criticizing his decisions, so they all got axed. Now I do not like the Prez personally, I don't believe I have ever met a bigger douche in my entire life, and if those folks were criticizing his decisions, it was probably because they were bad decisions, but I digress. The real problem is the people that lost their jobs were the people that I could rely on at HQ to get me information about the environment and the changes they were making to the infrastructure that effected my facility. The other problem is that I know that no one in HQ like me because I work a LOT harder than they do and it makes them look bad. Some of the higher-ups aren't crazy about me either because I always take the side of the local people in any dispute that happens between local and IT, which happens fairly often because HQ makes decisions without scouting the local terrain and some of the decisions are absolutely ridiculous. So I am more than a little worried about my job.
The next day VP lady pulls me aside before she leaves to go home and says to me, "I know you are feeling a little bit attacked from several different directions at the moment, and I talked to "Local VP" and he and his team vouche for you completely (I think this next part just slipped out) and any plans that were in motion last week are no longer in motion. Your job here at ProCunts is safe... and oh by the way, I have received complaints that you need to shower more often, some folks think you smell badly."
"um okay, I shower every morning before work, but this warehouse is 100+ degrees in the summer and 30 something degrees in the winter." We were talking in a dark corner of said warehouse and I was sweating profusely at the time because it was 100 fucking degrees in that warehouse...whatever.
About a week later I get word that I have been restructured again and now I would be answering to a guy locally here in Memphish. A guy I had worked with for the last year, had shared jokes with, and who most importantly had a single fucking clue as to all I did and what that workload entailed. WOOHOO my problems are solved. I can be happy again. The switch to hourly pay had pissed me right the fuck off, especially on the heels of hearing that i should be getting paid a whole lot more for what I was doing, but I must admit because they basically broke my salary down so that I was getting the same hourly rate if I was working 40 hours a week, I was actually making a little bit more money because I never work less than 8.5 hours a day and some days as many as 11 hours because I support a facility that is working 20 hours a day, 6 days a week. He was a manager previously, but had made a lateral move to IT-Ops (the guys that write our in house software) because he wanted to start programming and this was his way in to that.
He knows of the problems I have had with Dickhead, and knew the company owed me for some back time so he started digging in to that. He asked me to start including him on emails and to send him reports on what I had been doing, and any new assignments or projects I was involved in. Things were looking up. I got a shipment of deodorant from VP Lady which was again a bit insulting, but whatever, I can roll with that. More expansion projects rolled in and I was busy, so I kept on working in the hope that all would be resolved soon. I did get sent home early one day a couple weeks ago because I was working too much OT. Yea we don't have anyone else to work on the stuff you are working on so it will all be waiting on you when you come back next week, but we need you to go home early on Friday because we can't afford to pay you for anymore time this week. Local boss shrugs and says "Sorry man, this is from my bosses. I don't agree with it, but there it is"
So now we are at yesterday. I got a second shipment of cologne from home office, because apparently I stink, and most importantly, I got paid this past weekend and I got to look at my pay stub. I find that they had paid me the back overtime they owed me (at half because they have already paid me the strait time for that 3.5 hours on an earlier check, it amounted to 40 something bucks) but they had not paid me the PTO they owed me because "company policy". And oh by the way, the 8.5 hours of OT you worked during this pay period, that was only paid at strait time not time and a half, because "reasons". I immediately called a lawyer for a free consultation, I am awaiting a call back to see if they will take my case and if so will it cost me any money out of pocket. If that works I am about to sue the shit out of these bastards.

I called in sick today, I have Anal Glaucoma. I just cannot see my ass going in to work today.
Stay strong bud, don’t let the wankers of this world get you down...