

Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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There’s 49 idiots here and only 16 cum filled retards over at Fleas smorgasbord of fail.

I thought this place was dying out? And that the owner reads DM’s and all that convoluted bullshit that’s been spewed since Havoks old forum?

Why yes, the influential, textual assassin, King Martini, has decided to grace this place for the holidays and bring some Christmas tidings to the miss masses for a spell.

First off, I love the Jews. May the good lord gift each and every one of you a Balenciaga yarmulke for Christmas this year. You all deserve to be a bit better then train wreck and most of you fucktards and some of you fucktardettes need to cover up your balding back heads with any type of camouflage.

But, speaking of Balenciaga, how is a horrible ad campaign bad, but grown ass women dressing up like Wednesday Addams and doing that dance not? Wednesday Addams, the character, is a 15 year old girl. Is that not sexualizing a minor? Or is it ok cuz these moronic broads aren’t a corporate company in an industry filled with some of the most decrepit pieces of shit alive? And for you idiots cutting up your knock off balenciaga merch for clout, srsly, fuck yourselves softly with Negans Lucille.

And the real kicker? Kim Tardashian lost four million of her 300 plus million followers on insta the day all this shit dropped. Now, two weeks later, she has more followers then before all this shit happened.

Good thing I bought all that FTX crypto….

And THANK GOD and Moses that Brittany Griner is back on American soil where she belongs. Women basketball players are a commodity and should be held sacred like bars of gold.

We will be celebrating Hanukkah here at BF this year. If that makes you fuckwads heads spin like deformed dreidels I really could care less.

Happy holidays


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
Did I mention just how great it is that Brittany Griner is back on American soil?

God it feels good to be an American


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oh goody
boremaster 3000 is back, must've closed his fav bar for a monkey poX cleanse


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Domestically feral
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ONLY Poofer would see angry people destroying their Balenciaga purchases in protest of violence against children as a move for "clout".

HE doesnt give a shit about abuse of children or exploitation and HE values "clout" and thinks that is something people worry about. So much so that they just pretend to be angry about child exploitation. Because this is how he thinks. So he assumes everyone else is just as hollow as he is.

Fucking disgusting.


Won't post at a forum CDunce has a panel at
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The nearest Taco Bell
ONLY Poofer would see angry people destroying their Balenciaga purchases in protest of violence against children as a move for "clout".

HE doesnt give a shit about abuse of children or exploitation and HE values "clout" and thinks that is something people worry about. So much so that they just pretend to be angry about child exploitation. Because this is how he thinks. So he assumes everyone else is just as hollow as he is.

Fucking disgusting.
Say you don’t know what your talking about without saying you don’t know what your talking about, stupid.

There’s a viral video of dolts cutting up their Balenciaga merch.

One person is cutting up a material bag the item came shipped in, not the actual item.

One person is cutting up a knock off and not an actual Balenciaga sweater.

One person is gingerly cutting up the laces of Balenciaga shoes and not the shoes themselves.

One person is cutting up a shirt while WEARING a Balenciaga hat.

And the best one is somebody cutting up a purse with Balenciaga stenciled on the side.

All the while knowing Balenciaga WILL replace all of that shit if you, say, take it to a Balenciaga store and say “welp, some psycho moron attacked me”.

Are you this fucking stupid? No, don’t answer that. You hardly know what your talking about within the realm of real life and live in this deformed bubble shaped like a dead fetus.

Anybody cutting up Balenciaga merch on camera and uploading it to social media is clout chasing. It’s called “sympathy clout”.Why else would you want people to know you supported a filthy company whose lead designer came out years ago saying he was influenced by cp? Or the creepy woman designer who had pictures of children on her insta for years but now deleted hundreds of those same pictures?

Do your fucking homework before you spout off your unhinged delusions, narcissist. People who actually own and supported Balenciaga are the pieces of shit you should be pointing your crooked hook at instead of the well kept gentlemen who just used your face as the textual foot mat.

When are you going to comprehend that;

A. You are stupid
B. You are too stupid to have any kind of conversation with.
C. Your stupidity is message board kryponite.
D. The term “Power Stupidity “ has been defined and deduced by your posting.

Why anybody who writes the MCU hasn’t stumbled upon your inept scribbles and created a second rate super retard from your body of work is letting money slide down the proverbial drain.